Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut

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Saving Dallas 2 Making the Cut Page 16

by Kim Jones

  “I love you, baby. I miss you already,” Luke whispered in my ear. I should have responded, but I only managed to nod my head. What a fool I was for not telling him I loved him, it could have been my last chance.

  Chapter 11


  I woke up to an empty bed. A letter laid on the pillow next to me, folded neatly with my name scribbled on the front.


  I didn’t want to wake you. I love you more than anything and I will see you soon. Please don’t leave unless one of the guys are with you. I have my cell on me, always. Call me if you need anything and don’t, under any circumstances, look under your pillow.

  I love you.


  I reached under the pillow, smiling at his choice of words and pulled out a slim, gold box. I opened it to find a gold necklace with a diamond motorcycle charm dangling from it. In the bottom of the box was a note that read:

  Wear this for me. Take a piece of me with you, everywhere you go.

  “What’s that?” Red asked, barging into the room eating an apple. She was still in her pajamas and looked totally different in glasses with no makeup, but still as beautiful and confident as ever.

  “Luke left it for me.” Red read the note and examined the necklace.

  “Here,” she said, placing her half eaten apple on the night stand and crawling behind me. “Let me put it on you.” I lifted my hair and smiled at the beautiful charm that dangled from my neck.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said, more to myself than to her. “I’m gonna call him.”

  I jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone, darting to the bathroom for a bit of privacy. Luke answered on the first ring.

  “Babe,” he said, his voice smiling.

  “I love it. I love you,” I said excitedly. Talk about an ‘I fucked up gift’. Luke could fuck up anytime.

  “I’m glad, beautiful. I need to let you go, but call me if you need me okay?” I could hear men talking in the background, but they seemed to be coming from a distance.

  “Okay, I love you, and um, be careful,” I said, feeling stupid about calling. I should have just texted. Luke had some important shit to do.

  “I love you too, babe. See you in a few days.” Luke hung up and I wanted to get in the car and drive to him, just so I could throw my arms around his neck and feel his body against mine.

  “Hey, lover girl,” Red called from the bedroom. “Hurry the hell up. I’m cooking breakfast.”

  I made my way to the kitchen wearing Luke’s t-shirt and a pair of his basketball shorts. I had not even begun unpacking my bags, but I saw them stacked neatly against the wall in the bedroom this morning. I was shocked to find the kitchen full of women. Jenn, Baby and Juggs sat at the bar, Luci, Maddie, Texas, Carla and Brooklyn sat at the table and Red stood in the kitchen propped up on the counter scrambling eggs.

  “Hey, sleepy head,” Jenn said, standing to hug me. I smiled and said hello to all of them as they took turns hugging me and made room for me at the table.

  “Bitch, you look good even after a shitty day,” Brooklyn said to me, taking a drag off of her long cigarette. Her deep red lipstick covered the butt of it and I wondered if she knew that Luke’s house was smoke free-not that I was going to say shit to her about it. Everyone looked just like me, still in pajamas with no makeup. Everyone, except Brooklyn, who was fully dressed and looked like she had already been up for hours.

  “Thanks, Brooklyn. You look great this morning,” I said, shooting her my teeth baring smile.

  “Well, that’s because I was up at the ass crack of dawn to see my man off. I have to work hard at this shit,” she said, waving her hand in front of her face. “If I had a day like you had, shit, I would have just stayed in bed.” Great. Apparently, everyone knew about yesterday.

  “Why don’t you tell us about it,” Carla suggested. “It will do you some good to get it off your chest and we could probably help you with some horror stories of our own.” Everyone nodded in agreement.

  “Worm told me what happened, and girl, I went off. I couldn’t believe he talked to you like that, but we have all been there,” Luci added, getting up and helping Red bring the food to the table. More chairs were gathered and soon we were all scrunched around Luke’s small dining room table.

  “Let’s pray,” Red said, grabbing my hand in hers. Brooklyn sat to my left and found my other hand as we all shared a moment to give praise, ask for forgiveness, guidance and a safe journey for our men. Funny, I never took them to be religious.

