Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2)

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Shifting Minds (Skull Shifters MC Book 2) Page 9

by Tricia Wagner

  He stands and nods as he exits the bathroom. I get myself in and out without incident. I get my hair dried and I realize I didn’t have clothes in here. I wrap the towel back around me and walk into the bedroom. I find it empty, so it didn’t even matter. I walk into the closet and start grabbing for clothes. I brought them back into the bedroom and grab my panties and bra. I drop the towel and pull my panties on since they’re easier. I get my arms through the straps of my bra when I hear a throat clear at the door. I jump and swing seeing Jason standing there. “Do you need some help?” I shake my head, “I got it yesterday. I need to be able to do it.” He sighs and gets close.

  He wraps his arms around me and snaps my bra and I glare at him. “Jason, you aren’t going to be around every second of every day for the next five weeks. I need to do some for myself.” He nods, “Yeah, you do. While I’m here though, you don’t have to do it. So, just let me help.” Whatever. I pull my shirt over my head and slide into some leggings. The t-shirt was my longer comfy Tee and they could all just deal with me being comfortable today. I look up to him and say, “I’m ready.” He nods, “I don’t want you driving, by the way.” Um. Excuse me? “Pardon?” He looks back to me, “Yesterday, a lot could’ve gone wrong. You shouldn’t drive in that cast.” To this I scoff, “Yeah, that would’ve been nice, but I didn’t have anyone here to take me, and I had to get out of here.” He must take that as me proving my point because he doesn’t respond, and we head downstairs in silence.

  The whole way to the car I started to feel bad that I threw that in his face. I needed to decide right now to either move on without him, or forgive him and forget what happened. It wasn’t fair of me to throw it in his face and I wouldn’t do it again if that’s what I decided to do. Realistically, there was only ever one choice. That’s why when he got me situated in my car (since that’s where all the presents were) and he got in on the driver’s side door I blurted out, “I’m sorry.” He looks over at me completely confused, “What do you have to apologize for?” I sigh, “I shouldn’t have thrown that in your face. I forgive you. It’s not a great feeling, but I’ll get over it. It doesn’t mean it’s okay, but I do forgive you. I won’t throw it in your face again like that.” Oddly, his response was to get out of the car. I watch him walk around to my side of the car and open my door. He puts out his hand like he wants mine, and I give it to him as he pulls me back out of the car. He sets us in front of the back door and leans into me. “Baby, you are too good to be true. You’re seriously perfect. I deserved what you said in there though, I did leave you. I appreciate what you said, but I need you to know that I’m not goin anywhere ever again.” I smile up at him and nod. He appreciated what I said. Which means he heard it. Hopefully all of it. “I love that smile, and I love you Soph.” I smile bigger, “I love you too, J.” He smiles back as he leans into me and kisses me. It wasn’t rushed and it wasn’t intruding. It was perfect.

  He pulled away and said, “Now, let’s go see Connor and give him all this crap you bought for him.” My mouth dropped, “It isn’t crap!” He laughs as he gets me back into the car. When he gets in the other side he says, “How many outfits does a newborn need?” I scoff, “They aren’t all for a newborn. He grows. He’ll need new clothes. I’m his Aunt. What do you expect?” He laughs, “Babe, can I say something without freaking you out?” Hmm. “I’m not sure. Maybe?” He laughs again, “I wouldn’t change a single hair on your head. Your heart is just so pure. The things you’ve gone through; I just can’t wrap my head around why you would ever take a chance on a guy like me.” My mouth pops open a little to that, “Jason, you cannot be serious. Your heart is full of love to give. Look at the things you’ve been through and yet here you are willing to take a chance on a girl like me. I think that we should both just chalk this up as a win-win for both of us, because we won’t ever agree. On that note though, I need you to know that it’s me who doesn’t deserve the love you give.” He smiles at me, “You’re right. We will have to agree to disagree on that. For sure.” I shake my head as he pulls out of my garage and we head to Mel’s.

