Hitman - the Series: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Collection (Alexis Abbott's Hitmen #0)

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Hitman - the Series: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Collection (Alexis Abbott's Hitmen #0) Page 51

by Alexis Abbott

  I’m not going to fall in love moments before death.



  I hear the approaching car a moment later than I should have, as evidenced by the fact that my girl jumped to attention first, despite my lifetime of study. She’s a natural at this, I guess, but when I look, I immediately see the vehicle make and know who it must be.

  “It’s okay,” I tell Alicia, putting my hand on her arm and guiding her aim away from the approaching vehicle. “It’s an old friend.”

  The car comes to a halt and it shuts off, leaving just the dark silhouette inside.

  Though I cautioned Alicia, I keep my own hand near to my gun. Petyr is an old friend alright, but old friends can become new enemies. And anyone can be tailed. Especially now, when tensions are running high. Who knows who could’ve gotten to him, and what other enemies I’ve made.

  “Mikhail,” comes the familiar voice as he steps out of his car, and I give Alicia a nudge to stand back as I step forward.

  “Petyr,” I say as we move to meet in quiet inspection of each other. He’s put on some weight.

  “Comrade!” Petyr exclaims, and I can feel some of the tension lift as we embrace.

  “You’ve lost none of your strength!” I say in English for Alicia’s sake, and it’s true. Bigger he might be, but beneath that layer of added padding, he’s as strong as a bear.

  “You’ve lost nothing, I can see,” Petyr says as he pulls back in his thick, expensive suit and overcoat. Too warm for the time of year.

  “Only gained enemies,” I reply, and Petyr nods in return.

  “Is always the way for men like us, nyet?” he says, casting nary a glance in Alicia’s direction. He’s all business as usual. “What is the problem you drag me out here for in the evening, Mikhail? You could have been boss of your own territory, need turn to nobody.”

  “That is the problem. I turned down the offer when I shouldn’t have. And Gregorovich has made a mess of things,” I say.

  “That sounds very serious,” Petyr says, glancing in Alicia’s direction for the first time. “Does this have something to do with your lady?” he asks in Russian, but I answer in English.

  “In part, it does. As you know, Gregor had that hit against the Chechens and that congressman, and all has spiraled out of control. He sicced Vasili on me and my girl to cover the tracks, as if I can’t be trusted,” I tell him, a bit of a bending of the truth, but not an outright lie.

  But Petyr looks confused.

  “Wait,” he says, hands up, “a hit against the congressman? What- you mean… you and Gregor did that?” he asks, sounding increasingly agitated as time passes. He curses in our mother tongue. “Mikhail, do you have any idea what you fucked up? Those were no Chechens! Those were our men! That massacre fucked up our business royally!”

  Now it’s my turn to be confused, my brow furrowing.

  “Gregor said the hit was sanctioned by you and the Bratva,” I say, and for a moment I can tell Petyr is studying me. Trying to find out if I’m lying. Even old friendships face their tests in this business.

  “Mikhail,” he says in a low, tempered voice, “we were comrades in arms through war. New York City would be yours for the taking if you only asked. Are you playing games with me now?”

  “Nyet!” I say, falling back into Russian, leaving Alicia out of the loop as I speak, “I passed that chance up, and did Gregor’s orders as was my place. That is the only mistake I have made!” I say, but it wasn’t quite the only mistake. Just the biggest.

  I can feel Alicia behind me, shifting her weight from foot to foot restlessly. She can feel the tension, even if she doesn’t understand our tongue.

  “Brother, this is serious, if Gregor has done this he is attempting to make a move on the whole bratva,” Petyr says. But then my attention is drawn away by the sound of a crack, like someone stepping on a branch. Petyr hears it too, because the two of us grab for our guns and dive at about the same time. Only I dive for Alicia to throw her to the ground. Except she’s one step ahead of us two old war buddies even, popping off a shot just before I fling us to the ground.

  The thunderous sound of guns firing, bullets whizzing past us as we hit the dirt just in the nick of time.

