Journey of Souls (The Mortality Series)

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Journey of Souls (The Mortality Series) Page 16

by Melanie S. Pronia

  Brigid took the lead and fastened the pace, without even needing to be ordered to, Rhiannon quickly followed her.

  Justine was in love. With the horse, the wind in her hair, the smooth almost effortless ride. Patrick watched the delight chase away the doubt on her face and pushed Brigid on even faster.

  They rode over an endless meadow covered in bright wild flowers, it was so perfect and beautiful Justine paused to wonder if she was dreaming. Patrick slowed down the horses when they neared a crystal clear stream and easily dismounted. He offered Justine a hand down.

  The winded horses quickly walked to the water, drinking it up thirstily.

  From one of the many saddle bags, Patrick produced a large soft blanket and spread it on the ground while Justine looked on. He lifted up the other heavy saddle bag and to Justine's delight set up a picnic for the two of them. He had thought of everything, a smooth red wine, strawberries dipped in chocolate, fried chicken, potato salad and two bottles of water. He had also provided napkins, paper plates, all the essential condiments.

  "Patrick, this is great!" Justine leaned in to kiss him.

  "You're beautiful, have I told you that yet?"

  Justine just laughed and sat down to enjoy the meal realizing that her stomach was indeed growling.

  The two of them ate the meal slowly, enjoying each other's company and the lovely breeze that helped to refresh both them and the horses. When Patrick was done with his meal he walked over to the horses and stroked them, nickering to them softly.

  "Justine in the bag there are too red apples, do me a favor and get them for me and bring them over here."

  She found the apples and brought them over to Patrick. He took one and left the other in her hand. The horses perked up their ears when they saw the delicious red apples, obviously recognizing them from sight alone.

  "I believe in thanking the horses for their hard work, and a treat always helps to keep them happy and willing to oblige." He held the apple up to Brigid who took the entire apple into her mouth without hesitation. Justine watched her happily chomp away until Rhiannon gently nudged her with her nuzzle.

  "Oh you poor baby, I'm sorry." She laughed at how quickly Rhiannon took her own apple and pet her long snout while she ate.

  "They are so beautiful." Patrick loved the light in her eyes. He turned and pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. He let go of her only long enough to lead her back to the blanket where he gently lay her down. She sat up in surprise.

  "Patrick! Not here! What if someone sees us?"

  He almost laughed at her naivety.

  "Justine, do you see anyone here watching us?"

  Justine looked around, then looked at the horses.

  "The horses might watch."

  Patrick flopped down on his back and held his stomach while laughing.

  "Trust me Justine, they don’t care, and they wont tell anyone either."

  Before she could argue another word, Patrick's lips were settling over hers. She then realized that she didn't really care if the horses watched either. They made love slowly, under the sun, enjoying the feeling of nature and their love for one another.

  The ride back to the house was just as thrilling to Justine who had grown more confident on Rhiannon and realized that horseback riding was something that she could definitely get into.

  When they arrived back at the house, there were a few cars in the driveway and Justine looked at Patrick curiously.

  "My sisters have come over for dinner, they want to meet you."

  "Oh okay," Justine suddenly felt nervous.

  As if reading her thoughts, Patrick said,

  "Stop, Justine, they'll love you, Mom does."

  Once they had seen to the horses and placed them back in the stables, Patrick grabbed Justine's hand and walked her back to the house. The cool breeze in the house felt so good on Justine's skin that she

  practically forgot to be nervous.

  Lila and the girls were in the kitchen chatting happily while preparing dinner. Four sets of friendly eyes stared at Justine curiously. The girls stopped what they were doing and ran over to Patrick hugging him tightly.

  "It's about time you got here!" His sister who's hair was close to the same color as Justine hugged him tightly, followed by his three other sisters.

  When the hugs were done, Patrick stepped back and grabbed Justine's hand.

  "This is Justine," he said proudly.

  The first girl who approached Justine looked to be the closet to Patrick's age.

