Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2)

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Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2) Page 22

by Griff Hosker

  As Ulf squared himself the barbarian charged in with another flurry of blows. Ulf did not retreat. His left leg was not moving. He had been slower before and now he was almost stationary. He pushed his shield forward and, instead of striking with his sword he hooked his hilt behind the shield and pulled him towards him. When they closed he pulled his head back and butted the barbarian. With no helmet to protect his face, his head snapped back and his nose erupted in blood and cartilage. He reeled and this time Ulf put all of his power into a mighty blow to his opponent's shield. It splintered. Not only that the warrior's arm hung down, it was broken. He gamely tried to use his sword to fend off Ulf but Ulf's backhand swept aside the chief's sword as though it was a stick. Ulf's right hand was still fast and he brought it around to strike the chief. The blade bit into his chest and he fell backwards. Ulf limped over to him and, holding his hair he took the man's head in one blow. He held it up. We all cheered. Then he threw it towards the High King. It rolled down the slope and the skull ended looking through sightless eyes at the enemy.

  As he walked back, pouring blood from his damaged knee he said, through gritted teeth, "Slippery bastards. Watch for tricks."

  It was my turn.

  Chapter 15

  I walked forward. I had never fought one man before. Normally I fought with others. This time every blow would be aimed at me. The man was older than me and, from the scars and warrior bands, more experienced too. I could see the anger on the warrior's face. He had white on his face with a long red streak down each cheek and running into his beard. I think he thought it would make him more frightening. It did not. He also had his long hair stuck up to make him look larger. If I had been him I would have worn a helmet. As I approached I could see that he thought me young, inexperienced and, with a mask on my helmet likely to be unsighted. He came towards me with an easy, confident manner. He had done this before. He was armed just like his brother; a sword and a small shield. Around his neck I saw a metal cross. He was a Christian. I had to find a way to defeat him.

  He danced from side to side and swayed. He was trying to do as his brother had done and mesmerize me too. I was not fooled. I could fight on horseback and I had trained myself to keep my eyes fixed on danger. I decided to try to fool him. I opened my left arm so that my shield was slightly open. I kept my sword down. I wanted to tempt him into a quick strike. It was as though he had fooled me and I did not know what to do. He thought I was a novice and I was playing the part.

  I heard Erik Green Eye shout, "Pull up your shield, Hrolf! You invite a thrust!"

  I said nothing for I knew what I was doing. As his sword darted towards my middle I brought my shield across sharply and I struck the edge of his sword, deflecting it away from me. More importantly I struck it a blow on its blade and began to take the edge off it. At the same time I brought my sword across the top of his shield. He was moving backwards and it was at the extreme range but Heart of Ice had a sharp edge and it tore across his bicep. Blood flowed and my clan cheered.

  It enraged him and he did as Ulf's opponent had done, he ran at me with sudden sharp blows with his sword. I danced away and blocked each stroke, not with my sword but with my shield. I would not take the edge from my sword. I kept moving back up the slope away from the blood spilled in the previous combat. He had to stop to catch his breath. I saw, as he rested, that the edge of his sword was nicked and bent slightly. It was true no longer. The bend meant it had no balance. Although my helmet did restrict my vision at the side I was able to concentrate my eyes on him. He could not see my eyes. When his eyes flickered briefly down I knew what he intended. He feinted to my head and then tried his brother's strike and he lunged at my leg. My byrnie came down lower than Ulf's and the warrior had to aim lower to strike flesh. I jumped as his blade came towards me and I landed upon it. I stepped back quickly as he pulled it out and tried to unbalance me. His sword was now definitely bent. My whole weight, byrnie and all had landed on it. He started to shout at me but I could not understand him.

