Pulled to the Dark (The Siriena Series)

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Pulled to the Dark (The Siriena Series) Page 21

by Julia P. Lynde

  "What if we summoned her here?" Erika asked. "Once she had the basics down. Enough to walk around. She doesn't need to open doors."

  "If Petra and I are the only ones who summon her, she won't recognize Petra even if she sees her. I'm the only one at risk."

  "Risk of what?"

  "Getting arrested," I said.

  "It's not like she could keep you," Erika said.

  "I don't want to run from the law for the rest of my life," I replied. "There would be no evidence of foul play, so she'd have to let me go." I turned to Petra. "Would you let rot in the clink?"

  She laughed. "I'd bake a cake with a nail file for you."

  "I was thinking of a good lawyer."

  "What do we do here?" Andrea asked.

  "We feed the animals," I said. "And leave them in their cages. Evidence."

  "We're taking the horses," Erika said. "This one is Prancer. That one is Softmouth."

  * * *

  I watched Erika approach the chicken coop. She eyed the animals warily. "If these are like the rabbit from Monty Python," she said. "I am so out of there."

  "Three shall be the number of the counting," I told her.

  "Yeah, yeah." She opened the coop door, stepped in, and closed it behind her. The animals immediately ran over to her, looking for food. She steeped inside their hut and came back out holding a burlap sack. "Grain," she said. "I don't know how much to give them." She looked around for a trough, but there wasn't one, so she spread the grain around on the ground. The animals immediately went after it. I watched them for a bit. They were pretty polite little things.

  "Petra," I said. "They're cute. Can I keep one?"


  "I promise I won't teach it to poop on your pillow."

  She turned to me and her lips quivered for a moment. "I already let you have a pony. Be satisfied."

  "Uh uh," I said. "Erika got two horses. All I want is one little chicken thing. I bet they can learn tricks."

  She was having a hard time fighting back the grin.

  I turned to Karen. "See? Mom plays favorites. She gave Erika two horses. But we ask for a little chicken thing and she says 'no'." I paused. "I bet she loves you better, too. I bet if you ask for a chicken thing, she'll let you have one. Heck, she let Erika have two horses, I bet you could get two chicken things." I looked at them critically. "Maybe we could get a boy chicken thing and a girl chicken thing, and then we could have little baby chicken things. They'd be chicklets. Speaking of which, I still could really use a Chiclet."

  Petra turned away, but I think it was to hide the grin.

  Once Erika figured out how to feed the chicken things, whatever they were, the rest of us spread out in twos and fed the rest of them at the other farms. We gave them water, too.

  After that, we headed back to the castle. The original plan had been to pop back, but we couldn't pop the horses there, so we ended up walking. Erika rode one of the horses. I couldn't have told you which one. She tried to entice Beth up on the other one, which got her nowhere, but then Karen walked over and climbed up. "I don't mind riding," she said. "I like horses."

  * * *

  We reported in to Renea. She was as disturbed about things as we were but liked the idea of trying to recruit a police officer.

  "Cops work strange hours," Erika pointed out. "How are you going to catch her asleep?"

  "Leave that to me," I said.

  Dating The Cop

  I popped home. I still had the paperwork from the break in. I found the file, pulled out Sally's business card, and called her.

  "Sally Nelson," came the familiar voice.

  "Sally," I said. "This is Felicia Conner. We met several months ago when you rescued me from a break in."

  "I remember, Felicia," she said. "How have you been?"

  "I've been good," I said. "I moved into a more secure building and don't have too many nightmares about it."

  "That's good," she said. "These things can be disturbing."

  "Look," I said. "It's been months, I'm sure there isn't going to be any further investigation, and I feel like I never properly thanked you. Will you let me take you out for a drink? You were very kind, and I want to say Thank You when I'm not hysterical."

  I heard her hesitate. "It would mean a lot to me," I told her.

  "Okay," she said. "Sure. That would be nice."

  "What is your schedule like over the next few days?" I asked.

  "I'm off until Tuesday," she said. "I'm free tonight."

