Sweet Starlight

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Sweet Starlight Page 12

by Kay Correll

  “No. Her friend Merry came to see her, then left a while after that. Then Miss Layton came out and told me to leave. I hung around for a few hours across the street, waiting to hear from you. After I didn’t hear back, she left the shop, came across to tell me not to follow her, and walked off.”

  “Okay, I’ll see if I can figure it out. Don’t leave town though. Let me find out what happened. Let me see if I can straighten this out.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He slid his phone back in his pocket and slowly walked to his car. He glared at the reporter taking photos of him and turned on the engine. It roared to life, and he pulled out of the drive with a spray of crushed shells.

  He’d no idea where to even begin to look for her. Maybe Merry’s house or Sweet Caroline’s? Or maybe she was avoiding him. He had canceled on her at the last minute, and Christina had been really tough on her.

  He pulled up to a stop sign and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

  Where was she?

  Whit sat at Merry’s kitchen table, sipping a glass of wine. “I sent Mitch away. It’s so nice to not have him following me around everywhere. Nice enough guy, but, still… I’m not really a needs-a-bodyguard type of person, am I?”

  “You think Rick will argue with your decision?”

  “He’d have to talk to me first, and I’m not planning on letting that happen. He made his choice when he went to go see Shawna. I’m done with him.”

  “If you say so.” Merry looked doubtful. “But I’m totally annoyed with him right now on your behalf.”

  A hard rap at the front door made them both turn in unison. “I’ll go get it. It’s probably Austin. He said he was coming over this evening.”

  “I should go.” Whitney started to get up.

  “No, stay. He can join us for a drink.”

  Merry got up and went to the front room. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m looking for Whitney.”

  She heard Rick’s voice and set down her glass abruptly, looking around the kitchen for a way to escape.

  “She doesn’t want to see you.”

  “Why not? What happened? I know I canceled dinner plans with her—”

  “As if that is even a tenth of the problem,” Merry accused him.

  “Is she here? Let me talk to her.”

  “Go away.” Merry slammed the door.

  “Whitney, I’m going to stand here at Merry’s door until you talk to me.” Rick’s strong, loud voice filtered through the closed door.

  Merry stalked back to the kitchen. “He’ll leave soon.”

  “I don’t know. He’s awfully stubborn.” She pushed back from the table. “I’ll go send him away myself. Tell him I don’t want to talk to him. I’m not the one who did anything wrong. I shouldn’t have to hide from him. He needs to just leave me alone.”

  “Or I could call the police and say I have a disturbance outside my door.”

  “With my luck, that would end up in the news, too. No, I’ll go send him away.” She got to her feet. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You need to leave.” Whitney’s eyes flashed with anger as she stood in the open doorway.

  “Why won’t you talk to me? What happened? Are you this angry I canceled our dinner plans?”

  “You mean after I’d already made dinner? No, of course not. And Mitch enjoyed your dinner very much.”

  “I can see you’re angry. What happened?”

  “Oh, maybe it’s because you lied to me. Said you were going to meet your agent. Only you actually went to go see Shawna. I don’t like being made a fool.”

  “I didn’t go to see Shawna. I did meet up with my agent, and the director for the new movie, and Shawna’s agent and her. It was a business meeting.”

  “That’s not what it looked like in all the photos out online.”

  Rick frowned. “What do you mean? We went to an out-of-the-way place for the very reason I didn’t want any publicity.”

  “Well, it appears someone saw you.”

  He jerked his phone out and punched up one of his social media accounts. Sure enough, there were photos of him and Shawna. He scrolled through them and scowled. Weirdly enough, there weren’t any with their agents and the director. “I don’t know how someone found us. It must have just been dumb luck. I told you there is nothing between Shawna and me.”

  “How about that photo where you’re holding her in your arms?”

  He looked down at his phone and searched more photos. Sure enough, there was a photo that looked like he was embracing Shawna. “I… I don’t know… wait. She stumbled when we were leaving the restaurant and I caught her from falling. This has to be when this photo was taken.”

  “If you say so.” She didn’t look convinced.

  “Look, there’s nothing between Shawna and me. I’ve told you that.” He took a deep breath. “If you don’t trust me… well, then I guess there really isn’t anything between you and me… because I can’t care about someone who doesn’t believe me.”

  “I just…” She bit her lip. “People I care about… they leave me. It’s hard to trust that you won’t. Especially after seeing those photos of you and Shawna.”

  He looked at her, her blue eyes clouded with doubt. “I was all in on this. Ready to see where this was taking us. I haven’t felt this way about someone… since, well, I don’t know how long. I’m falling for you. I’m not afraid to admit that. I realize you have doubts, and I don’t blame you. But I need you to trust me for this to work.”

  He took a step back. “I understand this is hard for you. You’re afraid I’ll leave you. But you’re giving up, and deciding I’ll leave, before you’ve even given us a chance. If you want to try to see where all this is heading, you let me know. And I hope you do want to give us a chance. But only if you can truly let yourself trust me, otherwise we have nothing.”