  It was my turn to attack for he had run out of the tricks he could use. His shield was still sound and I saw him pull it tighter to him. That suited me. I feinted with my sword and when he moved his sword to block the stroke I punched him in the hand with the boss of my shield and I stepped closed to him. He had seen the head butt from Ulf and he pulled his shield up to stop me. I had no intention of doing so. As I raised my sword I hooked my right leg around his left and punched again with my shield boss. I was unable to hit his face but I caught his shoulder and he began to stumble. He was light on his feet and he moved backwards quickly; too quickly for he tumbled over down the slope. He rolled just beyond his brother's headless corpse.

  I could have run after him but I did not. I wanted him to hear the jeers from my clan and to become angry. He picked himself up. I saw his eyes glance at his dead brother's body and he roared and ran up the slope towards me. I waited. I balanced myself on my toes. I did not move and he came directly for me. The slope sapped the energy from his legs and his left arm bled even more. I saw that his shield was dropping. He raised his sword. He was gambling on his speed allowing him to hit my neck with his sword. Even a bent sword might break my neck. Still I did not move and I saw his eyes widen as he saw his chance to win this fight he had been losing. As he swung I stepped back with my left leg and raised my shield. His sword clattered off the top rim and, as he passed me I swung Heart of Ice in a huge sweep with all the power that I could muster. Without armour, without clothes there was nothing to stop the blade and it bit into his side and then slid across to his spine. The power I had put into the strike kept the blade going and it sliced through his backbone and kept going. Had he not been moving away I would have cut him in two. As it was his body fell just twenty paces from the Jarl. His organs and intestines began to slip from the huge hole I had made. The clan cheered.

  As the Jarl nodded I heard Siggi shout, "You must take his head. That way they know he has died."

  I nodded and, walking to the body, took my sword in two hands and brought it down cleanly. I picked up the hair. The stiff spikes made it hard to hold. I managed to hold it in the air and turned to show first our army and then the Hibernians. Ours cheered. I brought the head around and threw it. It rolled down the hill and stopped just ten paces from his brother's. I sheathed my sword and slung my shield around my back. The two ponies still stood eating grass. They were prizes and I took their reins and led them to the rear.

  I heard Arne Four Toes shout, "You are still Hrolf the Horseman!"

  Ulf was lying down behind our rear rank and Jarl Gunnstein's healers were stitching him. Seeing me he grinned, "I knew you would beat him! No armour and all tricks are no match for a Viking with a shield and a sword. I will watch your animals for you. With this wound I would be a liability."

  I picked up a new spear and returned to my place. Asbjorn Ulfsson had taken Ulf's place. "I am honoured to fight alongside a hero."

  Olaf the Bear said, from behind me, "Is it not over yet?"

  Siggi White Hair snorted, "No but the two deaths have done much to make up for our allies flight."

  Gunnstein Gunnarson said, "They have returned. There are few of them but our left side is now, at least, guarded."

  I turned and saw the clan all cheering me.


  Once again we locked shields. Mine was pressed into Beorn Fast Feet's back and my spear rested on his shoulder. I could hear the enemy advancing. And then Siggi and the clan began to sing. It was my song.

  The horseman came through darkest night

  He rode towards the dawning light

  With fiery steed and thrusting spear

  Hrolf the Horseman brought great fear

  Slaughtering all he breached their line

  Of warriors slain there were nine

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  With mighty axe Black Teeth stood

  Angry and filled wi
th hot blood

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  Ice cold Hrolf with Heart of Ice

  Swung his arm and made it slice

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  In two strokes the Jarl was felled

  Hrolf's sword nobly held

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  The words sounded clear and this time they were sung with pride for it was our clan which had defeated two enemy champions and it also drew their ire. As they moved towards us I could see that their attack was aimed at our Jarl. We would have to bear the brunt of their attack. This time they did not run. They had no arrows to fear and the ground was still littered with bodies and covered in blood and gore. They had to pass two headless corpses and it had an effect.

  Siggi shouted, "Jarl we have stood and endured enough. Let us end this. Can we not meet them, kill this High King and go home?"

