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Deception Page 43

by Ola Wegner

  Darcy put his hand on his wife’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “All is well, my dear. They are reasonable people. They will not mind waiting a bit.” He turned to the footman. “Tell Mrs. Reynolds that we will arrive directly.”

  “I am afraid, Peter, we will have to see the stables tomorrow.” Darcy leaned to the boy.

  “Perhaps Ben could show Peter the stables?” Elizabeth turned to Ben, who was keeping himself close to the pony. “If he has not planned some other obligation for this afternoon, of course.”

  Ben bowed deeply. “I have not, Mistress. I will show him around.”

  “Thank you, Ben.” Elizabeth smiled at the lad and turned to her little cousin. “Will you stay with Ben? He will bring you back to the manor before Tea Time.”

  Peter nodded and walked to the older boy.

  “Ben, keep an eye on him,” Darcy spoke firmly, looking pointedly at Ben, before offering his arm to Elizabeth.

  “Aye, Master.” Ben bowed again.

  He observed the Master walking away, with the Mistress supported on his right arm. Julia walked closely to the Mistress, who was looking down at the girl, telling her something.

  At some point, Julia turned her head and looked back straight at him, smiling sweetly. Ben felt the heat creeping from his neck to his face.

  He glanced away for a moment, embarrassed, but when he turned his eyes again at her, she was not looking at him anymore.


  “And who is this little beauty?” Lady Edwards enquired after Darcy introduced his wife to the guests.

  Julia moved forward and dropped a perfect curtsy in front of the lady. “And what manners for such a young age.” Lady Edwards exclaimed. “What is your name, my dear?”

  “Julia Gardiner, your ladyship.” Julia smiled, showing perfect white teeth and dimples.

  Elizabeth stood behind the girl, smoothing her long hair. “She is my cousin. Her parents live in London, and now they are touring the country. We are taking care of their children.”

  “Mrs. Darcy,” Sir John spoke. “Will you forgive me if I engage your husband’s attention in his study for some time? There are certain matters I wish to discuss with Mr. Darcy.”

  “But of course, Sir John. I shall send you tea and refreshments.”

  Sir John bowed while Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it lightly before leaving the room with the other man. It was just a casual kiss (even though his lips seemed to linger on her fingers a bit too long), but still Elizabeth flushed with embarrassment. She was used to his touch and caresses when they were alone, but he was always most proper when in the company of strangers.

  Lady Edwards seemed to notice Elizabeth’s predicament delivered by her husband’s actions. Consequently, she directed her attention to Julia, which allowed Elizabeth a few moments to compose herself. “Tell me, my dear, have you got brothers and sisters?” she asked, inviting the girl with the gesture of her hand to sit near her.

  Julia sat next to the lady, her back straight, her hands clasped elegantly on her lap. “Yes, your ladyship. My younger brother is six, and my sister is just three.”

  “I see. You are the eldest; and where are they?”

  “Emily is taking her nap and Peter is at the stables. Our father wishes him to learn.”

  “He is six, you say? Yes, I would think it is high time for such lessons. My son already rode quite well at his age.” Lady Edwards turned her head to her thirteen old son standing nearby.

  Master Henry Edwards was a tall boy for his age, of bulky build and quite handsome, but perhaps his complexion had a bit too healthy a glow, giving him a somehow reddish colouring. The boy seemed not to notice that his mother’s speech referred to him, because he was mostly occupied with staring at Julia. The girl, perfectly aware of the attention she was receiving, raised her chin a bit higher, pursing her pink full lips and smoothing her dress.

  Lady Edwards could not help but notice her gesture. “What a beautiful dress you have.”

  “It was a gift from my cousin, Lizzy,” Julia cried enthusiastically, only to add quickly with more dignity. “I mean from my cousin, Mrs. Darcy.”

  “I would wish to have a daughter like you whom I could dress in such pretty dresses. My son is too big to dress up.” Lady Edwards looked up at the boy once again, seeing that his attention was unchangeably focused on the girl sitting beside her. She lowered her head slightly to hide her smile.

