Pulled to the Dark (The Siriena Series)

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Pulled to the Dark (The Siriena Series) Page 23

by Julia P. Lynde

  "The stables then," she said. "Have my clothes and the hazmat suit out of the bag and ready for me. Time is limited, right?"

  "You're up to twenty minutes," Petra said. "So about that."

  She stayed in our guest room that night.

  * * *

  "There she is," said Petra. "Took a little longer."

  "Will I still have twenty minutes?" Sally asked, sitting up.

  "We'll see," Petra said, helping her get dressed. It took a few minutes.

  She picked up her bag and we pointed the way out of the stables. While I'd been summoning her, Karen and Beth had been setting up lanterns. Sally moved quickly. Petra and I followed closely behind her.

  "Keep the door open," she said. She was inside for almost ten minutes before she came out. "You said there were two at the smithy?"

  I pointed. She grabbed a lantern and ran over. She didn't come back out. After ten minutes, I poked my nose in and saw her clothing lying in a pile on the floor.

  "She's gone," I said. "Petra, summon me back in five minutes." She nodded, and I popped home.

  She was standing in the living room buttoning up her blouse.

  "It was an execution," she said. Her lips were tight.

  "You're sure?"

  She nodded.

  "What do we do with your suit and clothes? Bring them back? I can take a garbage bag with me and stuff everything in."

  "That works."

  "We'll all be right back, maybe five minutes."

  "I need a beer."

  "Fridge," I said. "How could you-"

  And then Petra summoned me.

  "No way was that five minutes," I said. "I need to go get a garbage bag, give me one more minute."

  I popped straight to the kitchen, startling Sally.

  "Sorry," I said. I went straight to drawer with the bags and grabbed two. "She pulled me back too fast." I hugged her fast before Petra pulled me back again.

  "This is one way to make sure I don't flirt with anyone else," I told Petra. She offered a wry smile. I went into the smithy and pulled all of Sally's clothes outside with me before stuffing them into the garbage bags. We quickly collected her bag and the lanterns and returned to the apartment.

  "It's so weird watching you all do that," Sally said. She was sitting at the sofa. "In the first building, one suffered a trauma to the head. The skull was cracked. I couldn't tell anything on the other one. At the smithy, it was clearly an execution. Their hands were tied behind their backs. I couldn't tell you the method of execution." She drank from her beer. "That's all I have. It would take a proper forensics team to get anything resembling real information."

  "That's good news and bad," Petra said. "Violence is easier to understand than if there were some new disease. We don't know who or why, but we know more than we did."

  "I have a few questions," Sally said. "I would appreciate honest answers." I nodded.

  "Did you ask me out just to get me to look at the bodies?"

  "We thought of you because you're a cop," I explained. "But as soon as we thought of you, I thought, 'you would be perfect'. Not just because you're a cop, but because I thought I'd like you as a friend. I asked you out to get your schedule, but I had a nice time. I asked you to Sunday night movies because I want us to be friends."

  "So no simple answers?" she asked.


  "Well," she decided. "I want to join your gang. Am I invited to the movie tomorrow?"

  "Absolutely," I said. "The movie is 'The Dead Pool'. It's a Dirty Harry movie."

  She laughed. "Good choice. I'll be here."

  I turned to Petra. "I want a real date tonight."

  "I could arrange something," she said.

  I looked at Sally. "I really liked the place you took me. Would it bother you if Petra took me there?"

  "Not at all. I was going to ask someone tonight. We could meet there."

  I looked at Petra. "That would be lovely," she said.

  "I have to go," said Sally. "I'll text you later with details." She collected her things and headed for the door. I walked her out and hugged her. She kissed my cheek and was gone.

  "I'm making breakfast," Petra said. "I'm staving." We all bundled into the kitchen and talked about next steps while Petra cooked for us.

  "Make enough for Kelly," Andrea said. "I can take her a plate." She paused. "Guys, we need to figure out what's going on. We need to make it safe there again. Renea and Kelly are going stir crazy. I'm setting up a romantic date tonight, but Kelly is really tired of looking at the same few things."