  We all laughed and the Jarl shouted, "What say you Raven Wing Clan?"

  As one we shouted, "Aye! Aye!"

  The Jarl timed it well. As the line approached and came close to the top of the slope he shouted, "Raven Wing, charge!"

  We did not run but we all stepped together in perfect time. During the lull in the bouts the dead from before us had been laid to the side to make a barrier protecting our flank. The ground before us was clear while our enemies had to negotiate bodies. We were together with shields locked and bodies close together. They were a mass of individuals with few shields and no mail. The Jarl and his hearth-weru ploughed in and through the first two lines of men. We in the third rank had plenty of targets too. To our left our allies joined us, throwing themselves at the enemy who had driven them from the field. We punched with our spears and their swords bounced from our shields and mail. As the slope took over we lost a little cohesion but we were now deep in the heart of them and we spread out. I found myself next to Vermund and Siggi in the front rank. The enemy sought me out. I was a champion and had to die.

  My spear shattered on the skull of a hard headed Hibernian. His skull spattered blood and bone on those around him and I drew Heart of Ice.

  The joy of battle coursed through my veins. I had slain a chief and I shouted, "Heart of Ice! Allfather give me strength!" I left the line and charged at three warriors who were climbing the slope towards me. I blocked two swords with my shield and brought my sword sideways into the side of the third. His sword caught my helmet but I barely noticed it. The other two pulled back their swords to strike at me again but I stepped forward and punched with my shield. The edges caught on the top metal rim. One broke and I slashed across the arm of the other. I severed it to the bone. As the other looked in horror I plunged my sword into his throat. I knocked the armless man out of the way and ran towards the High King. Only his bodyguard stood between us and I heard my comrades as they called my name and followed me. It was too much for Conchobar mac Donnachada of the Uí Néill and he and his bodyguards fled.

  The heart went from his army. Feidlimid mac Crimthainn, King of Munster, fought on for a little while. We were busy mopping up those who stood before us but when Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer launched a wedge at him, he too quitted the field. The slaughter went on until late afternoon. My sword had been blunted long ago and I drew my seax to end the lives of the enemy who were too badly wounded for the healers. They were followers of the White Christ but they were warriors and they deserved the chance to go to Valhalla.

  Wearily I made my way back up the hill. I was too tired to be joyous and I passed bodies of our clan ascended the slope. Eiril Jorgesson, Asbjorn Ulfsson, Kolbjorn Olvirson and Olaf the Bear would not return with us to Raven Wing Island. I reached the body of the chief I had slain. I took the cross from his neck. It would make a fine and appropriate present for Mary. He had three rings on his fingers. I took them. One had a skull upon it while the other two bore jewels. His sword was not worth anything and I left it.

  I reached Ulf who was standing now. He held our two bows in his hand and he pointed to the two animals we had taken. "Here are your ponies, Hrolf."

  I shook my head, "One is yours."

  "You gave me a bow for it was something I would love. I give you my pony for I care not for them, save to eat, and you have an affinity with them. Come hero. Let the two of us drown in ale this night!"

  We were surrounded, as we headed back to Dyflin, not only by our clan but other warriors too. Thorgeir Sigurdsson put his huge arm around me. "I could see that Ulf Big Nose was a warrior who could fight but you look as though a strong wind would blow you over. You barely took a blow and you made that son of the chief, Connor mac Murchad, look foolish. He and his brother were both known as champions. I think the High King gambled and lost."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He put them up to it. He thought to weaken that flank. If the heart went from your men and with our allies fled then they could have rolled our line up. It seems it did not go to plan."

  I nodded, "Wyrd."

  "Aye, as you say, wyrd."

  Warriors we had never seen before came up to Ulf and me just to stand close to us. They looked at my helmet, my armour and my sword as though they had some magical powers.

  "Is this the sword touched by the gods?"

  "No, but the same smith who made Ragnar's Spirit made heart of Ice. He is a good smith."

