Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut

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Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut Page 2

by Kim Jones

  “I got you, beautiful. Don’t worry,” he said, winking at me and pulling his pants off in one swift movement. Crisis averted. He climbed on top of me, kissing his way up my stomach.

  “Fuck me, Luke,” I said, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him to me.

  “Shhh,” was the only response that I got from him.

  “Don’t you shush me! Fuck me!” I all but screamed.

  “Shut up, Dallas,” he said, his voice a little firmer this time, causing my excitement to grow. His mouth had found my nipple and his tongue was rubbing circles around it, driving me crazy. I liked this game. “I’ll say whatever I want and I am telling you to…”

  Before I could finish he was off of me and had me flipped on my stomach. Grabbing my hips roughly, he pulled me back to him and entered me slowly. He was hard and soft. Fast and slow. Mean and sweet. And he was driving me fucking crazy. I just knew by the way he grabbed me that he was going to drive into me full force, but instead he took it slow, and as much as I hated to admit it, it felt divine. Feeling him inside me, I knew at that moment that Luke knew more about my body than I did. In no way, shape or form could I have handled it any harder than the way he was giving it to me. My face was buried in the mattress, my ass was in the air, and my hands were fisted in the comforter under me. Luke was sliding in and out of me in a steady rhythm, while his hand moved up and down my spine. All I could do was moan into the mattress.

  “You feel so good, baby. I love looking at your perfect ass while my cock slides in and out of you.” Ho-ly shit. If I could have gotten wetter, I did. “I love seeing your sweet juices on me. I love tasting it on my lips, and I love the way your pussy tightens around me when you cum.”

  As if he had told me to, I came. My orgasm intensified when Luke grabbed my ass and slammed into me harder-giving me a taste of that punishment fuck that I loved so much. My body was still convulsing when he stilled inside of me, digging his fingers into my ass, calling out my name.

  I don’t know how long we laid like that-me on my knees and Luke on my back, still buried inside of me. I could have stayed in this position for the rest of my life. My body was relaxed, my mind was clear, and my eyes were heavy. I stiffened when I noticed the only sound I heard was mine and Luke’s breathing. Luke stiffened also and he immediately placed a hand on my head and began rubbing my hair.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” he asked, his voice thick with sleep and worry.

  “Where is everyone?” I was getting a little panicky. What if they saw us? Or heard us?

  “Gone. It’s just me and you.” He kissed my temple, then eased out of me and disappeared to the bathroom. Gone? They left us alone? Was that safe? I sat up quickly and scooted off the bed, thankful that my legs, which felt as if they were made of jelly, managed to hold me up.

  “Is it safe?” I asked Luke, barging into the bathroom. He was standing at the sink, completely naked and shaving. I looked down to see the redness between my legs, a result of Luke’s five o’clock shadow, and blushed. Shit. Why was this so embarrassing?

  Luke smirked at me, “Yes, baby, it’s safe.”

  I joined Luke at the sink and cleaned myself up, trying to keep the panic from rising. I had to get my shit together. I was making progress though. Yesterday, I would have sobbed uncontrollably at the thought of being alone. Baby steps.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked Luke in the mirror. He smirked at me again and I smacked his arm understanding his smart ass facial expression.

  “For food.” I clarified, smiling.

  “Starving. I think the girls did some shopping this morning.”

  At this rate my heart would be a big pile of mush if people kept doing sweet shit to melt it down.

  “I’ll make us dinner,” I said and left the bathroom in search of something to wear.

  “Dallas,” Luke called. I turned to see his reflection in the mirror, still shaving, still barefoot and still totally naked. “I love you.”

  I smiled and blew him a kiss, then turned on my heel and headed for my closet.

  I decided that it was too late in the to day dress up, so I grabbed an oversized, faded Pink Floyd t-shirt, the most un-appealing pair of underwear I had-white, cotton boy shorts- and made my way to the kitchen. The girls had, indeed, gone shopping. My mouth watered at the sight of freshly ground beef. Hamburgers it would be. I placed the patties in the skillet, and then cut up lettuce, onion and tomato for the trimmings.

