Silent Killer

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Silent Killer Page 18

by Beverly Barton

  Tears gathered in Ruth Ann’s eyes. “I’ve failed her as a mother, haven’t I? Where did I go wrong? Charity has never given us a moment’s trouble, but Felicity…Oh dear. The whole town will know about this by the time Sunday school starts. How will this look—the minister’s daughter arrested for underage drinking and smoking marijuana?”

  “I’m not concerned about how this will look.” He ran his open palms down her arms and grasped her hands in his. “People will either understand or they won’t. Our only concern should be Felicity.”

  “Yes, I know. And poor Charity. I’m sure the only reason she was involved was because she was trying to look after her sister.”

  “Let’s get dressed.” He turned her toward the stairs and slipped his arm around her waist. “Our daughters need us to present a united front. We’re in agreement that Charity will need reassurance that we don’t blame her for any of this. And Felicity will need our love and support, but we have to make her understand how serious the situation is.”

  “Yes, of course, we’re in total agreement. And we will certainly present a united front.”

  Jack had called Mike and explained that Deputies Dryer and Gipson had brought in seven teenagers, all but two under the age of eighteen. Six of the seven had slipped away from the Christian youth rally at the community center and been reported missing by the chaperones in charge. Both the local police and sheriff’s department had been looking for them when two deputies had found the kids with several six-packs. And two of the seven were smoking pot.

  “The nineteen-year-old is the real culprit,” Jack had said. “My guess is he provided the beer and the marijuana. I’d nail his cocky ass to the wall. The others are probably good kids who got caught in a bad situation.”

  Mike had grumbled a few obscenities, as much a complaint about being awakened before dawn as a judgment on the situation.

  “To complicate matters even more, you personally know four of the kids.”

  “Shit. Just tell me.”

  “Cathy’s son, Seth. But he wasn’t drinking or smoking, according to the others. Then there’s the Harper sisters, whose father is the minister at First Baptist—”

  “Lorie’s cousin John Earl’s daughters?”

  “Yep. And Melissa Hovater, whose father is the Church of Christ preacher.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ve got to call my mom and ask her to come over to stay with the kids. Have you let all of them contact their parents?”

  “I wanted to talk to you first and see if we can’t work something out so we can let these kids go home with their parents and maybe not charge them. Well, except Ricky, who provided the beer and the pot. And Seth has asked if he can call his mother instead of his grandparents.”

  “His grandparents are his legal guardians,” Mike had reminded him.

  “I know, but the boy’s scared to death about how his grandfather will react. I thought Cathy could—”

  “Hell, we’ll work it all out when I get there.”

  It had taken Mike thirty minutes to arrange for his mother to babysit and for him to get dressed and make it to the office. That had been twenty minutes ago, and they were still trying to “work it out.”

  Neal Prater’s parents were the first to arrive. His mother was in tears and his burly, blustering father was cursing a blue streak until Mike spoke to him privately. He calmed down instantly. Lacey Sims’s mother, a divorcee who worked the night shift at the Tyson plant, sent Lacey’s aunt to the station. Aunt Bree had accused them all of harassing her niece and bringing her in on trumped-up charges. Ricky had been booked, put behind bars and was waiting for his lawyer.

  When Cathy arrived, she searched the crowd, looking for Seth. Jack went to her and took her aside for a couple of minutes.

  “He wasn’t drinking or smoking pot,” Jack said. “I don’t think Mike is going to charge him with anything, but he is going to talk pretty rough to all of them. The boy who brought the beer and pot is nineteen, and he’s been arrested.”

  “Why would Seth do something like this? He’s never—”

  “I think he went along to keep watch over Missy Hovater,” Jack said. “I got the impression he likes her.”

  Cathy glanced at the teenagers huddled together across the room, Seth with his arm around Missy’s shoulders. Charity Harper was wiping the black mascara-streaked tears from her sister’s face.

  “Did you call J.B. and Mona?” she asked.