  To her credit, Alicia doesn’t scream, and she moves her gun away from my gut so it doesn’t accidentally go off. Her mind is quick, even in the thick of it, but all three of us are at a disadvantage. The lights are behind us, and the gunfire is in the trees. The only shelter is the shed a few yards away and the car. I don’t have to tell her or Petyr—we all start shimmying towards our cover in near unison.

  Petyr hides behind his car as we make for the shed, there are some close calls, and I feel a pinch in my calf as a bullet grazes me. But there’s no time to see the damage. I rise up as we get behind the shed and my leg holds, so it’s good enough. I pull the switch, shutting off the lights so that we’re all at an equal sight advantage.

  “Keep a low profile, harder to hit you that way,” I mutter to Alicia as the gunfire becomes more sporadic now that the men after us have been deprived of the light advantage. “Stay here and pop off a few shots to give me cover. But never fire from the same exact spot twice,” I caution her before slipping around the corner behind us to come out the other side of the shed.

  “Wait, Mik-” Alicia starts, but cuts off, doing her duty like a real soldier, after only just one training session.

  She fires that first shot, and it does the trick—the gunmen shoot in her direction but she’s a clever girl who waits behind cover. And I’ve never been so damn proud in all my life. Not of any medal or accomplishment I ever earned, that’s for certain.

  With the shots focused on her and Petyr, I slip under cover of darkness into the tree line. There I’m at my best. Under cover of night, brush and tree, I’m a wraith. I know how to move through such terrain without making a sound, and I creep up on our attackers, their muzzle flashes a dead giveaway as I get nearer.

  I reach down, taking my hunting knife out of its sheath, because tonight, I’m going to hunt the deadliest of prey.

  Ducking low, knife in one hand, gun in the other, I come up on the first man. It won’t be as smooth and calculated as my hit on the hotel that night I met Alicia; things are moving too fast for that, her life on the line with every moment more we spend here. But I spring forward, knife lancing into the back of one gunman, driving right between his ribs and into his heart as I lift my gun over his shoulder and blow the head off another thug.

  There’s a third man here, and he turns towards me, firing a shot. But the man dying in my arms serves as a shield of sorts and buys me time to kill him too. That’s three down, but I know there’s at least one more.

  I hear the sound of Petyr crying out in pain as he’s hit, and I dash for his car in the dark. Bullets whizz by me but miss.

  “You okay?” I ask Petyr, but before he can answer, a man with a submachine gun comes out of the bushes, blazing away at us. I crouch behind the car as the bullets shred its metal doors. I roll along the ground and pop up over the trunk of the car, blowing the man’s head off before he can turn his gun towards me.

  Everything goes silent as I duck back down and take a breath.

  “You alive, comrade?” I ask my old friend, and there’s only silence. I move back beside him and I find out why. He’s busy tying some torn piece of his expensive suit around his arm with his mouth, to prevent the blood from draining out of his wounded limb. I’m relieved, I’ll admit. Few buddies of mine have survived this long.

  “Good work,” I tell him, but all relief drains away as the most distressing sound ever rises up behind us.

  “Mikhail!” Alicia’s voice rises in panic.



  What am I doing?

  I’m in a gunfight at an old baseball field in the middle of nowhere. Just months ago, I was a college student, wanting to earn enough to look out for my mom’s care.

  What scares me most is how
I’m keeping it together. For so long, I watched Mikhail and wondered how he could do it. How he could shoot and kill others. And here I am, doing just that without hesitation. When it came down to it—them or me—I chose me without blinking.

  I can’t see things clearly, but the cries of pain and then the two distinctive sounds of Mikhail’s gun firing let me know he’s claimed some lives in our defense. And then I see him dart from the edge of the forest to his friend’s car like a ghost in the night.

  I might be able to keep my cool surprisingly well in a fight, but I can’t move like he does or do the things he does with such precision and expertise.

  Not yet, a voice in my head says, and that puts a chill down my spine.

  Is that where my life is going? Training to become a killer with Mikhail?

