Fair Catch

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Fair Catch Page 9

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  The media leaned forward, but didn’t press closer. Ellie waited with baited breath and felt her heart flutter when Nick opened the door. Nick shook the man’s hand and then waved at the cameras with a dazzling smile of his own. To Ellie, the smile was forced and didn’t reach his eyes.

  The two men disappeared inside and closed the door. All the reporters scrambled to get in front of one of their cameras. “Ooh, I’m dying to know what’s happening.” Betsy pressed her face against the glass. “Maybe I can go out just to see.”

  Ellie moved next to Betsy, stumbling over one of Cade’s toys. She lifted a hand to the glass and looked out, and watched the animation on the faces of the reporters. Her breath fogged up the window and she chided herself for being so careless. Now she’d have to clean the front window. Something she only did when absolutely necessary.

  Betsy nudged her with her arm. “Let’s turn on the television to see if they’ll say anything about this. Sometimes they announce teasers before the news starts.”

  They went to the television and Ellie saw Cade fast asleep on the couch. She couldn’t let him sleep very long. Otherwise, he’d be up all night long. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Right after a commercial, a petite young woman with blonde hair stood in front of Nick’s house. “I’m Tiffany Burke. Behind me is the beautiful home of former Sacramento Defenders quarterback, Nick Coulter, located in Pleasant Wood, Colorado.” The camera panned Nick’s house and yard.

  “Mr. Coulter’s agent, Alec Lawson, has just informed us that Nick Coulter will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning right here in this exclusive neighborhood.” The camera panned around the neighborhood, stopping on Ellie’s home.

  “Did you see that?” Betsy pointed to the television screen. “They just featured our homes on Channel Eight news.”

  Ellie could only feel relief she and Betsy no longer had their faces pressed to the glass of her living room window.

  The perky blonde continued. “Stay tuned for my exclusive interview with America’s most eligible bachelor, the one and only Nick Coulter.”

  Something akin to jealousy twisted in Ellie’s stomach as she tuned out the rest of the reporter’s words. That cute little blonde couldn’t wait to get her hands on Nick.

  Betsy gasped. “I can’t believe it. There’s going to be a press conference right here. I wonder if they’ll interview any of the neighbors?”

  I hope not! If that was going to be the case, then Ellie was getting the heck out of Dodge. Where could she take Cade until things died down?

  * * *

  The next morning, Ellie looked outside her bedroom window, surprised to see even more vans parked than before. It now looked like the newspapers wanted in on the interview. A white table, trimmed with navy blue bunting, sat on the lawn just outside Nick’s front door. A couple of men were setting up microphones on the table.

  Not wanting to wake Cade up, she slipped quietly downstairs to start breakfast. Breakfast food was the only meal she didn’t mind cooking. She turned on the television in the family room loud enough to hear in the kitchen. Changing the channel from Nickelodeon to channel eight, she waited for the commercial to end.

  The channel eight’s anchorman flashed on the screen, announcing the press conference would be starting in fifteen minutes. Feeling a little edgy, Ellie went to the kitchen and pulled out the waffle iron. She listened to the news from the kitchen while she whipped up the batter.

  When she heard the announcement for the press conference to start, she abandoned the waffle batter. Cade still wasn’t up, so breakfast could wait. She perched herself on the edge of the couch and watched the screen focus on Nick’s front door.

  She started to chew on one of her nails, but stopped herself. Her breath caught when Nick and his agent stepped outside and took a seat at the white table. Even on television, Nick made her heart flutter. He and his agent were dressed similarly in button-down dress shirts, a tie and dress pants. Neither man wore a suit coat.

  She smirked when Mr. Lawson announced Nick would only be taking a few questions and there wouldn’t be any one-on-one interviews. Looks like Tiffany Burke wouldn’t get her exclusive.

  Cade came into the family room and crawled up on Ellie’s lap. She cuddled his warm little body, keeping her focus on Nick. Cade’s face lit up and he pointed to the screen. “Hey, that’s Nick. Can I go ask him to play football again?”