  “No,” Jack said. “Mike and I aren’t in agreement on this, and he may call them yet, but Seth seems genuinely terrified of how his grandfather will react.”

  “J.B. doesn’t allow for human frailties. He demanded perfection from Mark, and he expects no less from Seth.”

  “You realize your lawyer could use this incident against the Cantrells,” Jack told her. “If you—”

  “I’d never subject Seth to the humiliation. If Mike can find a way not to charge Seth…I know J.B. will have to be told. But it will be easier for Seth if he can tell him himself later and not have to face his grandfather here at the sheriff’s office.” She laid her hand on Jack’s arm. “Thank you for letting him call me. Now I need to see my son.”

  Just as Cathy walked toward Seth, John Earl and Ruth Ann Harper arrived. The moment she saw her parents, Felicity ran straight into her father’s open arms.

  “Oh, Daddy, I’m sorry,” she cried. “I swear I’ll never do anything this stupid again. Please don’t let them put me in jail. I just took one or two little puffs. I swear, I swear.”

  John Earl wrapped his arms around his younger child and whispered something to her. She laid her head on his shoulder and clung to him. Quietly, Charity came over to her parents and looked from one to the other.

  “I tried to stop her,” Charity said. “But she listened to Lacey and Neal, and when they all left, I couldn’t let her go without me. And I couldn’t tell on her.” She glanced back at Seth. “Seth and I didn’t drink anything or smoke anything. We just went along to keep an eye on Felicity and Missy.”

  John Earl offered his elder daughter a weak smile. “Thank you, sweetheart, for trying to look after your sister.”

  Ruth Ann wrapped her arm around Charity’s shoulder. “This is not your fault, and I don’t want you to worry that we blame you in any way.”

  Felicity raised her head, pulled out of her father’s embrace and faced her parents. “It’s all my fault. I’m the one who talked Missy into going. I told her Neal and Lacey were going to meet up with Ricky and wouldn’t it be fun if we went, too. I’m sorry. I’m such an idiot.”

  “You certainly acted foolishly tonight,” John Earl said.

  “What are they going to do to me?” Felicity asked, a note of fear in her trembling voice.

  “I don’t know, honey,” Ruth Ann said. “You’re seventeen and were caught drinking beer and smoking marijuana.”

  Felicity burst into tears again.

  Cathy walked over to Seth where he stood beside a subdued Missy Hovater, her head bowed, her gaze fixed on the floor. When he saw his mother, Seth stared directly at her, a silent plea for understanding in his blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry about this, Mom.”

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “What about you, Missy?”

  When the girl lifted her head, Cathy saw tears in her eyes and remorse in her expression.

  “Seth didn’t do anything wrong. He tried to convince me not to go, but I wouldn’t listen to him. He just went with me to make sure…” Her voice broke.

  Cathy could tell from the imploring look in Seth’s eyes that he wanted her to comfort Missy. She laid her hand on the girl’s shoulder. “We all make mistakes. You’ve learned a valuable lesson tonight, and we’re fortunate that Sheriff Birkett is trying his best to sort through the facts and keep most of you from winding up in juvenile court.”

  “I wish my father would see it that way. You’re being so nice, and so are Felicity and Charity
’s parents.” Tears streamed down Missy’s face.

  Cathy gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I’m sure your father will be disappointed in your actions, but I have no doubt that he’ll be glad things didn’t turn out much worse.”

  A voice called out from across the room. “Where’s my daughter?” All heads turned to locate the source of the booming voice.

  Donnie Hovater, in rumpled dress slacks and a white T-shirt, scanned the sheriff’s department.

  Cathy watched the play of emotions that crossed Missy’s face, and she noted something that truly bothered her: terror. Not just plain fear, which was understandable, but genuine terror. Why would this sweet girl be so horribly afraid of her father?

  Donnie made his way straight to Missy, who took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and faced him. Her hands trembled. Her face went chalk white. Cathy’s first instinct was to stand between the preacher and his daughter, to protect the child from her own father.

