Moon Spell: Part One in the Tale of Lunarmorte

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Moon Spell: Part One in the Tale of Lunarmorte Page 22

by Samantha Young

  Well that shut him up.

  “And when she finds out, you’ll kill those feelings. And I’ll be waiting.”

  Lucien growled, “I think you better leave now.” Sebastian nodded, seeming to gloat that he had gotten the better of his Pack Leader and as he turned to get into his car, Lucien said softly, “And remember who your Alpha is, Sebastian Trey.”

  No matter what issues arose within the pack, respect for their leader was ingrained in their souls. It was evident in the way the light of anger dimmed reluctantly in Sebastian’s eyes, and the slight deferential nod he gave as he climbed into his car.

  Lucien heaved a heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair. He hoped Sebastian wouldn’t take too long to get over it. The pack had enough to deal with as it was.

  He wandered back into the house, dreading the return. Dimitri was almost unbearable to be around, his anger and pain so thick it was contagious, and Lucien needed to keep a level head. He found Caia in the kitchen with the others, as Aidan and Ryder packed what seemed to be the last of the supplies they needed. Dimitri gulped down the dregs of his coffee and clambered off his stool. Lucien noticed how Caia watched the Elder’s every move, as if waiting to catch him when he finally broke.

  “That’s us,” Dimitri said gruffly, grabbing his rucksack, “We’re heading out.”

  Lucien merely nodded and placed a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder as he passed. The Elder stopped, touched his own callused fingers to Lucien’s in acknowledgement and then gruffly left. His son followed him, Aidan striding at the back of Christian. Only Ryder stayed back a moment.

  He, like Lucien, was watching Caia’s face. His eyes met Lucien’s over the top of her head and he read what he was thinking. She was never going to stop blaming herself for Jaeden’s disappearance.

  “I’ll watch out for him,” Ryder said, and Lucien knew he meant Dimitri. He squeezed Caia’s shoulder gently and she smiled at him gratefully as he passed.

  Lucien nodded at him as he walked by him. “Be careful.”

  “Always am.”

  When they were gone Lucien slid into the seat across from her. “Where’s my mother?”

  Caia blushed. “Upstairs with Magnus.”

  Lucien laughed at her red cheeks. “You’ll need to get used to how open we are around here?”

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “It’s my mother, it bothers me a little.”

  “Where’s Marion and Saffron?”

  Lucien poured some coffee for himself. “They had to report back to the Coven, but they’ll be back.”

  “For my training?”

  “Partly. Marion says you’re doing fine, though.”

  Caia just shrugged and kept looking anywhere but at him. “Is Sebastian OK?”

  “Do you want to practice with me?”

  The questions were asked in unison. Lucien glowered at her question. “Sebastian’s fine. Pack business.”

  “I was just asking.”

  “I was just answering.”

  She rolled her eyes at him and sighed. “Practice what with you?”

  He smiled, trying to shake off his jealousy. “Your magik.”

  “What could I do?”

  “Marion said you still needed to practice telekinesis.”

  She looked him in the eye as she sat back in her chair. Her green eyes washed over his face with a perceptiveness that made him want to squirm. But he was Alpha. So he remained stoic.

  “Well, it sounds like you’re getting daily reports.”

  Chuckling, he nodded. “Of course.”

  Dropping her gaze she fiddled with a fraying edge on Ella’s tablecloth. She was quiet for so long Lucien began to worry. Had he said something wrong? Without thinking he leaned across the table and pulled her hand gently away from the thread she was pulling at and laid it palm down on the table. “What’s up?” he asked drawing back. He wondered if she realised how gentle he was with her in comparison to how he acted with the rest of the pack. It had certainly come as a shock to him.

  She shrugged her delicate shoulders, her hair falling across her face. “Nothing.”

  “You are a terrible liar.”

  “Good to know in times of war you can’t bluff for shit.”

  He chuckled and sat back. “With great powers comes great attitude apparently.”

  Her lips twisted in petulance but at least she was looking at him again. “I don’t think that’s how the saying goes.”