  Elizabeth must have also noticed what was happening, because she touched the girl’s hands and spoke softly. “Julia, perhaps you would be so kind as to take Master Henry for a walk? Show him the ponds.”

  “Yes, of course.” Julia stood, curtseyed in front of Lady Edwards one more time, and motioned herself towards the half open floor length terrace door.

  Master Henry walked after her without a word or a second glance at his mother or Elizabeth.

  The women exchanged amused smiles looking after the children.

  “Her parents will have their hands full with her in a few years,” Lady Edwards offered. “I have never seen such a pretty child. She will grow into a rare beauty; there is no doubt about that.”

  “I think you are right, your ladyship. Julia very much resembles my elder sister, Jane. My father had to protect her from unwanted attentions of sometimes even much older admirers since she was just fifteen. As for Julia, she is kind and sweet, but she has matured very much in this last year, and she starts to be aware of her own beauty. She is a little vain, I am afraid.”

  “Well, at least she has a very good reason to be vain. Henry appeared bolt stricken when he saw her, though I have never noticed him to be interested in girls before. He has always been taken with horses, dogs and the estate, just like his father.”

  Elizabeth did not manage to answer her because the servant with the refreshments entered. Elizabeth instructed the maid to send another set to the study as well. The ladies occupied themselves with tea for a minute or two. It was Lady Edwards who spoke next.

  “You mentioned your sister earlier, my dear. Have you got more siblings?”

  Elizabeth put her cup on the saucer with a smile. “Oh, yes. I am the second of five sisters.”

  “Five daughters,” Lady Edwards cried in astonishment. “Your mother had to be occupied all day long when you were children.”

  “Yes, I believe she was. There is only a seven year gap between my youngest and eldest sister. My two youngest sisters, Catherine and Lydia, are currently at school in London. Mary lives with my mother, keeping her company. As for my elder sister, Jane, I have received today the most wonderful news. A few days ago she became engaged to their neighbour, my husband’s best friend, Mr. Bingley.”

  The older woman clasped her hands excitingly. “Mr. Bingley! He is the most charming young man I have ever met. Such a pleasant and open manners are rarely to be seen. He often visited here in Derbyshire and attended all the parties and assemblies. Your sister could not find a better man.”

  “I cannot disagree with that.” Elizabeth smiled broadly at Lady Edwards.

  She soon noticed her guest was appraising her carefully. She put on a pleasant expression and waited for further enquiries.

  At last the older woman asked. “Excuse me, my dear, but I see you are wearing black ribbons in your hair.”

  Elizabeth lowered her head, speaking quietly. “Yes, my father died last April.”

  “Oh my dear, forgive me, I did not know, I am so sorry.” Lady Edwards patted Elizabeth’s hand resting on her knee. “ Oh, dear; me and my big mouth. I did not intend to upset you.”

  Elizabeth just nodded her head, smiling tightly. She still found it hard to control her voice and expression when talking about Mr. Bennet.

  Lady Edwards must have noticed her state, because she spoke again quickly in a lighter tone. “I must tell you, my dear, that I was very impatient and curious to meet you. I have heard that Mr. Darcy is utterly love struck with his young wife.”

  Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. “I
was not aware that I was such a point of interest for the neighbourhood.”

  “It is no wonder, my dear. The Darcys, while not titled, have always been the leading family of the county. There is no bigger estate here than Pemberley. For years there have been speculations about whom Fitzwilliam Darcy would marry.”

  Elizabeth smiled to herself, sipping her tea and shaking her head. It all sounded as if she had married the second to the throne of England and not just a gentleman landowner.

  She looked up at Lady Edwards as the woman cried with great exuberance. “Yes, yes, my dear! The news that Mr. Darcy found himself a wife has vastly disappointed certain mamas and their daughters. All we knew was that the new Mrs. Darcy is from the south of England.”

  “Yes, from Hertfordshire,” Elizabeth confirmed. “My father’s estate was there.”

