Fool Me Once

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Fool Me Once Page 9

by Brittany Crowley

  “Don’t,” I say a few minutes later feeling courageous.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t hold back.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I nod my head. “Alright. Just be warned, you’ll be agreeing to go out with me by the end of my speech.”

  “Is that so? You’re pretty confident in yourself.”

  “Yup. Extremely. Let’s see, where to begin?” He thinks for a second then dives in. “Let me give you some of my finer features. I have major respect for women and treat them how I’d want someone to treat my mom. She instilled in my brother and me how to treat a woman. My parents taught me manners, I have a good job, so I’m not a bum or looking to leach off of you and all your success.”

  I stop him realizing with how long I’ve known him, I still don’t know what he does for work. “What do you do?”

  “I own my own construction business.”

  “That’s awesome.” Major Brownie points. A man that works with his hands is far more appealing to me.

  “Thanks. Now, where was I? Oh yes, if none of that’s enough to convince you, I’ll move on to more personal things. I know how to cook, the ocean’s my favorite place in the world and my mouth has many talents.”

  I clench my knees at the thought of his mouth anywhere on my body and see his smirk showing he knows I’m thinking about his special talents.

  “I see we’re getting somewhere.” His hand travels a little further up my thigh, and I glare at him pushing it back to my knee. “Or not.”

  “Okay, those are all really good traits and all, but what’s going to wow me Nate? What’ll tip the odds in your favor?”

  He looks like he’s debating whether to say something or not. “I told you not to hold back remember?”

  “Okay, you asked for it. Even if my impressive résumé doesn’t do it for you, there’s one key factor that will have you saying yes to me in a heartbeat.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Here’s how I see it and remember, I’ve had quite some time to think this, us, through. Close your eyes, please. You need to envision what I’m about to say.” I do as he asks unsure about what he’ll say, unknowing I’m about to be blown away.

  “We’re going to go on our first date, and I’ll knock your socks off. I plan to go big, baby, you deserve nothing but the best. I’ll kiss you goodnight and promise to call. You’ll be waiting by the phone, and from there, our relationship will build a foundation. You may not see it yet, but you know me. We’ve already been building our relationship by starting with a friendship. It won’t be long until you think I’m dashing and handsome and I’ll never let you forget how beautiful you are. Maybe after you’re comfortable, you’ll let me be a part of little H’s life, and I’ll fall in love with her as much as I plan on falling for you.”

  I take a big swig of my beer to calm my nerves, and he continues his speech after I place the glass back on the table.

  I feel his breath on the shell of my ear and shiver at the sensation. “When you’re comfortable we’ll move in together, but not before I slide a ring on your finger. A ring that symbolizes how strong and steadfast our relationship is. We’ll have tons of pancake Sundays, Christmas mornings and I’ll never let either of you forget what you mean to me.”

  “Holy crap,” I whisper.

  “At our wedding, I will vow to both you and Hazel that I’ll always be there, and I will be. Do you know why?”


  “Because you’re worth it. Women like you don’t come around often and I’d be an idiot not to pursue you. I know you have a past and quite frankly, I’d love to shake that bastards’ hand for letting you guys go and giving me a chance. I know you want to take things slow, if at all. Tell me I finally get my chance, Lex.”

  “What’d I miss?” Amanda picks the worst time ever to return to the booth, but there’s no way I’m letting her ruin this perfect moment between Nate and me.

  My hands frame Nate’s face as I pull him towards me. Our lips collide together, and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It feels like home. His mouth feels so right against mine and right when I’m about to slide my tongue in his mouth, he pulls back. The intensity in his eyes shows me how reluctant he is to separate from me.

  “Just to be clear, is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes to a date, the rest is to be determined.”

  A smile that nearly knocks me off my ass lights his face and I lean in to kiss him. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of his kisses and a pang hits me straight in the heart at the thought of what I’ve missed out on since Nate first asked me out months ago. Honestly, he’s right. Starting out as friends, if that’s what he wants to call it, may be the best thing that ever happened to us.

  At the end of the night, Nate kisses me goodnight outside my car and shuts the door like a true gentleman. Amanda’s in my passenger seat seeing as she’s drank enough tonight for two people and needs a safe ride home.

  “That escalated quickly,” Amanda laughs.

  “You have no idea.”

  Chapter 16

  “You don’t look like you’re ready for our date,” Nate says looking the picture of perfection on the other side of the door. He looks at Hazel resting against my chest, and his face turns to worry. “Is she okay? What’s going on?”

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t text you. Hazel’s been sick all day, I’m getting ready to take her to the ER.” I leave him at the door needing to get all of her things together and feel completely frazzled.

  My little girl woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a throw-up bug. People get them, they’re perfectly normal, I understand that. Well, this bug has been going on all day and into the night without any relief for my poor baby in sight. She’s to the point of dry heaving because she has nothing in her little tummy. She winces every time it happens, and her temperature has spiked up to one-hundred-and-three in the last hour. I called her pediatrician, and they told me since they’re closed, to bring her straight into the hospital.

