Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2)

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Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2) Page 7

by Tricia Wagner

  I’m now in a standing position in front of him, and he has his hands on each side of my head pointing my head up in his direction so I have to look at him. “Ya know, this is getting old. I apologize for whatever I did, but seriously? You gotta talk to me here.” My mouth pops open and I completely forget that we aren’t speaking. “You apologize for whatever you did?” He nods, “You apologize for whatever you did. You don’t even know what’s going on?” He gives me a hard look and then says, “No, because you won’t talk to me.” This is insane. “My day, started off great. We get to your house and that’s just…that’s just something I don’t even want to discuss. Then we go over to my best friend’s house who is having issues with anxiety and you parade us in front of her as if we’re a couple. You’re insane. Then we get onto the bike and as if you forgot I was hurt you thrust me forward into you so that I’m forced to hang onto you. Which by the way, that hurt! Should I even get into Wanda?” He shakes his head, “Okay, so I guess I apologize for everything. Except I don’t apologize for telling Melanie we’re together. Mostly because we are. I mostly apologize that I hurt you, because I didn’t think about it before I did it. I just wanted you to hold onto me. Soph, you gotta talk to me about all of this.” I sigh. Mostly because I know he’s right. “Fine. If we’re gonna talk then we are going to get one thing straight right off the bat.” He nods, “We are not together.” To this he smiles, “Soph, we are. Look where we are.” I look around, “Um…yeah because you’re forced to be. Jason, we’ve tried this before.” His fingers brush over my cheeks gently. “Yeah, but before I didn’t know the whole story. Now that I have the whole picture, I know what I’m up against. I’ve got this. You just have to let me have it. Trust me to be that guy for you Sophie.” I shake my head, “No. That was just the beginning. You say that we need to talk, but all you do is try to shove yourself on me. Let’s start with this morning. Ya know, in your garage? A man who hit me twice and had another man shove me to the ground breaking my elbow, stops us. Corners us in. You’re outnumbered at least eight to one, and you threaten them! From there, you take us and we go through the whole thing of us not being together. On top of that, the hurting me, I get you apologizing, but it doesn’t change that it happened. From there, I don’t even want to discuss lunch. I wanted to eat a banana, drink water, and watch some TV. You can’t even let me do that!” He takes his hands from my face and pulls me into his body. My bad arm is in between us, but that does nothing to separate us. “Soph, I was stupid before. I should’ve fought harder to keep you where you were. I should’ve understood that there was something that was holding you back from being with me. I honestly just thought you didn’t think I was enough. I’m not making that mistake again. I see the way you look at me when I kiss you. I see the way you light up when I make you smile. I want it back, and I’m stopping at nothing to get it. Today was a fluke. I didn’t threaten them to scare you. I had to be sure they knew where we stand. It is not okay with me that they did what they did to you. On top of that, all of my guys are ready to kill them for what happened to you. He was a problem before this happened to you. Now that it has, he’s at the top of all of their lists. Your important to everyone. They all look at you as a part of the family. Three months out or not, they would all break their backs for you. What you need to get is I’m not going anywhere. If the situation were different? I’d be right where I am right now. I was getting you back and even if it hadn’t been Marshall Creed you were dating I’d have put a stop to it.” My mouth pops open to that, “J, what do I have to say to make you understand that we aren’t getting back together?” He pulls me close. So close that my body starts to move into him. I hate it, but it just naturally happens. It’s like I gravitate to him without choice.