  We get there before they do which is all a part of my plan because I want to decorate and stick a stork in their yard. I even convince Jason to hang streamers with me. This took some convincing. Something I like to call, puttin out the vibe. He got it. And I got my streamers. This makes me smile as I see the car coming down the driveway. They turn in and Mel has a huge smile on her face. We let them get out of the car and get the carrier with Connor in it before Jason says, “I hope you have three extra rooms for the shit that Sophie bought Connor.” I’m so sure. Melanie shakes her head as Brantley says, “Shit.” I laugh and say, “It’s not that much! The boy needs stuff!”

  Brantley gets the door unlocked and then takes the carrier from Mel before taking them inside. I try to stay out of the way so they don’t feel like we’re overwhelming them. Mel pulls me in for a hug when we get inside and says, “So are we not talking about the fact that you aren’t speaking to Kris?” I shake my head, “Okay so are we not talking about how yesterday Jason was gone, but today he’s here, and you appear to be together?” I shake my head again and she laughs. “No, but we can talk about the stuff I got for the baby. I’ll start bringing stuff in.” She beams a smile and I head back to the car where I see Jason had beat me to the start. I grab a handful and we head inside. Jason obviously carrying more stuff than me.

  Mel’s mouth drops as if she expected anything else from me. I let out a laugh at her face and go out for another load. When I come in Brantley has the baby and they’re sitting on the couch together. “Where’s Outlaw?” That was their dog. “He’s in his crate with the baby’s blanket. I wanna make sure there’s no issues.” Mel looks to him, “Outlaw would never. He’ll be fine.” Brantley gives her a look that tells all of us just to let him do his thing. I smile because it’s only because he cares so much. Mel sits down and we start to go through the bags of stuff. At some point I ended up with Connor in my hands and Brantley was helping Mel go through the rest of the bags. Jason took him for a bit, and I looked to him letting him know we should let them get settled. “I didn’t want to bombard you. I just wanted you to have anything you could possibly need. Call when you’re ready for another visit. I will send dinner over tomorrow night, though.” To this they both shake their heads and smile. “Love you guys.” I turn to Connor and kiss his cheek, “Love you buddy.” Jason hands him back and we head out.

  We get into the car and Jason is looking over to me smiling. “What?” He shakes his head, “Never pictured a woman with my baby until I saw you the other day holding that little man. I want that.” It was my turn to shake my head, “Let’s take this one step at a time.” He smiles bigger, “Sure thing.” Lord. That’s all I needed right now. “J, I’m serious.” He starts to laugh a little, “I know. I was just lettin you know.” I roll my eyes at him as he gets us headed back toward my house. When we get there I head inside while Jason checks the perimeter.

  The house is monitored, so the inside should be fine, but I still get nervous coming in. “Here kitty. Mama’s home.” I make little kissy faces so Kitty will come. I shake her treats and I see her turn the corner. I hand her one as she rubs up on me. I give her some loving until Jason comes in the door. “You good?” I look to him and nod as he laughs at me petting Kitty. “Kit, come here.” She would never…until she does. Seriously? “You stole my kitty.” He smirks and comes helping me off the floor. Rude. I go to reach for Kitty and she bats her paw at me. I’m so sure. Jason snorts out a laugh and I stick my tongue out at him. “Remember who feeds you, Kitty.” He starts laughing harder as I head into the kitchen looking for something to eat for lunch.

