Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2)

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Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2) Page 20

by Griff Hosker

  I leaned over and hissed. Rurik moved away from the wall and then he ran at it. I held out my arm and Rurik grabbed it and then climbed up the wood of the palisade. We were in. I sheathed my seax and took out my sword. I left my shield over my back for the walkway was narrow. The village lay below us. It was larger than the one on the Sabrina. There was a large hall which suggested a noble of some description. We had not anticipated this. Rurik and I were invisible. If anyone saw us they would take us for the sentry.

  I headed in the opposite direction that Ulf had taken. As we approached the ladder at the end I looked along the wall which led to the straits. I saw something rising from the end of the wall. It was a tower. I pointed to it and we hurried down the walkway. There might have only been one man on the rear wall but a tower suggested more. With the drekar about to loom out of the dark we had to reach it before the alarm could be given. We dared not run for our feet would have sounded on the wood and the sudden movement might have alerted those below us. As we passed one hut there was a burst of laughter. They did not know what was to be unleashed upon them.

  We reached the tower when the guard on the top saw the drekar. There was a ladder leading to a platform some three paces above the walkway. I heard him say something to his companion who came out of the lower part of the tower. In four strides I was at the ladder. The man on the lower platform turned in surprise. I ignored him and clambered up the ladder. It was too late for the alarm was given. He shouted even as my sword plunged into his middle and I pushed him over the wall and onto the ditch below. Rurik had killed the other but there was no time to waste for we had to reach the gate.

  Inside the walls there were shouts, screams and cries. Confusion reigned. A voice asked a question which the dead sentry would never answer. Suddenly something struck me in the back. My shield saved me an injury. They were loosing arrows. I saw the gate. Arne and Ulf were fighting a half dozen men. Some were wearing leather armour and had shields. We were above them. I decided to use my body as a weapon. I ran and hurled myself, like a human arrow, at the backs of the defenders from the walkway. I gambled that they would break my fall. Even so it was like my worst nightmare when I was falling through blackness. In my excitement I had forgotten that I still held my sword. As it tore through the leather armour and back of a warrior it was torn from my grasp. I was slightly winded when I landed but I had three stunned warriors of Cymri beneath me. Ulf and Arne quickly took advantage of the surprise and slew the remaining two. As Rurik descended they finished off those on whom I had fallen. I retrieved my sword from the body.

  "Open the gate for the Jarl!"

  "Aye Ulf!"

  I had hurt my knee in my fall and I felt a little unsteady but I managed to lift the bar on the gate. As I pulled it open the clan raced up from the shore. I barely got out of the way as they raced in. I took the opportunity of bringing my shield around to the front. I saw the arrow sticking from it. I had been lucky. Rurik ran up to me, "I thought you were a raven! That will make a tale how Hrolf the Horseman leapt from a wall to strike four men with one blow!"

  I shook my head, "It was foolish. I did not think!" I pulled my shield tighter and made sure I had a good grip on my sword. I could not replace Heart of Ice.

  "It is time to get back to the battle then. Come."

  We followed the others. There was a rear gate and we headed for it. Lars Eiril and the new warriors were trying to make amends for their error on the Sabrina. They fought like wolves. I saw their swords and axes flashing in the firelight. Their hands moved so quickly that they were a blur. Someone must have knocked over a brazier and one of the huts was burning. It was a chaotic scene. Smoke drifted across before us and there was the smell of burning flesh. A dead body lay in one of the burning buildings. The Jarl and his hearth-weru were fighting their way to the hall where the defenders were gathering. I followed Ulf to the rear gate. We reached it as four warriors were trying to open it to allow the women and children who were with them to escape. A woman turned and saw me. She screamed and the others turned. The sight of a human wolf was too much for the women and children. They ran in every direction like chickens without heads as they tried to escape the demons in their village.

