Revenge and Retribution

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Revenge and Retribution Page 5

by K. J. Dahlen


  “I just wanted to know.”

  “They’re all good men,” Cassie informed him. “They served their country and were turned away when they needed help. Most of them have been living on the streets for some time now. They’re kinda like me, a little broken but all they really wanted was a second chance to make something of themselves. When I asked them to come here and help, they did. We’ve become almost like a family.” She motioned toward the doors. “They live here and they are working here, helping me renovate this place.” She paused then said, “I think my dreams for this place have become their dreams too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell Deke about this?” Deacon wanted to know.

  Cassie shrugged. “He never asked. He didn’t care enough to wonder what I was doing all day while he was gone, so I didn’t tell him. I figured he found out yesterday when he came back to the clubhouse but he never said anything. Then last night, he demanded answers and I guess I got mad. All he had to do was give me a chance to explain but his temper got in the way and then so did mine.”

  “And now?”

  “He made it very clear he doesn’t care. I was his property not someone who mattered to him.” She shrugged. “I guess I finally know where I stand.”

  Deacon wrapped his arms around her. “Oh honey, you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. He does care about you, he just doesn’t know how much yet. You are unlike anyone he’s ever met before and he doesn’t quite know how to handle it. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have sent his guys here to help and he wouldn’t have spent money for supplies. He would have simply left.”

  Cassie turned her head and stared at her uncle for a moment. Then she asked, “Are all men that stupid?”

  Deacon chuckled. “No not all of us are. Deke has never known anyone like you before, so you have to give him a break.”

  “Which arm?” Cassie quipped. She moved away to work on her sign.

  Deacon chuckled and was reminded of Gator telling him of her nickname of Spitfire and the stories of how she actually had broken some bones. Shaking his head, he finally left her alone.

  ~* * * *~

  Three weeks later, the renovations were almost complete. The whole third floor had been opened to bigger apartments for families. The main floor and second floor classrooms were rebuilt into single dwellings.

  They still had cleanup to do and a thousand last minute repairs to finish up but the bulk of the work was done. Deke’s men and the guys Cassie found had done a wonderful job. It was getting to be toward the end of the day and Cassie felt tired. She was busy picking up different equipment and stacking it in piles.

  When the door opened behind her, she turned to see who walked in. It was someone she’d never seen before and for a brief second—she felt fear. There was something about the man standing there that just wasn’t right. She should have followed her first instincts and run the other way. But she didn’t. “Can I help you?” she asked as she took a step back.

  She saw his hand move as he raised it. She even saw the small gun he carried but as she did, her mind went blank.

  “This is from Janelle, she said to give you this with her love.”

  She was staring at the gun when she heard the report. Fire blasted her body as the bullet tore through her belly. She couldn’t even scream it hurt so much.

  Cassie fell to the floor and as her eyes closed, she saw a light behind the man who’d just shot her. Then she heard another, much louder report and running footsteps. Then she heard nothing at all.

  ~* * * *~

  Deacon rounded the corner quickly and came to a screeching halt. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He moved slowly to where Cassie was lying. He could barely see her as tears ran down his cheeks. Falling to his knees, he gathered her to him. Her blood felt warm against his skin as he rocked her back and forth. He glanced up to see everyone standing around with horror on their faces.

  Amos reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. His hands were shaking as he dialed 9-1-1.

  “What the fuck happened?” Deacon asked in a low tone.

  “This fuck came gunning for her and I was too late to stop him,” a man stated no one had seen before. He still had the gun he’d shot the guy with in his hand.

  Wiley grabbed him hand and knocked the weapon free, then threw him against the wall. “Just who the fuck are you?”

  The man grimaced. “The name is Iceman. I followed this piece of shit all the way from Boston.”

  Moments later, they all heard sirens approaching. Police and ambulance personal rushed the building. The police had their guns ready to use but they met no one willing to resist them.