  “Something smells good,” Luke announced when he walked into the kitchen. I turned around and let him pull me into his arms. I buried my face in his neck and inhaled deep through my nose. Burgers didn’t have shit on Luke.

  “I think that it’s you that smells so wonderful,” I said into his neck. I pulled away from him enough that I could look into his eyes. He smiled down at me, but I could still see the events of the past couple of days were taking their toll on him. “How about we eat, then maybe lie in bed and watch a movie?” I suggested giving him my best smile.

  His face softened, “How about I just stand here and let you smile at me all day?” I smiled bigger at his request. “Don’t you want to talk?” he asked, running his finger down my nose then grabbing my chin and raising my lips to his. He kissed me softly and I swear it was the best kiss he had ever given me. I did want to talk to him, but I wanted him to rest more. We could talk tomorrow.

  “Tomorrow. Now move, before I burn supper,” I said trying to sound firm, but failing.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll go find us a movie.” He left me to finish cooking and I did so successfully without burning anything.

  Luke and I ate like pigs. I guess neither one of us realized how hungry we were. He offered to do the dishes and I didn’t argue. I went to the bathroom, retrieved the dirty towels and clothes from around the house and took them to the laundry room. I was sorting them when Luke walked in and grabbed my hand. “Bed” was all he said and it was enough convincing for me. Luke had chosen an Adam Sandler comedy for us to watch. I clambered onto the bed and he followed, gracefully, wearing nothing but sexy black boxer briefs and a smile. I sighed at the sight of him. I snuggled into his side, my back to his front, his arm draped over my stomach and Luke turned out the light. Ten minutes into the movie, I heard him lightly snoring in my ear. The sound was like a lullaby to me and I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 2


  Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Tuesday’s Gone” was playing when I opened my eyes. The movie was ending and it was dark outside. Carefully, I moved Luke’s arm from around me and was almost out of bed when his hand reached out and grabbed mine.

  “Where’re you going, beautiful?” I smiled at the endearment.

  “Just to the bathroom,” I said standing. Luke sat up and looked at me. “You want me to come with you, baby?” I smiled again.

  “No, I’m okay. Go back to sleep.” I walked to the bathroom, proud of myself. Baby steps. Of course, the light was off and I got a little panicky before I turned it on, but managed to do so without hyperventilating. Peeing without Luke holding my hand-done. When I walked back into the bedroom, Luke was gone and the lights were still out. Okay, maybe I wasn’t ready just yet. The T.V. had been muted, but was still on and casting an eerie light over the room.

  “Luke,” I called, too scared to walk ten steps to the light switch. No answer. Oh shit. Oh shit. My breathing was becoming heavy.

  “I’m coming, baby, just looking around.” My body sagged with relief and if it hadn’t been for the wall, I would have fallen on my face. I decided to hang out in the bathroom until he got back. It didn’t take long for Luke to “look around.” He was back before I made it to the other side of the bathroom.

  “I’m here,” he said, walking through the bedroom and into the bathroom in search of me.

  “What were you looking at?” I asked, walking into his arms like it had been days since I had seen him and not minutes.

  “Just checking around outside. I wanted to make sure the fire was b
urned out completely.” Shit. I had blocked so much out of my mind the past several hours, I had forgotten I burned down the damn barn. “You okay?” Luke asked, putting his hands on either side of my face. I nodded up at him and he gently rubbed his thumb over my bad eye. Then, surprisingly, he bent to kiss it. “I love you,” he said looking so deep into my eyes that I felt like his soul had said it and not his mouth.

  “I love you too, Luke.” And I did. I stood on my toes to kiss him, and then grabbed his hand to lead him to bed.

  Once we were settled, he turned off the T.V. and the light and pulled me to him. I was wide awake. I knew I couldn’t sleep even if my life depended on it. “Luke,” I said into the darkness.

  “Hmm,” was his weak response. Luke was tired and needed sleep. I could entertain myself, surely. Maybe. “What is it, baby?” he asked a little more alert this time.