  “Spill it,” Maddie snapped. My head shot up and I couldn’t believe that she was actually speaking to me. Well, this was a start.

  “Apparently, my ex-boyfriend, Jeff, is friends or some shit with Frankie,” I said, ready to elaborate further, but was cut off by Luci.

  “Oh, they ain’t friends. Jeff works for Frankie. He is some kind of computer genius and helps Frankie do some illegal money laundering shit. From what I hear, Jeff had no idea about your history with Frankie.”

  “Frankie knew what he was doing,” Baby said. It was the first time that she had spoken and her voice sounded squeaky compared to everyone else. She seemed small and mouse like, but was very pretty. I wondered if she was still interested in a job.

  “Well, you all know that Regg was on Dallas at that time, figuratively speaking of course,” Red said, holding the platter of pancakes in her hand and giving me a look. I raised my eyebrow at her, knowing she was sending me some kind of warning. It took everything I had not to smile. I had Luke, there was no way I would give him up for anyone, even the oh so charming Regg. She broke the stare and passed the platter to Carla across the table and continued, “Regg said that he didn’t say anything to Luke because he had the situation handled and he didn’t want Luke losing his shit and doing something that would in turn, hurt the club.” Everyone nodded and mumbled with full mouths in agreement. It was obvious that Luke was known for his temper.

  “So, Luke has done this before?” I asked, suddenly not hungry. I remembered the time that Red told me, “the next girl that broke his heart would eat through a straw.” Did he hurt someone else over a woman that broke his heart?

  Red shook her head, trying to swallow her food quickly, like she was anxious to speak, probably afraid someone would butt in. “Not over a woman. He dated this one chick, but we all hated her. Not that we particularly liked you in the beginning, but you grew on us.” Well, that was reassuring. “Luke has been in love with you for a while. Everyone knew it. It almost killed him to come back here and run shit. He would call Regg everyday checking in. It was easier for Regg to tell him you weren’t seeing anyone. We all knew you weren’t very happy. If you were, you would have taken the guy out more places or spent more time with him. It seemed like when you were drunk was the only time you even called for his company.” I blushed, embarrassed that everyone at this table knew when I had sex. “Oh don’t be shy about it. Jeff was hot,” Red said, taking a bite of bacon.

  “So, let me get this straight. You all knew about me? Everything I did? Everywhere I went?” I asked, feeling like I might vomit all over the table.

  “Honey, you are the most unobservant person on the planet. Kev hated when you went shopping, and since I love shopping, we were nominated to go,” Jenn informed me. Dangling her wristbands in front of me-a purchase made from a boutique that I frequented.

  “I started to anonymously send you spa gifts so we could all go enjoy the day, but Luke has connections there so we couldn’t.” Texas said, in between bites of toast.

  “We all vicariously lived through you. It was kinda fun, but it’s more fun having you here with us,” Red said, placing a hand on mine.

  “Does anyone else at this table find this the least bit fucked up?” I asked, taking turns looking at all of them.

  “I think it’s fucked up,” Brooklyn agreed, pulling a flask from her purse and pouring what I assumed was vodka into her orange juice.

  “Well, I didn’t even know you ex
isted. Buck doesn’t tell me anything,” Baby squeaked, her lower lip stuck out in an exaggerated pout.

  “That’s just to protect you. You would have fan girled on her,” Jenn said, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Just like I did that night in Shenanigans,” she said pretending to choke on her drink, then throwing her face in her hands in a dramatic gesture, just as she had done when I first met her. “You are Dallas Knox? I had no idea!” The table burst with laughter, and it even made me smile a little.

  “Now do you see why I fucking hate you so much?” The laughter stopped as every eye in the room fell on Maddie. “You stole my life, my father and now my family.”

  “Maddie,“ Red said reaching her hand across the small table to her. Maddie jerked it back.