  "It must have cost you much gold?"

  I shook my head, "It was a gift from the Dragonheart."

  Siggi White Hair, Rurik One Ear and Arne Four Toes closed around us. "Let them have some peace. They have won a battle. We will head back to our drekar. Later will be the time for stories and questions."

  I led the two ponies. I had placed Ulf's weapons and my shield upon them. "Where do we sleep tonight?"

  "I am guessing the warrior hall."

  "I would be just as happy to sleep on the drekar. I do not wish to answer questions all night."

  Ulf shook his head. I could see that his knee pained him, "We must. It is how others learn to be warriors."

  "Ulf is right, besides Jarl Gunnstein must reward the Jarl. Had we not attacked then we might still be fighting."

  "Yes Siggi but Hrolf's charge which we followed drove the High King from the field."

  "And that is another reason, Rurik One Ear, why we should attend. The Norns sent us here. Had Lars Larsson not lost his temper on the Sabrina then we would not have raided Ynys Môn and been so overloaded that we had to come to Dyflin. Then Jarl Gunnstein would have lost his land. We are toys in the hands of the Weird Sisters. We have to attend, Hrolf, and we have to smile and answer questions. Resign yourself to it."

  "I will leave my mail, helmet and shield on the drekar then. It is strange having warriors wishing to touch them as though they were magic."

  "Then you are privileged, you know how the Dragonheart feels. I would leave Heart of Ice there too. But it is understandable. They wish some of your luck or skill to rub off on them."

  The others decided to do the same. I had a kyrtle I had not worn. Mary had made it for me. I would wear it. Arne Four Toes told Sven and the ship's boys of the battle as I changed from my mail. I would have bathed in the river but it was not clean water. Instead I used the pail of sea water we kept by the steering board and sluiced away the blood from my naked body.

  "You have no wounds but you can see where you took blows. Bagsecg will have much work repairing your mail."

  Ulf nodded as he began to dress, "But after this raid we will have much coin." He pointed to my ponies. "And Hrolf has increased his herd."

  Sven the Helmsman shook his head and said, vehemently, "I am not having them shitting their way back to our island!"

  Siggi shook his head, "You will not have to. The Jarl is going to hire a knarr to transport our treasures. He may have to hire two if Jarl Gunnstein rewards us too!"

; With the smell of blood gone from my body I dressed again and put on my spare sealskin boots. I let my hair hang loose after I had combed it. I could not be bothered to plait it. I just put my seax in my belt. With luck there would be meat at the feast. The Jarl and his three hearth-weru arrived. Vermund had lost part of his nose and his already ugly features would be disfigured even more by the long scar down one cheek. It did not seem to bother him for we had won and the hearth-weru had protected our leader.

  The Jarl was both happy and proud. He embraced first Ulf Big Nose and then me. "You have given us more glory today than some clans achieve in a lifetime. We have many men who wish to take the places of those who fell. We will sail back with a full crew. And tonight Hallgerd's father is throwing us a feast. Ulf, Hrolf and myself will sit on his high table. We are to be honoured!"

  The Jarl decided that the clan would travel together. We would not be eating indoors, there were simply to many of us but the main square had been filled with tables. The main meat would be the horses and ponies which had been killed in the battle. I was grateful that I, at least, had saved two. Beer was in abundance. As we entered the square, for we were the last, every warrior banged his dagger or seax on the tables. It was a cacophony of noise. They cheered. Our names were shouted for it was rare for champions to fight. It was humbling for all the warriors gathered had battle rings and the experience of many sea fights and battles yet the name they chanted was Raven Wing. There were three empty seats by Jarl Gunnstein. Jarl Gunnar and Ulf Big Nose took the two on either side of him. I sat next to Ulf. I noticed that only the two princes of his allies were present. Their men had not covered themselves in glory and their punishment was to be kept from this celebration.


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