  “So did you send him packing?”

  “I… he said he actually went there for a business meeting, not to meet up with Shawna. He said it was pure business.”

  Merry frowned. “Did you believe him?”

  “I want to, but… he’s an actor. Maybe he’s acting with me?” Whitney sank into the chair across from her friend. “His eyes said he was telling me the truth… but, I don’t know.”

  “I’m inclined to believe him if he says it was a business meeting with all of them. Because if he’s telling the truth, then my belief in my innate sense of knowing whether a person is a good person remains intact.”

  “Well, we certainly don’t want to blow your theory on your ultimate ability to judge people, do we?” A small grin tugged at the corners of her mouth.

  “What did he say about the photo where he was holding Shawna?”

  “He said she tripped and he caught her.”

  “Awfully coincidental that someone caught that on film.” Merry bit her bottom lip. “But I guess there are always reporters looking to snap a photo of them since they’ve starred in so many movies together.”

  “He actually looked hurt that I didn’t believe him. I just don’t know…”

  “What does your heart say?” Merry eyed her over the top of her wine glass.

  “My heart says I care about him. I just need to sit down and figure out if I trust him. I need to figure out if I’m ready to take a chance with him.”

  Chapter 20

  “Whitney, dear. It’s Viola.”

  Whitney set down her coffee cup, surprised to hear from Rick’s grandmother. “Good morning.”

  “I wanted to extend you an invitation to my party tonight. You are coming, aren’t you?”

  “I… well, I wasn’t planning to.”

  “I wish you would. I spoke with Richard this morning and I know things aren’t… well, they are a bit rocky between you two right now. I just want to say that Richard is one of the most honest men I’ve ever known. And I know he cares about you. I understand if you don’t want to deal with how complicated a relationship would be with Richard,
but… well, I’ve always said that love is worth all the sacrifices.”

  “Viola, I—”

  “You don’t have to give me an answer. Just know that you are welcome at my party and I’d love to see you there. You do what you feel is right for you. I wish you only the best.”

  “Thank you.” She clicked off her phone, picked up her coffee, and walked over to the door to the deck. The sun rained down beams of light that danced off the waves. She opened the door and took a step outside, no longer thinking about reporters or photos or anything except for one thing.


  Suddenly she knew what she had to do.

  Whitney took a deep swallow, squared her shoulders, and walked up to the security person outside The Pink Ladies.


  “Whitney Layton.”

  The man ticked off her name from the list and smiled at her. “Have a good time.”

  She walked under the massive tent teeming with people. Glamorous people dressed in trendy outfits, laughing and talking. Her simple blue dress seemed plain in comparison, but she didn’t care. She walked into the middle of the crowd.

  “Whitney, what are you doing here?” Christina put a hand on her arm and stopped her. “I didn’t know you were on the guest list.”

  She didn’t miss the disbelief in Christina’s voice.

  “Viola called and asked me to come.”

  Christina frowned. “Well… isn’t that… peculiar?” She turned and disappeared into the crowd without a word.

  Whitney continued threading her way through the groups of people, not knowing one single soul but determined to continue on in her mission.

  “Whitney, Whitney.” The twins came rushing up to her and threw their arms around her waist. “You came to the party. Grandmere said she asked you.”

  “It’s good to see you two.” She hugged the girls, glad for friendly, familiar faces—even if they were six years old.

  Taylor tugged Allison’s arm. Or was it Allison tugged Taylor’s arm? “Come on, Uncle Rick is over there. Let’s take Whitney over to him.”

  The twins grabbed her hands and led her over to the far end of the tent. Rick was standing looking out at the bay, the soft breeze tossing his hair. He looked lost in thought.

  “Uncle Rick, look who Taylor and I found.” Allison pulled her closer to Rick.

  He turned then and saw her. In spite of her good intentions, she froze, standing there looking at him like a fool.

  “Hi.” He only said the one word.

  “Hey, Allison, let’s go get some soda.” Taylor tugged on her twin’s hand. The twins disappeared into the crowd.

  He stood there without saying another word. She swallowed. “I… Viola invited me.” She shifted uneasily on her feet. “She… I…”

  She took a step closer and placed her hand on his arm. “Rick, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I am. I think… well, I think I was afraid to believe you. Afraid to admit I care about you.”

  He still stood silently. The moments ticked by in slow motion. Was he going to answer her? Say anything? Her heart pounded in her chest.

  “Rick, I do care about you.” She looked up into his endless blue eyes. “And I trust you. Completely. I’m done running away from whatever this is between us.”

  “You’re sure? Sure you trust me?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Then his heart-stopping, take-her-breath-away smile spread across his face. He leaned down and kissed her. “I’m very glad to hear that. And, Whit?”

  “Hm?” She wanted him to kiss her again.