  Ellie smiled tenderly at her little boy and hugged him close again. “Not right now, honey. He’s very busy at the moment.”

  Ellie’s eyes lingered on the television screen, watching Nick answer the reporter’s questions. He looked so good and completely at ease in front of the cameras. He smiled and answered questions both about his personal and professional life. When Nick was asked if he was dating anyone, Ellie held her breath, probably right along with all of the reporters and single women from all around the nation.

  He flashed a smile and shook his head. “That’s something I’d like to keep to myself.”

  “So, you are seeing someone?” Tiffany Burke shouted out.

  That’s what Ellie wanted to know.

  Nick’s grin widened as he pushed away from the table. He lifted a hand and waved. “Thanks for your time.”

  Pandemonium broke out as the media shouted out different questions. Mr. Lawson, looking more like a movie star, took Nick’s arm. “Mr. Coulter won’t be doing anymore interviews and respectfully asks that you allow him and his new neighbors their privacy.”

  A few reporters asked more questions, but the two men ignored them and walked back into the house. Officers from the Pleasant Wood police department stood like sentinels in front of the stone house.

  Blondie flashed her smile for the camera. “This is Tiffany Burke, reporting live with Channel Eight.” She cast a sidelong glance at Nick’s house. “Nick Coulter, professional football player, philanthropist and now a resident of Pleasant Wood, Colorado. What’s next for our all-star player? We’ll keep you up to date.”

  Up to date? It was more like she “wanted to date.” Ellie didn’t miss the predatory look in Tiffany Burke’s eyes. Standing up, Ellie snapped off the television and took Cade’s hand.

  “How about homemade waffles this morning?”

  He skipped alongside her, asking if he could help. While Cade ate his waffles, Ellie sat down at the computer in the corner of the kitchen, and did what she’d wanted to do for the last week: She Googled Nick Coulter.

  The results were too numerous to count. She clicked on one link, taking her to an online gossip website. There were several pictures of Nick with his trademark smile, either in his uniform or a tux. Her mouth went dry—he looked great in both.

  The next set of pictures made her stomach turn over. Nick had a different woman next to his side in every shot. A few she recognized as actresses and models. The other women were just as beautiful.

  She pushed the back button, unable to look at those pictures. What did she expect? He hung out with football players watching reruns of their games?

  Moving the mouse, she selected a link that led her to a story she’d completely forgotten about. At the time, she was trying to keep up with a toddler and fighting depression and bitterness over the betrayal of her husband. But as she read the report and saw the pictures, she was reminded that Nick Coulter was a man of the world.

  Roxanne Kirkham, a young and upcoming model, had been his girlfriend for over six months. Apparently, Nick didn’t usually date women for more than a few weeks, so the media speculated his bachelor days were about to end.

  Scanning the article, she read about the scandal and the subsequent interviews Roxanne did for a number of popular magazines and Celebrity Weekly. The young beauty, with her copper colored hair and green eyes, was tall and thin, like she’d missed one too many meals. She claimed to be pregnant and named Nick Coulter as the father.

  Ellie felt sick inside, clasping at her stomach as she continued to read. Nick denied the allegations, stating th
at as a commitment to his Christian faith, he and Roxanne had made the decision to wait until they were married to become intimate. People were skeptical. Premarital sex in today’s world was just a part of dating. Most everyone thought he was lying, especially given that before professing to be a devout Christian, Nick had enjoyed women and the playboy lifestyle his celebrity status afforded him. His faith and integrity were put on the line and most people called him a hypocrite.

  Then Alec Lawson blew the lid off the whole thing. Nick’s manager located Juan, Roxanne’s lover, who stepped forward and, for an undisclosed amount of money, revealed proof that Roxanne wasn’t telling the truth. Juan said Roxanne had never been pregnant and probably never would be due to a medical condition she had once let slip.