  The four warriors turned to face us. I fended off a hastily thrust spear and brought my sword towards his head. He brought his shield up but it was a small one. The edge of my sword rattled off his helmet. I pushed his spear aside with my shield and, as I closed with him, rammed my good knee between his legs. He doubled up and I hit his helmet with the hilt of my sword. As he lay at my feet I gave him the warrior's death. The others lay dead.

  "Rurik guard the gate with Arne. Hrolf, come with me and we will see if there is another gate."

  The women who had fled us were cowering behind a hut. When we padded towards them they screamed and ran back towards the main gate. I think they had decided that their best hope lay in numbers. We found the south and eastern side deserted and we made our way back to the hall. The battle was over. The last of the defenders lay dead and the women and children were resigned to their fate. I saw that the battle had not been all one sided. Lars Larsson had had a glorious death. The Jarl of the settlement lay dead before him but I could tell that the oathsworn had avenged themselves on Lars. Eiril was also wounded although not badly. I counted five of our warriors dead. A high price but we now had plenty of slaves.

  The Jarl took off his helmet. "Find any supplies."

  I said, "There must be barley. They have just harvested their winter crop!"

  "Good! This has been a better day!"

  Chapter 14

  We left in the middle of the next morning. We were heavily laden and our short voyage to Dyflin seemed now a necessity rather than being a courtesy. We had over thirty women and children. We had left the old and the men who had been captured. We had the sacks of barley and the last of the previous year's wheat under our deck. The mail and the weapons were at the prow making the bow dip alarmingly. It had been a bigger haul than we had expected. We even found some jars of coins buried beneath the floors of the huts.

  As we rowed Siggi said, "We will either have to hire a knarr or sell some of the slaves in Dyflin. We cannot sail across the open seas close to home this laden."

  I said, "It seems a pity for it cost us five warriors."

  He lowered his voice, "Had the Jarl's brother not lost his temper we might have two drekar and two crews. Unless we take gold and go to Bolli of Cyninges-tūn then we shall have to make do with one ship."

  Arne Four Toes decided to make up a song about my reckless act in diving from the walls.

  The night was black no moon was there

  Death and danger hung in the air

  As Raven Wing closed with the shore

  The scouts crept closer as before

  Dressed like death with sharpened blades

  They moved like spirits through the glades

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  With sentries slain they sought new foes

  A cry in the night fetched them woes

  The alarm was given the warriors ready

  Four scouts therewith hearts so steady

  Ulf and Arne thought their end was nigh

  When Hrolf the wild leapt from the sky

  Flying like the raven through the air

  He felled the Cymri, a raven slayer

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  His courage clear he still fought on

  Until the clan had battled and won

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  When he had finished Ulf said, "Not quite the way it happened but I liked the line 'raven slayer'. In your black fur with your arms held out you looked like a raven. Tell me did you mean to stab the mailed warrior?"

  I could have said, 'yes' and received the approval of the clan b
ut that would have been a lie and I did not wish to upset the Norns. They had guided my arm, I knew that. "No Ulf. I just thought to hit them."

  Siggi burst out laughing, "Then that is even more heroic! You save your friends by using your body as a weapon!"

  Arne sang it twice more so that he had the words in his head. Siggi decided we would use it the next time we rowed. It was not a battle chant but it had the steady rhythm we liked to use when we had to row a long way. It took some time to navigate the mouth of the Liffey for the dipping bow threatened to take the drekar into the banks. Rurik said, "I will be glad to be rid of the mail and the weapons. I think the Cymri are still fighting us!"

  It took so long to reach the quay that a crowd had gathered. Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer himself was there to greet us. He waited until Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson had landed before he went towards him. He looked troubled. "How did you know I had need of you and your men?"

  I heard the question in the Jarl's voice as he said, "I did not. We raided and needed a safe port and I came to tell you that you are to be a grandfather."