  Instead, she spoke to him in a calm voice. “She’s all right. And Sheriff Birkett knows that, like Jack said, she’s a good kid who got caught up in a bad situation.”

  “How could you have done this?” Donnie demanded. “What possessed you?” He glared at Seth. “Did someone talk you into—?”

  “No, Daddy.” Her voice trembled. “It’s my fault, not Seth’s. He…he didn’t want to leave the rally.” She dropped her head and swallowed her tears. “I’m sorry. Forgive me. Please…oh, please.”

  Cathy whispered to Donnie. “Your daughter needs your understanding right now. Can’t you see she’s scared?”

  “Yes, yes, of course. You’re right.” Donnie practically shoved Seth aside as he reached out and wrapped his arms around Missy’s shoulders. She tensed at his touch.

  Cathy thought it odd that the girl didn’t immediately turn into her father’s arms to seek comfort.

  Mike Birkett called for everyone’s attention, and the room quieted instantly. “Okay, everybody, listen up. We’ve taken statements from all the kids brought in by Deputies Dryer and Gipson. Ricky Baker has been arrested. He provided the beer and the marijuana. Felicity, since you admitted to both drinking and smoking pot, I’m afraid we have no choice but to charge you, but since you’re only seventeen and this is your first offense, I’ll personally recommend a fine and community service.”

  “Am I going to jail?” Felicity asked.

  “No, I’ll release you into your parents’ custody tonight. A date will be set for you, your parents and your lawyer to appear in juvenile court.”

  “What about the others?” John Earl Harper asked.

  “Lacey Sims and Neal Prater will also be charged, since they, too, were drinking. And they’ll have to appear in juvenile court. Charity Harper, Missy Hovater and Seth Cantrell will be released to their parents tonight, and no charges will be brought against them since everyone agreed that they were not drinking or smoking pot. But I warn all three of you”—his gaze moved over each of them—“let this be a lesson to y’all not to follow the crowd. You’re getting off light this time.”

  Donnie grabbed Missy’s upper arm. “Let’s go, young lady.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  When Seth made a move toward Missy, Cathy clutched his hand. He glared at her. She shook her head.

  Cathy wanted to say something, to somehow intervene, just as her son did, but she knew the relationship between Donnie and his daughter was none of her business. She had her hands full dealing with Seth, knowing that she had no choice but to involve his grandparents.

  “Are you ready to go?” she asked.

  “What’s Brother Hovater going to do to Missy? She was really scared about how he’d react.”

  “Just as you’re scared about how your grandfather will react?”

  “Sort of, yeah, but the way she was acting, you’d think she believed he was going to beat her or something.”

  “She’s a girl, and girls in general usually show their emotions in a way most boys don’t,” Cathy explained. “She’s probably worried about disappointing her father, just as you are about disappointing your grandparents.”

  “I disappointed you, too, didn’t I, Mom?”

  “You’ll disappoint me only if you don’t learn from this mistake.”

  He nodded. “Can I go home with you?”

  “Of course you can. But in a few hours, I’ll have to call your grandparents and explain what happened. Then you’ll have to face them.”

  “Will you go with me and stay with me while I talk to them?”

  It was all Cathy could do to stop herself from hugging Seth the way she had when he’d been a little boy and had skinned a knee or cut a finger. “Of course, I’ll stay with you. As a matter of fact, I’ll ask J.B. and Mona to come to my house to talk. How’s that?”

  He swallowed hard. “That’s great, Mom. Thanks.”

  As she and her son reached the exit, she glanced back at Jack, who stood nearby. Her gaze locked with his, just for half a second, but long enough for her to sense his concern. She offered him a fragile smile that said “Thank you.”

  He marched her straight to her bedroom and shoved her facedown across her bed. She wept and pleaded, but he didn’t listen, didn’t care.

  Please, God, help me.

  “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll never—”

  “Make all the promises you want, but they won’t change what you did tonight, how you embarrassed me. You know I have to punish you.”