  His hands dive into my hair, and instead of telling me that there was something I could say to make him go away, he kissed me to prove that he wasn’t going anywhere. The kiss was soft, but passionate. Because I’m an idiot, I opened my mouth as soon as he tried to swoop his tongue in. Reminding me of all our times together. Instantly I melt into him as much as I can, and my one good arm goes up around his neck. I hate having this damn cast in the way. His hands are in my hair completely controlling the kiss. I take everything he has and just when I thought it was going to get good he pulls back abruptly. To the point where I didn’t know what was happening. I look up into his eyes and say, “Why’d you…?” I was going to say stop, but he interrupted me with, “Tell me you just felt nothing, and I will go away.” My mouth dropped. He did that to prove a point. It was a point I wasn’t sure I wanted proved right now, but he proved it. I start to stutter, “I…you…you can’t just do that.” He pulls me closer, “I think I just did. Soph, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Let me be here.” I sigh because I couldn’t honestly tell him that I didn’t want him here. I don’t respond and Jason tilts my head again, “Soph?” I look up and I know he can see the emotion in my eyes. Tears that represent the past, the present, and the future. Tears that tell him I’m mortified, but I can’t lie to him and make him go away. His thumb gets close to the bottom of my eye as one of my tears spilled over. He swipes it and tags the back of my head pulling me in for a hug. “You know I hate it when you cry, darlin.” I sob into his chest a little as I spit out, “I’m scared.” He shushes me as he says, “I know. Let me prove to you that there is no reason to be scared.” I just let out a few more sobs as he kisses at my hair. I take in this moment. I breathe in his smell. He must sense my breathing evening out because he pulls away and swipes at the stray tears on my face. “Soph. Please?” Sigh. I give him a slight nod, and apparently he’s over all the silence. The reason I know this is because the next thing he says is, “I’m gonna need you to say it out loud.” I lightly laugh. “Yes?” He smiles, “Yes, what?” Ugh. I hate when he’s like this. Gloating like it was a game. “I’ll let you prove it to me.”

  Before I even finished the word me, his mouth was on mine again. His thumbs were still gently rubbing my face and this kiss, unlike the last, was hurried. I went to fall back onto the couch and he obviously had other plans. He had me up in his arms, my good arm going around the back of his neck. He balanced me, while kissing me, and carried me up the stairs. When he set me down he helped me get out of my shirt. This stupid cast is in the way, and I want to cut it off. I pulled at his shirt, and he took pity on me helping me get it the rest of the way off. Then I tried to go for the button on his pants. I fumbled for a minute, but I finally got it. I may have celebrated out loud with a “Yes!” And it’s confirmed that I said it out loud because I hear Jason laughing. Woops. I whip my head up and look at his laughing eyes. “Sorry, I got excited. I did that one handed!” His smile comes at my face and he takes my lips on his. He has my pants down and he lightly pushes me down onto the bed. I gently fall and he moves me to the middle of the bed. The smile has left his face and he looks…well the only way I can explain it is he looks determined. He slides my panties down my legs and I am stuck in his gaze. He pulls me so I’m laying down and he gently undoes my bra. I watch the show as he gets his boxers off. I sit up and he kisses me. This time we are not in any kind of hurry. He pulls the covers over top of us as he starts to kiss down my body. I let out a light moan as he reaches the base of my neck. I always loved that. I hear him let out his breath as I open my eyes and realize that he’s studying me. I don’t say anything as we stare into each other eyes. I don’t know if he was searching for something, but he must find it because he pulls my head to his and kisses me.

  This time it’s soft and sweet. He pulls back away and says, “Babe, you still on birth control.” I nod. Neither of us had been with anyone since we broke up, so this was a no brainer. The only man I had ever not used a condom with. He starts to kiss again down my body. At this point it’s become a tease. I kiss at his, but my only having one arm to use, makes the struggle real. I have the spot on his neck that he used to love and I kiss him there. I hear him mutter something, but I wasn’t paying enough attention. He pu
lls away slightly, but pulls me so I’m lying completely underneath him. He slowly wedges his way between my legs as he checks to make sure I’m wet. I always am for him. He starts to slowly enter me as he takes my mouth again. I break the kiss to throw my head back onto the bed taking in the feeling of having him inside me. Something I didn’t think I would ever have again. The connection is magnetic, just like it always was. This, this was Jason loving me. Making love to me, like he hadn’t ever done before. We always enjoyed each other’s company. More than what I had ever imagined it could be like. Aside from that, Jason always made love the best. We hadn’t told each other that we loved each other, but in moments like these, I knew. I knew he loved me. He continued his rhythm as my hips met his. He always filled me completely. The familiar feeling building in my entire body as I crash over the edge. There were never better moments than these that I spent with Jason. Feeling full. Complete. “Oh God, Jason.” He always muttered things in my ear, but I could never make them out. That is until I hear, “Sophie. I love you.” As I feel him come completely undone on top of me.