  Deacon had laid Cassie down on the floor and stepped away as the EMT’s came in. His clothes were bloody and he joined Iceman, Wiley and Amos. He barely heard the story Iceman was telling the police. He had turned over his weapon to them the moment they’d come in.

  “What happened here?” One of the officers asked, taking in the scene.

  “His name is Randall Harland.” Iceman nodded to the dead man. “He’s a contract killer, hired by a woman in Boston to take out Cassie Ryan. I followed him here but was too late to stop him.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “The woman who hired him, Janelle Walden is assisting the Feds in breaking up a kiddy selling ring. She isn’t happy about it either. She was a major player in supply and demand and she got caught,” Iceman explained. “Cassie helped the Feds uncover the ring and Janelle didn’t appreciate it at all. Those two have a history that goes back a number of years.”

  “Do you know anyone we can contact to verify your story?”

  Iceman nodded. “FBI agents, Jerry Tate, Will Bonner and Kyle Morris. Also working the case is Detective Lance Sullivan.”

  “And how are you involved in this?” the officer asked.

  “I got involved returning one of Janelle’s victims to her family.” Iceman turned his head and asked, “Is she going to make it?”

  The EMT got to his feet. He looked at thee group of men standing there and nodded. “She has a good chance. We need to get her to the hospital right now though. She’s lost a lot of blood.”

  They all watched as they carried her to the ambulance and it sped away. Iceman stared at the police. “I know you have no reason to believe me until you can verify my story. I’ll be at the hospital.”

  “We’ll all be at the hospital,” Deacon told them.

  “Every man jack of us will be there.” Amos growled.

  ~* * * *~

  Moments later, the place was deserted. Only the police remained. When another ambulance drove up the coroner came in. The officer in charge motioned toward the body. “Take special care of this one Doc, I think we got a shit storm coming.”

  “Oh, why is that?” Doctor Ben Placent asked.

  “This may be tied to a Federal case.” The officer looked at the other man. “I also heard there may be a connection to the Vincinti family.”

  “The other victim?”

  “Yeah, she’s got ties to the Satan Spawn MC.” The cop exhaled. “The shooter came from Boston and was wearing a vest that read, President of the Sinner’s MC. This could get very ugly, very fast.”

  “Then we do things by the book and make no mistakes or we’re going to have a war on our hands and the streets of Troy will be red with blood.”

  ~* * * *~

  When the ambulance reached the hospital, the men following it weren’t far behind. As they carried Cassie back to the operating rooms, the door flew open and Deke and Gator joined the men standing there.

  “What the fuck happened?” Deke shouted as he looked around. When he caught sight of Iceman, he boldly walked toward him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Iceman nodded. “I followed the shooter here. Janelle had one more play to run.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  Iceman moved away from the group as Deke, Gator and Deacon followed. “The night we re
turned Peaches to her family, Leon asked me to do something for him. He wanted me to get the evidence Cassie told him about. I broke in and got it but Eleonore Piece wasn’t in the house. The woman the girls knew never existed. Her real name was Janelle Walden. She was the daughter of Leon’s second wife. Leon and Emily had only been married about five years when her daughter Janelle ran away. Emily had a nervous breakdown when that happened. A couple of years later, she suicided. Leon tried to find her daughter but by that time, Janelle had changed her name and got married. The kiddy ring was her idea. She is a cruel bitch for sure. Anyway, after we got the evidence Janelle turned herself into the Feds. She wanted a deal but she also wanted protection from Leon. She knew he’d found her. For the last couple of months, she’s been working with the badges but her time has run out. Leon grabbed her up a couple of days ago, but not before she sent Randall after Cassie.”

  “Who is this Randall prick?” Gator asked.

  “Just some lowlife wannabe gangster.” Iceman shrugged. “He came here thinking he could shoot Cassie and be a hero. He found out different.”

  “He’s dead then?” Deke asked.

