Deep End

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Deep End Page 13

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Cassidy pulled the shower curtain open. “You can come in.”

  Grady saw the curtain open and his cock stiffened. He stepped inside the shower to find Cassidy in the corner with a washcloth in front of her. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I need to do this…for us.”

  Grady smiled. “Us. I like the sound of that.”

  “You made me realize that the only person keeping me in the past is me.”

  Grady took the washcloth from Cassidy’s hand and looked at her. She had scars but she had a curvy body, nice boobs, and enough booty to grab. “I want you in my future.” Grady kissed Cassidy’s neck.

  Cassidy let out a soft little moan. “Make love to me, Grady.”

  “Wrap your arms around my neck.” Grady lifted her up and slid himself inside her.

  Cassidy had never felt more loved than she did right now.

  Six weeks had flown by and Cassidy was getting used to Grady’s comings and goings. He’d been away twice so far and was leaving again today. She hated missing him but the sex when he came home made up for it…almost. Cassidy smiled.

  “What are you smiling about all alone here in the kitchen?”

  Cassidy looked up at Grady. “You.”

  Grady put down the giftbag he had in his hand and kissed Cassidy. “I think about you all the time too.”

  “I’m going to miss you this week.”

  Grady grabbed the bag and handed it to Cassidy. “Maybe this will help to not miss me.”

  Cassidy reached inside the bag and pulled out a team jacket with O’Malley embroidered on the back. “Oh Grady, I love it. Thank you.”

  “Good, then you can wear it while you cheer me on this week.”

  “I will.”

  “In person. I want you to come with me, Cassidy.”

  Cassidy froze. “To Denver?”

  “Yes. I know I’ll be busy, but I want you to come.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What’s going on. Talk to me.” Grady took Cassidy’s hand.

  “I’m afraid that I’ll end up on social media or in the paper.”

  “These events have a lot of security.”

  “He could…”

  “Please, stop letting him control you.” Grady walked out.

  Grady finished packing his suitcase. He grabbed his jacket, turned around and Cassidy was standing there.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Grady dropped his jacket and hugged Cassidy. “It’s not a matter of right or wrong. It eats me up to know that a man who hurt you so much can continue to do so. Don’t you know that if he ever comes within even a mile of you that I’ll kill him with my bare hands for what he’s done to you.”

  “My therapist said that if he really wanted to find me that he would have. I guess I have to believe that.”

  “I think he’s right.”

  “Does the invitation still stand?”

  Grady smiled. “Of course.”

  “Good, then I’ll get packed.”

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get the door.”

  “Are you expecting someone?”

  “It’s a surprise. Get packing.”

  Cassidy came out of the bedroom rolling her suitcase and squealed when she saw Jess standing there with her suitcase wearing a team jacket. “YOU’RE COMING?”

  Jess nodded as she ran over to Cassidy and hugged her. “Yes. Grady invited me!”

  Grady stood there smiling. He loved seeing Cassidy look so happy.

  Cassidy ran over to Grady and jumped into his arms. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Grady kissed Cassidy.

  Jess rolled her eyes. “Oh please! Will you two get a room!” Then she laughed.

  Cassidy and Jess buckled up and waited for takeoff. Cassidy wished that Grady was with her, but she understood that he had to stay with his team.

  “I’m so happy that Grady invited you.”

  “Me too. I feel like we never get to see each other anymore.”

  “That’s my fault. I’ve been spending every minute with him unless he is traveling and then I’m catching up on work and things.”

  “This should be fun. When Grady is at practice we can shop or go to the spa.”

  “A spa day sounds nice.”

  “I just hope we don’t run into Grady’s ex.”

  “You think she is still lurking around the swim circuit?”

  “Who knows with that one.”

  Grady sat holding onto his seatbelt like his life depended on it just like he did on every flight since his crash.

  “Buddy, you know that doing that isn’t going to keep the plane from crashing, right?”

  “I can’t help it. You don’t know what it was like to be trapped…”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t know.” Weston patted Grady on the shoulder.

  “Want me to grab you a bottle from the attendant’s cart?”

  “West, drinking doesn’t solve problems.”

  “No, but it sure can relax you and make you forget you have them.”


  “There’s a party on the beach tonight, do you want to go?”

  “Did you forget I have Cassidy with me?”

  “So, the other guys bring their plus ones.”

  “I’ll ask them and see what they want to do.”


  Grady suddenly remembered how Weston and Jess left off last time they saw each other. “She has a friend with her.”


  “I’m sorry. I forgot…”

  “Forgot! How could you forget.”

  “Because Cassidy makes me forget everything.” Grady smiled.

  “You’re going to make me puke. You’re like a lovesick puppy here.”

  “I’ve never been so happy.”

  “Fine. I’ll just avoid her like the plague.”

  Cassidy and Jess had a car waiting to take them to their hotel. She knew that Grady had to go on the bus with his teammates. What she didn’t know was that Grady told the driver to take her and Jess to an upscale restaurant and then to the nail salon.

  “Boy you really hit the jackpot with this one.”