  He gave me some of his weight and we laid there in complete silence. He had never said it. I always knew, but how do I tell him now? How do you top this moment? I take in this feeling as it makes my entire body feel like it’s on fire. He rolls to the side, but pulls me into him, as we lay here. I feel him get close as he whispers, “Soph, did you hear me?” Crap. He was afraid that I didn’t hear him. I sigh, “I heard you.” I feel him nod, but his body feels tense. I roll over and look into his eyes. Eyes that aren’t completely full of confidence. Poor, J. He was worried. “J, of course I love you too. I just knew there wasn’t any way I could top that moment. It was perfect for me.” He smiles, “You’re wrong. Hearing you say it back, was better than anything I could’ve said.” I close my eyes; he was always so sweet. He pulls my chin up and kisses my lips again. “Baby, make love to me again.” I didn’t respond. I just kissed him and let him know that he didn’t have to ask me twice. This wasn’t exactly how I pictured my evening.

  Chapter Nine

  I wake up to an empty bed. Completely out of the norm for the last two weeks. Jason has been with me every minute. It’s still dark out, and I have no idea what woke me up. I roll myself out of bed and I hear Jason on the phone. That’s odd. I head to the hallway where I hear him say, “I’ll wake her now. Go back to her, and we’ll be there as soon as we can.” Melanie. The baby. I go back into the room and instantly start looking for clothes. I’m in the closet buttoning my pants when I see Jason out of the corner of my eyes. I swing my body toward him, “Is it Mel? Is she okay? Is the baby coming?” He smiles, “The baby’s coming. Can I help you with a shirt?” I nod and smile back at him. This is seriously going to be the best day. He helps me into my clothes and we head out in a hurry.

  I call Kris and she says that her and Trance are on their way. I laughed because I didn’t realize that the two of them would be together at this time of night. She told me to shut up as I hang up the phone and we finally make it to the hospital. We get inside and they put us in a waiting room since they already took Melanie and Brantley back. We sit there for what seems like an eternity and I am cuddled into Jason on a couple of chairs. I look over and see that Kris is now sitting on the opposite side of the room than Trance. Hm. I stand up. “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back.” Jason gives me a nod and I look to Kris, “Kris you need anything?” She shakes her head, but says, “I’ll come with you.” I figured.

  We walk out finding a bathroom and luckily there is one close. We go inside and I handle my business. When I come out of the stall she says, “I should’ve never let him stay over last night.” My mouth drops, “Um…why?” She shakes her head, “He has it in his head that we’re together officially now. Especially when Brant called and he was all “Oh, I’m at Kris’s so I’ll let her know” like really? Go public with that shit.” I smile, “Kris. This is okay. You know that right?” She nods, “I know. I just can’t wrap my head around it all. We’re too young to be doing all of this.” That has me shocked, “You mean, you’ve been basing everything off of your age? Kris. You can’t possibly know when the right time to fall in love is. I mean, look at Jason and I?” To this she laughs. “Yeah, back and forth. Just proving my point. We’re too young to know what we want!” My mouth pops open at the tone in her voice. Is she for real? “Kris…” She interrupts me with, “Just stop, Soph. We all get it. You’re back with Jason and all is right in the world. We can’t all have perfect lives like yours.” My eyes get big adding to my mouth being open. “Yeah, Kris. Clearly, my life is perfect. Take a look at what I look like right now. Sure, it was an easy decision to be with the person I thought was responsible for all of this. A life that could turn into more of this. That’s exactly what it was. Super easy, and super perfect.”

  Luckily I was done peeing because I was so out of there. Kris said my name as I left the bathroom, but I didn’t look back. I get back into the waiting room and sit down in a chair in the corner. It wasn’t Jason’s fault, but I wasn’t in the mood to discuss anything with anyone. I pull my legs up resting my head on them and wrapping my one good arm around them. My head was resting facing the window, so I sat there trying to look at the traffic driving passed the hospital. We were on the third floor so there’s a little bit of a view. A view that mostly, Mel created. She’s in there doing this amazing things, and here sits Kris. Being bitter and trying to pull me with her.

