Hope and Vengeance (Saa Thalarr, book 1): Saa Thalarr, book 1

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Hope and Vengeance (Saa Thalarr, book 1): Saa Thalarr, book 1 Page 13

by Connie Suttle

  "Come," he motioned for me to lean forward. I leaned backward instead.

  "Come." His hand gripped my neck and he pulled my head forward until my forehead rested against his.

  Now, he spoke in my mind, we'll get rid of that poison your sire has planted.

  What? I'd sent mindspeech before I could stop myself. How? was my second question, although it failed to convey the true question—how was he mindspeaking me?

  Here. Not only could I hear him, a vision appeared in my mind. A glowing, purple knot throbbed inside my brain. This is what I see, he sent. I'm about to destroy it, he added. Say now if you want that thing to remain inside you.

  I don't, I responded immediately.


  A surgeon couldn't have excised it more neatly. With a surge of power, he'd destroyed it, leaving my mind clear. I blinked as Dragon drew away.

  I now recalled the cell phone conversation I'd had with Xavier. He'd ordered me to refuse her—Kiarra. If she appears, he'd said, do not touch her. She is not for you, understand? Then, he'd told me that she'd betrayed me. Instructed me not to touch her. Told me that he'd provide further instructions later. And then, he'd told me to forget that he'd placed compulsion.

  I had forgotten. Until now.

  "It's time to take care of her." Dragon rose gracefully and extended a hand.

  "Yes." I was weary, but not too weary for this. I accepted the hand and stood, before striding swiftly to her side. Lifting her unconscious body in my arms, I stalked into the house, daring anyone to stop me.

  * * *

  "My love." I brushed fingers down her cheek. I held her against me as we soaked in a second bath—the first one had been used and then emptied, to remove the filth from us. Our second bath was more leisurely—I checked her carefully and murmured over every bruise and scratch on her skin before kissing it.

  I'd razored clothing off both of us, and it had gone straight into the rubbish bin; no part of it had been salvageable. "I'll buy you anything you want to wear, sweetheart," I murmured against her ear before placing another, careful kiss.

  Lion explained that she'd used every bit of energy she had left to save Joey's life. I'd seen Joey in the kitchen, drinking a second bag of blood when I carried Kiarra through on my way to the bedroom. Lion had followed me to the door, giving me needed information. He'd closed the door to my bedroom after I carried Kiarra through. My bedroom. My bathroom. My tub. My woman.

  I kissed her neck fiercely. Mine.

  Don't get carried away, Lion's voice filtered into my head. You need permission before you take her blood.

  Bugger off, I responded. I won't bite unless she says so.

  Good. I won't have to beat you into the ground, then. Get her in bed. We may have to move, soon.

  Got it. I lifted one of Kiarra's hands and kissed it before rising with her in my arms.

  * * *

  "Where the hell are we?" I looked about the dimly lit kitchen I'd wandered into after waking. Through a tall window nearby, I blinked at the New York City skyline beyond.

  "We're at Merrill's brownstone in New York," Joey said sleepily beside me. I'd wakened to an empty bed in a strange room. My carry-all was on the foot of the bed, so I'd dressed quickly and wandered down a long hall until I reached the kitchen.

  "You've been here before?" I turned to him—he still wore pajama bottoms.

  "I was raised here for two years, before Timerius walked into the sun and my excuse for being here was blown. The Council took over after that."

  "And Master Joey was not pleased when that happened." A tall man in his sixties, with brown hair going gray, walked into the kitchen, carrying a glass of wine. "I'm Franklin," he introduced himself.

  "I liked it here. Merrill let me do research and build anything I wanted, and I didn't have to worry about money," Joey sighed.

  "Joseph had a difficult time cleaning up after himself," Franklin smiled as he sipped from his wineglass. "I believe Father had to place compulsion."

  "I did." Merrill walked into the room, followed by Dragon, Lion and Griffin.

  "Where's Kiarra?" I demanded.

  "In another bedroom. Pheligar came and tended to her. We didn't want to disturb you," Dragon said. "It's just as well; if Kiarra gets hurt, you don't want to deal with Pheligar or Karzac."