  “Shut up, Red. I’m tired of you always defending her. I’ll say whatever the fuck I want.” Red bit her lip and pulled her hand back, I could tell she was trying to keep her mouth shut; not something Red was very good at. “You come in here acting like the damsel in distress, falling out and crying over shit. You don’t know what life is really like. You have been pampered your whole fucking life, and now you want to come in my world and play fucking house? After you have taken everything from me, you want to take all I have left?”

  I stared at Maddie. I had nothing to say, not a leg to stand on. She was right. I didn’t want to imagine the hell she had been through at my expense.

  “You are not my sister, Dallas Knox. You are just some snotty bitch who LLC wanted and couldn’t have.”

  “Dammit, Maddie, that’s enough!” Red said, standing up and squaring off with Maddie from across the table.

  “What? Oh, you want me to shut up now? Tell our lovely Dallas whose words those were. Tell her how you all used to laugh at her when we got together,” Maddie said, sneering at me. She was enjoying watching me suffer.

  “That was before,” Red said in a low voice, not bothering to look at me.

  “Before what? Huh? Before Luke offered all of you money to tolerate her?” My eyes shot to the guilty faces around the table. Everyone but Brooklyn, who was staring at Maddie like she had three eyes, found something other than me to look at.

  “Bravo,” Brooklyn said clapping and standing up. The fight in Maddie seemed to dissipate, just a little, as Brooklyn got to her feet. Now all eyes were on her. “Good job, you little shit starter. I must say that I am proud of you. Of all the bitches at this table, including you,” Brooklyn said, pointing at Red, “You are the only one who has balls enough to stand up and say something. It doesn’t matter that you are being a selfish, immature little cunt about it all. At least you aren’t going behind her back saying this shit. Sit down and let me tell all of you something.”

  Maddie and Red’s asses landed in their chairs without hesitation. The food on the table had grown cold and everyone’s attention was focused on Brooklyn.

  “Back in the day, when I was where y’all are now, we didn’t talk about sisters behind their backs. Now, Dallas,” she said, turning in her chair to look at me, “you can’t hold what these girls said about you behind your back against them. They didn’t know you. You are a pretty girl who drew the attention of not only Luke, but every one of their husbands. Ain’t no fucking way I’d let my ol’ man follow you around shopping malls and shit. That’s where a lot of the hostility is coming from. They’re jealous ‘cause you had their man’s attention whether you wanted it or not.” Brooklyn pulled out a cigarette and lit it, not bothering to fan the smoke that circled around her, poisoning each one of us. Hell, maybe I needed one.

  “Red, you are the center of this fucked up shit, yet you chose to not share anything with Dallas. Good girl. You don’t do shit your ol’ man don’t tell you to do. I know you told Dallas a long time ago that she didn’t need to take shit off of Maddie, that’s true, but Maddie is your sister. She is family. Dallas is family, but at the time, she wasn’t. Dallas, nobody has to like you or tolerate you. If they do, it’s of their own free will. There ain’t a bitch in this room that’s hurtin for money, so I know that ain’t why they are here. They are here because they love their President and this club and will do what he asks. Once they get to know you and you earn their trust, shit will get better.” Just the feel of Brooklyn’s arm on my shoulder and the softness in her eyes let me know that it would, indeed get better. This was just a stepping stone.

  “I ain’t getting in y’all’s family business. That shit is something y’all gonna have to work out,” she said, gesturing between me and Maddie. “But, if you’re gonna be a part of this family, Maddie, and Luke wants Dallas here, then you will respect her. You ain’t got to like her, talk to her or even look at her, but you will respect her or I’ll black your eye. Don’t test my fucking patience either. Me and Dallas are going for a ride, if y’all got anything y’all want to get out of your system, you better do it before we get back. Go get dressed, bitch, I wanna show you my hog.”

  I stood, along with the others, and hurried to Luke’s room. I grabbed my cell off of the bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and hoping no one would hear.

  “Hey babe, miss me already?” Luke answered in a jolly voice that I wasn’t expecting.

  “Luke, I’m trying to be real patient here. Is there anything else you aren’t telling me?” I asked, trying to stay calm.

  “No, babe. I think we have covered it all.” Luke was smiling in the phone and I knew that he knew what had just happened.