  I close my eye and I feel a tear slide out of my eye. I hate fighting with my friends, but mostly I hate that Kris thinks I have this perfect life. She has no idea what I’ve been through. Not that that is anyone’s fault but my own. It’s too late to be open with them now. I let the tear soak into my pants, so I don’t have to swipe at it. I know Jason’s watching me. I can feel him. I’m sure he’s wondering what happened. I hear Kris come back in the room and sit down somewhere. I sit here until I hear someone else enter the room. I look up to see Brantley standing there in his little scrubs outfit. He is smiling ear to ear. “It’s a boy.” I let out a laugh and jump up to go give him a hug. I knew it’d be a boy. “Brant, congratulations. That’s just wonderful. How’s Mel?” He smiles bigger, “She’s great. Better than great. She’s amazing.” He hugs me back and I reach up kissing him on the cheek. I cannot wait to meet the little guy. “I’m gettin back in there. My parents should be on their way. Her parents are flying in, so if you see anyone before I come back out, can you keep them company.” I give him a nod and he squeezes me again. He bends down to my level and says, “Do we need to interrupt this great time and discuss why you’re over in the corner.” I shake my head at him, “Definitely not.” He lightly chuckles and heads back out.

  I go back over to sit down, but this time I sit there normally. This must be all Jason needs to feel invited. He comes over and squats in front of me. “Did I do somethin?” I shake my head, “No.” I see relief on his face. Poor guy. “What happened?” I shake my head, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” He half nods, “Soph, does somethin need handled?” I shake my head again. “Please, just leave it. For now. Until we’re home.” He nods, but I see a slight smile tugging at his lips. Probably because I just said until we’re home. Whatever.

  He sits in the chair next to me taking my hand in his. I look down at it. His hand is so big in comparison. I feel a smile tugging at my own lips as I think about the total contrast of a man that’s sitting next to me. I lean my head on his arm and I feel his lips kiss the top of my head. I sigh as we sit there taking in this moment. A moment that we should be celebrating.

  A little while later, Brantley comes in and tells us we can come back to meet the baby. I jump up and Jason grabs my hand guiding us back to the room. Melanie is sitting up in bed looking absolutely perfect. How does she do that? I smile at her as I look down to see her holding the baby. She smiles almost blinding me with her happiness. We walk over and she hands him to me saying, “Aunt Sophie, this is Connor Ryder Silver
man.” I gasp. It’s perfect. “Hi Connor. Aunt Sophie loves you so much already.” I move the blanket from the bottom of his mouth and I sit down in the chair that was next to the bed. I study him. Every detail. He’s perfect. I feel the tear slide down my face as I take in this entire scene. “Melly Belly, he’s perfect.” I look up to her and she is crying too. I shake my head at our nonsense and I hear Kris say, “Can I see my nephew.” I don’t respond.

  I do stand up and take him over to her being careful of his head. I step away and walk back to the other side of the room where Mel’s giving me a weird look. Kris keeps Connor for a minute and passes him to Trance. Once Trance is done Jason takes him and that’s what brings me to now. I’m watching Jason sit here holding Connor and I hear the door open behind us. I see Brantley’s parents walk in and I knew it would be time for us to go. I lean over Jason and kiss Connor’s forehead. “We’ll see you soon. Aunt Sophie has some shopping to do.” I hear light chuckles and we stand up as Jason hands the baby back to Brantley. I go over kissing Melanie on the cheek and giving Brantley one last hug. “We’ll see you soon. Kay?” Melanie nods and says, “Brant will call.” I nod and we say goodbye to Lord and Lady Silverman on our way out. They don’t really have titles. Back when Brantley and Melanie met, she referred to them as this and it just stuck. It’s quite comical actually. Jason leads me out to the elevator and the first thing he says is, “Babe, what was that?” I look up to him, “What was what?” He pulls me into his arms, “Kris?” Oh. That. “Um. We had a bit of a spat in the bathroom and she hurt my feelings.” His hands come up to cup my face. I have to say it’s extremely comforting. “Baby, what did she say?” I sigh, “I don’t really want to get into it.” He half nods, but I know we aren’t done with that conversation. “I’m really tired.” He kisses me as the elevator doors open and we head out to the truck.


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