  "Hi, I'm Debbie," she pointed at each of the other girls in turn. "That's Regina, Celine and Misty."

  Justine quietly said hi to them all. Lila almost laughed at Justine's nervousness. She tossed Justine a potato peeler and a potato.

  "Justine, shyness does not belong in this family, help up make this dinner."

  Justine obliged, happy to have something to do with her hands, and soon felt quite comfortable with them all while they talked friendly and openly with one another, making sure to include her as well.

  The huge meal was laid out on the table lavishly. Baked ham, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, biscuits, and fresh strawberry short cake for desert. Seeing his sisters eat Justine realize where Patrick got his endless appetite from, and wondered where his attractive sisters put it all.

  Misty, Patrick's baby sister who was nineteen seemed to be the most openly curious about Justine asked,

  "So you work with Patrick? I bet that's such a cool job."

  Justine smiled,

  "It's definitely never boring."

  "I would guess it's pretty easy if you have the gift," Celine said her gray eyes lighting up


  "Well, I'm not sure I would call it a gift," Justine laughed, "It's just a part of me, and it can be down right scary at times."

  The entire table laughed warmly as they empathized with Justine.

  Justine helped them clean up after the meal and by the end of the night felt that the family had accepted her warmly. Before leaving she hugged each of them and warmly thanked Lila for the wonderful meal and the use of her horse. As before, Lila insisted that she come back and often.

  When they finally arrived back at Justine's apartment, she was exhausted, and her inner thighs were killing her. Patrick saw the fatigue on her face. He walked her to her door, held her tight and kissed her goodnight.

  Justine entered the apartment and flopped down onto the couch tiredly. She knelt over to pull off her sneakers when she heard,


  Justine jumped up, her heart diving into her throat. She turned to look in the direction where the voice had come from. She stared at the girl who sat on the floor in front of the sliding glass door, barely recognizing her.

  "Don't be frightened, it's me Sara, you tried to help me at the cemetery."

  Justine felt relief flush over her as she sat back down.

  "I just came to apologize to you, I was so mean to you that day. It wasn't your fault."

  Sara was cleaned up now, wearing a long blue dress, her hair shined brightly, her eyes calm and serene.

  "It's okay Sara, I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to hear."

  Sara stood up and looked at Justine,

  "No it wasn't, but it's okay now, now I understand." She glanced at the window at the moon that hung above in the sky. "I have to go now, but I wanted to thank you." She turned to the door and slowly her form became a shining light, and then just simply disappeared.

  Justine smiled to herself, happy to know that Sara was okay now. She muttered under her breath and smiled,

  "All in a days work kiddo, blessings be with you."


  After a two weeks suspension from work ordained by Conroy due to absenteeism, Liz had finally returned, shy eyed and quiet. The crestfallen look on her face alone told Justine there was nothing to be said between the two of them. Liz felt like an ass and it was written in glowing orange all over her face. Justine had to admit to herself,
that she greedily enjoyed the more humble side of Liz.

  Spectrum was pumping up to go visit a historic school that had received several reports of haunting over many years. It had been an all black school, built in the times of segregation. Everyone in the room was excited, most of them having investigated the school on their own at one point or another. The school itself was known for being notoriously haunted and had even become a sort of head quarters for Satanists and a shelter for the homeless.

  Conroy cautioned the team in a somber tone, "This is not a place to be careless; there are many entities that do exist there. Be respectful, be courteous, and do not enter any room alone." His eyes seemed to bore into Justine as he exclaimed his rules. Her green eyes slid guiltily from Conroy to Claudia who simply nodded as if silently replying, "Yes I know, you still want your lessons, I understand. Soon, very soon."

  The week seemed to drag on so slowly for Justine. She had the ritual at Patrick's mother's home to look forward to on Saturday, and on Monday she would be able to speak to her mother. But those days seemed like an oasis of a thousand days separation. Thursday slowly crawled into being with Patrick and Justine trying to figure out what to do for dinner when Sheryl called. She invited Justine and Patrick to join herself and her new guy for a casual dinner out. After questioning Patrick, Justine readily agreed.