  Erika's phone rang and she stepped into the other room to take the call. She came back in a few minutes later. "I have a date tonight."

  "Who is he?" Beth asked her.

  "I'm not telling," she said. "If it goes well, we'll see."

  "I can make you tell," Andrea told her. She said it playfully, and I wasn't sure if she was serious.

  Erika stared at her, then grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the other room. The rest of us looked at each other. "I wonder what the big secret is," Karen said. "Where could she have met a guy, anyway? She's with us all the time."

  "Someone from work?" I offered. "The tech guy is sweet."

  "He's not really Erika's type," Beth said. "She likes them saucier than that."

  "Maybe she's settling down," I offered. I shrugged and helped Petra with breakfast.

  Erika and Andrea were only gone for a couple of minutes. Andrea was smiling, but efforts to get her to spill went nowhere.

  Beth turned to Karen. "It's just you and I tonight, then. Want a date?"

  "Only if you dress to impress," Karen said. "I want to see some skin, chica." They both turned to Petra and me. "Can we come tonight?"

  I turned to Petra.

  "It's up to you," she said. "This date was your idea." She smiled. "You know, the one who does the asking does the paying."

  "Of course you can come," I told Karen and Beth. "If you both dress to impress. I want to see some skin, and I expect you each to dance with me." I glanced at Petra then back at them. "But no checking out my ass."

  Petra made plates for Kelly and Andrea. Andrea thanked her, grabbed the plates and disappeared. The rest of us ate and washed up.

  "I'm going back to bed," Erika said.

  "Me too," I said. I turned to Petra. "Will you take me shopping later?"

  * * *

  Petra joined me in bed. She crawled in next to me, then rolled me over for a kiss. It was sweet and soft. Then she let me roll back before pulling me into her arms. We spooned and fell asleep.

  "I love you," she whispered to me.

  I woke some time later, still wrapped in her arms. I wriggled more tightly against her.

  "Little vixen," she purred in my ear.

  "I like feeling you against me, Petra," I told her. "I'm not trying to tease."

  She kissed my shoulder and I wriggled even closer.

  "If you do that again, I am not responsible for my response," she said.

  "Hold me," I said. "Tightly."

  She wrapped herself around me more thoroughly, her leg sliding between mine. One of her hands was right in front of me, so I kissed it and nipped at her palm a little.

  "Are you all right?" she asked.

  "Yes. Just in love," I told her.

  She kissed my shoulder again. We cuddled for a while, then I rolled over and pushed her onto her back. She let me climb on top of her and I wrapped myself around her, holding her tightly. She stroked my hair and my back. I squeezed tightly and didn't let go.

  "Hey," she said. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," I said. "I don't know. I just can't get close enough to you."

  We stayed like that for a while. After a while I began whispering in her ear. "I like being yours. Even when you get all domineering." I paused.

  "Do you wish I were less domineering?" she asked.

  I thought about it. "I wished you trusted me more." I paused. "I like it when you spank me."

She sighed. "Those are supposed to be punishments."

  "Yeah, right," I said. "That's why you get me naked first and give me orgasms afterwards."

  "I need to find new punishments for you."

  "Do you?" I asked her. "What have I done since we've met that deserved punishment except when delivered playfully?"

  She didn't have an answer for that.

  "Are you going to do something tonight to earn another spanking?"

  "Probably," I said, giggling.

  Date Night

  She took me shopping. I bought a slinky black dress, nylons and new black boots. She tried to lure me back to bed afterwards, but I told her, "No. I want lots and lots of sexual tension tonight." I grinned.

  We had an early dinner then got ready. I wore my new clothes and had a lot of fun on my makeup and hair.

  Karen and Beth came over to the apartment shortly before eight. They looked amazing. Karen was in a bright red dress, black nylons and heels. Beth was in black.

  "Erika went downstairs to wait for her date," Beth said. "She told us she would be pissed if we try to check him out. I think she was serious." She looked me up and down. "You look amazing."