  Chapter Twelve

  I pull up outside a cute little ranch style house. This has to be it. Okay, Soph. You lost the tail and Jason is calling frantically. I needed to hurry and I needed to be brave. It had been three weeks since Connor was born. I’ve been planning this since the night Jason told me about his pa
st. I get out of my car and head up to the front door. A beautiful blonde answers the door with a boy who looks to be like five or six. “Hi. My name is Sophie Nunelly.” She smiles at me and nods, “I was wondering if we could talk?” She gives me a weird look and says, “Jase, honey can you run inside for a minute.” Jase. Oh my God. She steps out onto the porch and smiles at me, “Sorry do I know you?” I shake my head, “Meredith? My boyfriend is Jason Lindy.” Her face completely changes. “Listen, I need you to leave. Don’t come back.” I shake my head, “I don’t understand how you can hold him responsible.” She scoffs, “You wouldn’t understand.” I raise my eyebrow, “It’s my understanding that your husband was a great man. The greatest according to J.” She starts to walk away and I needed to be sure she heard what I had to say, “It’s eating at him. You blame him and he blames himself. He still has nightmares and there isn’t anything I can do to fix that for him. He’s a good man, and he blames himself for something that was ultimately God’s plan. I wish I knew why that was his plan, but I don’t have those answers. Jason takes care of me. Every day he takes care of me and the least I can do is try and do something for him. Meredith, he loves that little boy, and the two of you are the only link he has to his best friend that he lost. A best friend that he had since eighth grade. Why is it all right for you to take his support monetarily, but emotionally you shut him out? I’m not looking for a miracle here. I just hope that you realize, you could have an entire family around you, that cares about your situation and will learn to care about you and Jase as much as Jason already does. Why can’t you give him that?” She doesn’t respond, so I decide it’s best that I go.

  I start to walk away and she says, “I don’t know how.” I whip back around, “Pardon?” She has tears in her eyes as she says, “I don’t know how to let it go. I know it isn’t Jason’s fault. It’s so hard to see him, because when I see him I think of Alexander. He was my soulmate. When I look at Jase, every day, I’m reminded of his father. I don’t want Jason to be living like that. I don’t want him to hurt, because I said awful things. Sophie, right?” I nod as she continues, “How do I make it better?” I smile, “I have a plan.” She lets out a light laugh, “Come inside and meet Jason Alexander.” Wow. I wonder if Jason knows that. “Alex insisted.” I smile at her and she takes me inside calling for Jase. “Yeah, mama?” He smiles up at us, “Jase, this is Sophie. She’s mommies new friend. We’re going to talk for a minute, but I wanted you to meet her.” He smiles, “Hello, Sophie.” I squat down to his height, “Hi, Jase.” It’s almost whispered. I cannot believe this is working this way. I stand back up and let Meredith in on my little plan. Dear Lord don’t let Jason hate me after this is done.

  I get back home to face the wrath of Jason. When I pull in the driveway I don’t even get out of the car before he’s at my side. I look up at him, “Hey.” He raises an eyebrow, “Hey?” Oh boy. He’s mad. “Uh. Yeah? What’s wrong?” He pulls me into him, “Sophie, don’t be smart. Where were you?” I give him my best innocent eyes, “Smart? I had to run an errand.” He shakes his head, “You know the drill here. You’re not supposed to go anywhere without a tail. You’re not really supposed to go anywhere without me.” I nod, “You couldn’t be there, and I didn’t think that your boys would want to escort me through the lingerie section of the mall.” I grab the little bag that had my cover story sitting inside. It was a little pink bag, and he knew what it meant. That’s why I was forgiven instantly. He pulled me into his arms and said, “When is that for?” I smile up at him, “The night I get my cast off.” He nods, “Good choice. Crossin our fingers for a week and a half. That’s when they made your appointment.” I nod. I knew. I had been counting down the days. I had followed all of their instructions, and there shouldn’t be any reason I can’t get out of this stupid thing. Jason kissed me and I felt kind of bad lying to him. It would only take a day for my plan to take place, and I didn’t know if I could wait that long. The reason I knew this is because Jason pulls away and rubs his thumb on my cheek, “You sure that’s everything?” I nod. If I don’t say it out loud, it’s not technically lying right? He pulls me in and kisses me again. I think he knows I’m lying, but it will be worth it when he meets Jase and sees Meredith tomorrow at the Club Party for Connor. I just hope that I knew what I was doing. Lord help us.

  Jason and I spend the day together relaxing and I head to bed early. I had to be over at Brantley’s to help get everything ready, and I wasn’t going to miss out on all of this. No one knew, and I wasn’t sure if anyone even knew who they were.

