Orphan Train Romance Series: Five Books in One! (Clean Western Historical Romances)

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Orphan Train Romance Series: Five Books in One! (Clean Western Historical Romances) Page 27

by Zoe Matthews

  Katrina was very quiet for a moment. “I am not sure I want to talk about it right now,” she finally said.

  Serena was not surprised at this answer. She knew the reason why Katrina had not been able to leave a few months ago as planned. Katrina had finally explained the situation that she had escaped to her during the train ride. Because Katrina had put off the trip, Serena had also decided to wait rather than travel by herself. Katrina’s adoptive parents had made things very easy for her. Out of the three girls, Katrina had had many more things and advantages given to her. Although Katrina never flaunted what was given to her and, in fact, she would share what she could with Serena and Anna, she did enjoy being able to have what she needed and wanted. Serena also knew she loved to teach at the Maple Grove school.

  Anna was also quiet for a moment as she studied her friend’s face, and then she nodded. “We can talk later. Right now, let’s help Serena get ready for her wedding.”

  “You look very happy, Anna,” Serena commented as Anna helped drape the dress over her head and body. Katrina helped her button up the rose-colored buttons in the back while Anna folded her traveling dress and put it in her carpetbag.

  “I love it here. Montana is so beautiful. You will love the Big Spring Ranch,” Anna responded.

  “And Alex?” Katrina asked with a little mischief in her voice.

  “He is wonderful. I am glad things worked out the way they did and I didn’t marry Luke. I love Alex very much.” Anna stopped what she was doing. She put her hands on Serena’s shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Paul is a good man. I am glad you have chosen to marry him. I think you will be happy with him.”

  “I think I have gotten to know him pretty well since we have written letters to each other for almost a year now,” Serena said. “I am looking forward to starting my life with him.”

  “It is really too bad you couldn’t come a few months earlier like you had originally planned,” Anna said again as she finished her task and sat down on a chair to watch Katrina help Serena with her hair.

  “Why?” Serena asked.

  “You know that each of the brothers have specific jobs they are over on the ranch. Alex takes care of raising and training horses. Luke is over making sure the cattle are well fed and cared for on the ranch. He often moves them from one range to another. Paul is over the cattle drive and taking the cattle to the train in Bozeman to be shipped to Chicago. Even though the brothers help each other with their work when they need it, they respect their own individual jobs and allow each other to be in charge when they are supposed to. The cattle drive will be starting in a few days.”

  Serena did not understand what Anna was trying to say. “I think it is a good idea they have divided up the main jobs.” She started to question Anna further, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. When Anna opened the door, Mrs. Olsen was on the other side.

  “Reverend Olsen has opened the church and is ready when you girls are,” Mrs. Olsen said.

  It was quickly decided that Anna and Katrina would leave with Mrs. Olsen and Serena would walk over with Paul. Soon Serena was by herself. She started to feel very nervous. She knew she was making the right decision in marrying Paul, but she still felt apprehensive in starting a new chapter in her life. She glanced in a small mirror that was hanging on a wall to make sure she looked the best she could. Satisfied with her appearance, she left the room and started to walk down the hall towards the parlor where she assumed Paul would be waiting for her. Right before she entered the room, she heard two men talking. Surprised that Paul was not alone like she thought he would be, she stopped in the hallway wondering if she should go in.


  “Luke and I want to give you a wedding gift,” Serena heard Alex tell Paul. “Anna and I appreciated this gift you gave us when we married and so we want to do the same for you and Serena.”

  “As much as I appreciate it, Paul, I don’t think I want to accept this.” Serena could see that Alex had given Paul an envelope.

  “Why not?” Alex asked with confusion and frustration in his voice. “Staying in the hotel for a night or two will give you a chance to be alone and get to know each other better. I promise Serena will appreciate it.”

  “The cattle drive is starting soon,” Paul said as he tried to give the envelope back to Alex. “I have to get back to the ranch. I really don’t have a few days to spare.”

  “We have plenty of hired hands to get things ready,” Alex continued to argue as he refused to take the envelope back.

  “I want to let Serena get used to me and to adjust to her new life before we are alone.”

  Alex stared at Paul and then turned to leave the house. “I think you are making a big mistake, brother. If you put your marriage first, other things will fall into place.”

  Serena took a few steps back as Alex left and silently thought about what she had just inadvertently heard. From what she could understand, Paul’s brothers were giving him the opportunity to spend a few days in town and stay in the hotel as a wedding gift and Paul didn’t want to do that. Didn’t Paul want to spend some time alone with her? For the first time, Serena started to doubt her decision to be a mail-order bride. Why would Paul not want to allow them to get to know each other? Was he regretting his decision in taking a mail-order bride?