  “Oh, I see.” Lady Edwards took a bite of a cookie. “This was a happy home once,” she commented her eyes wandering over the elegant surroundings. “When I was a young bride and your mother-in-law Lady Anne was still in a good health, there were parties and balls held here very often. It was before Miss Darcy was born. Your Mr. Darcy was such a handsome boy; it was clear even then he would grow up into a fine man. He has broken the heart of more than one lady, I can tell you. After his father’s death he had many responsibilities to handle. And if you ask my opinion he has done an excellent job of it all.”

  Seeing that Elizabeth had suddenly become quiet, Lady Edwards managed to recall to herself stating. “Forgive me, my dear. I do carry on talking too much all the time.”

  “No, not at all, your ladyship.” Elizabeth smiled warmly at the other woman. “I wish to learn more about my husband’s family. Mr. Darcy is rather taciturn; he does not speak a lot about his parents. I only know he loved them very much. He always refers to his father with the greatest respect, and I know that he loved his mother very much.”

  Lady Edwards’ gaze rested on Elizabeth’s right hand. “I can see you wear her ring.“

  “Yes, William… I mean Mr. Darcy, asked me to wear it when we were yet engaged.”

  “Yes, he must love you very much if he asked you to wear it.” Lady Edwards took Elizabeth’s hand to inspect the ring. “His mother was always very delicate and… well, you are a married woman now, so I can speak with you about these matters openly. She could not keep her pregnancies to term. Mr. Darcy came into the world when they had been married for several years already. And what a joy it was! His parents almost worshipped him. I can understand it as we have only Henry.”

  “I can well imagine that. Although my parents had five children, they always wanted a son who would inherit the estate.”

  Lady Edwards placed her hand on Elizabeth’s arm impulsively. “You cannot think that it means that you cannot bear a son to your husband.” She took her hand back on seeing Elizabeth’s surprised expression. “I am sorry, my dear; I have embarrassed you.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “No, your ladyship. It is simply that I have not given much thought to it yet. We have been married only a few weeks.”

  “But, of course. You have time. Pray tell me whether you enjoy balls.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled. “Yes, I do, very much indeed. It was at a ball I met Mr. Darcy.”

  The older woman clapped her hands soundly. “And you danced together and fell in love; how romantic! Am I correct?”

  Elizabeth bit her lower lip smilingly. “Not exactly. He was rather resentful to dancing with anyone that evening, including me. I did not like him very much back then, and I am afraid I let him feel that.” She took the sip of her tea. “Acutely.”

  “Good for you, my dear. He was spoiled by all those fawning women.”

  Their pleasant conversation was suddenly interrupted when, soaking wet and covered with mud and some water plants, all in tears, Julia ran into the room through the terrace doors, leaving wet traces on the floor.

  “What happened?” Elizabeth cried with feeling, standing up abruptly.

  “He …,” the girl wailed. “ He… pushed me into the pond!”

  “Who?” Elizabeth and Lady Edwards cried in unison.

  “He…” the girl pointed into the direction of Master Henry, who had just run into the room as well. He was wet, but only up to his waist.

  Lady Edwards stepped towards her son, clearly shocked with the whole situation. “Henry how could you?”

  “I did not mean to do it.… I… I had only slightly touched her… when… well,… uhm,… I mean….”

  “He pushed me! And earlier he had pulled at my hair!” Julia insisted.

  That very moment, the library door opened, and Darcy, together with Sir John, entered.

  “We heard someone cry.... What happened?” Darcy exclaimed, approaching the girl and Elizabeth.

  Greatly embarrassed, Lady Edwards spoke. “It seems that Henry has pushed her into the pond.”

  Sir John’s expression turned instantly furious. “What?!” He turned to his son. “Is that true?”

  Master Henry seemed to suddenly look smaller and very unsure. “Father, it was not my intention. I only touched her very lightly.”

  “Are you blind? She is half your size! “

  “I did not think…” Henry started, but his father interrupted him harshly.

  “She could have drowned herself!”

  “I jumped after her instantly, pulled her out and apologized,” the boy defended himself.

  “My dress, my new ribbons … all ruined…” Julia cried into Elizabeth’s waist.

  “What came into your mind to do something like this? Answer me!” Sir John demanded.