  “You had them fucking follow me? Why didn’t you tell me that?”

  “I did tell you that.”

  “Oh really, when?”

  “I told you that when I couldn’t watch you I had people employed by me to do it,” Luke said, his mood not faltering in the least.

  “Luke! You fucking… Ugh! I swear I could kill you right now. Do you know how fucking weird this is? Then Maddie stood up and informed me that they all hated me and had been talking shit and you paid them to like me. Now, Brooklyn wants to take me for a ride on her hog, and you said I couldn’t go anywhere, but I’m fucking going. I don’t even know what a hog is, but it doesn’t matter. If I have to sit in this house right now, someone is gonna get hurt and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be me. I don’t care what you-“

  “You can go with Brooklyn, babe. Go have a few drinks and calm down. Everything will be fine,” Luke said, interrupting my rant. Drinks? With Brooklyn? He told me I couldn’t leave. “Babe?”

  “I thought you said I couldn’t leave unless it was important,” I said, wanting to pull my hair out because he was so unpredictable and I was anticipating a fight and my adrenaline was pumping and he just said I could go. Fuck me. Fuck a drink. I needed some of that shit that you see on intervention.

  “This sounds pretty important, babe. Brooklyn will take care of you. There is not a man around stupid enough to fuck with her. I have good news,” Luke said, so excited about his good news that he didn’t seem to give much of a shit about mine.

  “What’s your good news?” I asked, sounding bored. Of course, he wasn’t affected.

  “We have a lead on War. Leaving, just as soon as we fuel up. It’s not much but more than we have had since all this shit went down.”

  When Luke told me this, my thoughts of my drama went out the window and I was overcome with pure joy.

  “Oh baby, that’s wonderful news!”

  “Yeah, it is. I have to go, babe. I love you and I’ll get back with ya soon.”

  “I love you too and give a big kiss to War from me!”

  “Yeah, that shit ain’t gonna happen,” Luke said laughing. “Gotta go, babe.” He disconnected and I was all smiles as I prepared for my day on the “hog” with Brooklyn.

  A “hog” is a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. Brooklyn’s Hog was a pink, three wheeled motorcycle known as a trike. Her husband, Ronnie, had custom built it himself. It was wonderful. I sat behind her as we barreled down the highway, heading south towards the beach. I had packed a pair of shorts and flip flops
to bring with me, but chose to wear my motorcycle gear which consisted of jeans, boots and a black tank for the journey down there. Tom Petty’s lyrics of “Free Falling” seemed fitting as I left the world behind me for a while and enjoyed the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair. We probably looked ridiculous, two women riding a pink trike down the highway, but I didn’t give a shit. I doubted anyone would be stupid enough to say anything to us.

  It was after one when we pulled up to Hank’s, a little biker bar and grill on the beach. Brooklyn guided us under the covered area as surrounding bikers came up for a closer look. I climbed off the bike and shook my hair loose from my helmet. I noticed the appreciative looks that I received and couldn’t help but be a little smug. So what if I had a boyfriend? It was always nice to have your ego boosted.

  “Take ya dirty eyes off my bitch, you little shit,” Brooklyn said to a guy who couldn’t have been older than twenty-one. He was rubbing his tongue across his lip and suggestively winking at me. If it wasn’t for the cut he wore, I never would have guessed that he was in a Motorcycle Club.

  “These little punks these days have no respect for women. What do they think? That we are all whores or something?” Brooklyn announced loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear. A tall man with a braided beard and hair as long as Willie Nelson’s came out and took Brooklyn in his arms.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. How in the hell are you, Brooklyn? Where’s Ronnie?” The man asked, his voice booming.

  “He is on a run. I can’t flirt as much when he is around,” she said, smacking him playfully on the ass.

  “Bullshit. Since when have you cared whether or not he was around?” the guy asked, pulling Brooklyn in for another hug. It was obvious that they were old friends.

  “Hank, meet Dallas. Dallas, Hank,” she said, motioning for me to join them.


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