  I clung to Petra all the way down the elevator. Beth and Karen smirked at us, but when we stepped out of the elevator, Karen took Beth's arm. Once at the club, we found parking and descended the steps into the nightclub.

  Petra stared the moment we were inside. "I think I know the owner," she said. "I knew the name was familiar."

  "Someone you dated?" I asked. "Her name is Alicia."

  "No," Petra said. "We did some charity work together a few years ago."

  We checked our coats and stepped through to the hostess stand. Carol was there.

  "Hello, Carol," I said. "I'm Felicia."

  "Yes, I remember," she said. "Sally is already here. If you will follow me." She took us to the back room. As we approached a large booth, I saw Sally's profile, but it wasn't until we were standing at the table that I saw who her date was.

  We all stared.

  "Don't look at me like that," Erika said. "She's nice. I like her." She looked at Sally and smiled.

  The booth was a big U shape with room for six comfortably, as many as ten if they were cozy. I started to slide in, but Petra pulled me back to her side and told Beth and Karen to grab a seat. Then she nudged me in before taking the outside slot across from Sally.

  I looked at Erika. "Last time we talked, you were straight."

  "Why do you have to label everything?" she said, grinning. "Straight. Gay. They are just words. She asked, I thought I'd have a nice time, I said yes." Then she pulled their hands out from under the table. They were holding hands.

  I laughed. "I did that with Petra when we first started dating. Held hands under the table at the start."

  Beth pulled her hand out from under the table. It was clutching Karen's.

  "Seriously?" I asked them.

  Beth laughed. "Probably not. We're just trying to fit in."

  "That's not what you promised earlier," Karen said. "You said I might get lucky tonight."

  "I figured the waitresses might be cute," Beth replied.

  The two of them bantered back and forth. I couldn't tell if they were serious or not. I finally decided it didn't matter. I was there to have a nice time.

  The waitress came by and took our order. We ordered two of the sushi platters for the table. Petra and Sally consulted and ordered a bottle of wine.

  I was feeling playful. I snuggled against Petra, but I reached out a booted foot and found one of Karen's feet. She glanced over at me and grinned. We played footsie under the table. I regretted the boots. It would have been more fun in heels.

  "What are you doing?" Petra asked me.

  "Drinking my wine," I told her.

  "Knock it off," she said.

  "I can't drink my wine?"

  "Quit flirting with Karen," she said.

  "But she's cute," I said. "Don't you think she's cute?"

  "I think she's cute," Beth said. "But I didn't see any flirting."

  "They're playing footsie under the table," Petra said.

  "There is no way you can tell that!" I said.

  She stared me down. I sighed. "Spoilsport," I told her.

  Erika laughed then turned to Sally. "That is your foot I'm playing with, isn't it? I'd hate to think Felicia had another foot way over here."

  "It's mine," Beth said. "I didn't know you felt that way about me."

  "Are you people always like this?" Sally asked.

  Petra sighed. "Yes," she said. "It was bad enough when Erika and Beth were long distance, but now the three of them are positively incorrigible, and they've corrupted Karen, who used to be sweet and innocent."

  I reached a foot over to Karen again. Petra squeezed my hand. Hard. I brought my feet back to myself.

  The sushi platters came. They were as good as I remembered. Petra asked Sally about Alicia. "She'll stop by," Sally told her. "Later, if she gets a chance. Do you know her?"

  I cuddled against Petra and wrapped a leg around hers under the table. She adjusted and sandwiched my calf between hers.

  Sally and Petra carried on a conversation. I kept giving Petra puppy dog "I want to dance" eyes, but she wasn't paying any attention to me. I reached my free foot over to Karen and got my hand squeezed again. I guess she was paying attention after all.

  I began to fidget. Petra looked down at me and raised an eyebrow. "Are you bored already?"

  "I was just wondering if I had to work the room to get an invitation to the dance floor. Carol brought some pretty hot looking women past a few minutes ago."

  She stared at me for a moment. "Would you like to dance?"