  "Perfect," I said. "Eight PM? Where would you like to meet?"

  "How about if I pick you up?" she offered.

  I gave her the address.

  Petra came home an hour later.

  "I have a date tonight," I told her.

  "Excuse me?"

  "With Office Sally. I'm taking her out for a drink, but I think she turned it all around." I explained everything.

  "If you so much as look at her ass," Petra told me. "You will not like your punishment."

  "Of course I'm going to look at her ass," I replied. "And if she tries to flirt with me, I'm going to flirt back. But that's it. And I'm doing this for the team, so you better not think of punishing me."

  She growled.

  "I mean it, Petra. I'm just trying to get her schedule from her. I'm with you. You're the only woman I've ever looked at. Well, except that one time I kind of sized up Andrea, but I was mad at you, and she was wearing that short skirt she wears to the office. The one she wears with the fishnets. You know the one."

  Petra stared at me.

  I sighed. "Come on, that was good material. It's wasted on you, I swear."

  "I'm going to be watching you. Where are you going?"

  I took two steps and stared up at her, my hands on my hips. "You are going to trust me, or this relationship is over. OVER. I will not accept being treated like I cheat. What the hell is wrong with you?"

  She didn't say anything.

  "Besides, ninety-percent chance she likes guys," I added. "The outfit I'm going to wear may go to complete waste on her."

  She growled again.

  I turned around and walked away, adding some sway to my hips.

  * * *

  In the end, Petra calmed down and helped me dress. We went for attractive and tasteful. I had no intention of throwing myself at Sally. I just wanted her to open up enough I could learn her schedule.

  I waited downstairs. A car pulled up in front of my building precisely at eight. It was a bright red sports car. A woman got out and I stepped out of my building. At first I wasn't sure if it was Sally or not. "Hi, Felicia," she said, waving. I recognized the voice.

  I walked around the car and hugged her. Like me, she was wearing a winter coat, but she had a pair of boots on, and I caught a hint of nylons. She was made up and had styled her hair. So much for ninety percent straight. I wondered whether I'd be fighting her off.

  I walked back around and got in the passenger side, buckling up. She climbed in. And looked over at me.

  "I'm glad you called me," she said.

  "I'm glad you said 'Yes'," I replied. "Cool car. What is it?"

  "Dodge Challenger. It's my winter car."

  "You have summer car?"

  "Nineteen sixty-five Ford Mustang," she said. "I like my cars." She paused. "I got it cheap because it was in bad shape. My brother and I spent two years fixing it up. Now she is better than original."

  She looked over her shoulder then pulled smoothly into traffic. I got the impression it was a powerful car, but that she was an excellent driver. It was comfortable letting her drive.

  She talked about her Mustang for a while. I realized she and I were alike in one way. We both had things we were passionate about, and once we got going, we kept going. For her, it was the car. For me, history.

  Finally she realized she'd been talking non-stop. "I'm sorry," she said. "I get a little carried away."

  "Not at all," I told her. "I know exactly how you feel. You'll see me do the same thing
if you ask me about a historical site." I paused. "Where are we going?"

  "A little place I know. It's called the Underground Lipstick."

  "Unusual name," I said. "Good drinks?"

  "The best," she said. "And there's dancing." She paused. "And a solid 'no assholes' policy."

  "Are you sure they'll let me in?"

  She glanced over and grinned. "I might have to pull strings. Don't worry, I used to date the owner."

  "Hmm. Will it be safe?"

  She laughed. "We figured out early on we made horrible lovers and amazing friends. She even lets me tend bar sometimes. I get a kick out of it."

  She glanced over to see how I reacted to the news she was gay. "What is her name?"

  "Alicia," she said. "You'll meet her, if she's not too busy. She's there every Saturday."

  We made small talk during the ten minute drive. I hadn't been paying any attention, but it looked like we were almost to Edina when she pulled into a parking lot. There were only a few slots left. We pulled into one and climbed out of her car.