  "Dragon's healer," Lion explained. "Can be a bit grumpy when people do stupid things."

  "You have a healer?"

  "All of us have healers. Except Kiarra. She keeps refusing. It's a long story," Lion waved a huge hand.

  "All of you?" Yes, I was curious.

  "Seven of us. Ask Kiarra what that means," Lion said. "Right now, we're hungry. We're going to wake her and go out to eat."

  "Adam, I have blood in a fridge inside my room," Joey offered. "Then we can go with them."

  "I want to see Kiarra first."

  "Then let's go." Joey pulled me from the kitchen.

  * * *

  "Sweetheart, the others want to go eat," I said, brushing hair behind an ear. The bed she lay on was huge, and it made her look small.

  "Adam?" she croaked, waking with a frown. "You're touching me?"

  "I'm touching you. Dragon removed the compulsion Xavier placed," I added. I didn't tell her that I wanted to kill him for that. I couldn't. He was my sire, and that was frowned on by the Council.

  "I don't know whether to kiss him or kick his ass for that. Dragon, I mean."

  "If I weren't so jealous, I'd say kiss him. Maybe a handshake. Possibly a hug."

  "Where are my clothes? I feel so tired," she muttered, accepting my help to sit up.

  "Lion says you emptied yourself to save me. Thank you," Joey offered shyly.

  "Don't thank me yet," she sighed, raking fingers through strands of platinum hair. "We'll have a reckoning with Pheligar before this is over," she added.

  She's not supposed to interfere. Not like that, Joey sent. Lion says there are only two reasons for her to interfere as much as she did, but he didn't explain.

  "Joey, I need to teach you how to shield your mindspeech," Kiarra attempted to slide off the bed. I stilled for a moment before lifting her off easily and setting her feet on the floor.

  "You hear our mindspeech?"

  "Not all of it, I'm sure." Her cheeks turned bright pink.

  I laughed. Yes, that should have upset me, but it didn't. I laughed so hard I had to sit on the edge of the bed and attempt to control it.

  "It's not that funny," she grumbled and stalked toward the bathroom.

  "It kind of is," Joey disagreed before chuckling. "Come on, let's eat first, so we don't eat our friends."

  * * *

  Does it bother you—about Rodney? I asked Joey as we walked down the hall toward Joey's bedroom. Merrill's suite was at the top floor of the brownstone and more than luxurious, I discovered.

  It bothers me, he sighed with his sending. I think somebody set him up.

  I think so, too, but I have no idea who or why.

  I know Rodney cared about me, and he almost killed me anyway, Joey said.

  Do you know who made him? Look what Xavier did to me. I treated Anna—Kiarra—horribly.

  I don't know his maker, and I know how much you care about her. I had no idea compulsion could do that kind of bullshit.

  Your maker can force you to do anything, Joey. It's a good thing you dumped my old phone and laptop, I ruffled his hair affectionately. Even though I didn't appreciate it at the moment.

  You were sort of nasty, all right. We stopped at the end of the hall, where Joey put his hand on the doorknob. At least it's neater than it used to be, he grinned before leading me inside.

  * * *

  "Sweetheart, I have restaurants in London," I murmured against her ear as we were led into a private room by the restaurant hostess.

  "Do they serve vegetarian?" she asked as I pulled a chair out for her at a round table large enough to hold all of us.

  "If they don't, they will s
oon," I said, taking the seat beside her.

  Should I ask why a vampire owns restaurants? she asked.

  "I'll explain that later, and thank you for letting me know you have mindspeech," I muttered. Yes, that stung, although I attempted to hide it.

  "I didn't want to worry you," she said. "Admit it, you would have run."

  "Perhaps. Joey and I have kept that secret for years."

  "Adam, you won't be in trouble with me because of it," she replied while unfolding her napkin and dropping it on her lap.

  "I know." I leaned back in my seat with a sigh and a slight shake of my head. Too much had happened recently, and I had no idea if I'd ever figure it all out. "Thank you for Joey's life," I whispered.

  "I care about him," she turned sky-blue eyes in my direction.

  "Do you know how long I've loved you?" I brushed lips against her hair. "If you don't, I'll tell you later."