  She took a deep breath and walked into the room with the intent to talk to Paul about what she had heard. As she walked in, she saw Paul put something in his pocket and she wondered if it was the envelope Alex had given him.

  Serena opened her mouth to start the conversation, but stopped when she saw a look on Paul’s face. His face had softened when he saw her and he walked towards her, taking her hand. He reached up with his other hand to lightly touch her face.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her as she stared at her for a moment, and then he stepped back abruptly.

  “Thank you,” Serena stammered. She had never had a man look at her the way Paul was looking at her.

  “The others are in the church. Are you ready?”

  Serena hesitated and then nodded, making an instant decision. She had made this choice to marry him and she would not back down now. They had exchanged many letters throughout the last year and she knew that she was making the right choice for her, even though she did not like what she had heard about the wedding gift. She decided she would talk to him later about the gift. Maybe she would be able to change his mind.

  Serena allowed Paul to lead her out of the house and into the small church nearby. The church was painted white and had a small steeple on top. There was a small stained glass window on top of the door. As they went inside, Serena saw that there was only one large room that was evidently the chapel. Mrs. Olsen was at the organ and she was energetically playing a hymn. Reverend Olsen was at the front with Paul’s brothers and Anna and Katrina stood off to the side, with Sage holding onto Anna’s hand. Paul and Serena walked up the small isle until they were standing in front of the Reverend.

  Either Mrs. Olsen did not know that Paul and Serena had entered or she was enjoying herself too much as she played, because she continued to do so, bouncing her body to the beat. Finally, the reverend cleared his throat loudly and the music immediately stopped. Serena heard a soft giggle from Anna as Mrs. Olsen swept herself off the organ bench and stood next to her husband, beaming as she did so.

  The ceremony was nice, but quick. The reverend did not talk much about marriage like the reverend in Maple Grove did. Serena had been to a few weddings of school friends and the reverend in Maple Grove would almost give a sermon about marriage before he performed the ceremony. This reverend just made sure Serena and Paul were choosing to be married by their own choice. He then had them repeat the marriage vows. When Paul was given permission to kiss the bride, Serena noticed he hesitated and she wondered if he would kiss her in front of everyone, but he then pulled her close and gently touched her lips with his own.

  The kiss was a short one as far as kisses go, but as their lips to
uched, Serena felt a sensation she had never felt before. For a moment, she and Paul were the only people in the room. When Paul moved away from her, he kept looking in her eyes for a moment and Serena wondered if the kiss had affected him as much as it had her.

  Alex clapped a hand on Paul’s back in congratulations while Anna and Katrina gave her a hug. Paul shook hands with the reverend in thanks. Soon the small group had left the church and stood in front of one of the wagons, preparing to head back to the ranch.

  Paul had kept Serena’s hand in his since the wedding and he held her back as the others got in a wagon Luke was driving. After many goodbyes and best wishes and “see you in a few hours at the ranch,” they soon left and Paul and Serena were alone.


  Serena wondered why they weren’t leaving at the same time. Did Paul change his mind and they were going to spend the night in the hotel? She hoped he had, for she suddenly had a strong desire to spend some time alone with him before they returned to the ranch to start their new lives together.

  He must have noticed the question in her eyes. “I need to pick up a few supplies at the general store before we leave.”

  Serena felt disappointed at his words, but did her best to hide her feelings. She decided at that moment not to bring up the subject about the wedding gift. Instead, she nodded her head in agreement and Paul led her into a store that was located just down the street. The store was smaller than the one Anna had worked in, but it was neat, clean and very organized. Paul was able to gather what he needed quickly. He purchased a bundle of blankets, some flint and steel, and quite a bit of food that would be going with him on the cattle drive. Serena also saw him slipping a small brown box into his pocket. She briefly wondered what was in the box, but soon forgot about it as she helped load the supplies Paul had purchased.

  Soon they were in the other wagon and on their way to the ranch. As they left the town, Serena took some time to look at the buildings they passed. Pine Valley, Montana wasn’t very big, but she could tell that it was growing. The businesses along Main Street were well cared for. She noticed that the town had a small restaurant and a saloon, which didn’t surprise Serena, as it seemed every western town, had at least one saloon. She also saw a small dress shop and milliner store. There were a few homes that lined the street.

  Paul cleared his throat and Serena looked at him, realizing they had not said anything to each other since they had left the store. “Tell me about the ranch,” Serena said, mainly to start a conversation with her new husband.

  Paul looked relieved at something to talk about. “Well, I did tell you quite a bit about it in my letters. I hope you will be happy here in Montana.”

  “You never told me what brought your family to Montana. Where are you originally from?”