  “I’m not sleepy.” I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was smiling.

  “You want a sleeping pill?” he asked with laughter in his voice.

  “No, I hear those things are addictive,” I responded, wondering why he was so anxious to get me to sleep that he was willing to give me a narcotic.

  “I wasn’t talking about that kind of sleeping pill,” he said, kissing my neck. Warmth flooded my body and there was nothing more I wanted than him inside me once again, but Luke needed sleep and it was time for me to stop being so selfish.

  “No, I’m okay,” I said breathless. My body was involuntarily pushing up against him even as I said it.

  “You sure? I don’t mind fucking you until you pass out,” he said, his mouth still trailing kisses down my neck and onto my shoulder.

  Luke was a strong guy. He could handle another few minutes of no sleep. I turned my body so that I was facing him then rolled him to his back. His eyes were heavy, but I could see the darkness in them as I straddled him and began kissing his chest.

  “Turn over,” I demanded in a soft voice. He looked at me quizzically, but obliged. My Luke had been too good to me. The least I could do was make him feel better. He rolled onto his stomach, raising his arms on each side of his head. I sat on his ass with my knees bent, then leaned over him and began to massage his back. My effort was rewarded when I heard a few soft grunts coming from his mouth that were muffled by the pillows. I examined his hard, muscular back, running my fingers over the muscles that were beginning to relax. Luke’s back was beautiful. It looked like a photo that had been edited. His tan skin was flawless and wrapped around every muscular plane like a glove. His shoulders and neck were broad and although I didn’t know the name of most of the muscles that I ran my hands over, I knew that they too were absolutely perfect.

  As my hands roamed his body, my mind began to wander. Who was this man laying beneath me? Was I even sure of his love and devotion to me? I knew that he loved me, but how much did that love cost? Tomorrow would be a big day for me. I would have the answers to all of my questions, but I wasn’t sure if the answers were ones that I could handle. Oh stop, being a pussy Dallas. I could handle it. I had no other choice.

  I looked down at the left side of Luke’s face. His lips were slightly parted and he was breathing deep. Sound asleep. I leaned down and supporting my body weight on my arms so that I wouldn’t wake him, I planted a light kiss on his temple and quietly got out of bed. Neo was somewhere with one of the club members, so the house was quiet without him around. I wandered into the living room and sat on the couch, putting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. My life had been nothing but a big fucking whirlwind since I was seventeen years old. Losing both parents, moving to another state, being a constant fuck-up, losing my grandmother, starting my own business, being hated by everyone, getting dumped, finding love, being betrayed by said love, being poisoned, being held at gun point, being sexually assaulted and tied up in a barn, being saved by the man I love only to find out by my captor that he had been paid to protect me… My life was completely and utterly fucked. The worst part about it? I knew that no matter what Luke told me, I could never live without him. I needed him. I needed his club and I deserved happiness. I had never felt like I belonged somewhere as much I did when I was with him. Even with all the crazy shit that was happening; I knew that this was where I wanted to be.

  I lay back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe I would invest in some of those lights like my assistant and new found friend, Lindsey, had. I remember when I had my first fight with Luke; it was her that I had called and she had taken me to her house, treated me like family, and taught me a valuable lesson-friendship for me was not impossible. Laying in her bed that night, I remember looking up at the ceiling seeing the stars glittering above me and thinking of Luke, until thoughts of him consumed my entire brain and lulled me to sleep—much like this time.

  Warmth surrounded me as I was engulfed in arms and lifted in the air. Kisses were placed on my forehead as Luke cradled me into his hard chest. “What’s wrong?” I asked sleepily.

  “Shhh. Nothing is wrong, babe. Go back to sleep, I’m just carrying you to bed,” Luke whispered in my ear. I nodded into his chest as a response and allowed him to carry me, effortlessly, to bed. He pushed back the covers and pulled me to him, my back to his front, and nuzzled his face in my hair.