  Ellie felt an ache in her chest, her heart going out to Nick. He had been devastated by the break up and stayed away from the Hollywood scene for a few months. As he emerged, it was to further his humanitarian efforts for kids throughout the United States. The article indicated that he rarely took a date to a party and that he spent the entire evening drumming up support for his summer camps.

  Closing the browser, she sat back in her chair and let out a long breath. It had been nearly three years since the scandalous accusations had been made. How had Nick survived and kept smiling for the cameras? He had endured betrayal and weathered the gossip. Yet at several interviews, he revealed his desire to find a wife and start a family. How was it possible he wasn’t disillusioned? She felt a little guilty at her own cynical attitude toward marriage.

  It seemed all too much to take in. The Nick she was getting to know was so different from the one on the Internet. Had Nick’s interest in her been genuine? She remembered the look in his eyes when their hands had briefly touched. Had he felt the same zing of attraction?

  A tapping on her door startled her. Betsy, dressed in a lime-green jogging suit, opened the sliding doors to come in. Immediately she read the distress in Ellie’s face. “Are you okay?”

  Ellie shrugged. “I’m not sure.” Moving to the kitchen counter, she sat on one of the barstools. Cupping her chin, she leaned on one of her elbows for support. “I just Googled Nick Coulter’s name. Betsy, how can he honestly be interested in me?”

  Betsy made a derisive sound. “Don’t tell me you’re going to believe all those lies?”

  “They’re not all lies. He’s a gorgeous bachelor. People like him. Women want him.”

  Betsy slid onto the barstool next to Ellie. “That’s true, but you’ve met the man. He’s not a shallow, egotistical guy looking for a good time. He’s genuine and caring, and don’t forget he volunteered to take you and Cade to California.”

  Ellie sat up straight. “But don’t you see how that could never work? He is a nice guy and wants to be my friend. The media would blow it all out of proportion.”

  Betsy smiled like she had a secret. “I don’t think he wants to be just your friend.”

  Ellie sighed deeply. “Even if that’s true, I need to stay out of his way, at least until things calm down. The last thing he needs is some photographer getting a picture of us together and a story circulating about the fling he’s having with his divorced neighbor.” In her heart, she hoped there would be a fling. All above board, of course.

  Betsy’s eyebrows knit with concern. “What are you thinking?”

  Ellie’s parents owned a timeshare for a condo in Evergreen, Colorado, a mountain resort about an hour from Denver. It would be the perfect place to get away. “I’m taking Cade and going to the condo for the week.” Besides, it would give her an opportunity to break the news to Cade about Thomas.

  She would keep the tentative plans she’d made with Nick confidential. Those plans seemed completely insane now, but she would take the time to think things through. Having her name linked with a celebrity would change everything.

  “Are you sure, Ellie? Nick asked about you when I took him breakfast.”

  “You saw him?”

  Betsy’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Yes. I met Mr. Lawson. He’s nice enough, but only wanted yogurt. What kind of man passes up homemade cinnamon rolls?”

  “No idea.” Ellie looked at the digital clock on the microwave. “I just need to throw a few things together and then we’ll leave.”

  Betsy’s forehead creased with worry. “Are you sure?”

  Ellie stood up from the bar, determined to leave as quickly as possible. “I’m sure.” She figured time away would give her a chance to get her head screwed on straight, and when she returned, maybe Nick will have moved on and found someone else to flirt with.

  * * *

  Nick tugged on his tie, wishing he could replace the suit for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Taking a sip of water, he glanced at Alec who was across the table from him. His agent looked at ease in his suit and tie, but Nick knew the man was agitated.

  “Are you sure you don’t have any alcohol hidden around here?” Alec asked under his breath.

  Nick mentally counted to ten to keep his temper in check. While he’d never been a big partier, there were times when he’d had too much to drink and then had gotten into a car and driven home. After Jared and his wife had died at the hands of a respected businessman who’d had one too many cocktails at a party, Nick had vowed to never touch alcohol again. Since he hosted many parties where he couldn’t control how much alcohol one of his guests consumed—or whether or not they used a designated driver—he’d made a decision to never serve alcohol at any party he hosted.

