Diary of a Super Spy 6: Daylight Robbery! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Super Spy)

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Diary of a Super Spy 6: Daylight Robbery! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Super Spy) Page 1

by Peter Patrick

  Diary of a Super Spy 6: Daylight Robbery!

  Peter Patrick

  William Thomas

  What happens on the mission, stays on the mission…

  Diary of a Super Spy 6: Daylight Robbery!

  Peter Patrick

  William Thomas

  Copyright © 2016

  Published by Run Free Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  This book was inspired by the writing of bestselling authors Jeff Kinney (Diary of a Wimpy Kid), Andy Griffiths, Marcus Emerson, James Patterson and Dav Pilkey. Subjects include: action, adventure, humor, spy, kids kindle, growing up, facts of life, friendship, social skills and school life.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Also in the series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy 2: Attack of the Ninjas!

  Diary of a Super Spy 3: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy 4: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy 5: Evil Attack!

  Also by Peter Patrick and William Thomas:

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 2

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 3

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 4

  Chapter 1

  Monday started like any other day.

  I woke up, ate a handful of rocks, brushed my nose, combed my feet, patted my pet monster dog and got ready for school.

  Oh yeah, I have a new pet monster dog – his name is Jungle Juice.

  He’s pretty cool.

  My name is Charlie Chucky, I am in the sixth grade, I love playing computer games and my super spy Dad is teaching me how to become a real spy.

  My Dad is the world’s best super spy and he is starting to show me all his awesome tricks. Lately, I’ve been battling invisible monsters, crazy zombie teachers and super ninjas!

  Life has been pretty crazy and I’ve enjoyed every second of it.

  But the coolest thing about being the son of an international super spy is the new gadgets that Dad brings home. He has a whole room full of cool gadgets!

  Last month, he gave me a foot-tripper pen. Every time I click a button on the pen, everyone nearby trips over their own feet! I really enjoyed using it in gym class last week.

  When Jack the Jock tried to kick a goal in soccer, I clicked the button and he fell over his own feet! Then our teacher tried to help him, but he fell over his own feet as well!

  I love that pen.

  After his last trip away, Dad didn’t bring home a new gadget… but he brought home a new pet!

  My Dad got Jungle Juice from the Himalayas – that’s a mountain range in Asia where the Yeti lives.

  My Dad went to the top of the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest, and met with the Yeti to talk about Minecraft and Pokémon. Apparently, the Yeti loves to play Minecraft and Pokémon because it is too cold to do anything outside his cave.

  Anyway, the Yeti gave my Dad a dog as a thank you gift.

  He is an awesome pet, although I had to train him to do the right thing, like when I first introduced him to my best friend, Harley.

  Jungle Juice tried to eat him. I had to teach him that was bad.

  Luckily, Harley was alright.

  “Everything in the Himalayas is afraid of the Himalayan Mountain Dog – they are the toughest dogs on the planet,” Dad says to me as I get ready for school.

  “But there’s nothing in the Himalayas other than snow and the Yeti,” I say to Dad.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Charlie. There are lots of things up there.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like the deadly Himalayan Butterfly, the powerful Himalayan Dancing Dinosaur or the very dangerous Himalayan Mountain Ant.”

  “They don’t sound very scary.”

  “They are, Charlie. If the Himalayan Butterfly becomes angry, then it can be hard to defeat, but it is a very calm insect so it’s not a worry. But the Himalayan Mountain Ant is a different story. Those things are angry all the time and they are always trying to take over the world. There are only two ways to defeat the Himalayan Mountain Ant – punch it in the antenna or have a Himalayan Mountain Dog scare them away.”

  “How can you punch an ant in the antenna?”

  “You have to be the same size as it. You see, the Himalayan Mountain Ant is very clever. It can defeat anything bigger than it, except for the Himalayan Mountain Dog, but if you are the same size as the ant, you can beat it. That’s why we invented the Shrinking Zapper Gun. If the Himalayan Mountain Ants try to escape from the mountains, we can shrink our spies down to their size and punch them in the antenna. Just be thankful that the ants are all trapped in the Himalayas. We work very hard to keep the Himalayan Mountain Ants trapped in the Himalayas.”

  “Um, couldn’t you just step on the ants?”

  “No, no. Never do that to a Himalayan Mountain Ant. That will only make them super angry! You have to punch it right in the antenna.”

  “Well, thanks for the advice Dad, I’ll be sure to remember it if I ever come across Himalayan Mountain Ants,” I shrug.

  As if I am ever going to run into those ants!

  “You had better go to school Charlie, you don’t want to be late.”

  “Don’t worry, Dad. I have Jungle Juice.”

  Some days, I like to ride Jungle Juice to school – it’s faster than walking.