  “Yup, his life ended about the time the bullet hit Cassie. I was seconds too late.”

  Deke looked over to Deacon and finally saw the blood on his clothes. His face paled and he stared at it for a long time before he raised his eyes to Deacon’s. “Is she still alive?”

  Deacon nodded. “They took her to the OR.”

  “If Leon doesn’t kill that bitch I will,” Deke vowed. His hands curled into fists and he began to pace.

  Everyone stood there waiting for word on how Cassie was doing. About an hour after they had arrived, Peaches rushed inside. She grasped Deke’s shirt and cried, “Is she still alive? Oh dear God, tell me she’s still alive!” Tears ran down her face.

  Deke gathered her close to him. “Yeah baby, she was a little while ago anyway. We’re waiting to hear.”

  Peaches buried her face in his chest and wept openly.

  “Man, I gotta say this,” Iceman growled. “Take your hands off my woman.”

  Deke jerked his eyes to where Iceman was standing. He saw the other man with fists for hands and the scowl on his face spoke volumes. Deke slowly opened his arms and stepped back.

  Peaches turned and went into Iceman’s arms. “I’m sorry. All I could think about was Cassie. I’m so sorry.”

  Iceman wrapped her tight in his arms. “I know baby, I know. But you belong to me, not him.”

  Peaches raised her head. “Is she gonna be okay?”

  “Nobody knows yet, sweet thing. I was seconds too late and she got shot before I could stop him.”

  Peaches grabbed his shirt and cried harder. “Oh God, what if she doesn’t make it?”

  “Don’t even think that!” Deke shouted. “She has to make it. She just has to.”

  Reva joined the group and Gator whispered to her as explained to her what had happened.

  Everyone was waiting for some kind of word when a doctor came through the doors. When he glanced up and saw everyone, he looked surprised. Clearing his throat he called out, “Cassie Ryan?”

  Deke and Deacon stepped up.

  “How is she?” Deke asked. “Is she still alive?”

  The doctor stepped back. The tension in the room suddenly seemed unbearable. “Yes, both she and the baby are going to make it.”

  Deke felt the earth open under his feet. “Baby? What baby?”

  Deacon closed his eye briefly. He had suspected that Cassie was hiding something but he hadn’t thought about it much recently.

  “Ms. Ryan is about fourteen weeks pregnant,” he told them.

  “And the baby is okay?” Deke asked.

  The doctor nodded. “Both of them will be okay. We got the bullet out and were able to stop the bleeding. She’s in recovery right now and will be transferred to a room very soon.”

  “Oh thank you, Jesus!” Peaches cried out as she turned to hug Iceman.

  His arms wrapped around her even tighter.

  The doors opened again, and a woman and three kids came in.

  Iceman looked over and scowled. “Marnie, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I brought Peaches,” she told him.

  Deacon turned his head and stared at the new woman in the group. His eyes widened as she returned his look with interest.

  A moment later, she turned back to Iceman and Peaches. “Is your friend going to be okay?”

  Peaches nodded. “The doctor just let us know.”

  Reva came over to Peaches and Marnie. “This maybe isn’t a place for children.” Looking at the three kids, she noticed their ragtag clothing and stark appearance.

  Marnie sighed. “Actually, we were on our way to see Cassie and ask her for help when we found out she’d been shot.”

  “Help? With what?” Reva asked.

  Marnie motioned to the children. “We needed some help to keep this family together. Boston Social Services doesn’t have a place to take all three. They were going to split them up and they’ve been through so much all ready.”

  Reva watched the kids for a moment longer, then walked over to Gator. Speaking quietly, she asked if he would object to helping them out.

  Gator searched her eyes for a moment, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “You do want you have to do. I’ll support you, whatever happens.”

  Reva smiled. “Thank you. You are the best husband in the world.”

  Gator grinned. “You got that right old woman.” He swatted her on the ass and watched her as she walked away.