  Jarl Gunnstein gave a wan smile. "And normally that would be news to be celebrated but I fear we will have to wait. The High King of the wild tribes of this island has come to give battle. We are beset by enemies." He turned to one of his men. "Have the slaves placed in the slave pens and guarded. Bring your men, Jarl Gunnar, and we will talk."

  I was honoured that I was one of the eight men the Jarl took with him. We went to the Jarl's hall and ale was brought. As we went I saw that the city was an armed camp. There was the sound of weapons being sharpened and the urgent clang of hammers on metal as new swords and spear heads were made. War had come to Dyflin.

  "The one who claims the position of High King of Ireland is Conchobar mc Donnachada. He claims it through his father. Two or three years since he allied himself with Feidlimid mac Crimthainn, King of Munster. He was opposed by Murchad mac Máele Dúin of the Uí Néill clan. The Síl nÁedo Sláine clan helped him and there was a bloody murder when the king invited them to a meeting to discuss peace."

  Siggi White Hair shook his head, "I am sorry, my lord, but all these names are just confusing me."

  Jarl Gunnstein smiled, "As they do me. The murders and the treachery means that now that he is allied to the King of Munster he feels he can cleanse his land of us, the Norse. He cannot call himself High King, no matter how many tribes he controls so long as there are Norse controlling Dyflin. He is on his way here. I have sent a ship to Úlfarrston. If Dragonheart and his people come then we can defeat them."

  "And if not? How many men can you field?"

  He looked at Jarl Gunnar, "I have a hundred and fifty warriors. Some of the local tribes support me. The last thing they want is a High King ruling here. We have brought peace and order. With your men and those as well as the bondi I think we can field three hundred men."

  "And the High King?"

  "He is no fool. He would not attack if he did not think he had more men than us. The walls here are made of wood. We cannot defend them. We will have to meet him on the field. I have sent two of my hersir to arrange where we shall fight. I hope to buy enough time for Jarl Dragonheart to reach us."

  Jarl Gunnar said, "Since the death of Wolf Killer the Jarl has not left his home. Perhaps he has given up war."

  "Perhaps. That is what worries me. We will know soon enough. The knarr I sent should be back by tomorrow."

  I wondered what Jarl Gunnstein would say if we said we did not wish to fight his battle for him. I knew that the Jarl could not for now, of course, they were blood kin. We were Jarl Gunnar's oathsworn. This was our battle.

  "Do we know where the High King is now?"

  "The last I heard he was two days away." He pointed to the west. "There is a hill yonder, by the river. I would meet him there. We have not enough men to man all of the walls and there we can make a good shield wall. He comes not to take the town. He thinks it is his by right. He comes to slaughter every Norse he can find. He thinks there are too many of us and he would wrest our grip from this part of his land."

  His eyes pleaded with his daughter's husband. Jarl Gunnar nodded, "We will fight."

  The relief on his face was clear. We might only have forty or so warriors to his army but thanks to the Welsh most of our men now had mail and we had spare weapons. "Good. We have plenty of food and ale."

  Thorgeir Sigurdsson, the leader of his warriors laughed, "And we might as well eat it. For if we lose the Hibernians will feast on it instead!" he was a mighty warrior. He could have been a jarl himself. It was said that he had fought as Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer's champion before now. He was a reassuring presence for he had a fine byrnie and many warrior rings on his arms. He had a warrior's attitude. Eat and drink while you can for tomorrow you may die!

  "Did you tell him where we would meet in battle?"

  "I did Gunnar. I told him we would wait on the hill beneath my standard and now we shall have the raven too. I just hope that we have the dragon and the wolf with us as well. The Dragonheart is the only warrior who frightens the High King. Each time the Jarl has visited the island his passing was marked by a trail of corpses. Irish women frighten their children by telling themthat the wolf will come in the night and get them."

  "We had better go and tell our men. I would not count on two days, Jarl. If this High King knows you have sent to Dragonheart he will hurry here before his enemy arrives."

