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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

Page 5

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Do you have the habit of walking outside naked?” She asks from where she is still watching me.

  “Only my brothers and I walk these woods at night.” I answer before turning towards her. Her eyes roving over my front, stopping when she gets to my crotch, her cheeks darken with colour and she wets her lip again with the tip of her tongue. If she only knew the images that cross my mind at that action of her tongue flickering out like that tasting my cock, then she would really blush.

  “Are you always in that state?” She asks, her eyes still focused firmly on my crotch, “Do you realize that, that is the only way I have seen you since the minute I met you?”

  “It’s because of the mating, I will always want you but at this time it is more intense.” I answer as I grab one of the towels and wrap it around my waist, some drops of water still running down my chest.

  “Are you still going to help me?” At her question I frown, why would she think I wouldn’t help her.

  “Yes, Hunter, Dash and I are going to look into your sister’s disappearance. Tomorrow we will start to make enquiries and see if she is still with them.” She crosses her arms over her chest as she sits forward, her head slightly tilted as she looks at me.

  “Great, where are we going first?” I shake my head at her words

  “Not we, you are not going with. I will keep you updated on everything we find, but you stay here.” At my words she shakes her head vehemently.

  “No, I want to be involved. I can’t sit around here waiting for you to find her.” I walk towards the foot of the bath looking at her agitated face.

  “Some of the places we are going to will be dangerous, these people we have to talk to aren’t the best crowd that you want to be getting involved with. Therefore, it is better if you stay here where it will be safe and let us do our work.”

  “Look, I appreciate your concern for my life but I am going to go out there and try and find my sister just as much as you are, so if you don’t want me to do it alone you will let me accompany you.” Damn stubborn woman, and she most probably would.

  “Onix it is dangerous, the Hades MC are involved in some pretty heavy stuff that you don’t want to get mixed up in.” I try to reason with her but before I am even finished with my sentence, she is shaking her head.

  “I came here to find my sister, I asked for your help in finding her and not for you to take over. Hawk, I need to be involved in finding her, I feel like I am doing nothing.” Shit, I can hear the desperation in her voice and know that if I don’t allow her to accompany us she will simply go out on her own as she threatened, and that will just get her into trouble if The Hades find out that she is asking about them.

  “Fine, when you get out of the bath, we will go through what you know up to now.” I state as I walk towards the door, “are you hungry?” She nods at my question.

  “I only had a slice of toast this morning.” She murmurs

  “I'll get us some food.” I reply as I walk out of the bathroom, picking my jeans up from the floor pulling out my phone I Walk towards the area of the room where I will have reception, I make the call to one of our prospects.

  On the second ring he answers, I can hear music in the background which tells me that he’s at the clubhouse. “Hawk?”

  “I need food at the cottage, bring down two meals of what everyone had tonight and stuff for breakfast tomorrow.”

  “On it.” He confirms before disconnecting the call

  “The reception here is terrible.” Onix says from the doorway to the bathroom, glancing over at her I see that she has once again donned my t-shirt that looks sexy as hell on her. The material only comes to just under her ass which leaves very little to the imagination.

  “They will bring food shortly.” I state, approaching the bed. I sit down leaning against the headboard I stretch out my legs feeling the towel sliding open. I ignore it. “Come sit down and tell me everything about your sister.”

  “I have told you everything we found out.” She says with a frown as she approaches the bed and takes a seat at the foot of the bed furthest away from me. I know that she is trying to maintain a distance, but she will soon realize that I am not going to allow any distance between us.

  “I want to know everything about your sister and not just what is on that file the investigator put together.” She nods bringing her hand to her face and strokes her cheek.

  “Linda is older than me, and ever since I can remember she has been getting herself into trouble. Her and I were really close growing up but ever since I started working, we have drifted slightly away from each other.” She lifts her hands to undo the knot on her hair letting it fall around her, the wisps of hair drawing my eyes to its silkiness.

  “Don’t get me wrong, we still used to speak to each other at least twice a week and sometimes more, but my work takes up a lot of my time, time that I didn’t have to spend with my mom and her. Linda has a soft heart and she will go out of her way to help others. She is just a bad judge of character.”

  “You said she was always getting into trouble, what kind of trouble?” Onix bites her bottom lip for a few seconds before answering.

  “When Linda was in high school, she got mixed up with the wrong crowd and started doing drugs, it has been a constant battle with her.” Suddenly Onix frowns as she looks at me, “just because she was doing drugs doesn’t mean that she’s purposefully keeping away from us. No matter how Linda is, she will always contact us no matter what, unless she can’t. I don’t want you to think that just because she was on drugs that she’s a lost cause.”

  I am going to turn over every leaf looking for Linda but knowing that she was on drugs and that she was with the Hades MC doesn’t give me much hope. I’m not going to tell Onix that the chance of us finding her is slim as either they have sold her, or she has overdosed with the amount of product that circulates through their MC.

  “We will find her.” I promise, I just don’t know if she will be alive when we do.