  Reva left a little while later and took the three kids with her. She assured Marnie they would be safe and together, when she came by the compound later.

  Deke stared at Deacon for a moment then he asked, “Did you know about the baby?”

  “Not for sure,” Deacon admitted. “I had a feeling she was hiding something though.”

  Deke threw his hands in the air. “Was she ever going to tell me? That’s my kid too, you know.” He paced for a moment then said, “I could have lost them both today.”

  “I know,” Deacon agreed. “I love her too, man.”

  Deke stopped and stared at the other man. “Enough is enough. When they release her, she’s coming home with me and I won’t allow you or her to say otherwise. She belongs with me.”

  “Oh go blow it out of your ass, Deke.” Peaches got right in his face growling and snarling at him. “Cassie belongs to no one, unless she wants it that way. Do you hear me old man? She’s lived her whole life by somebody else’s rules, never had any say in what happened to her, now she’s grown up and doesn’t have to listen to you or anybody else if she doesn’t want to. And you…” She pointed her finger at him. “…You have to let her go, if she doesn’t want to stay with you!”

  “I don’t have to do anything of the kind,” Deke retorted. “She’s carrying my kid and that makes her mine, whether she likes it or not.”

  Iceman grabbed her and pulled her away from Deke just as Peaches was about to attack him. Deacon grabbed Deke and pulled him away as well. The two of them just glared at each other and the tension rose considerably.

  When the doors opened again and the doctor joined them, he could tell this was a room full of apprehensive people. He cleared his throat and glanced around his gaze stopping at Deacon and Deke. “She’s out of recovery and in her room now. I think for now until she’s stronger, you should go and see her two at a time. She’s very weak yet and in some pain. We can’t give her much for the pain as she’s pregnant but she knows that.”

  Deke nodded and walked down the hall toward her room.

  Deacon followed while the others stayed behind. Before he got to the door, Deacon grabbed Deke’s shoulder and turned him around to face him. “As her only living family, I’m warning you not to be an ass. Yes, we all know she’s carrying your child but that doesn’t mean shit, if you upset her. She’s fragile right now and you need to know I will do what I have to…
to protect her, even from you. Right now, she’s all that matters. Do you understand that?”

  Deke tightened his lips but nodded. Turning around again, he pushed the door to the room open and walked inside.

  Cassie was laying on the bed. She had wires and tubes crawling all over her. She looked pale and had her eyes closed. There was a machine beeping next to her bed.

  Deke and Deacon moved closer.

  Deke reached for her hand. Holding it in his. He watched as she moved slightly.

  Turning her head, she opened her eyes. “Deke, is that you?” she whispered.

  “Yeah baby, I’m here.’ Deke mumbled as he knelt beside the bed. Reaching up with his hand, he brushed her hair away from her forehead.

  “I’m sorry Deke.”

  “About what?”

  “I should have told you about the baby,” she whispered brokenly. “I’m so sorry but I wanted you to love me for me. You were the one thing in my life I wanted for myself. I just wanted you to love me as much as I loved you. I guess I should have known better. I should have known somebody like you could never love somebody like me. I’m too damaged.” She closed her eyes briefly and tears ran down her cheeks. Turning her head away, she saw Deacon standing on the other side and she reached out to him.

  Deacon folded her into his arms and just held her while she cried.

  Deke sat back on his ass and just stared at her in someone else’s arms. He couldn’t believe what she’d said. Didn’t she know? Couldn’t she tell how much he cared about her? How could she think she was damaged? He looked up to see Deacon motion him toward the door. He didn’t want to leave her, not like this but he saw the wisdom of it. He didn’t want to upset her anymore than necessary.

  He got to his feet and slowly, quietly left the room. No one saw the tears run down his cheeks as he went to the end of the hall and stared out the window. How long he stood there, he couldn’t say but at some point, Gator came to stand beside him. Neither man said a word, they didn’t have to. Finally Deke looked over at his friend an asked, “Did you see her?”


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