  When we first got Jungle Juice, we thought he was a fully-grown pet.

  But no.

  He was a puppy at the time.

  He just keeps growing bigger and bigger and bigger.

  I’m not even sure he has stopped growing yet.

  Dad says that if he grows too big, I can use the Shrinking Zapper Gun on him – but that only works for two hours at a time, so I would have to zap him all the time if I want him to stay small.

  When I arrive at school, my friend Mia stops me in the hallway, “Charlie, have you heard what happened to all the banks?”

  “No. What happened?”

  “Every bank in town has been robbed!”

  “Oh no!”

  Sounds like a job for a super spy…

  Chapter 2

  After Mia explains what has happened at the bank robberies, I call Dad to see if he knows what is going on.

  “Dad, did you hear about all the banks?”

  “No, Charlie, I didn’t hear about all the planks.”

  “No, Dad. I said banks.”





  “Hanks? No, I don’t know anyone named Hank. Why would I know anyone named Hank? What are you talking about, Charlie?”

  “I said-”

  “Look Charlie, don’t worry about that. We haven’t got time for that. There are more important things to talk about. All the banks in town have been robbed!”


  “I know Dad.”

  “You know? Then why didn’t you tell me? You really need to work on your communication, Charlie. I’ll meet you at the Piggy Bank in the middle of town in twenty minutes. This is a big case and we are going to need all the help we can get!”

  With Mia and Harley by my side, we run down to the main bank in town – the Piggy Bank. It seems like a strange name for a ban
k, but it was named after the founder - Dennis Bacon Piggy.

  “What happened, Dad?” I ask when we arrive.

  “It looks like someone broke into the bank.”

  “I think we can see that,” Mia rolls her eyes.

  “Who do you think did it?” Harley asks.

  “We don’t know yet. We have no evidence whatsoever about what happened. There is no trace at all.”

  “What about-”

  “Sorry Charlie. Not now. I am looking for evidence. This is important.”


  “No time for games.”

  “There is-”

  “Nope. Sorry Charlie, I’ve got to go and try to solve this case!”


  Dad runs off to check something.

  “Were you going to suggest looking at that very obvious trail of dots that leads straight out of the vault?” Mia asks.

  “Yep. I think that might be evidence.”

  “I think you might be right.”

  Chapter 3

  “So what do you think the dots are?” Harley asks.

  “It seems to be some sort of trail left by the thieves…” I study the tiny black dots. “We should follow it to see where it goes.”

  Mia, Harley and I closely follow the dots out of the bank.

  The trail takes us down streets, up streets, around corners, up hills, down hills and all the way to the edge of town.

  We keep following the trail of dots until we get to an old mine site named ‘Crayon Canyon.’ It’s very old and hasn’t been used for many, many years.

  When we get to the edge of the mine site, we look down…

  It is dark.

  Very dark.

  And kind of scary.

  “I think I can see something at the bottom of the mine shaft.”

  “Is that all the money from the robberies?” Mia asks.

  “I think so.”

  “Can you see anyone down there?” Harley says.


  “Still, we shouldn’t go down there, it would be too dangerous…”

  “I said we shouldn’t go down here,” Harley whispers when we get to the bottom.

  “But there is nobody down here,” I whisper. “There is only the stolen money and a whole lot of ants.”

  “Oh, they are just ants. Yep, I’m sure we’ll be fine…”

  Chapter 4

  As we look at the money at the bottom of the old mine site, we see something strange. The money appears to be moving by itself!

  But when we look closer, we see something even stranger.

  Ants are carrying the money!


  “umphf…. umphf….”

  “Can you hear something?” Mia asks.

  “Nope,” I shake my head.

  “No, I’m sure I heard something. Shhh…”

  “Move away or we will kidnap you….”

  “I think I heard something say ‘Move away or we will kidnap you,’” Mia says.

  “That’s what I said!”

  “Who’s talking?” I ask.

  “I have no idea. Maybe it’s…” Mia looks down at the ground. “It’s the ants!”

  We look down and see ants all around us.

  “Ah!” Harley doesn’t like insects.

  He is even scared of toy insects.

  Actually, Harley is scared of most things.

  Harley tries to stomp on the ants but they all avoid his foot.

  He tries a few more times but these ants are fast!

  Like super fast!

  Suddenly, the ants go after Harley!

  They knock him over, pick him up and carry him away!

  We try to stop them but they hold us back by our feet!

  What is going on?!

  Oh no!

  These must be the Himalayan Mountain Ants that Dad was talking about!

  “Help!” shouts Harley as the ants carry him away.

  The ants take him further into the mine!

  “Help!” he shouts again.

  “Don’t worry Harley, we’ll save you!” Mia screams and begins to run after Harley.