  “Linda was always there for me growing up, protecting me. I have to be there for her now.” I see pain in her eyes telling me that there is more to that story than she is telling me, but something also tells me that she won’t yet tell me what that story is.

  “Our food has arrived.” I state as I hear the prospect approaching, my nose picking up the smell of food. Standing I wrap the towel once again around my hips as I make my way to the door reaching it just as there is a knock.

  Opening the door, I take the bag from the prospect, “Dash gave me this for you to go through.” He says handing me a folder.

  “Thanks.” Closing the door I turn to find Onix standing near the couch with her eyes on the bag. “Let’s see what we have here.” I say as I walk towards the kitchen dropping the folder on the couch as I walk past. Onix follows me, as I take the plates from the cupboard, I see her looking in the bag.

  “Mmm, it smells so good.” She murmurs as she pulls out a couple of containers. “It’s like a feast.” Opening one of the containers she frowns. “Umm, we still need to cook this.” Looking over her shoulder I grin.

  “I’m guessing you don’t like rare meat.” I tease, from experience with Dakota I know that rare meat is not something people usually like to eat.

  “There is rare and then there is raw.” She states as she looks at the meat

  “Don’t worry, there will be something cooked in one of the containers. Dakota doesn’t like rare either.” I see her frown as she opens another container and then she smiles

  “Mmm, much better.” She says as she picks at a piece of meat from the stroganoff.

  “You have that one and I’ll have this,” I say as I pick up the container with the steak placing it on my plate. She wrinkles her nose as she looks at the steak, and then up at me.

  “What else is different about you? Do you have to be locked up when it's a full moon or something?” I start to chuckle and then a full-blown laugh.

  “No nothing like that, and you don’t need si
lver bullets to kill me. A normal bullet will do the trick.” I see her shake her head as she turns with her plate now heaped with Stroganoff. I’m glad my woman isn’t one of those that eat little portions to maintain her figure. She walks to the couch, taking a seat she places the plate on her lap.

  “You find this funny, while I still don’t know how it can be true and the worst part is that I had sex with you.” At her comment my amusement vanishes.

  “What do you mean the worst? I know for a fact that you enjoyed yourself.” I mutter, which has her shrugging as she chews her food before answering.

  “You are kind of like another species, that can’t be right. And not to mention you even get knots.” She inclines her head towards my crotch, “like a mutt.” I can’t believe she is comparing me to a dog again.

  “That doesn’t happen all the time, it just happened earlier because you are my mate and we were bonding.” I say in my defence, feeling angry that I am trying to explain myself.

  “Well, either way thank you for wanting me as your mate, but this won’t work.” I raise my brows at her statement.

  “You won’t be able to keep away from me, we will be drawn to each other as mates should.”

  “Well don’t hold your breath, I told you it was good but not that great that I won’t be able to live without.” The fact that she can so easily dismiss what we shared has my anger rising.

  “You will change your mind.”

  “You are very convinced of your sexual abilities, aren’t you?” She asks as she takes the last morsel of her food into her mouth, seeing her tongue peep out to lick the sauce on her lip has me as hard as a poker as I think of the things she can do with that tongue.

  “No one has complained so far.” The moment the words are out of my mouth I regret them, knowing that mates do not take well to the thought of their other half having sex with someone else even if it was before meeting them. I can see the way her body has tensed and the way her head rises slowly making her hair flow around her. Her cheeks have darkened with colour at her anger.

  “Well maybe you should go and entertain all these women that can’t function without you.” She states as she stands, walking towards the kitchen she places her plate in the sink, bending down she picks up the dishwashing liquid so she can wash her plate.

  I stand making my way towards her, I place my plate in the sink and then bend forward rubbing my arm against the outside of her breast as I pull the dishcloth off its hook. I feel her tense, but she doesn’t step back. Taking the plate from her hand stroking her fingers in the process, I clean the plate and place it on the shelf. I notice that she places the other washed plate down next to the sink instead of letting me take it from her.

  Well looks like she is more affected then she makes out to be. Onix turns making her way to the room, after packing the other plate and cutlery I am about to join her when I notice the folder that Dash sent for me to look at.

  Sitting on the couch I open the folder to find information on Linda, looking through what it says I see that she has been arrested a few times for possession, the interesting part though is when I find the piece about their father. Looking up I see Onix sitting on the bed, her legs stretched out before her, her back against the headboard as she makes as if she is going through her phone but I know that her attention is on me.

  What the fuck did that bastard do to them? The thought of any man hurting children has my blood boiling. If I find out that he hurt Onix in any way I will make sure that his life is a living hell in jail. I continue reading and see that we had a sighting of Linda with Roy from the Hades MC a couple of months back but since then there have been no sightings of her.

  Standing I walk towards the bed and see Onix tensing but she doesn’t look up, but I hear her heart start to race and her breathing changes. She can fight it as much as she wants but the evidence of our bonding is already there, my woman wants me as much as I want her and no matter how much she fights it she will have to give in, in the end.