  “I don’t think a Spiderman quote counts as an actual saying.”

  “Pop culture reference. Ryder would be proud.”

  Lucien smiled but leaned towards her. “Stop avoiding my question.”

  She rolled her eyes again and sighed.

  “You know you keep doing that and your eyeballs are going to be permanently stuck facing the wrong way.”

  She laughed and he relaxed at the sound. “I’m being a teenager again, aren’t I?”

  “You are a teenager.”

  She shuddered and sat back. “No, I’m a hybrid. There should be a difference. No rolling my eyes for a start.”

  “Well, I’ll try not to say anything that makes you want to roll your eyes.”

  They smiled at each other, their gazes caught, and suddenly they were back where they had been before he had started kissing her that Saturday night. The moment seemed to stretch, twisting tighter with tension and he was a second away from launching across the table at her like some uncontrolled pubescent male when suddenly the back door flew open, leaves scuttling in with the wind.

  He shot out of his chair, sending it flying behind him.

  “Sorry.” Caia smiled sheepishly, standing too now. “You said I could test out my telekinesis on you.”

  Lucien groaned and narrowed his eyes on her. “A little warning first perhaps.”


  That night Caia fell into bed, her emotions ripped to shreds. She had spent most of the day with Lucien, showing him what she could do so far. For hours they had stood together in the back yard as she moved things with her magik and created water from nothing. In all that time her heart had ached in panic for Jaeden, and just ached for the male standing next to her. She had never wanted to feel anything for anyone and now her heart was breaking for two lykans.

  Not once did Lucien touch her, it was almost as if he was afraid to. Instead he encouraged her and smiled proudly at her accomplishments like any Pack Leader might do. When she pounded a tree branch like a spear into the thick trunk of a tree, she pretended it was Ethan she was obliterating, soothed by the splintering sounds of wood and Lucien’s snort. He was impressed with the speed and power she could put behind her telekinesis.

  It took her what seemed like years before she fell into the blackness of sleep and as soon as she got there her mind fought to be free.

  “Please,” Jaeden whined, pressing her body against the back of the cage.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, you mangy mutt, that begging won’t get you anywhere?”

  Caia had her face pressed against the cage, could hear those awful words tumbling from her mouth. But no, it couldn’t be. It hadn’t been her voice; it was cold and clinical and decidedly male.

  “I can’t breathe,” Jae whimperd.

  Anguished, she tried to push her arm through the bars to reach for her but her arm wouldn’t move. Instead her other one came up and gripped a bar tightly. She looked at the hand and gasped, even though no sound came out her mouth. The hand was large and elegant, but decidedly masculine.

  “Well we wouldn’t want that, would we?” The cruel voice taunted. “I still need you alive, after all.”

  His hand let go of the bar and he flicked his wrist, sending a flare up into the ceiling of the cage. It burst into beautiful light and then filtered down like golden petals. As it touched Jaeden her eyes closed, and her breathing returned to normal as she fell asleep.“Sleep well. Tomorrow it’s going to start all over again.”

  “NO!”Caia tried to scream and ri
p his body away from Jaeden, but he wouldn’t move. Desperate and terrified she kept screaming for him to get away from her but not once did he even acknowledge her presence.

  “Jaeden!” She screamed hoarsely.



  She was being shaken all of sudden, and finally she was able to move her body. Her eyes flashed open and she was back in her room. Lucien had a hold of her, his arms gripping hers painfully. Ella stood in the doorway, fully dressed, but her hair was wild like she had been sleeping.

  “Are you alright?” Ella came forward.

  Caia blanched, embarrassed, as Lucien eased her back against her pillows. “Was I dreaming again?”

  Ella glanced anxiously at her son, who met her gaze with his own concerned one. “I wouldn’t call that dreaming, honey.” Ella shook her head. “More like a nightmare.”

  “I was calling out?”