  “You okay?” Luke asked, splaying his hand across my stomach and rubbing his thumb back and forth. The gesture was nurturing and comforting. I snuggled deeper into him and nodded my head. Within minutes, I was asleep once again.

  I woke to a cold bed. Outside, the sun was just beginning to peak through the windows and I could tell that if this was a work day, I would be late. I looked at the clock and it was a little after seven. Thoughts of last night came to mind and I knew today was the day I would get some answers. I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I looked at the reflection of my face in the mirror, which was marginally better than yesterday. The healing process was slow, but I was making progress.

  I stepped in the shower, washing away the events of yesterday then went to the closet and pulled on some jeans and a white, fitted t-shirt. Yesterday’s dress got me thrown up against a wall and fucked, so jeans it was. I didn’t need Luke distracting me from my questions with his sex antics.

  I found Luke sitting at the bar, coffee in hand, and a large box-the same box I found in his closet-sitting before him.

  “Good morning!” I said in an effort to ease the tension that had formed in the room. Luke turned to me and smirked. He was wearing a black ball cap with DFFD stitched on it, turned backwards on his head. His white t-shirt clung to his shoulders and arms, but fit loose at his waist. The tattoos that ran from his shoulders to his wrists looked even darker against the white t-shirt that looked even whiter against his tanned skin. He had a pair of faded, ripped jeans on and once again, was barefoot in my kitchen. The sight of him was mouthwatering. I swallowed hard and proceeded into the kitchen, grabbing a coffee mug and pouring myself a cup of Luke’s famous java.

  “You look good this morning, babe,” Luke said to me, smiling. I smiled back, but my gaze drifted from his face to the items before him. My stomach fell at the memory of when I found the box and all of its contents. I was in Luke’s house looking for my suitcase when I stumbled upon a box in his closet that contained personal information about me. Pictures, phone numbers, addresses-information that was gathered before I even knew Luke. Of course, Luke took the easy way out-accusing me of “going through his shit” when I had no business. I knew he was throwing the blame off on me just so he wouldn’t look like a dick. The thought pissed me off and reminded me why I was here and what I was going to accomplish today. I walked up to the bar, standing across from him and placing my elbows on the counter-holding my coffee between my hands

  “Where did you get this?” I asked, nodding towards the box that sat between us.

  “Let’s start off small,” Luke replied softly, which did nothing but piss me off more.

  “No, how about I ask the fucking questions and you answer
them. Truthfully,” I snapped back at him. This was the Dallas I was before he came into my life. I was a bitter bitch and Luke had helped me become a better person, but the bitch was still inside and now was a good time to let her show. Or so I thought.

  “Watch your mouth, Dallas,” Luke said, his own fury growing.

  “No, you watch your mouth, Luke. I’m not the one who has anything to prove.”

  Luke’s head snapped back as if he had been slapped. He seemed to gather himself and his face turned to stone. “Kirkley gave me a file. I added to it. Most of these photos were taken by me or by people employed by me.” I stared at him in shock. Mayor Kirkley? What the fuck?

  “What do you mean, he gave you a file?” I asked, totally taken aback by what he just told me.

  “Kirkley owed your father some favors. When your mother was killed, he planned to send you to Mississippi to live with your grandmother. The agreement was that Kirkley kept an eye on you and your father gave him a shit-load of land and a promised position as Mayor as long as he held up his end of the bargain. Some paperwork was drawn up and the land that he loved would have gone to Stacy, if anything happened to you. That deal expired on your twenty-fifth birthday. A day your father thought he would live to see, although he didn’t.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I could feel my heart beat in my ear and suddenly it was too hot in the kitchen.

  “What land?” I asked Luke. He was still sitting with his back straight and his face was still stone. He looked like a robot and I was sure it was a tactic he used to try and keep his temper in check.

  “The land on ninety-eight.”

  “But, I just purchased that land from him.” I thought back to Mason and Nathalie’s engagement dinner. I had purposefully worn that particular dress just to woo the mayor out of that property. I had a client begging to put a strip mall out there and I had convinced the Mayor that it was for personal use.


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