  "A-hem," Griffin cleared his throat. Merrill sat beside him, stone-faced and silent. I leaned away from Kiarra and forced my face into the vampire mask.

  "I think I'll have the lamb. And the lobster," Lion lowered his menu and gave me a wide grin. Don't let the old vamps get to you, he sent.

  I'll remember you said that, I replied. Vamps—plural? I sent after mulling his sending for a moment.

  Later, he told me. And I'll teach you how to shield your thoughts.

  Probably a good idea, I responded with sarcasm. How did we get to New York? I thought to ask. Nobody had explained that miracle as yet.

  We can duplicate anything that's natural or that already exists on the planet, Lion informed me. There are Elemaiya here. That means we can gate in and out, or hop from one place to another. As long as it doesn't look like a stretch to the enemy, it won't raise his suspicions. He's looking for any use of our power, so we have to be creative and only employ what's seemingly natural.

  Why do you have to hide your power from the enemy?

  Once he knows we're here and looking for him, he can destroy everything.

  What do you mean by that?

  I mean he holds enough power on his own to blow the planet to bits. He may suspect we're here, but he isn't sure, yet. This is a bigger game than you know, and the stakes are being raised. Maybe I'll be allowed to explain it to you, sometime.

  You know vampires don't frighten easily. At least in my line of work. You just frightened me.

  I don't think you're frightened enough. Not yet, anyway.

  "Lion, stop scaring him. We're here for dinner," Kiarra said aloud.

  I said nothing when Merrill ordered a filet and ate the entire thing, with vegetables and two glasses of wine. Joey and I had red wine, but only sipped as little as possible while we talked over dinner.

  "I think we're being tracked anyway, no matter that Chessman's cell and laptop have been destroyed," Griffin said after our waiter served another round of drinks and left us.

  "What's the latest from Daniel in Corpus?" Kiarra asked Dragon.

  "He has the Pack sorted, now. Shirley Walker is the new Packmaster. A few rogues are still in the area, though, and the Pack is tracking them at the Grand Master's orders. Daniel took your advice, Kiarra. He's Shirley's Second."

  "I knew he'd been a good pick," she said.

  "Sweetheart, want dessert?" I asked. She'd ordered vegetable lasagna, and ate half of a generous portion.

  "There's no room for it," she shook her head at me. "Although the tiramisu sounds good."

  "We'll get it to go," Merrill offered. "You'll have it later."

  "That sounds fine," she shrugged.

  "What will they do—if they find us again?" Joey asked. He didn't hide the shiver that accompanied his words, or the worried timbre of his voice. I had to remind myself that he'd almost died at the hands of a lover. If Kiarra hadn't intervened, he would have perished. I was still amazed that she'd been able to keep him alive.

  "Child, stop worrying," Merrill said. "Things will work out."

  Joey, I think Kiarra likes you a lot. I believe she took a risk to save you, too. Besides, we took down an army of spawn, plus a few vampires and werewolves. We won't go down without a fight, son.

  Adam, stay away from Xavier, all right? Joey shivered again. His near-death was sinking in, now.

  "Joey, want to sit beside Adam?" Kiarra asked. She was prepared to move to give him her seat; knew he was upset.

  "I'll move," Dragon offered. He sat beside me, but elected to switch seats with Joey.

  "Put him between us," Kiarra suggested. I took Dragon's seat, allowing Joey to sit on my chair. I have no idea what she said to him in mindspeech, but she rubbed his back while he leaned his head on her shoulder.

  Joey reached out for my hand. I grasped his without blinking and held it.

  * * *

  "He'll be all right, once he goes into the rejuvenating sleep," I said later. Kiarra and I had spent the bulk of the night with Joey. He'd taken a spot in the middle of the sofa inside her bedroom, and she and I reassured him. Eventually he removed his shoes and climbed into her bed. She offered to bring his laptop, and he accepted. We'd left him playing computer games in bed.

  "He always had difficulty dealing with vampirism," Merrill said as we walked into the kitchen. He and Griffin sat at a huge, granite-topped island, having another glass of wine.

  "Griffin, when did you plan to tell me you'd given Merrill blood?" Kiarra sighed, taking a barstool on the opposite side.