  Lucien snapped his gaze back at her and for the first time she realised that he was half-dressed, his muscular torso bare and gleaming in the faint light from her bedside table. He at least wore jeans, merciful Olympus. “Calling out?” he asked hoarsely, incredulously. “Caia, you were screaming so loud and hard I nearly had a heart attack.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m sorry.”

  “What happened?” Ella pressed a comforting hand on hers.

  But Caia didn’t get a chance to answer as Lucien turned to his mother, towering over her. “I’ll talk to, Caia. Make sure she’s OK.”

  Ella must have read something in his gaze because she just nodded, pressing a motherly hand to his arm. “OK. I was just going over to Irini’s.”

  “At this time?” Lucien frowned.

  “She called.” Ella sighed. “She’s lonely and upset without Aidan. Newlyweds separated and all.”

  Was that admonishment in her voice? Caia frowned as Lucien tensed. “He’s needed elsewhere.”

  “Magnus could have gone in his stead. I’ve been comforting him because he feels useless.”

  “I need him here.” Lucien stood firm, obviously annoyed at having his decisions questioned by his mother.

  Ella didn’t reply. Just smiled at Caia and left the room quietly, closing the door after her.

  Lucien blew air out between his lips and turned back to Caia. He slid down onto the side of the bed and she scrambled for some equilibrium, bringing herself into a sitting position against the headboard.

  “Your nightmare?” He asked softly, his silver eyes gazing at her fiercely.

  It was Caia’s turn to exhale. “It was horrible. Like I was inside Ethan, hearing what he was saying and doing?”

  Lucien grasped her wrist all of a sudden, his eyes blazing. “Do you know where he is?”

  At that she wrestled her wrist free. Every time he asked her that she felt more than a little useless. “No,” she didn’t mean to snap, “I didn’t.”

  “What did you see?”

  Oh Gaia, did she want to cry right there and then, but she swallowed the burning lump in her throat and managed to meet his eyes, tear free. “He was sending Jaeden to sleep because she was in so much pain. But he plans to do the same thing to her tomorrow... all that... torture. He burns her, Lucien. Tears her skin with flames and gets off on her screams.” A ferocious look fell over her face. “He’s not just some soldier on the wrong side of a war, he’s darkness and perversion, and completely devoid of a soul. Just being inside his mind is a violation.” Lucien tried to shush her rant but she shook him off, her green eyes huge and pleading. “No! He’s sliced into every inch of her body with fire and she bears it. When I should. It should be me in that cage, not Jaeden. Me!”

  Lucien made a choking sound, and before she knew it she was being pulled into a tight hug, his huge arms enveloping her so that her face was pressed against his throat. Without thinking she wrapped her own small arms around his back, pressing her hands into his shoulder blades. His skin was hot, and as she brushed her cheek across it she inhaled his comforting scent of storm and damp earth. The feel of him was like silk over steel, and for the first time since she had learnt of his deceit, she felt truly safe with him again.

  “We’ll get her back,” he whispered into her hair. “We will get her back. I won’t let him hurt you. I won’t let him have you.”

  Caia’s mouth fell open as she drew back to look up into his face. He wouldn’t release her, though.

  “Lucien?” She whispered, drinking in the pain in his eyes, wishing she could soothe it somehow. “I-”

  Before she could tell him she forgave him for keeping her heritage a secret, his mouth was on hers, and it was literally as if he were kissing the life out of her, as if he could steal her very essence into himself.

  And she wanted him to.

  Caia gasped against his mouth as his hand slid up her waist and grazed her breast. She was rewarded with a guttural moan from him that reverberated throughout her entire body. So involved was she in his heated kiss, so desperate to forget all the pain of the last few weeks and find that sense of the peace she had felt with the pack before learning the truth, Caia was surprised to find herself on her back and Lucien braced above her. The shock of it lasted all of two seconds, his lips burning everything from her mind as they trailed tingling kisses down her neck and chest. She shivered as his work-roughened hand slid up her thigh and onto the bare skin of her stomach. Then both his hands were there, pulling her camisole up and over her head.