  Cassidy looked up from her magazine. “I did. Jess, I never thought that I could love someone so much.”

  “I wish he had a twin brother.”

  “Aww, Jess, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. If there is anybody that I know who deserves to be happy it’s you.”

  “Thanks, Jess. You know if it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be dead.”


  “It’s true. I think the only reason I never went down that road was because I knew that you’d be the one who found me.”

  “Oh God, Cass.”

  “Yeah. Moving on to better times…how do you feel about Rad Red?”

  “It matches Grady’s jacket.” Jess giggled.


  Grady climbed out of the pool and Rylan was on the deck. “What are you doing here?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself I’m here to see Jasper.”

  “Are you screwing him now?”

  “Why are you jealous?” Rylan ran her finger down Grady’s chest.

  Grady stepped back. “Hell no! I feel sorry for the poor guy.”

  Rylan practically growled as she spun around and walked away.

  Weston snuck up behind Grady in the hallway and jumped on his back. “Jesus, West, you scared the crap out of me!”

  Weston laughed. “Damn! You bucked me off like a bull.”

  “You shouldn’t have jumped on me like that.”

  “You ok?”

  “It’s been a long day. First, the flight and then Rylan.”

  “Rylan’s here?”

  “Apparently she hooked up with Jasper.”

  “Are you afraid that Cassidy will be upset?”

  “I know she won’t be happy especially when she finds out that Rylan had her cla
ws on me.”

  “What the hell is wrong with her!”

  “I don’t know. I thank God every day for Cassidy.”

  “Maybe you could put a good word in with God for me.” Weston smiled.

  “Will do, Buddy.”

  Jess came out of the bathroom to find Cassidy and Grady groping each other on the couch. “Again! Get a room!”

  Grady pulled away and laughed. “We did. You’re standing in it!”

  Cassidy laughed. “He does have a point.”

  “Fine. I was about to go for a swim anyway.” Jess grabbed her towel. “I will be back in an hour.” Jess stepped out into the hallway and walked right into Weston. “Jerk! Watch where you’re…”

  “Are you kidding me!”

  “Nope. It’s me.”

  Weston couldn’t help but stare at Jess in her bikini. “Yeah.”

  Jess smiled. “See something you like?”

  Weston shook his head. “No.”

  “Just a window shopper.” Jess laughed as she continued down the hall.

  Weston hated himself for watching Jess walk away but she was just too hot not too.

  Cassidy spent the last three days proudly cheering for Grady. She watched him receive five gold medals so far and each time she shed tears of joy. Now he was about to receive another. She stood proudly wearing his team jacket while the flag was raised, and the anthem played.

  Jess stood by Cassidy’s side, but it wasn’t Grady she was fixed on it was Weston. His smile was incredible. She now understood Cassidy’s obsession with a swimmer’s body.

  Cassidy yanked at Jess’ elbow. “Jess, everyone is sitting.”

  Jess looked around and quickly sat. “I was…”

  “Fantasizing about Weston.” Cassidy laughed.

  “He’s so hot.”

  “So is his best friend.” Cassidy winked.

  “Golden Boy is too tall for me.”

  “Good because he’s mine.”

  “Do you think Weston will ever forgive me?”

  “Maybe. I caught him watching you last night.”

  “You did?”

  “You were dancing, and he was at the bar watching you.”

  “He was probably wondering if I was going to have sex with each guy I danced with.” Jess exhaled.

  Cassidy giggled. “I somehow doubt that.”

  “Whatever. Unless it’s him I’m having sex with, it doesn’t really matter.”

  Grady and Weston changed and were on their way out of the locker room.


  Grady stopped and turned toward his coach. “Yeah, Coach.”

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure.” Grady looked at Weston. “Can you tell Cassidy that I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “No problem.”

  Grady walked over to where his coach was standing. “I was contacted by Splash magazine today. They want to do a feature on the team with an exclusive interview with you.”


  “Tomorrow morning before we head out.”

  “Ok, Coach.”

  “Good. I will have you come first and then the team can show up later.”

  “Fine. Text me the details and I will be there.”

  Coach Harvey patted Grady on the shoulder. “I’m proud of you, Son.”

  “Thank you, Coach.”

  Cassidy was waiting for Grady to come when she heard a woman behind her talking about Grady. She didn’t even have to look to figure out it was Rylan.

  “Cass, I think she’s coming over here.”

  Cassidy exhaled and turned around.

  “Hi, Doctor.”


  “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought that Grady was back to his old self.”

  “Grady’s fine.”

  Jess giggled. “Yes, he is.”

  Rylan gave Jess a dirty look before turning back to Cassidy. “Then why does he need his doctor here?”

  Cassidy opened her mouth and Jess’ voice came out. “Cassidy isn’t Grady’s doctor, she’s his girlfriend.”

  Rylan’s eyes popped open and then she laughed. “Fine, if it’s a doctor patient thing then don’t tell me.”

  Cassidy mentally pulled on her big girl panties. “Grady is my boyfriend. There isn’t any doctor patient thing going on here.”