  “My father had two brothers. They lived back east in Philadelphia. They hated the city life and wanted to own their own land, so they took advantage of the free land the government gave them through the Homesteading Act. Each of the brothers were able to get 160 acres next to each other and the plan was that they would work on the land together. Eventually my father’s two brothers decided they wanted to go even further west and so my father bought their land from them. He also was able to purchase more land that surrounded the original plots. That is why we have so much. Our ranch is one of the biggest around these parts.”

  “It sounds like you have been successful in raising cattle,” Serena commented. “Does everyone raise cattle around here?”

  Paul nodded. “Most do, although there is one family that lives west of us that is trying to raise sheep.” Paul’s voice had disgust in it as he spoke.

  “You don’t like sheep?” Serena guessed.

  “Sheep are stupid and dumb. They also spread disease quicker than cattle. This is cattle land. The family that is trying to raise sheep won’t last long.”

  “Why not?”

  “This is cattle land,” Paul said again as if that answered the question and although Serena wanted to pursue the subject of sheep and cattle, she changed the subject.

  “Anna told me that everyone has a job to do. What will be my job?”

  Paul looked surprised at her question. “There is plenty to do. I would talk to Anna about that. She would know more about the women’s work.”

  Serena continued to ask questions. She learned more about the small one-room cabin she would be sharing with Paul. Anna shared a similar cabin with Alex and Luke had his own with Sage. These three cabins surrounded a larger building where the cooking and laundry was done. The family ate together in this building. There were also a few rooms in the back of the building that were not being used at the moment.

  They had built two large barns on the property, one for the horses and one for the cattle when it was needed for births or injuries. They also had a few milk cows and chickens.

  The brothers had about ten men that worked on the ranch year round. A few of these men had families and they lived in small cabins that were located behind the barns. They also hired another ten or so men during the summer and fall and to help with the cattle drive. When Paul mentioned the subject of the cattle drive, this reminded Serena of the conversation that she had had with Anna before the wedding.

  “Tell me about what happens on the cattle drive,” Serena invited.

  “Well, we are in the process of gathering all the cattle from the high pastures in the mountains. Most of the cattle will be driven to Bozeman and loaded on a train to be taken to Chicago for auction.”

  “How long does the cattle drive take?”

  “We will be gone for about two weeks, give or take a few days, depending on the weather and how fast we can get the cattle to move.”

  Serena’s heart stopped when she heard the word “we.” She somehow knew that when Paul said “we,” he did not mean him and her. She now knew what Anna was talking about. Paul was planning to leave very soon on the cattle drive and, most likely, she would be left behind on the ranch.

  “What do you mean, we?” she questioned.

  “Well, this is my job, so I will be gone, along with most of the ranch hands.”

  “Will Luke and Alex also go?”

  “In the past, they have gone, but this year they will be staying behind.”

  “And what about me?”

  Paul looked surprised at her question. “You’ll be staying at the ranch with the others.”

  Serena was quiet for a few minutes while she thought about the best way to handle this first conflict in her new marriage. There was no way she was going to be left behind. She was now married and she wanted to experience everything she could with Paul.

  “What if I would like to come with you?” Serena finally asked.

  “A cattle drive is no place for a woman,” Paul retorted. “It is dirty, grubby work.”

  “I don’t think I will mind. I would like to come.”

  “I don’t think so,” Paul said firmly as he turned down her request again.

  “Paul, I think we need to talk about this. We are just newly married and now you are planning to leave me behind for a few weeks? Don’t you think we need to spend as much time together as we can?”

  “I figure we can officially start our marriage when I return. If you had arrived a few months ago like you were supposed to, this wouldn’t be a problem, but you didn’t, so we just have to work around things.”

  “I wanted to leave then, but Katrina…” Serena stopped when she realized she was going to say something that was entirely Katrina’s business and something she did not want to talk about right then. “I really would like to go with you. I think I can help and I promise that I won’t be a burden.”


  Paul sighed and urged the horses to go a little faster. They had not even been married for a few hours and already they were disagreeing. The last thing he wanted was for Serena to come on the cattle drive with him. Besides the fact that it was dirty, grubby work, it was also dangerous. So many things could go wrong. The
re could be a stampede. One year, a cowboy he had hired died from a rattlesnake bite. Another year, it rained almost the entire time and a few men had gotten sick from exposure. Even though it was only the middle of September, it could get very cold at night. Women rarely went on cattle drives. When they did, they were usually wives of other ranchers that they would meet up with along the way and they usually kept to themselves.

  He wanted to know Serena was safe back at the ranch with his two brothers. He regretted that they would only have a few days to spend together, but it could not be helped. For a brief moment, he thought of the envelope Alex and Luke had given him that he had shoved in his pocket and wondered if he should have taken Serena to the hotel for at least one night, but then he dismissed the thought. The cattle drive was his responsibility and he needed to get back to the ranch. They would have the rest of fall and the winter to get to know each other when he returned.


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