  She led the way to a side entrance to a building. We climbed down a set of stairs and through a door. The bar was under the building, and it was amazing.

  There was a foyer with a coat check. The place looked like a nineteen-twenty speakeasy. I immediately loved it.

  Sally helped me with my coat and managed the check in. We were both wearing little black dresses. I was in heels, she was in boots. I had to admit, she looked good.

  She took my arm and turned us inside, but I stopped and said, "I want to ask you something. I know this is going to sound weird, but. Are you carrying a gun?"

  "Yes," she said. "A little one in my purse, just a nine millimeter short. Does that bother you?"

  "No." I paused. "Maybe you'd teach me to shoot one sometime."

  "Sure," she said. "If you're serious and aren't just learning so you can disparage gun owners."

  "I'm not out to disparage anyone except asshole gun owners," I said. "I don't know how I feel about guns anymore. I used to be very anti-gun, but I've turned pro-self-defense. I'm just not sure a gun is the right choice for me."

  She smiled and took my arm again. We stepped inside the main bar.

  I saw one man in the place, and he was tending bar. There may have been more, but if there were, I couldn't tell. "My kind of bar," I said, grinning at her.

  She smiled back. "I was hoping you would like it."

  There was an actual hostess. She was dressed like a flapper. "Hey, Sally," she said. "Who is this?"

  "This is Felicia," Sally said. "Felicia, this is Carol."

  "I have two places reserved for you," Carol said. "Noisy booth near the dance floor or quiet booth in the other room?"

  Sally looked at me. "I wouldn't mind dancing later, but I wanted to get to know you. Is the quiet booth okay?"

  "Quiet booth, if you don't mind, Carol," she said.

  She turned us away from the dance floor, to the right, and into another room. It was much quieter, and the booths each had a significant amount of privacy, with high sides and lots of faux walls to break up both sight lines and noise.

  "Wow," I said. "This is amazing."

  Carol led us to a booth in the back and said, "Patricia will be along shortly. Nice meeting you, Felicia."

  "Do you know everyone here?"

  "Pretty much," she said. "And some of the patrons. It's a pretty cliquey group."

  A waitress stopped by. I asked for a glass of Pinot Noir. Sally asked for the same, plus a glass of water. "Maybe something little to munch on, nothing heavy," I said.

  "How daring are you?" she asked.

  "Pretty daring," I said.


  "Seriously? I love sushi."

  "Bring us the baby sushi platter," Sally said.

  "Sushi?" I said after the waitress left. "Seriously?"

  "Nothing exotic," Sally said. "The basics everyone likes."

  Our wine came, and we clinked glasses. Sally was definitely flirting with me. I decided I enjoyed the attention, but this woman had been very kind to me. I couldn't lead her on.

  "I need to tell you something," I said. "And I don't know how to be gracious about it."

  "You aren't gay."

  I laughed. "I didn't know I was," I said. "I'm in a relationship. This really was about thanking you and offering a friendship. Unless you now feel misled, this evening will end up with a hug, not a romp in bed."

  "You aren't just saying that because you don't like me?"

  "Sally, I think you're amazing. But I am head over heels in love." I paused. "You met her. That night."

  "Your boss?"

  "The other one. I called her 'my other boss', although she isn't. She's the Director of Human Resources." I paused. "She makes me scream her name. A lot."

  Sally laughed. "Friends then. Until you dump her."

  "You are the first woman I'll call." I paused. "I still want to dance later. But you put a lot of effort in. Maybe you have time to call someone else."

  She smiled. "Dancing later would be nice."

  The platter of food came. There were a bunch of very small nigiri samples, about half the size you normally get. They were a perfect size, as far as I was concerned.

  We talked for a couple of hours. Both of us switched to soft drinks after a single glass of wine. She was driving, and I was a lightweight. I asked her about being a cop, and that's when she told me her schedule. She was on days for the next two weeks with a seven AM start time. She would get up at five and get a workout before going to work. Perfect.

  Self-defense came up. I told her about our dojo at work.