  “Let me see her.” I turn around to find Nate behind me, still in my house. I thought he would have taken off when I told him I couldn’t make our date.


  “I can hold her while you pack her stuff and then I’ll drive you to the hospital.”

  He grabs her from my arms even though I begin to argue. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Wow, she’s burning up. Come on, go get what she needs, and I’ll put her in your car. What if she starts throwing up or something? You need to be in the back with her.”

  He has a valid point. Without another thought, I fly through the house grabbing diapers, bottles, and spare clothes. I almost forget her blankie but thankfully grab it. She’ll want the familiarity in an unfamiliar place.

  I run outside and find Nate in the backseat with Hazel. Her little heads resting on his shoulder and he’s gently rubbing his fingers through her hair. She looks like she's content for the first time today. I decided it’d be better if I drove, that way we don’t have to move her.

  “If you don’t mind, I don’t want to move her, but if you’re worried about puke…”

  “I’m all set. Are you okay to drive?”

  “Yes, I’ll be all right.” I jump in the driver’s seat and put the car in reverse after starting the engine.

  “What’s her temp?” he questions after a few minutes of silence.

  “One-hundred-and-three. That’s why I’m taking her in. She’s gone all day without any fluids and ejected anything that has entered her body over the past year if I had to guess. I just want them to give her something to feel better.”

  “They will. It’ll be okay.” In my rearview mirror, I see Nate looking at me. He’s doing more than he thinks by being here right now. He’s being a person to lean on, someone to share the concern with, even though he doesn’t know Hazel that well outside of a few chance meetings in town.

  “Park in front.” I do as he says and
throw the car in park. Nate grabs her from the back seat and tries to pass her to me, but Hazel has a death grip on his t-shirt.

  “Why don’t you go in and sit down. I’ll park and be right in.” He nods and heads for the building.

  As I’m parking the car, my only thought is to get into the hospital as fast as possible. I grab my purse with all of her insurance information and quickly make the short walk from the parking garage to the ER. I walk in and don’t see the two of them anywhere and panic.

  “Excuse me?” I ask the receptionist. “My daughter just came in, but I don’t see her anywhere. She’s with a… tall man.”

  “Oh, your husband. Yeah, they just took them back, let me walk you to the room. Poor thing started dry heaving the second he took a seat. The doctors wanted her in a room right away.”

  After a couple turns, I’m led into a room where Hazel’s in a hospital bed lying on top of Nate. The sight brings out a new emotion I’m not used to.


  She’s out like a light, and the second I enter the room, Nate watches me with a small smile on his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take off without you, but…”

  “No. Thank you for being here for her.”

  “Of course. I’m here for you too you know.”

  “I appreciate it.” Damnit. I can’t keep the tears from flowing down my face.

  “What’s the matter? Come here.” He pats the extremely small space of bed next to him, and I manage to squeeze myself in there. Nate throws his arm around my shoulder and starts running his fingers over the skin of my shoulder.

  “I’m so relieved you showed up when you did. I’ve been so scared all day, and my mom and stepdad are out of the country for two weeks. They’re who I usually call when there’s an emergency.”

  “I’m glad I was there.”

  A few minutes later the doctor comes in the room and has to hold back laughter at the sight of all three of us in the tiny bed.

  “I presume you are Hazel’s parents?”

  I jump out of bed. “Yes, I’m her mom.”

  “Can you tell me when this started and what her symptoms have been?”

  I give the doctor a quick rundown of our day, start to finish, making sure to stress how horrible she’s feeling and that nothing like this has ever happened before.

  “I’d like to start by drawing some blood to check her vitals and check for the flu. With all her symptoms, I’m inclined to start there. If you agree, then we’ll proceed.”

  “Do whatever you feel you have to.”

  “Doc, she’s already so uncomfortable. Is there a way to make the blood draw less traumatizing?” Nate asks from behind us.

  “I’ll ask the best nurse on staff to come in and do it. Your daughter will be in great hands, I assure you.”

  Thank God for that. Hazel has not been a fan of needles ever since she started getting shots when she was an infant. I have to say, I’m a little surprised at Nate’s question for her care. Once again, it hits me that he doesn’t have to be here. He’s choosing to be here to help out.

  The blood draw doesn’t go unnoticed from Hazel, but I think she’s too out of it to really care. It’s quick and over within a minute. She almost instantly falls back to sleep on Nate.

  “Hey, why don’t we switch. That way if you want to leave you’re free to.”

  “Lex, stop it. I’m not leaving.” His face leaves no room for argument, and I slip back into my spot on the bed.

  It’s nice having someone here to shoulder the burden. I haven’t had that with Hazel other than my mom, but sometimes you want a partner to be there with you, not your mom.

  “I’m sorry our first date didn’t turn out the way you’d thought,” I whisper.

  “Actually, I think this is kind of perfect. Minus little Hazel being sick of course. I know you said you wanted to wait some time for me to meet Hazel, but I really hope you change your mind. She’s special, I can already tell and staying away from her, both of you, will be difficult. You may think I was full of shit at the bar planning out our future, but I feel it so strongly. Now more than ever. I was meant to be here tonight like I’m meant to be there every other night.”