  “We have found evidence that your sister was in fact with the Hades a couple of months ago, but since then that we have had no sighting of her.” I hand the photo over to her and see her gaze lovingly at the photo.

  “Yes, that is her.” She murmurs, and I can hear the sadness in her voice. “Do you think she’s okay?” She asks as she looks up from the photo to me.

  I wish I could lie but in principle I will never lie to my mate as that is not the relationship I want us to grow. “I don’t know, but wherever she is I will find her.” She nods and then looks down at the photo once again.

  “You know, she is a beautiful person.” She points at the photo of Linda that is clearly high, “the drugs are her downfall.” I don’t like seeing the sadness in her eyes, or the pain in her voice, no matter what I will make sure to bring her peace.

  ONIX 7

  My body feels like it’s going up in flames, the lips on my neck. . . my eyes shoot open. What the hell, was I just dreaming of Hawk? I turn my head only to find him lying next to me on the bed, when I fell asleep last night, he had gone out, saying that he had to go and talk to one of his brothers. I never heard him coming back and I didn’t hear him lay down next to me.

  My eyes travel over his body seeing the muscular tanned chest, the eyes on the wolf tattoo seem to be taking everything in. His tight abs are calling to me, but I force myself not to fall into this very sinful temptation that is Hawk. Continuing my perusal down his body to his crotch I see his manhood standing at attention, my eyes shoot up to his face, but his eyes are closed, and he seems to be sleeping. Is he?

  I stare at him for a couple of minutes, but his breathing doesn’t change, and his eyes remain closed, glancing back down I see his cock still hard, showing off its impressive size. When coming here I never once thought I would find someone like Hawk, or that I would have been in a bed with him a couple of hours after meeting him, but he has a pull on me that I have never felt before or even imagined feeling.

  My fingers itch to touch him but I know that if I touch him now, I will be a goner and then my whole life will be turned upside down, I can’t fall into this temptation no matter how right it feels. I turn away from him and sit up in bed. I will need to get ready, today hopefully will be the day we find Linda. “Where are you going?” I glance over my shoulder to see Hawk still in the same position, but his eyes are now on me.

  “Were you awake this whole time?” I ask with a frown; did he know I was admiring his body?

  “What do you mean?” He asks with a raised brow that draws my attention to his beautiful dark blue eyes that are now running over my body that is still encased in his t-shirt. He must be finding it strange that I’m still wearing his t-shirt, but it feels so comfortable that I ignored my restraint and slept in it.

  “Were you asleep or awake before I got up?” I ask suspiciously as I see his cock bobbing, distracting me.

  “I woke up when you got out of bed, why?” He asks as he turns, lifting his head. He leans it on his bent arm, the bicep beautifully defined, looking strong and sexy as hell.

  “Are you always in that state?” I ask as I turn towards him fully and point towards his crotch. I see a slow grin appear on his face that makes his eyes twinkle with merriment.

  “When you are around, of course.” He murmurs, his eyes focus on my sensitive nipples that is clear that I am aroused. I try to hunch my shoulders inconspicuously, so the t-shirt is baggier over my breasts, but he notices which has his grin widening.

  “You know what you are?” I mutter, “a sweet talker.” Snapping around I make my way towards the kitchen to make coffee. “Why were you in bed with me anyway?” I ask as I fill the kettle with water.

  “You looked lonely.” His words whispered right next to my ear. I yelp in surprise, dropping the kettle, which to my amazement he catches before it touches the ground.

  “Don’t do that?” I mutter as I snatch the kettle away from him, “it's eerie how you sneak up on me.”

  “I was
n’t sneaking up on you.” He says as he takes a step back crossing his arms over his chest, I see that he has slipped on his low-cut jeans, but without a t-shirt he is just as distracting.

  “And I wasn’t lonely, I was sleeping. Just because we had sex once doesn’t mean that you can do as you like.”

  “Vixen, If I did as I liked you would be bent over that sink right now with me buried deep inside of you.” I can feel my cheeks warming with colour, as I picture what he just said. The thought of him taking me like that has my blood boiling, I would like nothing more than to have him take me but if he’s cocky now I can just imagine if I gave him free reign, he would be incorrigible.

  “Dream on.” I mutter as I turn away to put the kettle on.

  “You won’t resist for long.” He says as he slaps my ass, yelping I snap around only to see him walking away.

  “Listen here, I don’t know what you are used to, but you can’t just do as you please with me.” What an infuriating man, he just ignores me as he walks away. Huffing I turn and continue making us coffee, only when I’m walking towards the room with the two coffees do I realize that I made the irritating man coffee.

  “Here.” I mutter as I stretch out my hand holding the coffee for him. He takes the coffee, nodding.

  “I’m going to leave soon; I will ask Dakota to come and get you. If you need anything, I have put my number in your phone.” I frown at his statement.

  “You have been spying on my phone?” How dare he go through my phone. I hurry towards the bed where the phone is laying, picking it up I look down at it.

  “No, I just typed my number in.” He says as he shrugs


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