  "It's my term to be ungracious," she said. "When we met-"

  "I was a little bit pudgy."

  "Yeah. You're not anymore."

  I smiled.

  She asked about Petra. I asked how long she'd known she was gay.

  "As long as I can remember. You know, a gay female cop is a cliché, but I don't care. I love my job, and I'm not going to do something else just to avoid being a cliché."

  Alicia stopped by. I got to meet her. She seemed nice, but busy on a Saturday night. I told her I'd be back. "If Sally doesn't hate me."

  "Sally isn't going to hate you," Sally said.

  I smiled.

  Alicia gave Sally a quick kiss and went on her way. Sally excused herself to use the facilities. I pulled my phone out of my purse and texted Petra. "At a place called The Underground Lipstick. This place rocks. I expect dates here in the future."

  Sally came back and asked if I had been serious about wanting to dance. I stood up and took her arm. She led us to the floor.

  The music had a good beat and wasn't overbearingly loud. We danced three songs before a slow song came on. Sally expected me to leave the floor, but I stepped into her arms and set my head on her shoulder. We swayed to the music. When the song ended she told me, "Unless you're dumping your girlfriend, we probably should be done dancing."

  I laughed and let her lead us back to the table.

  We talked for a while longer before I asked for the check. Sally tried to take it from me, but I told her I had asked her, this was my thank you for her kindness. "And I had a very nice time tonight. Please let me pay the bill."

  I paid the bill and tipped nicely. Service had been excellent.

  I took her arm as we left. She helped me into my coat and walked me to her car. She held the door for me when I got in, which I always like.

  We were quiet on the way back to my apartment. There was fifteen-minute parking immediately in front of our building, so she found a spot. I turned to her. "Walk me inside?"

  We both got out and I took her arm until we were inside the building. I pulled her to the side of the foyer. "I had a nice time. Thank you."

  "I did too," she said. She was staring down at me. "This is to give you something to think about. Just in case, well, whatever." She pulled me into her arms and gave me a kiss. It was a nice kiss. She kept her tongue to herself. I kiss
ed her back. Then she let me go and turned to the entrance. I put my hand on her arm.

  "Sally, I understand if you say no. But I really was serious when I said I'd like to be friends." I told her about movie night. "If you would like to come, we're watching 'King Kong' tomorrow night. The Peter Jackson version. I should warn you, we're very silly and we will be heckling the movie."

  "You're serious?"

  "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Your girlfriend won't mind?"

  "I'm not inviting you to a three-some. Or in this case, about a seven-some. I'm not trying to lead you on or offer false promises. I'm deeply in love with Petra. So. Friends. I was hoping you wanted to be friends. If not, I understand."

  I watched her think about it. "All my friends are either cops or ex-lovers. I'd love to make a few new friends. I'll be here."

  "Great! Five PM. Dress is casual. Guns are optional." I grinned at her.

  * * *

  "I had a nice time," I told Petra the instant I was in the door. "I danced with her, including one slow dance. And I let her kiss me downstairs. In front of the guard. Tongues were not involved. She has a nice ass and I think she got a good look at mine. She knows I'm deeply in love with you. If you are going to punish me, it better not be very severe."

  She got up from the sofa and walked over to stand in front of me. "You would accept punishment and not get angry? For one slow dance, one oogling of another woman's ass, and one inappropriate kiss."

  "I don't think I deserve being punished, but if that's what you need to feel better, and it isn't severe, yes."

  She popped out of the room then I felt myself pulled to her tower. She left my clothes behind. She pulled out a chair and sat in it. "Spread yourself across my lap," she said. "Face down."

  I walked over slowly, offering a little sway, then lied down across her lap.

  "If you move, pull away, try to hinder me, or complain, I will take away your ability to do so," she said.

  I simply gripped her ankle in one hand and a leg of the chair in the other. She rubbed my bottom with her hand for a minute, then said, "This is for one slow dance." I got three swats. They stung. "This is for looking at her ass." That was two swats. "And this is for the kiss." That was five.


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