  She sobbed uncontrollably, knowing what was about to happen. Her body tensed when he reached under her and unzipped her jeans. She held her breath when he yanked her jeans down her hips to her knees, taking her panties down with them. With her bare buttocks exposed, she braced herself for the first blow. She clutched the bedspread.

  The whiz of his belt as it came through the belt loops when he removed it from his slacks echoed in the silence. The first stinging hit was usually the worst. She knew he wanted her to cry out, and if she didn’t, he would only inflict more pain with each strike.

  I hate him. I wish he was dead.

  He whipped her repeatedly, and because she muffled her whimpers by burying her face in the bedspread, he struck her quicker and harder with each snap of his belt.

  Give him what he wants. It’s the only way to make him stop.

  She cried loudly and begged for mercy. He enjoyed hearing her beg. And finally, after whipping her buttocks a dozen times, leaving her flesh burning and probably bleeding, he stopped.

  The worst was yet to come.

  “Oh, sweetie, your poor little butt. It’s all red and swollen.” He ran his fingertips over the welts he’d made with his belt. “Just lie still, and I’ll make it all better.”

  No, don’t. Please, please, don’t.

  He ran a series of soft, light kisses over the welts on her buttocks; then his tongue glided over each.

  The snap of his slacks and the zing of his zipper warned her to prepare for what always came next. First the brutal spanking whenever she displeased him, and then…

  With her face buried in the bedspread, her sore buttocks exposed, he lifted her up and yanked her to the edge of the bed. And then he probed inside her with his fingers, raking his thumb over her clitoris until her body softened despite her hatred of him and what he was doing to her.

  She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and tried not to think about what was happening as he thrust inside her, deep and hard.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Seth had nibbled at the eggs and bacon Cathy had prepared for him. He looked as haggard and weary as she felt. Neither of them was looking forward to the upcoming confrontation with J.B. and Mona. Since they had been expecting Seth to return to their house sometime shortly after the all-night youth rally ended at eight this morning, she had telephoned them at seven-thirty. Keeping the facts to a minimum, she’d told Mona, who had answered the phone, that Seth was at her house, that he and some other teens had gotten into a bit of trouble last night and they needed to discuss the problem.

  “There they are.” Seth, who had been standing at the window waiting for his grandparents, turned to Cathy and grimaced. “Grandmother’s with them.”

  Cathy groaned. She should have known that Mona would call Elaine and Seth’s three grandparents would show up together. She sensed that in this situation, it was Seth and her against the world.

  When the doorbell rang, Seth looked at her. “Mom?”

  “You stay here. I’ll let them in.” She paused, glanced back at her son and added, “It’s going to be all right. We’ll face them together. Just remember, they love you.”

  When she opened the door, her mother entered first and gave her a condemning glare. She refused to react in a defensive manner. Her mother couldn’t intimidate her anymore. How often had she wondered if her father, who had died in an auto accident when she was twelve, had left them because he could no longer endure trying to live up to Elaine’s impossible standards? Her parents had been separated for more than two years when Whit Nelson had died. What she remembered most about her dad was his loud, robust laugh.

  Mona came in next, a sad half-smile curving her lips and a sympathetic expression in her eyes. She reached over and gave Cathy a quick hug before walking into the living room. By the time J.B. entered the house, both grandmothers were flanking Seth, who looked like a condemned man on his way to the gallows.

  “You’d better have a good reason for this,” J.B. said in a deep, gruff voice as he gave Cathy a stern, disapproving stare.

  Ignoring J.B., Cathy turned to the others and said, “Why don’t we all sit down. This is going to take a while.”

  Fifteen minutes later, after Seth had told them exactly what happened, without telling them that he had left the rally only to keep watch over Missy Hovater, the room fell into complete silence. All eyes turned to J.B., waiting for his judgment call.

  God, how Cathy hated that her son had to endure having his grandfather act as his judge, jury and executioner. If only Mark were here to act as a buffer. Mark had respected J.B., but at the same time, he had, on occasion, stood up to him. He had certainly gone against J.B.’s wishes when he had married her.


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