  I push aside those thoughts. They’re trivial. It’s too soon to relax. That much is abundantly clear as I watch a man walk out of the bushes, gun blazing. I line up a shot, but Mikhail takes him down first. He’s so damn good.

  But as he and his friend Petyr settle down again, I keep an eye out. And then I see it.

  We’re not done.

  “Mikhail!” I cry out, but even he can’t be quick enough to save his own ass this time. The angle is all wrong, the gunman is too close.

  I’m all there is between my lover and death.

  I hold my breath and fire.


  I step forward and as my feet touch the ground again…


  One more step forward and… BANG!

  I keep pulling the trigger as the man topples over. He’s a bullet-riddled mess as he hits the ground. And I’m still pulling the trigger, even as my clip empties.

  He’s dead.

  Mikhail pounces up, puts his arms around me and pulls me behind cover of the car in case any more are out there.

  “You did it,” he says to me in a husky breath, so full of pride. “You saved all our asses.”

  “You owe me a cheesecake later,” I quip, looking between the two of them. “For now, I don’t really wanna hang around here.”

  I’m out of breath, but Mikhail’s strong arms comfort me, soothe away the agitation in my shoulders. It was a rush to save them, to do what I had to, and my entire body feels like this intense tingly sensation. It doesn’t feel right.

  It kinda feels like I’m horny, which definitely isn’t appropriate right now. Is that what they talk about when they say your adrenaline spikes during a fight?

  “You have to go end Gregor, Mikhail,” Petyr says as he finishes binding up his wound, and Mikhail checks his own leg, finding little more than a superficial graze.

  We hear a groan from nearby, and Mikhail and I are immediately on alert. But it quickly becomes clear that it’s the sound of a dying man.

  Approaching the spot with care, Mikhail finds him, and I realize, judging by the spot he was in, it had to be the guy I shot at the very beginning. I did it.

  He’s nursing a wound in his gut, his blood looking like black oil over his hands, not at all what I’d expect. I find myself grossly fascinated, which is a far cry from who I was—who I thought I was—just a couple weeks ago.

  “Tell me what you know,” Mikhail says darkly. But the wounded man just pants. Mikhail bends down and stabs that knife of his into the man’s hand, making him cry out.

  “H-he has a girl! Held captive! In case you get away!” He says, his agony palpable.

  “What girl?” Mikhail asks as Petyr moves off to check around the area.

  “Some bitch who works at the bar,” he says, and Mikhail makes him hurt again for that crass language.

  “Nikki,” Mikhail says. “Her name is Nikki.”

  “S-sorry! He says if you turn over the girl and this friend of yours out here dies, all is forgiven, and you get her—Nikki—back.”

  “Final question. Where are Gregor and Nikki now?” Mikhail asks. “Answer well, and your suffering will end.”

  “An expensive hotel… in the city. Says you’d never dare show there,” and Mikhail just ends the man’s life without a word more, sinking his knife into the man’s heart before my eyes.

  “What—why?” I ask, shocked.

  “He was a goner and he knew it. It is less painful this way, at least. And I know where Gregor is,” Mikhail says, wiping off his knife on the man’s clothes before standing up.

  Petyr returns just in time, and the two men exchange knowing nods.

  There are still intricacies I don’t understand. I might have killed someone in self-defense, but I’m not like these two. They were born into blood and violence and mayhem, and I was only recently adopted into it.

  But I’m not afraid anymore. And if Nikki is a friend of Mikhail’s, and she’s been put at risk because of me, then there’s no way I’m going to back down. No innocent is going to die on my behalf.

  “What do we do?”

  “Gregor has to die,” Mikhail says, and Petyr nods to his words.

  “The sooner the better. Otherwise we have a full blown civil war within the Bratva. And nobody will be getting out cleanly,” Petyr says, and Mikhail nods in agreement. “I will take your girl with me, keep her safe while you do the job,” he says, deciding things as clear as that. But there’s no way I’m going to be pushed aside again!