  She lay panting underneath him, her eyes wide on his as he gazed back at her with such tenderness and lust she thought she would shatter. And then his gaze travelled lower and she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra. She should feel embarrassed shouldn’t she? Instead she just shivered under his hot look, a whimper escaping her lips, a whimper he seemed to understand more than she did.

  Smiling softly, his lips caught her again and she clasped him to her, pressing his chest against her. He growled from the back of his throat and Caia erupted into flames. She could barely breathe her skin felt so hot, so tight.

  “Caia,” he whispered into her ear before he bit her lobe, “Caia.”

  He repeated her name like a mantra and it seemed so full of... love? She questioned distantly, and then forgot the thought and anything else, as he cupped her breast. She gasped again and arched into his touch and they were both lost.

  “Are you sure?” He was whispering hoarsely and she knew what he was asking. For a moment she froze at the importance of what was about to happen. Could she be with him? Could she lose her virginity to Lucien? And if they did this, what did it mean for them? For the pack?


  His hand slid down to her hips and pressed her against him.

  Oh my.

  What had she been thinking again?

  Did she care?

  He did it again, his breathing becoming heavier.

  Insistent flames licked across her skin.

  She nodded, incapable of forming actual words.

  Lucien was shrugging out of his jeans and pulling her pj bottoms off in almost the same motion. And when he returned to her he held her gently as she wrapped her slim legs around his waist in instinct. He kissed her deeply, intoxicatingly, before pushing inside of her. A moment of pain dissipated into a blaze of heat that built and built, their gasps filling the night as she held onto him for dear life, unaware of scoring her nails across his back. Marking him.

  Eventually the sweet tension he created inside of her shattered into a million brilliant pieces.

  He shuddered above her and collapsed on top of her, a heavy weight pressing her into the bed, his hot breath against her neck. After a moment, when she felt she might have to ask him to get up because she couldn’t breathe, he kissed her throat and rolled off of her, only to pull her across his chest, his hand grasping hers tightly.

  “Caia,” he mumbled, sounding incredibly satisfied. She smiled almost smugly and his eyes cracked open in time to catch the look. He chuckled and his grip on her hand tightened. “I’m
sorry. I should have taken that a little more slowly but...” Lucien laughed softly as if disbelieving. “But I can honestly say I had no control over it.”

  Caia was about to smile in understanding, because it was exactly how she felt, but the smile was halted by a strange tingling sensation crawling up the hand he held. They both tensed.

  “What the-” she tried to scramble away but he stilled her, his eyes wide on hers before returning to their hands. A moon-coloured glow was spreading with slow intensity through their hands and up their arms. It settled through their entire bodies like a peaceful warmth, before melting into nothingness.

  Caia had seen it before.

  She ripped her hand out of Lucien’s and gathered her quilt to cover her naked body.

  How was that even possible?

  Had they just been mated?

  About to form the words and ask Lucien what was happening to them, Caia stilled at the panic in his eyes.

  “Caia,” it sounded like a plea, “I’m so sorry, Caia. I was going to tell you.”

  She stiffened. “Tell me what?” She croaked.

  Lucien tried to reach for her but she flinched back, making him growl in irritation. He glared at her and sat up, pushing at his hair - his hair which she had mussed up when they had... achem... lost control. She fumbled trying to distance herself from the look in his eye. It was now a fierce mixture of pleading and possessiveness.

  “Tell me what?” She repeated.

  Not taking his eyes off her, and apparently unabashed by his nakedness, Lucien stood up and began to pull on his jeans. “That we’re mated.”

  It felt like a bomb had gone off in the room, and with it the bulb in her bedside lamp shattered throwing the room into near darkness, the only available source of light cast from the bright moon outside her window. She saw Lucien frown at the lamp and then back at her, his eyebrow raised in questioning.

  Yes she had broken the lamp! It really was the least of their problems at the moment, however.

  “Mated?” She asked, her voice an octave higher than normal.

  He sat down on the bed and she couldn’t help but pull back again. Jeez, she wished she wasn’t naked for this.


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