  I take that in and let it fly around my mind. Nate wants to go warp speed, and I’d like to take things slow, but I can’t help thinking this does feel right. Nate being here feels right.

  I prop my head up on my hand and stare at the sweet man next to me, then down at my daughter. “How about we take this as we go? We move at a speed that feels right.”

  “Then we’re going to the town hall tomorrow.”

  “And why’s that? Apparently, we’re already married.”

  “It’s been a part of my master plan all along.”

  For the first time today, I laugh and thank God that he sent Nate into my life.


  After being in the ER for four hours, Hazel’s finally cleared to go home. They ruled it a pesky stomach bug and discharged her after she got plenty of fluids and made sure the medicine for her stomach started working. We are now three hours sans puking, and I’m extremely thankful. Hazel’s getting some color back in her cheeks and her fever is now hovering at a low-grade status.

  True to his word, Nate stayed the whole time. Even now, at three in the morning, he’s leading me out of the hospital to my car he went and retrieved, as I carry a sleeping Hazel.

  She didn’t sleep the whole time. Once her belly felt better, and the fever subsided, she was up and all over Nate. To say they hit it off is an understatement. He made her giggle more than I’d ever seen and she’d made him melt with every kiss and hug she bestowed upon him. I know many would say I’m crazy for letting them get to know each other, but I feel like it’s out of my hands. Hazel’s never had a father figure and having a guy around has made her so happy. Someone to pay extra special attention to her, not that I’m expecting Nate to be her daddy. If this doesn’t work out beyond the first date and she never sees him again, she’ll never remember.

  After I lay her in my bed and surround her with pillows, I tiptoe out of the room and crack my bedroom door. I don’t want to be far from her tonight. I head downstairs to find Nate to say thanks and goodbye when I find him passed out on the couch.

  I guess it took me longer than I’d thought to get Hazel to sleep.

  I’m set on waking him up until something in the back of my mind tells me to leave him be. He’s had just as long a night as we have, and I’d hate to wake him up. There’s no harm in letting him sleep on the couch and be gone before we wake up. He’ll probably take a brief nap and be out of here before the sun comes up.

  After throwing a blanket on him and whispering thank you in his ear, I head back upstairs and into bed with my girl. I go to bed knowing that she’s going to be just fine, and so am I.

  He’s really shown me what I’ve been closing myself off from since Hazel was born. Someone to be my rock when I feel like crumbling, to hold up the world when it’s beginning to crash around me. Hazel’s dad hasn’t been in the picture since that last night I saw him in LA, and I’ve been forced to shoulder every burden when it comes to my daughter.

  I’m not saying my whole life is changed after an epic epiphany, but now I’m going to try and be a better version of myself. Someone that’s not afraid of life. Someone not afraid to live.

  Baby steps.

  Chapter 17

  The most delicious aroma wakes me from a deep sleep. When I start to stir, so does Hazel beside me. We slept like the dead, and I’m thankful, that must mean she’s feeling better. She woke up in the same position she went to sleep in last night.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  “Morning Mama. I hungy.”

  I laugh, “Well, I don’t know what’s going on downstairs, but I think I smell chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “Let’s go!” she yells excitedly, and I don’t miss the wince when she goes to sit up. The poor things belly has been through the ringer over the past twenty-four hours.
r />   We walk downstairs and find Nate in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Hazel sees him and hides behind my leg.

  “I’m good enough to puke on but not eat breakfast with?” Nate laughs. “You look better this morning little H. Are you hungry?” he questions her. After she nods her head, he looks at me. “Sorry, I figured you guys would be hungry when you woke up. I just got up myself a half hour ago.”

  “Thanks, that’s really sweet of you.”

  He walks around the center island and stops in front of us. “You don’t have to thank me.” He bends down and pecks my lips, then runs his fingers through Hazel’s unruly hair. “Sit down ladies, get the food while it’s good and hot.”

  I place Hazel in her highchair and take the seat next to her. Nate places a single pancake all cut up with a light drizzle of syrup in front of my girl and a stack of three with a side of bacon in front of me.

  “If you stay around, I’m going to get fat.”

  “I plan to be around, but I bet I can think of ways for you to burn off all of those carbs.” He winks.

  Damn, there he goes making me blush again. I grab a crispy piece of bacon from my plate and take a bite. I have to stifle a laugh when I notice Hazel has forgone her fork for her fingers.

  “Someone’s hungry.” Hazel gives me a chocolate grin and keeps eating.

  “I don’t blame her. There’s more where that came from.” Nate grabs his own plate that’s double the height of mine in food and sits across from me at my table.

  “We’ll keep her with the one pancake. We need to test the waters with her belly.” I take another bite reveling in the taste. “Where did you learn to cook?” I question.

  “My dad. I guess he really wowed my mom when they were dating with his culinary skills and wanted me and my brother to have the basic knowledge. I can’t do everything, but I have my specialties.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing your other dishes.”


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