  “No,” Mikhail says even before I can speak up. “Leave her to me,” he says, and the two men exchange a look before shaking hands. “Dos vedanya old friend, I will see this through.”

  “And when it’s done, I’ll see to it you’re where you belong,” Petyr says before the two of them part, and it’s just us again.

  I look up at Mikhail, relief and apprehension mixing in my gut. This is real. We’re making it real. Part of me knows that I have a choice, and that I could simply run away and let him handle it. Even if I left, I know Mikhail would never let Nikki or me get hurt.

  But another part of me feels like I’m riding a water slide, unable to stop or slow down, and even though I’m frightened, there’s no turning back.

  “We’re going back to where this all began, kotika,” Mikhail says to me.

  “How did you know he meant this hotel?” I ask, feeling a strange sensation as I sit outside the hotel where my whole life changed.

  “Gregor knows I never set foot back at the scene of a hit. Especially not one as big as this with an ongoing investigation. He thinks he’s safe from me here, because the increased security will make it impossible for me to get in without being detected and recognized,” he explains, and that all makes too much sense.

  It’s past midnight, time crawling by as we race back to the city, and I’m still wearing my messy mix of his clothes and mine.

  “So how are we going to do this?” I ask.

  Walking into the hotel, I feel an uncanny sense of deja vu. Even though I wasn’t really fully conscious the entire time I was here before, I know it. And I have a queasy feeling in my stomach.

  What happened here—and especially what almost happened here—turns my stomach.

  I’m holding a coat over one arm and wearing a dress that fits not quite perfectly, but near about. My hair is done back in an emergency ponytail. Where Mikhail got the dress in such short notice, I didn’t ask, but I put it on.

  So here I am, dismissing the approaching concierge as I make my way to the elevator with my best attempt to appear like yet another lady arriving late. I know what they must think, I’m either some young kept girl coming back after a late night or a sex worker heading up to a client. But that’s kind of the point: to be dismissively ignored as a part of the usual guests.

  Each floor up is agony, and I feel my heart beating like loud drums, foretelling a coming doom.

  Once I arrive at the floor Mikhail told me about, the very same one he plucked me from that bloody night, I see at the end of the hall two men in dark suits clearly standing guard. Another one is pacing the hall. And all three see me immediately.

  I push down my fear, though, and I walk ahead.

  Stick to the plan, my inner voice tells me. So I stick to the plan.

  The three men all stare at me, not sure what to make of my approach at first. But then one of them mutters into a microphone pinned to his jacket and two doors open alongside me. More men pour out around me, and one immediately blocks off my way back.

  Why did I propose this? Why did I insist?! This is madness! A voice in my head screams, but it’s too late to back out.

  I stop in front of the two guards at the big, double-door.

  “I have a message for Gregorovich.” My voice sounds surprisingly calm, in control. My mind is chaos, but I don’t betray my inner fears. “It’s important,” I say when they hesitate.

  But their eyes dart away, and it’s just as Mikhail said. They’re being watched too. For all the security this place brings them, the cameras prevent them from gunning me down or forcing me into anything then and there. It’s a double-edged sword, as he said. Hems both them and me in.

  One of the men takes hold of my arm, and though he tries to make it look harmless, his grip is tight. I immediately struggle, make a big show of it for the cameras as Mikhail instructed.

  “He has to meet me out here,” I say as the guard relents. “I want to talk in the hall about an exchange. Just him and I.”

  “Nyet,” says one of the men immediately. “The boss will not see anyone privately.”

  “Very well,” I say, licking my lips as if thinking about it. But Mikhail told me they’d say this. Thankfully, they’re predictable, and my boyfriend knows them better than anyone else. “One of you can remain. But has to stay at the end of the hall. For my safety.”

  “Nyet,” he says again, but then he pauses, seeming to listen to something coming from his earpiece. “Da. Da,” he says then instructs the other men with simple hand gestures, and they all begin to walk away, returning to side rooms until there’s just the one head guard and me. “I must frisk you first,” he says.


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