  When I wake up the next morning I am having second thoughts. What if this was a bad move? What if Jason never speaks to me again, and then Meredith has salt poured on her wounds. Shit. I get through my morning routine fairly easy, although I still can’t wait for this thing to get off of my arm. Next week, Soph. Today would depend on whether any of it even mattered next week. Jason was still lying in bed and I head over to say goodbye. “J.” He rolls over, “What are you doing?” I smile, “Heading over to Brantley’s to help get everything together. You sleep.” He shakes his head, “I’ll come with you.” Crap. “Okay.” I would have to send him away for something in a little bit.

  We get over there and I help Brantley with everything he needs, and then I go inside and do all of Mel’s cooking for her. She always goes overboard, and I know she doesn’t have time to do that today. I get everything started when I hear Connor stirring from his nursery. I let Brantley know I’ll get him and I head in to grab him. I pick him up and walk back out into the kitchen where I’m idiotically talking to the baby. I hear a chuckle and see Brantley standing there watching me. “Hey, have you talked to Kris?” Shit. I shake my head. It was the longest we had ever gone without talking. Oh who am I kidding, it was like quadruple the amount of time it had ever been. He sighs and says, “You gonna handle that?” I nod. “Can you do me a favor, Brant?” He nods, “I need Jason to not be here right before the party starts.” He gives me a really weird look, and I get it. It doesn’t make sense, “Please. I mean send him for ice, chips, anything? I have a little plan, but I need him not here when my plan starts.” His eyebrow quirks up, “Is this a good plan?” I shake my head, “I’m not sure. Up until today, I thought it was a great idea, but as of right now…I just don’t know.” He looks down at Connor and then looks to me, “Am I gonna need to intervene?” I shake my head, “No, I take full responsibility for it all. He won’t lash out at anyone, but me.” Brant sighs, “So I’m gonna need to intervene.” Crap. “No, I’m serious. This is on me if it backfires. I can handle it.” He smirks at me and says, “I didn’t mean you couldn’t handle it, I just won’t want Jason to regret any of his actions and lose you. You’re perfect for him.” That earns him a smile. How nice of him to say. I turn around with Connor and finish everything up in the kitchen.

  When Mel comes out she looks well rested, and perfectly put together. “Hey, there’s my bugaboo.” I smile. “Yep, I’m right here.” She laughs, “Connor, come to Mama. Aunt Sophie’s been hogging you.” I beam another smile at her, “I sure have. You look great Mel.” She laughs, “I actually feel pretty good today. Thanks for letting me sleep, I really need to get cooking though.” Woops. “Well, I did everything that was on your list already.” She shakes her head at me, “What would I do without you?” I kiss Connor and start to walk away, “You’ll never have to find out. I have to go check on the guys and make sure they have the tables setup properly for a family party.” Lord knows we don’t want Connor to witness anything else.

  I see the guys standing around drinking a beer when I hit the porch. I look at my watch and see Brantley telling Jason something. Hopefully he was sending him away. I need him to be gone. Jason comes running to the porch, “Hey I gotta run and grab a couple last minute things for Brant. Want to come with me?” I shake my head, “I’m helping Mel or I would. Be careful.” He smiles, “Always.” He kisses me quickly and heads off to his truck.

  Fifteen minutes later I s
ee Meredith pulling into the top of the driveway. I take a huge breath in and let it out as I step off the porch. I see Meredith get Jase out of the back as I approach her car. “Hey guys. Thank you so much for coming.” She whips around, “Are you sure about this? I mean, it’s kind of a spectacle.” I shake my head, “He’ll be back soon, and we can do it before anyone gets here.” She nods and I say, “Jase! Thanks for coming to our party buddy.” He smiles up at me, “Sophie! I like parties. Do you have any cookies?” I smile, “We do have cookies, but how about we wait a minute and get settled, and then we can find some cookies.” He smiles up at me and says, “I love cookies.” Yum. “Me too. Me too, Jase. Meredith, how about you guys come up to the house.” Her gaze is stuck on something and I swing my head around to see Jason standing there staring at us.


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