Chased (Love like Yours Series Book 4)

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Chased (Love like Yours Series Book 4) Page 11

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I’d felt Lexie’s eyes on me the entire time I’d been over here, but I couldn’t look at her yet, I didn’t want to risk losing my nerve.

  It was time to show her exactly what was going on in my head, and in my heart. Lex had never heard me sing and I was nervous as hell. I wasn’t great, but I wasn’t terrible either.

  I knew she wouldn’t care how I sang; it was about so much more than the sound of my voice.

  “That’s your man, Lex!” I heard one of the girls cry out.

  I approached the mic and waited for the cue on the screen to tell me to begin.

  Here goes nothing…

  “And I know that we just met, and maybe this is dumb. But it feels like there was something, from the moment that we touched… 'Cause, it's alright, it's alright, I wanna make you mine.”

  I held back a grin as my eyes met Lexie’s. I’d never seen a woman melt before, but I was pretty certain it would look something like the way Lexie was looking at me right now.

  She was in full blown swoon mode.

  “The way you're lightin' up the room, caught the corner of my eye. We can both sneak out the back door, we don't have to say goodbye… 'cause, it's alright, it's alright, to waste time tonight.”

  She sat her glass down and slowly made her way over to the front of the small stage.

  Tingles raced up and down my spine.

  “Maybe I'm just a kid in love, maybe I'm just a kid in love. Oh, baby, if this is what it's like falling in love, then I don't ever wanna grow up… maybe I'm just a kid in love, maybe I'm just a kid in love. Oh, baby… it'd be cool if it's the two of us, but I don't ever wanna grow up.”

  I sang the song to her, like there was no one else around, and she stood there, a beautiful smile on her face as she absorbed my words. She grinned and surprised me by stepping up onto the platform and picking up the second mic.

  “Said, your place is kinda cozy, your 'rents are out of town. Baby, there's no pressure, but if you're down, I'm down… 'Cause, it's alright, it's alright, just start tonight… If you're feeling kinda crazy, turn down the lights, we can take our time, do whatever you like. It's alright, it's alright… I wanna make you mine.”

  She blew me a kiss before joining in.

  We stood, facing one another, singing the words to each other.

  “Maybe we're just kids in love, maybe we're just kids in love. Oh baby, if this is what it's like falling in love, then we don't ever have to grow up. Maybe we're just kids in love, maybe we're just kids in love. Oh baby. When we're alone and it's the two of us… I can't get enough.”

  Lexie may not have been able to make Quinn and El sound good, but she was certainly improving this song for me.

  The beautiful harmony of her voice had everybody taking notice. It was hard to miss a voice like Lexie’s. Suddenly the whole place was looking at us, I didn’t care – I was too busy looking at her.

  I could hear Harrison and Lawson whooping and hollering as the song came to an end, and the whole joint erupted into applause.

  Lexie turned and gave a curtsey, and I bowed, giving the small crowd a wave.

  Lexie giggled as she looked up at me, and I could tell she was totally overwhelmed by my gesture.

  I grabbed her and tucked her against me, placing a soft kiss to the top of her head as I led her down towards where our friends were waiting.

  “I feel like I’m in a movie where the guy does sweet things for the girl.” She gushed.

  I chuckled, high-fiving Lawson as he made his way up for his own turn. He was a much better singer than I was, and he was bound to have his wife teary eyed in no time, just like he had at their wedding.

  “You are just full of surprises tonight.” Lexie looked up at me, her eyes a little glassy. “Thank you for my song.” She pushed up on her tippy toes, looking for a kiss.

  I happily obliged, meeting her soft, sweet lips with a fervor I couldn’t control.

  She pulled back, and looked up at me with pure adoration in her eyes.

  I love you.

  I opened my mouth to tell her how I felt about her, but got interrupted by my pain in the ass brother.

  “Damn, new girl, I didn’t think anyone could make this fool sound good up there.”

  Fucking Harrison.

  Lexie did her best impression of shooting him daggers – a tough gig for such a sweet girl. “Call me that again and see what happens.” She warned him.

  I held back a laugh.

  Harrison laughed loudly, but had the good sense not to push her any further. Lexie may have been small, but I wouldn’t want to mess with her.

  “Sorry he’s such an ass, he just likes to try and wind me up… he knows you’re my biggest weakness.” I apologized on my brother’s behalf as he disappeared to go and annoy someone else.

  She laughed lightly and if I was reading her right, seemed a little chuffed at being my Achilles heel. “I don’t actually care about the name; I just figure I should put him in his place before he gets any more silly ideas.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I knew you were a smart woman.” I chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

  I wanted so badly to say those three little words to her, but I decided that maybe it was fate stepping in again… that maybe now wasn’t the right time.

  I did have a tendency to jump the gun and I didn’t want to make that same mistake with Lexie. I hadn’t even officially made her mine yet, and that was a situation that needed to be remedied.

  Right now.

  I tugged on her hand, drawing her attention back to me. “Can I talk to you about something?” I asked her, looking right into her beautiful bright blue eyes.

  “Of course.” She replied quickly. “You can always talk to me about anything.” She promised.

