Myths and Legends: Puma

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Myths and Legends: Puma Page 7

by Judy Mays

  Rultrak stopped chanting and screamed, “An avatar. We tried to sacrifice an avatar.” Falling to his knees, he covered his head and began to moan.

  Both guards stumbled back.

  Lilliam turned and ran for the door.

  The two other priestesses with Mireya grabbed Lilliam by the arms. Both were young and strong. As hard as she struggled, Lilliam couldn’t escape.

  The puma ignored all but Sithosik. Spitting with rage, the old priest screamed and swung his knife at Karrak. The puma met his thrust with a swipe of his paw. Blood splattered as the knife flew across the chamber.

  “Hell spawn. I curse you!” Sithosik screamed.

  Screaming with rage, the puma pounced, sinking his teeth into the priest’s throat. Blubbering in terror, the guards dropped their clubs and stampeded from the chamber. The puma dropped Sithosik’s body, turning his attention to the women.

  Mireya swallowed nervously. Could Karrak control himself in his puma form? Blood dripping from his jaws, he paced toward them. Lilliam screamed.

  She’s too dangerous to let run about free, yet I cannot have my avatar execute one of my priestesses, sighed the voice in Mireya’s head. Lift your hand, Mireya, and point your finger at Lilliam.

  Mireya obeyed, but the voice that came from her mouth wasn’t hers. “Stop, Karrak, she is mine to punish, not yours.”

  His snarl was angry, but the puma obeyed. Changing direction, he paced back and forth but went no closer to Lilliam.

  “Lilliam, you are the worst of my priestesses, yet you hold yourself to be better than they. Since the day you arrived, you’ve refused to lay aside the jaguar skin you feel you deserve to wear because of the royal blood flowing in your veins. So be it then. Wear the jaguar pelt through all eternity.”

  Shaking with sudden power, Mireya gasped as a thin beam of white light shot from her finger and enveloped Lilliam. The two other women holding on to her dropped her arms and stepped away. Lilliam’s clothing fell from her body -- all but the jaguar skin. That seemed to take on a life of its own as it swirled around her and settled on her back. Lilliam began to change.

  Falling to her hands and knees, her body lengthened, her hair disappeared, and a muzzle appeared on her face. Her hands and feet became paws. Whiskers sprouted from the sides of her nose. In minutes, a jaguar crouched before them.

  For what seemed like a lifetime, no one moved. Then a long, agonizing howl erupted from the jaguar’s throat. Whirling, she fled the room, lurching from one side to the other, unaccustomed to running on all fours.

  The two women who’d accompanied Mireya looked at each other, then scrambled after Lilliam.

  As the power left her, Mireya fell to her knees. “No. Please, you can’t leave her like that, not forever. Not even Lilliam deserves that.”

  She would have reveled in the death of my avatar, but… Since you ask it of me… Lilliam will remain a jaguar until someone wishes her to be human. Only then will she regain her human form, even if it takes centuries. Then the voice added, He loves you, Mireya.

  Thunder rolled. Momentarily, the sunlight shining in the chamber disappeared. When it returned, Mireya was herself again. Crumpled on the floor, she lifted her head.

  The puma sat not three feet away staring at her.

  Relief washed through her. He was alive.

  Golden mist swirled, and Karrak stood in the puma’s place, Sithosik’s blood drying on his chin and chest. He held out his hand. His voice was low and commanding. “Come to me.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Karrak crooked his fingers. “Come to me. You are mine.”

  Shock and anger quickly replaced the relief on her face. “Yours? I belong to you?”

  He nodded once.

  She surged to her feet. “I do not! I’m a healer. I belong to no man.”

  Anger surging through his veins, he stepped forward. “I’m not a man.”

  “I don’t care if you’re the Sun God himself!” she shouted. “I do not belong to you or any other male!”

  Smiling slightly, Ruderr crossed the room and grabbed the still sobbing Rutrak by the arm. “Come along, boy. These two have much to discuss.” Then he looked at Karrak. “Don’t tarry overly long. There are others in this temple who wouldn’t hesitate to thrust a knife into your heart.” Taking a firmer hold on Rutrak’s arm, he dragged him from the room.

  Mireya stood, hands fisted on her hips, glaring at him. “Well?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, what?”

  She stamped her foot. “You heard him. Get out of here before somebody rallies the guards and captures you again.”

  Joy blossomed in his heart. “Would that distress you?”

  She threw her hands into the air. “Distress me? Idiot! I just impersonated a High Priestess before the priests of the Sun God. Do you think I’d have done that if I hadn’t been distressed in the first place?”

  “You care. Good.” Striding across the room, Karrak gathered her into his arms and threw her across his shoulder. “You’re mine. My mate.” As quickly as possible, Karrak negotiated the underground tunnels and stepped into the bright light of noon.

  Blinking, he looked out at the crowd gathered before the temple.

  “Put me down! I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  He slapped her ass. “Be quiet. Your entire town is watching.”

  Twisting, she craned her neck to look under his arm then covered her face with her hands. “How can you embarrass me like this?”

  A growl rumbled in his chest. “This way, they all know you’re mine.”

  She slapped his ass, and the crack of her palm reverberated around the courtyard. Low murmurs rustled through the crowd.