  Sucking in a calming breath, he cast his agent an exasperated look. “Sorry, no. Can I get you anything else?”

  Alec looked bored and picked at his food. After rescuing Nick from the local media, Alec flew home to L.A. Now, a week later, he returned with Miranda Hawkins and Kara something or other in tow. The two women were currently in Nick’s newly redecorated powder room adjoined to the main floor bathroom.

  “Coulter. When I said you’d moved to Podunk, I had no idea how accurate I was.”

  Nick started to count to ten again. Miranda Hawkins and her husband had donated a million dollars last year to his charity, Kids Come First. She wanted to see Nick’s new house and Alec had arranged everything.

  “I know you don’t like it here, Alec.” Nick looked at his watch, realizing he was almost free of the man. “But cheer up. It’s nearly six, and within the hour, you can be on your way. You’re flying first-class, so the second you’re seated, you can get totally sloshed.”

  Alec grinned. “I never get sloshed.” He picked up his glass of ice water. “At least I haven’t called it that since my frat days.”

  Nick almost laughed. Alec wasn’t really a lush, he just enjoyed getting on Nick’s nerves. Then he saw Alec sit up straight, his eyes lighting up.

  Nick turned slightly to see the object of his agent’s interest. Becca, a pretty brunette from the catering service Nick had hired for the small dinner party, came out from the kitchen. Although she dressed in the typical catering attire: Black pants, white button-down shirt with a black tie, it didn’t hide her curvaceous body. “Do y’all need anything?” She smiled flirtatiously at Alec.

  She had a Southern drawl that had Alec drooling. He had been flirting with the twenty-something beauty all evening long. “I have needs all right.” Alec smiled and leaned toward the girl.

  Becca flushed bright red. Nick hoped she wasn’t the owner’s daughter. Betsy had recommended the local catering service since the owner was one of Owen’s parishioners, and the man had several of his daughters and their friends who worked for him.

  “Uh, what can I do for you?”

  Nick winced. Wrong choice of words, and with her Southern accent, it almost sounded like an invitation. Alec’s eyebrow rose. He would think it was a come-on and not an innocent remark. “Well…”

  Nick cut him off. “We don’t need anything, thank you. As soon as the other guests return we’ll have the dessert.”

  The girl’s face reflected her relief. “Okay. Y’all just cal
l if you need somethin’.” She looked from Nick to Alec, twisting her hands together as she backed away.

  Alec’s smile widened and he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped short when Nick stood up and flattened his palms on the table, leaning in close. “Cut it out. She’s not that kind of girl.” Turning slightly, Nick saw Becca had safely made it back to the kitchen. He hoped the company wouldn’t sue him for sexual harassment.

  Miranda and her friend returned, saving Alec from getting hurt. Nick was half an inch away from punching him in the face.

  Miranda, overdressed in a clingy gold dress, slid in next to Nick and brushed her arm against his shoulder. Miranda had been hitting on him since he’d first met her and her wealthy husband over a year ago. “Did you miss me, Nicky?” Her voice was low and seductive as she ran a hand through her short, platinum blonde hair.

  No. He didn’t miss her and couldn’t wait until she left.

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, I hope the bathroom was to your liking.”

  Kara, a redhead dressed in a low-cut green dress, snorted a laugh and cut Nick a contemptuous glance. Obviously she was not happy to be here, nor did she seem to be a member of Nick’s fan club.

  Another waitress came in to serve a variety of desserts, saving Nick from further inane conversation. He met Miranda’s smoldering gaze and gave her a tight smile. “What can I get you for dessert?”

  Miranda’s generous mouth stretched into a smile as she leaned in close to him and placed her hand against Nick’s thigh. “What are my options?”

  Nick schooled his emotions and ignored the innuendo. Miranda’s options were sitting right in the middle of the table. He shifted away so her hand lost contact and pointed to the dessert choices. “It depends on if you feel like chocolate or not.”


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