  “Well… I’ve been thinking a lot about… us…”

  Her face dropped slightly.

  “And I was thinking… I don’t know what will happen from here, but I want to figure it out with you… as a couple.”

  A huge, surprised grin broke out on her pretty face. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed and nervous. “Uh… well, yeah… if that’s something you might want to be…” I trailed off lamely, feeling like I was twelve years old again and asking a girl out in the playground.


  “I would love to.” She answered sweetly.

  I couldn’t contain the huge smile that spread across my face.

  She’s mine.

  “You’re not even going to give me grief about that botched up proposition?” I asked as I tugged her against my body.

  She laughed and cuddled into me filling my nose with the sexy perfume she always wore.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” She promised.

  Luckiest fool in this place.


  “I know you don’t dance, but pleeeeaaasse.” Lex pleaded. “Just come and dance with me once. We can just sway.”

  I chuckled and took her outstretched hand. “What makes you think I don’t dance?”

  She frowned and narrowed her eyes at me. “Because you wouldn’t dance with me at that charity event.” She pointed out.

  I smirked. “Oh, babe, that had a whole lot more to do with the tent I was pitching in my pants then it did with not being able to dance.”

  Truth was, I’d been hanging out to dance with her ever since. Having that tight little body grinding up against me…

  Where do I sign?

  This may not have been a hot and heavy night club like I would have liked, but it’d have to do.

  Lexie’s eyes dropped to my crotch and her jaw fell lax for a moment before she managed to get herself back together. “Hmm.” She cleared her throat. “Okay… well… good.”

  I loved watching her eyes look at my body.

  “So… is that, um, not so much of a problem now?” She asked curiously.

  I pulled her in close and leaned down to whisper in her ear, my voice husky. �
�If you’re asking is my dick hard, then, yes… it is.” I pressed my hips against her belly to emphasize my point.

  I’d been walking around in at least a half hard state ever since I’d met her.

  She let out a small gasp.

  “But I don’t need to hide it from you anymore, do I?”

  She shook her head slowly and bit down on her lip.

  God damn.

  “Lead the way, little bird.” I instructed.


  We’d been home for ages, and Lexie had been asleep for a couple of hours now, but for some reason sleep still wouldn’t take me. I’d been lying here, utterly mesmerized by the woman in my arms, to the point where I couldn’t look away.

  She was sleeping in my t-shirt, same as she had every other night, although she had a rotation of two or three different ones going now. I didn’t care if she took every shirt I owned – they looked better on her anyway.

  Her long, dark hair was swept back behind her, the silky strands tickling my arm whenever I moved. Her lips were parted slightly as she slept and her lashes twitched every now and then as she dreamed.

  I would have given my left leg to know what went through that mind of hers while she slept so peacefully, but I never would. I’d have to settle for knowing that she thought about me during our time together, that much was obvious. There was so much joy in her eyes when she looked at me, and it made my heart soar. There was a hint of fear in there too, of what the future might hold, I assumed. But we were here, we were together and we could figure something out.

  We had to.

  I took a deep breath, absorbing the alluring scent that was entirely Lexie, and closed my eyes.


  “Can I take you to meet some people today?” I asked Lexie shyly.

  No body really knew what I got up to on a Tuesday. It was the one day of my week that I used to give back to the community I lived in. It was something I viewed as an important part of my life, but I kept it to myself. I’d never shared this with anyone.

  She eyed me up, searching my face for clues as to why I might look so nervous.

  “Why do you look weird? I’ve already met Harrison, it can’t get much worse.” She teased good-naturedly.

  I laughed but still didn’t answer as I rinsed my bowl out and put it into the dishwasher.

  “Colt.” Lexie’s sweet voice caressed my name. “Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  I rubbed at the back of my neck and turned to look at her, resting my hip against the kitchen countertop.

  Her brilliant blue eyes were soft and welcoming. A sense of ease washed over me and I knew that I had found the right person to bring with me today.

  “How about I show you instead?” I offered.

  “Okay...” She nodded. “But you know I hate surprises, how am I meant to know what to wear?”

  I looked her up and down. She had on blue jeans, a white long sleeve t-shirt and socks.

  “Go and chuck on a cardigan and some shoes… then you’ll be perfect.” I instructed.

  She gave me a salute and wandered off down the hall to do as I’d asked.

  I wiped my hands down my jeans, my palms suddenly sweaty. I don’t know why I was so nervous, but I guess that was the thing about opening up your life entirely to another person… you left yourself vulnerable.

  Lexie appeared back in the kitchen, an excited smile on her face, dressed exactly as I’d suggested.

  “Alright, let’s do it.” She winked.

  Here goes nothing.


  Lexie hadn’t said a single word since we’d arrived at the retirement home. She’d eyed the sign up curiously, but surprisingly, not asked a single question.

  I’d opened her door for her, taken her hand in mine and led her through the big automatic doors at the front of the building.

  I peaked down at her as we walked along the corridor in the direction of the main lounge. She was looking around, taking in the details and no doubt wondering why the hell I’d brought her here.

  I glanced at my watch.