  “You must be kidding! Are you sure he isn’t still blind?” Rylan laughed.

  Cassidy was trying to hold back the tears.

  Jess, however, wasn’t about to let Rylan talk to her best friend like that. She punched Rylan in the face.

  Rylan screamed. “YOU BITCH!”


  Rylan swung, Jess blocked her, and Weston grabbed Rylan’s wrist. “Get the hell out of here!”

  Jasper came running over. “Get your hands off her!”

  “Then you deal with her!” Weston shoved her at Jasper.

  “Let’s go!” Rylan stormed off. Jasper followed.

  Weston looked at Cassidy and knew she was about to snap. He grabbed her and hugged her. “Grady’s on his way.”

  Cassidy pulled away and wiped her eyes. “Can you help me get out of here.”

  “I’ll take you back to the locker room where Grady is.”


  Jess placed her hand on Cassidy’s back. “Honey, don’t let that bitch get to you.”

  Weston looked at Jess. “Jess is right. Don’t let her get in your head.”

  Cassidy shrugged Jess’ hand off and darted down the hall.

  As Grady emerged from the locker room, he spotted Cassidy practically running through the hall. He took off after her. “Cassidy! Cassidy!”

  Cassidy stopped but didn’t turn around.

  Grady stepped in front of her. He placed his hand under her chin to lift her head. “Hey, what’s…” Once Grady saw the tears, he dropped his bag and hugged Cassidy. “Why are you crying?”

  “I need to go home!” Cassidy tried to pull away.

  Grady wasn’t letting her get away, he squeezed her tighter. “I don’t know what happened, but I love you and together we can get through anything.”

  Hearing Grady say that he loved her only made the thought of leaving him worse. “Please let me go.”

  Grady stepped back and released Cassidy but took hold of her hand. “Cassidy, I don’t know why you’re upset with me but…”

  “I’m not upset with you.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t deserve you.” Cassidy wiped her tears.

  “Fuck! Did Rylan say something?”

  Cassidy nodded. “But, Grady, she’s right. Look at me!”

  “I am looking at you and all I can see is the woman I love and the only thing that could be more beautiful would be if she didn’t have tears in her eyes.”


  “I love you. Do you love me?”

  Cassidy nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then please forget whatever garbage Rylan spewed out of her nasty mouth and give me one of those smiles I love so much.”

  Cassidy attempted to smile. “I’m sorry I thought I could handle her and the next thing I knew I was in a complete and total meltdown.”

  “Have you forgotten that the last time Rylan flipped out on me I downed a bunch of pills.”

  “I’ll never forget how frightened and sad you looked.”

  “You took care of me.”

  “After I cleaned your puke off me.” Cassidy giggled.

  “Maybe we owe Rylan a thank you. If she didn’t fuck me up so bad, I wouldn’t have taken those pills, Weston wouldn’t have texted you and we wouldn’t be together.”

  “True, but she won’t ever hear it from me.”

  Grady leaned down and kissed Cassidy. “Let’s go back to the room.”

  “Room! Oh God, Jess! I ran off and left her.”


  “In the front lobby with Weston.”

  Grady picke
d up his bag and then grabbed Cassidy’s hand. “Come on.”

  Weston walked Jess over to a nearby couch and sat her down. “Stay here and I will grab you some ice for that hand.”

  “No, it’s ok. You don’t have to.”

  “Just sit tight. I’ll be right back.”

  Jess looked down at her bruised knuckles. She hadn’t punched anyone like that since college. She laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Weston sat down with a plastic bag full of ice.

  “I was remembering the last time I got into a fight.”

  Weston took Jess’ hand into his and placed the bag of ice onto her knuckles. “Do you fight often?”

  “Nope, it’s the first time this decade.” Jess laughed.

  “Well that bitch deserved it. She’s had it coming for years. In fact, if I wasn’t a man, I’d have done it years ago.”

  Jess looked at Weston and smiled. “I’m happy you’re a man.”

  Weston looked away.

  Grady and Cassidy walked into the lobby. “Oh jeez!”

  “Maybe we should let them be. Jess just laughed.”

  Cassidy elbowed Grady. “It’s probably the calm before the storm.”

  “You might be right. Weston just looked away.”

  Cassidy walked over to Jess. “Hey, sorry I took off and left you like that.”

  Jess looked up and smiled when she saw Grady towering over Cassidy. “Seeing as you came back with Golden Boy, I’ll forgive you.”

  Weston stood up. “I’m going to head back to my room now.”

  “We can all head back together.” Grady winked at Weston.

  Weston rolled his eyes. “Sure.”

  Jess stood up and hugged Cassidy. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Cassidy smiled. She was proud of herself. Grady gave her hope, confidence, and something she hadn’t remembered feeling in a very long time…happiness.

  Grady and Cassidy were all over each other in the limo on the way back to the hotel. Jess and Weston were having trouble keeping their eyes off one another. The limo pulled up in front of the hotel, Grady tipped the driver and pulled Cassidy out of the limo. He lifted her into his arms and carried her inside.


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