  “Wait, Mia,” I say. “We can’t defeat those ants.”

  “Why not? They are just tiny, little ants. We’ll just step on them.”

  “No. You can’t do that. These are Himalayan Mountain Ants and they are very, very dangerous. Trying to step on them only makes them super angry.”

  “Ant spray?”

  “Wouldn’t work.”



  “A picnic?”

  “Maybe later.”

  “I meant for the ants.”

  “Oh. My Dad talked about these ants this morning, he said there are only two ways to defeat the Himalayan Mountain Ant. One – you have to punch it in the antenna…”

  “And two?”

  “Um…” I really should listen to my Dad more. “I can’t remember.”

  “Grrr…” Mia doesn’t seem happy about that. “So how do we punch an ant in the antenna and save Harley? And there are so many ants – we can’t punch them all in the antenna.”

  “We have to shrink ourselves to be the same size as the ant and if we go after the chief ant, then all the other ants will do what we say.”

  “And how are we going to shrink ourselves to the size of an ant?”

  “The Shrinking Zapper Gun!”

  Chapter 5

  Mia and I race back to my house, looking for Dad’s Shrinking Zapper Gun. It has to be in his gadget room somewhere!

  I love Dad’s gadget room – that’s where he keeps all his super awesome spy gadgets. Like his math-answering-pen – it reads the math question and then writes the answer! How cool is that?! He won’t let me use it though.

  And he won’t let me use his Rocket Rucksack either. He says it’s too dangerous and I am not old enough to go flying through the air at supersonic speed. Pffft.

  “Are you sure that you can’t remember the second way to defeat the ants?” Mia asks as we continue to look for the Shrinking Zapper Gun.

  “Um,” I think really hard. “Nope.”

  “The ants were scary, Charlie. I don’t know if I could punch one in the antenna. I hope that Harley is going to be ok.”

  “Don’t worry, Mia. We’ll save him,” I reply. “Hey, do you want to hear my best ant jokes?”


  “What do you call an ant who is good with numbers?”

  “I don’t want to hear the answer,” Mia shakes her head.

  “An account-ant! Ha ha ha!”

  My jokes are so good that they make me laugh sometimes.

  “What do you call a really big ant?” I ask Mia.

  “Please Charlie. Just stop,” Mia shakes her head again.

  “A gi-ant! A giant! Get it? Ha!”

  “Charlie, you better stop the bad ant jokes or I am going to hurt you.”

  “What do you call an ant that likes to be alone?”

  “Please stop.”

  “An independ-ant!! Ha!”

  Mia doesn’t laugh at all. Wow. Some people have no sense of humor.

  “Charlie, those are the worst-”

  “Found it!” I yell as I pick up the Shrinking Zapper Gun from under the lawn mower. “This only works for two hours at a time. After two hours, we will grow back to normal size.”

  It’s a weird looking thing and I don’t know which end is which.

  Without thinking, I fire the gun but it shoots straight at Jungle Juice!

  He shrinks!

  “Whoops.” I turn the Shrinking Zapper Gun around to shoot myself with it, but again it shoots Jungle Juice! “Whoops again!”

  “Charlie!” Mia says. “Give me a go.”

  And then Mia shoots Jungle Juice!

  He is about as big as an ant now.

  “Let’s just shoot each other,” Mia says.

  “Good idea.”


  We have been shrunk.

We jump on Jungle Juice’s back and he runs to where the ants are.

  “In hindsight, we should have done the shrinking later,” Mia says. “This will take a long time to run to the ant mine now that we are so small.”

  Luckily, Jungle Juice is very fast – even if he is ant size!

  But when we get to the mine, Harley and all the ants are gone!

  And so is the money!

  Oh no!

  They must have taken it all further into the mine!

  This is not good…

  Chapter 6

  Sneaking through the tunnels in the mine, we see Harley tied up in a corner!

  He doesn’t like insects, so I can imagine that he is not enjoying being tied up by lots of angry ants.

  Very quietly, we sneak up to Harley and climb to his shoulder.

  “Harley, Harley!” we yell but he can’t see us.

  To get his attention, I punch him in the ear.

  He looks down at his shoulder and sees us there, “Hey, why are you guys so small?”

  “We shrunk ourselves so we could battle these ants.”

  “Wouldn’t it have been easier to beat them if you weren’t super small?”

  “Yeah, worked for you, didn’t it?!” I laugh.

  “And who are you?!” a voice yells at us from down on the ground.

  “Shhh…” Harley says. “That’s the big boss guy. He’s, like, super mean.”

  “My name is Charlie Chucky and this is my friend Mia,” I yell back to him. “And we are here to take back all the money you stole!”

  “And you’re here to save your friend,” Harley whispers to me.


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