  As much for her man as for herself, Justine took an hour to prepare for the casual dinner. She could graciously admit that her attempts of beauty

  transformation had been worth it, she looked stunning in a simple jade green halter and flirtatious white skirt. Patrick of course looked incredible in a stunning white shirt and black slacks. Justine envied him his lack of preparation duties, but admired his style none the less.

  When she heard the knock at her door, Justine gracefully swung it open wide and stared in amazement at how lovely Sheryl looked in a rose hued dress. But her amazement quickly turned to shock as she stared into eyes even greener than her own and felt an awful gagging of despicable recognition.

  Before her thoughts could even catch up with her actions, Justine yanked Sheryl in before slamming the door on her all too obvious date. Sheryl appeared both curious and angry, more so,, the ladder of the two.

  "Justine, you just left Devin outside." Sheryl automatically turned to open the door for him.

  Patrick strolled in from the kitchen nibbling on a baby carrot surprised to see Sheryl and Justine without Sheryl's date accompanying them.

  "Hey Sheryl, how's it going?"

  Before she could even respond, Sheryl was opening the door, ignoring Patrick's friendly greeting.

  Devin slowly, almost proudly walked into Justine's apartment. Underlying his smile was a predatorial hunger that instantly seeped into Justine bones.

  Justine grabbed Sheryl by the upper arm and drug her into the tiny bathroom that could just barely contain the two of them. Angrily shrugging off Justine's arms, Sheryl turned to stare at her with accusing eyes.

  "What the hell is wrong with you, Justine?" Absent was the concern for Justine's obvious fear.

  "Sheryl, oh my god, make him leave. He is evil." The words rushed out on an accelerated breath.

  "What?" Sheryl stared at Justine as if she were merely stupid. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  Justine sat crossed legged on the lid of the commode wishing fervently that she could just wish this one nightmare away. Just this one.

  "He's the man in Virginia who practically attacked me in my hotel room at the convention.

  "Justine, what are you talking about? They can't possibly be the same person. That guy was up in Virginia, Devin is from Florida, he lives here."

  Justine only stared at her closest friend, her eyes pleading.

  "Devin is wonderful; you should see him with Toby. I mean come on Justine, this is nuts."

  Sheryl stomped out of the small bathroom with Justine following her doggedly.

  She grabbed Patrick who stood awkwardly in the dining room with his hands shoved deeply into his pockets and whisked him into the kitchen, while Sheryl approached Devin who still stood by the door, smiling graciously.

  Once in the kitchen, Justine pulled Patrick close and spoke quickly, quietly into his ear.

  "Patrick, that's the guy from the hotel room. Why the hell is here?" Before Justine could even glance into his eyes, Patrick briskly walked back into the living room.

  "Let's step outside, Devin." Having a few inches on him, Patrick stared down at Devin.

  "I'd rather not actually, I'm quite comfortable."

  Patrick tugged him out the front door anyway, unconcerned of his wishes and nearly slammed the door blocking off both Sheryl and Justine from the conversation that was obviously happening in the hallway.

  Sheryl headed for the door after giving Justine her most odious, hurt look. She flung the door open in time to see Patrick punching Devin in his perfect, aristocratically shaped nose.

  Before Justine could react, Sheryl lunged. From her view at the open door, Justine saw Devin patting at the blood leaking from his nose and her best friend departing arm in arm with an evil man. Patrick came back into the room and instantly drew Justine into his arms. When he noticed how terribly her body trembled beneath his hands, he muttered,

  "Damn, when is it ever going to be easy for us?"

  Justine thoughts were rapidly colliding. What was he doing here? How had he found her? Would her hurt Sheryl?

  Mostly failing, but attempting to pull herself together Justine stepped back, her green eyes searching out those of the man she loved.

  "Patrick he knows where I live now." Before a single heart beat could pass between the two of them, he replied,

  "No he doesn't, pack a bag." Calculating his words, Justine simply stared at him.


  "No? Why not?"