  “If you don’t stay still, others may die, Mireya. I won’t let anyone take you from me.”

  Karrak smiled at her whispered curse. “Now, be good.” He stepped forward and the crowd parted. “Is there anything you want to take with you?” he asked as he strode across the courtyard.

  She didn’t answer, but Karrak shuddered slightly when she pinched his ass. He smiled. She wasn’t in the least bit afraid of him. How he loved her.

  “If you don’t answer me, I’ll simply carry you into the jungle the way you are. Now, is there anything you want to take with you?”

  “Take me to my room. Everything I want is there!”

  Smoothing his hand over Mireya’s ass, Karrak smiled to himself. Without a doubt, she thought she’d be able to escape him. She was wrong.

  Halting before her temple, he set her on her feet, but kept an arm wrapped around her waist.

  “Let me go. I want to get my things.”

  Pulling her flush against his body, he inhaled her scent. Mireya. His Mireya.

  She squirmed.

  “Others come,” he purred in a low voice.

  No sooner had he finished speaking than Tula and Ninari stepped through the doorway. Ninari carried a small sack.

  The High Priestess was smiling. “Rarely am I happy to lose so talented a healer.”

  “Stubborn idiot. You’ll regret this,” Mireya hissed as she grabbed his arm and tried to push it away. It didn’t budge. “You aren’t losing anybody,” she said to Tula through gritted teeth. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Tula’s smile became a grin. “And what did you tell me this morning? No matter what the punishment, you had to be with Karrak? Even if he was a shape shifter?”

  He chuckled and buried his face in her hair. “See, you are mine, by your own admission,” he whispered.

  Only he heard her muttered curses.

  Ninari held out her bag. “Here are your things.”

  Tula transferred her gaze to Karrak. “You can’t force her. It has to be her decision.”

  He kissed the top of her head, dropped his arm, and stepped back away from her. “What she says is true. I can’t force you to come with me.”

  She staggered a bit when he freed her, but he made no attempt to steady her

  He looked toward the jungle then back at Mireya. “I’m leaving. I’ve done what I came here for. Sithosik is dead, and I’ll never return to this town again. Do you understand, Mireya? If you don’t come with me, you’ll never see me again. Please, love, I don’t want to go alone. Be my mate, bear my children. I love you.”

  Tula nodded and looked at Mireya. “You must decide now. Stay or go. It’s your decision.”

  Gritting her teeth, Mireya blinked back tears. How could they do this to her? How could she choose? She loved her work here, healing others. How could she give it up to go live in the jungle with a man who was half cat?

  “But avatars don’t mate!”

  He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “My service to the Goddess ended with the death of Sithosik. Another will take my place. I’m free to live and love.”

  Mireya looked over her shoulder at Karrak. But how could she live without him? Deep in her heart, she knew he was the other half of her soul and she’d never be completely happy without him. Just as he would never be completely happy without her.

  “Why can’t we stay here?”

  He shook his head. “I may no longer be an avatar, but I am a shape shifter. Most of the people in this town are afraid of shape shifters. Fear breeds discontent. I wouldn’t be safe here. Nor, after a while, would you. And any children you bear…”

  Mireya shook her head, but she knew every word he said was true. The townspeople wouldn’t be comfortable around him. They wanted their lives to be simple and uncomplicated. Karrak was not simple and uncomplicated -- chaos exploded around him. And she couldn’t live without him.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and hugged Tula. Tears trickled from her eyes as she took the sack from Ninari then hugged her tightly. “I must go with him.”

  Ninari returned her hug. “I know. I’d do the same thing. I’ll never forget you.”

  Nodding, Mireya turned toward Karrak. “Very well, cat. You win. I’ll come with you.”

  His chuckle rumbled in his chest as he stepped forward and cupped her chin. “You have won as much as I, Mireya. I’ll be yours forever.” Lowering his head, he kissed her, long and slow.

  As his rough tongue caressed hers, Mireya shuddered and moaned.

  Lifting his head, Karrak stepped back and held out his hand. “Come.”

  After one last glance over her shoulder, she placed her hand in his.

  “You know,” she said as he led her toward the jungle, “that blue dye doesn’t wash off. It has to wear off. When you shifted to your puma form, you had blue fur on your belly.”

  Karrak’s laughter accompanied them into the trees.

  And thus another love becomes legend…

  Judy Mays (Sara Powell)

  Judy Mays spends her days teaching English to tenth graders in a small town in central Pennsylvania. Outside of work, she’s a wife and mother. After her children, pets are a very important part of Judy’s life, and she’s had many over the years. Currently, Zoe the cat and Boomer the Lab mix help keep things hopping around the house. Judy loves nature in all its myriad forms and can often be found outside in her garden or hiking through the woods.

  Judy dreams of hot passionate love on sultry summer nights, festive fall evenings, winsome winter mornings, and sparkling spring days -- spent with werewolves, vampires, witches, aliens, and shape shifters. Judy loves writing “spicy” romance. She assures us her wonderful husband of seventeen years provides plenty of motivation.

  Judy would love to hear from you. You may contact her directly at [email protected]. Visit her website at or join her reader’s group at




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