  "And that is what I fear too."

  The warriors, like Eiril Jorgesson, who came from this city were happy to be fighting for its survival. Those like Ketil and Knut, the Eriksson brothers, were less happy about risking their lives. Siggi White Hair heard them complaining as we set up camp not far from where we would fight the battle. He rounded on them. "You two whine and complain about everything. When you first came you were reckless but you had courage. Since you wedded those women you have changed. Then you were warriors and now..."

  Ketil's hand went to his sword, "I will not be insulted by an old man."

  Ulf, Rurik, Arne and I all stood. Ulf Big Nose said in a low threatening voice, "Sit and apologise before I take your head. Siggi is right but even if he were not remember the oath you swore to the Jarl. If you would break your word and become outlaw do it now for I will not share an oar with someone who is foresworn."

  Knut One Eye smiled, "My brother means nothing. He is anxious to get back with his treasures. We will fight and fight as bravely as the next man!"

  Siggi smiled, "Good but I will not forget your words Ketil Eriksson. This is not the time but you and I will have a reckoning."

  Such conflicts were inevitable. This would be a bloody battle. Our minds were focussed by the impending conflict. I sharpened my sword and seax as well as putting an edge on my spear. I had only used two arrows on the Sabrina and I had a full quiver. My mail had not suffered any damage but I oiled it anyway. My shield had been hit by an arrow. I had left the arrow head in my shield but snapped off the shaft. It was more metal and the broken end could be used as a weapon. Finally I checked my helmet. It had no damage. As I looked at my battle gear I smiled. Mary had made me the padded under shirt without knowing that I would need it so soon. I would be fighting in a shield wall and there was no escape there. If one man broke then the whole shield wall would be destroyed. When I had landed on the four warriors it had not hurt as much as I might have expected. Beorn had examined my wound and declared that it had not opened. I could fight.

  The next day the knarr returned and we all watched as it tacked across the large bay to get to us. In our hearts we knew it brought ill news for it was alone. The captain said, "The Dragonheart is in Mercia with his men, Jarl. We will get no aid from there."

  "Then we are alone."

  Gunnstein Berserk Killer looked at Gunnar Thorfinnson, "I fear so." He looked sad but then he brightened. "We have an unborn child to fight for! My grandson and your son. We will defeat these barbarians! We are Vikings and we are warriors. If we cannot defea
t a bunch of half naked wild men then we ought to become followers of the White Christ and live in a monastery!"

  Late in the afternoon we received confirmation from the two men the jarl had sent to the High King. "They come lord. They will meet us for battle tomorrow morning!"

  "And how many men does he have?"

  "It is hard to tell, lord for they move like a swarm of flies over a dead body but I would estimate five hundred."

  He nodded, "I will speak with my leaders."

  There were just four of them. There was the Jarl, the leader of his warriors, Thorgeir Sigurdsson, and two local chiefs: Connor Mac Loinsig and Mal mac Rochride. They each led a warband. I could see why they fought for the Jarl. The two of them and their body guards wore the same mail and used the same weapons as we did. They had adopted our style. Their men were wild and had neither helmet nor mail but they were fierce warriors with tattooed bodies and limed, spiked hair. Their advantage was in their speed. I saw them playing some game by the river using a pig's bladder and some sticks. Some of them could move as fast as a pony. They might be dangerous. They also gave me an indication of the sort of men we would be fighting.

  The night before the battle we groomed ourselves. We bathed in the river and then combed and plaited our hair. Some, like Siggi, plaited their beards. I saw some warriors crushing beetles to make the juice they would apply to their eyes and faces. Others used the black liquid from the sac of the octopus to the same effect. I took the opportunity to paint parts of the horse's head on my shield. I used the red to make his mouth stand out more and the black to deepen his eyes. I checked my straps but they were relatively new and I knew they would not break. It was what you did before a battle. When you began to fight you needed to rely on your weapons.


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