  "Because I'll be damned to be afraid in my own home."

  Justine walked out of the small kitchen, and revealing her fear, locked the door knob lock, the dead bolt and the chain lock on her front door.

  "This is bullshit Justine!" Quickly Patrick swung himself around to face her.

  She sat in her chair, determined, resolute.

  "Justine." The words seemed to echo in an empty land.

  Patrick sat before Justine resting his hand tenderly on her thigh.

  "How can I sleep at night knowing that you're alone and unprotected?"

  "I'm going after him." Then as if the thought had just entered her mind, she said,

  "No, he'll come for me, and I'll be ready and waiting." Her voice was so cold and unyielding that it sent a shiver down Patrick's spine.

  "Fine, you wanna be stubborn? I'm staying here then." Patrick bounced onto the couch and picked up the phone to order a pizza while staring at Justine, his eyes as steely as her own. Daring her to argue with him. There was no argument her mind was elsewhere and the lost gaze in her eyes made Patrick's skin crawl.

  It seemed like hours had passed as the two of them sat together, yet worlds apart in silence. Finally when the clock struck midnight, Patrick stood.

  "I'm not leaving tonight, Justine."

  "Fine, stay." Each of them knew that her words allowed her to be protected by him, while concealing her true fear and her need of his protection. It was fine with both of them, for the time being.

  Patrick held her the entire night, watching her drift into a restless sleep. All the while the tempting idea that his lease was up in the next month enticing his mind, springing about new ideas, fascinating thoughts. He loved her; he might as well take it to the next level, even if she thought she wasn't ready yet.

  Justine's large bed was empty when she awoke. But she knew from just a sniff of the air, a shift of energy that she was not alone. As she crept quietly down the stairs, she heard the heavy tunes of a hard rock song playing, accompanied by the off key sound of Patrick whistling.

  She sluggishly slipped past him into the kitchen and attempted to get herself a cup of coffee, noticing with a warmth that
was nearly electric, he had already seen to the simple task. He smiled and whisked her into his arms for a quick dance of love.

  Even after the previous evening, Justine couldn't help but laugh. Somehow, no matter what, Patrick's arms always felt so good, so right.

  "I love you Patrick."

  "How much Justine? How much?" The question both startled her and sent her instincts into full alert.

  "More than you know." She shrugged in a gesture of self protection and stumbled into the living room with her cup of coffee that Patrick had so kindly prepared for her just the way she liked.

  Having not even a second to compose herself, Patrick was instantly beside her.

  "Let me move in with you." The words were said somberly, yet the happy glow in his eyes belayed any type of sorrow.

  "Are you serious?"

  "Quite," he said simply taking a sip of his own coffee.

  "Patrick." Her voice was daunting and full of doubt.

  "What?" She couldn't ignore the sapphire eyes that seemed to light her skin afire with a simple glance.

  He sat on the couch and stared back at her, his emotions broadcasting boldly across his face.

  "My lease is up next month. I'm here more than at my place anyway."

  "Your place is nicer or at least bigger Patrick."

  He stood up, excited by the prospect of living with the woman he loved, ignoring her indecisive words.

  "So, we'll renew my lease then."

  Feeling totally unprepared for the idea, Justine laid back in the chair, closing her eyes tiredly. God she was so tired lately. Why was she so tired, she wondered to herself.

  "Think about it Justine. Would it really be so bad?" Oh, low blow Justine thought to herself, go with the hurt angle Patrick, go ahead and pout, it melts my heart so well.

  "No it wouldn't be, I just don't know if I'm ready for all that. I've been single, had this apartment all to myself for so long. It just seems well, weird."

  "Weird, why?"

  Justine felt put on the spot and didn't like it one bit when not even one decent rebuttal came to mind.

  "Think about it Justine. I mean really think about it. But for now, come shower with me. We have a ceremony to attend." His weighted words left on the air, Patrick took the stairs to the master bathroom where Justine knew he had soap, shaving cream and other personal items of his sharing the same space as her own.


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