  "It's not a requirement, if all the stipulations are met," Griffin replied warily.

  "I know that. I still don't understand why you didn't offer the information."

  "You know, now," he pointed out.

  "Yes. Now I know," she agreed.

  "What's this?" I had no idea what they were talking about.

  "I'll explain later," she said. "Right now, I have a headache."

  "I'll get something for you," Merrill rose from his seat. Yes, that triggered my jealousy. Kiarra placed her hand over mine. "I'll just have a glass of wine, if you don't mind," she said, giving Merrill a terse nod.

  Merrill poured wine into an expensive glass and handed it to Kiarra. He made sure his hand touched hers in the exchange, too. I didn't like the contact at all.

  "Adam, we may have to take care of that," she said, sipping the wine. "Merrill isn't cheating you out of anything. Trust me."

  "Thank you for that," Merrill nodded in her direction. "That means much to me."

  Kiarra rubbed my back while she drank her wine, as much to keep me from growling at Merrill as it was to let me know she cared. Fortunately, I found the humor in the situation eventually and offered her a smile.

  * * *

  "Adam, I have to talk with the others." She attempted to get away from me. I wanted her in bed with me for the short time remaining before sunrise.

  "It's only twenty minutes, my heart. Come with me," I coaxed, pulling her down the hall to the bedroom I'd been given. "Besides, you need rest. Tell me that isn't true."

  "I'm exhausted, Adam. I don't feel up to," I placed a hand over her mouth before she could tell me she was too tired for sex. She was too tired for petting, too. "I just want to hold you until I fall asleep," I said.

  "Fine. Twenty minutes."

  "I get to undress you," I murmured against her neck once the bedroom door was shut behind us.

  "I'll just have to get dressed again," she protested.

  "Humor me, all right?" I begged.


  "Lie down, first."


  "No, let me do this." Gripping her hand in mine—the one attempting to fend me off, I kissed it and laid it on the bed. "Stay still. Don't be afraid."

  "Adam," she protested a second time.

  "Shh, shh, shh," I placed a finger at her lips. "No talking. No moving. You're tired, remember?"

  "I am tired."

  "Then let me do this." Forming about an inch of claw on my right index finger, I employed a knuckle to graze her skin while allowing my claw to cu
t through her clothing. It was easy—easier than sliding a sharp, hot knife through soft butter. Taking my time, I paid attention to keeping my slices straight.

  She watched me with a worried frown as I laid the pieces of her blouse flat on the bed around her. "Now, for this," I said, clipping the front of her bra easily with my claw. Gently I laid both halves on the bed.

  "Pants," I breathed, sliding my finger against her skin and ripping the denim with the claw. "Both sides," I added, doing the other side exactly the same.

  "Legs." I carefully moved down both sides of her legs, the fabric hissing as I sliced through it.

  "Adam, I really like my shoes," she said.

  "Then we'll removed those," I retracted my claw after laying the denim of her jeans flat on the bed, "in a more conventional manner." Gently, I removed both shoes, then her socks. "You have nice feet," I remarked, before kissing them.

  "See, I didn't hurt you." I lay down beside her and offered her a smile.

  "Is this your version of foreplay?" she asked innocently.

  "You're not so hot you want to climb all over me?" I responded just as innocently.

  "Yes, but you only have five minutes before you're out, and you won't wake until the sun goes down. Is this your way of making me so frustrated I'll jump you the minute you're awake again?"

  "Why ever would you think that?" I asked, faking a Southern U.S. accent. "If I kiss you here," I kissed the skin just above her panties (which I hadn't removed), "then slide them down just a bit for another kiss," I did as described, making her gasp, "then you'll be screaming at me in frustration when I fall asleep, and I'll never hear a thing."

  I barely had time to lie back again before the rejuvenating sleep descended.

  * * *

  "I have something to present to all of you," Xavier began. "After you see this, I believe you may agree with me. And, as Charles has refused to offer assistance, I have my own technology expert here to assist me." Xavier nodded to the young vampire, who tapped a key on the computer screen sitting before the U-shaped table where the Vampire Council sat.

  "What is this we're about to see?" Ilaisaane asked eagerly.


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