  "I would love to, Petra," I said sweetly.

  We slid out of the booth, and she led me through the club to the dance floor. As dancers go, she sucked. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but there on the floor with me. I tried flirting her into a better mood, but she ignored me. After two songs, she pulled me back to the booth and nudged me into my seat. I waited until she was seated then pointedly put several inches between us, as far as I could go from her without crowding Karen. Petra didn't seem to notice but went back to her conversation with Sally.

  I finished my wine and declared a need to use the bathroom. Petra let me out, but I got a glare for it. I had no idea what that meant.

  I found the restroom. I hadn't really needed to go, but as long as I was there... I washed up then stared into the sink.

  A couple of women came in. I ignored them and they appeared to ignore me. I stood at the sink and pretended to be fussing at my makeup.

  I'd been gone for ten minutes when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out. There was a text from Beth. "Are you ok?"

  "I'm fine," I texted back.

  "Yeah, right," came the response. "Do you need Erika and me?"

  I stared at it for a few minutes. The bathroom door opened, admitting Erika and Beth.

  "What's wrong?" Erika asked.

  "Are you as pissed that your date is ignoring you as I am at mine?"

  "She hasn't been ignoring me," Erika said. "She's been flirting my skirt off me."

  "She's deep in conversation with Petra."

  "Not under the table," Erika said. "But I admit your date is being a bitch."

  I turned to Beth. "Do you think you could pretend to enjoy dancing with me?"

  "I don't have to pretend," Beth said. She took my hand. "Let's go."

  She pulled me right past the table on the way to the dance floor. Behind us, Erika asked Sally to dance.

  I danced two songs with Beth and had a much nicer timer than when I'd danced with Petra. Then we switched and I danced with Erika while Beth danced with Sally. Then I got a song with Sally.

  A slow song came on and Sally stepped away. "I think this song is for my date," she said.

  "That would be best," I agreed.

  Sally grabbed Erika and pulled her into her arms. I turned to Beth.
br />   "Oh no," she said. "I like you, Felicia, but Petra will do all sorts of things to me if I slow dance with you, and they won't end with an orgasm."

  "You're right," I said. I scanned the room. There was a woman sitting alone at the bar. I took one step in her direction before Beth grabbed my arm.

  "Do you really want to go there?" she asked me. "Are you really breaking up with Petra over a dance or two?"

  I sighed. "No."

  I let her pull me back to our table, but when we sat down, I slid in next to Beth instead of taking the seat Petra was offering me.

  She glared at me. There was a fresh glass of wine at my old seat. I reached past Beth and Karen and grabbed it.

  Karen looked back and forth between Petra and me. "What's going on?" she asked. "Why are you two glaring at each other? Whatever is wrong, kiss and make up. Right now. You're ruining everyone else's night."

  I looked at Karen. She was right. I was ruining everyone's night. The realization took all the wind out of my sails of anger. My lower lip started quivering. "I'm sorry," I said quickly and ran for the bathroom.

  I started sobbing even before I made it through the door. I threw myself into one of the stalls and began blubbering. That just made me mad all over again. I hated crying.

  It took several minutes to get myself back under control. I dried my tears and decided to text Beth that I'd find my own way home then realized I'd left my purse on the table. I hid in the stall, not wanting to face anyone.

  The bathroom door opened. "Honey? Felicia?" It was Petra's voice.

  "Go away," I told her. "I can find my own way home."

  "Where are you?"

  "Now you care? Go away."

  She started rattling stall doors and found mine. "Let me in."

  "What part of 'go away' wasn't clear?"

  "Beth and Karen read me the riot act," she said. "I'm sorry."

  "This was supposed to be a date. With flirting. And dancing. And pressing our bodies together during the slow songs. I didn't realize you were that ashamed to be seen in public with me. I must really be an embarrassment. I didn't realize."

  "It's not like that," she said.

  "Sure felt like it to me. You wouldn't let me have a little fun, and then you acted like I had the plague. Were you that pissed I was teasing Karen?"


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