  Ten o’clock. Perfect.

  They would have just got finished with morning tea.

  I squeezed Lexie’s hand as we walked into the big room.

  “Oh, Colton.” Betsy called from the arm chair closest to the big window.

  A huge smile broke out on my face. I could feel Lexie’s eyes on my face as I made a beeline for the older woman. I really tried hard not to have favorites, but I did have a particularly soft spot for Betsy.

  “Hey, Bets, long time no see.” I let go of Lexie and gave Betsy a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek. She smiled brightly up at me from her chair and squeezed my hand.

  I reached for Lexie’s hand again and tugged her closer. “This is Lexie.” I told Betsy. “This is my friend Betsy.” I explained.

  Lexie smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Oh god bless.” Betsy cried. “Would you look at that, Susan, our Colton’s brought his girlfriend along.”

  Susan looked up from her knitting. “Oh well blow me down, so he has.”

  Lexie giggled next to me.

  I groaned dramatically at their teasing. “Yes, everyone.” I announced. “I have indeed brought my girlfriend with me today, her name is Lexie, and I want you all to be on your best behavior.” I warned, my tone teasing.

  They might have been a group of oldies, but they still had plenty of get up and go.

  Lexie received a chorus of hello and waves, which she graciously returned.

  “That’s Bob, June, Kate, Alfred, Elizabeth, Peter, Martin, Stuart, Susan, Shelley, Earl, Richard, Elle and Grace.” I pointed out each of my friends to Lexie.

  She looked up at me with an amused expression. “And which one are we here to visit?” She asked me in a hushed voice.

  “All of them.” I chuckled as she frowned.

  She looked around the room. “Yeah… so… I’m confused.” She admitted. “Are you related to everybody here?”

  I laughed and kissed her forehead. “I’m not related to any of them.”

  “But you –”

  “I come in every Tuesday and hang out for a few hours.” I explained.

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “I sit with them, sometimes we just talk, they tell me stories from their younger days, or I might read for a bit… most of them haven’t got much in the way of family around.” I shrugged. “I dunno, they seem to enjoy it, and so do I.”

  Her eyes turned glassy as she looked at me. The expression on her face was one of total wonder. She pressed up on her tip toes and kissed my jaw. “You are the most incredible man I have ever met in my entire life.” She told me, absolute honesty in her eyes.

  I swallowed deeply.

  “So what are we doing today?” She asked, turning her attention back to Betsy.

  My heart swelled in my chest.

  I’m so glad I brought her here.

  “Well, I don’t know, dear, what do you think might be fun?” Betsy asked.

  “Hmmmm…” Lexie thought about it for a moment. “When was the last time someone did your nails for you?” She asked.

  Betsy smiled and her eyes lit up instantly. “About 1999, honey, so you can sign me up for that.”

  Lexie giggled and for some reason the sound hit me like a wrecking ball right in the heart. That was the sound I wanted to hear, everyday, for the rest of my life.

  Just the fact that she was here, and with no prompting at all she was offering to do something nice for people I cared about… she really was amazing.

  She was as close to perfect as a person could get.

  “Count me in, angel.” Kate called out to Lexie.

  Lexie beamed back at her. “Brand spanking new nails for everyone.” She winked.


  I looked over at Lexie for what must have been the hundredth time, totally in awe of the beautiful woman beside me.

  “What?” She giggled. “Why do you keep looking
at me like that?”

  I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair. “You were incredible today, you know that?”

  She blushed that pretty pink color I’d quickly grown to love and shrugged. “It was fun... I didn’t do anything special.”

  I chuckled.

  She was down-playing the situation and we both knew it.

  “Babe, not only did you paint every set of woman’s nails in that place, but you actually went out and bought the polish to do it.”

  Lexie had quickly discovered that the only nail polish available in the retirement village was a terrible shade of maroon. She’d declared that it wouldn’t do, then she’d had me drive her to the closest pharmacy where she’d picked up at least eight different colors.

  I’d never seen the ladies so excited.

  Lexie had moved their chairs into a circle, with a small table in the middle and had set about her work. It was a sight that would have warmed even the coldest of hearts.

  It was nothing special, just a couple of coats of color on their nails, but it was obvious that it meant so much more to these women.

  The couple of hours I’d anticipated spending here and quickly turned into most of the day. I’d spent most of my time doing puzzles and reading with Bob, Richard and Earl, and watching football with Alfred and Peter. Martin had spent half of his time pointing out exactly how long it was going to take us to finish the puzzle, informing me that I had a terrible reading voice, and flirting with the ladies.

  “You might not have thought it was a big deal, but the ladies certainly did, Lex, you talked with them, asked about their lives, you looked at pictures of their great grand children… what you did was more special than you probably realize.”

  Lexie blushed deeper.

  “It breaks my heart that they don’t get many visitors.” I added.

  She reached out and squeezed my hand. “They have you.” Her voice and the look in her eyes told me that she believed that having me was more than enough.

  “I know it doesn’t make up for their families not being around, but it gives them something to look forward to.” I agreed.

  “I saw the way they all looked at you, Colt. You mean the world to those people.”


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