  Master Henry turned red in the face. “She pretended I was not with her. She did not want to speak with me. She ignored me!”

  “Do not raise you voice, son,” the older man growled.

  Elizabeth titled the girl’s chin gently. “Julia, why did you not speak with him?”

  The girl shook her head.“I cannot tell.”

  “Why?” Darcy looked confused.

  “Because I am a lady, and it would impolite to tell him how boring he was. He spoke only about himself and how important he is,” the girl stated with a pout.

  Elizabeth and Lady Edwards tried very hard to suppress laughter. Elizabeth allowed herself a small smile, hugging the girl to herself so she would not see it.

  Sir John, however, was far from finding the whole situation amusing. He walked decidedly to his son, towering over him, and spoke harshly. “And that, in your opinion, is your reason for pushing her into the water? It is a woman’s free will whether she likes or dislikes to speak with you. The gentleman your mother and I wish you to become must simply accept this. No horse riding till your departure to school, and you will work in the field until you repay for the dress you ruined. Now apologize to her.”

  “But I have already…,” the boy started; but seeing his father’s hard expression, he walked a few steps to the girl still clinging to Elizabeth’s side.

  “Forgive me. It was not my intention to harm you,” he said.

  “Julia,” Elizabeth said, turning the girl gently so she faced the boy.

  The girl folded her arms against her chest defiantly.

  “Julia,” Darcy eyed her.

  The girl looked up at him and releasing an exasperated sigh, stepped forward, holding out her small hand. Henry clasped it as if it had been made of glass and shook gently.

  Lady Edwards walked to her husband and supported herself on his right arm. “I think we should be leaving. We are so sorry for all the trouble.” She turned to Julia. “My dear, I shall send you another dress to replace this, equally pretty.”


  Elizabeth was already buried comfortably under the covers, lying on her side, her head supported on her palm, her nose stuck into the thick book. She felt the bed dip on the other side, and soon her husband’s large body spooned behind her.

  “What are you reading?” Darcy put her hair aside, kissing her neck.

rs. Radcliffe,” Elizabeth answered, her eyes still focused on the text, bravely resisting the highly distracting sensation of her husband’s lips on her neck. Not to mention his fondling, she thought, feeling his big warm hand caressing her bosom.

  “You have read it many times.” Darcy tickled her ear, taking the book from her.

  “But it is one of my favourite novels,” Elizabeth protested, trying to get the book back. “I do not mind reading it again and again.”

  “I can be your Valancourt for tonight. What do you think about that, Mrs. Darcy?”

  “You have read it! You know the characters. Yet you dare to mock Georgiana and me when we read Gothic romances.”

  Darcy put the book on the bedside table on his side of the bed out from her reach. “I had to read it to add to my own knowledge and opinion about it,… for this very reason, that I could discuss it with either of you intelligently,” he explained gathering Elizabeth close to his body, kissing her with an obvious intent.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she returned his kisses eagerly. Darcy’s mouth moved from her mouth to her neck. He threw the covers aside, his hands wandering all over her nightdress covered body. Elizabeth relaxed on her back, her eyes half closed, her palms raking absently through her husband’s thick hair.

  He gave her breasts a gentle squeeze, but he did not linger on them as long as usual. Elizabeth opened her eyes, confused with this omission, and lifted herself on her elbows to look at him.

  Darcy smiled rakishly, kneeled up next to her, kissing the tip of her nose before decidedly reaching for the hem of her nightgown and tugging it up. He moved between her thighs, spreading them wide, and slipped his head under her nightgown.

  Elizabeth dropped back on the pillows, throwing one arm over her head. She closed her eyes, but not completely. She was ashamed to admit it, but she enjoyed looking at him when he was loving her like that. She peeked down from behind her eyelashes at this handsome husband of hers - splayed between her legs on his stomach, his head under her nightgown, his arms wrapped around her thighs, his hands tugging at the opening of her nightgown, palming her breasts. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for the delights of the marriage bed, for sure, she thought, feeling the wave after a wave of indescribable pleasure hitting her.


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