  “I’m falling for you. I’m actually a bit besotted by you.” He reached out and touched her face.

  She covered his hand with her own.

  “Grandmere uses that word. Besotted. It’s a great word, don’t you think?” He grinned at her.

  “It is a great word.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

  Christina appeared beside them with a deep frown etched on her face. “Richard, I need you for a minute. Come with me. You’ll excuse us?”

  Rick leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I’ll be right back.”

  She watched as Rick and his sister disappeared into the crowd.

  Christina stopped, and Rick practically ran into her back. “Hey.” He steadied himself.

  “Here he is.” His sister stepped to the side.

  Rick did a double-take. “What are you doing here?”

  “What do you mean? I was on the guest list, of course.” Shawna flipped her hair over her shoulder and smiled at him. Her movie star, look-at-me smile, not her genuine smile. He knew the difference. If he was right, she actually was a bit perturbed with him. He could see it in her eyes.

  “I told her I’d find you.” Christina had a self-satisfied look on her face.

  He wanted to strangle both of them.

  “My agent said I should come, of course. Yours agreed with him. We need to stop this nonsense about the local girl. It’s not good for our image.” Shawna threaded an arm around him, and before he could move away, a flash went off, momentarily blinding him. “I paid good money for those photos to be taken of us in New York. Let’s not let them to go waste.”

  “You did what?”

  “You didn’t think it was just a coincidence, did you?”

  Rick slipped out of Shawna’s arm. “You know how I feel about that. I like my privacy.”

  “We needed the publicity. You playing around with this townie isn’t helping us at all. People need to see us as a couple, an item. I couldn’t let you mess up our getting this next movie.”

  “She’s not some townie, as you put it. I like her. I like her a lot.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You just met her. She’s just a fling, but your timing is awful. We need to be seen together.”

  Chapter 21

  “Hello, dear.”

  Whitney turned at the sound of Viola’s voice.

  “I was hoping you’d come. I want to thank you for making this beautiful necklace. I love it.” Viola ran a finger over the delicate silver wraps around the emerald green sea glass. “I love the bracelet, too. You are quite the artist.”

  “I’m glad you like them.” She smiled at the older woman.

  “You are very talented. This is so unique, and every time I wear it, it will remind me of Indigo Bay. I can’t think of a more perfect gift.”

  “Rick helped decide on what I should make.”

  Viola laughed. “That’s what he said, but I wasn’t sure. He usually has his assistant order presents.”

  “He wanted to pick this out for you himself.”

  “Well, he did a wonderful job.” Viola leaned closer and whispered. “He’s my favorite, not that I’d let anyone else know. He’s had a hard time with his family accepting his choice in careers. He’s a good actor, though.”

  “I think so. I admit, after I met him, I streamed about everything he’s ever acted in. I know he’s a star on the big screen, but my favorite of all his roles was when he had that main part in the TV drama. He was amazing.”

  “Ah, I think that was his best acting, too. You have a very good eye, my dear. He enjoyed doing that show. It really showed the depths of his talents. I fear he’s being pegged as a romantic comedy actor now, not that there is anything wrong with that. But I don’t see his eyes light up when he talks about these recent roles he’s gotten.” Viola gave a small shrug and touched her necklace again. “I just want him to be happy.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled at the woman.

  “Well, I guess I should go mingle with my guests.” Viola swept the crowd with a look, then frowned. “Hm, I see Shawna Jacobson has come to celebrate my birthday.”

  She turned and searched the crowd. Sure enough, there was Shawna.

  With Rick.

  With her hand around his waist.

  Whitney’s heart did a quick flip.

  “You know, dear. He really doesn’t care for her. Not like that, though I do think Shawna would like him t
o.” Viola turned and looked directly at Whitney. “I know he has feelings for you, though. He told you there is nothing between him and Shawna, didn’t he?”

  “He told me.”

  “And you believed him.”

  “I did. I do.” She did believe him. She trusted him, she’d told him she did. It didn’t matter what this looked like. He’d said there was nothing between him and Shawna.

  “Good. He needs a woman who believes him and believes in him.” Viola rested a hand on her arm. “I think you should go over there and introduce yourself.”

  “I think you’re right.” She covered Viola’s hand with a gentle squeeze then turned and threaded her way through the crowd.

  Rick glared at Shawna. She threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, I annoy you sometimes, but we get each other. We understand each other. This town girl thing will pass soon enough.”

  “Listen to her, Richard. She’s right. She’s good for you.” Christina added in her two cents. Two cents he didn’t need. He didn’t need to be told what he thought or what he should do by either of them.

  Before he knew what Shawna was doing, she reached up and kissed him on the cheek. Flashes went off. As his eyes adjusted from the flares, he saw Whitney standing directly across from them.

  “Whitney… I…”

  She smiled, took a step forward, and extended her hand. “Hi, you must be Shawna.”

  He wasn’t sure who was more startled—Shawna, Christina, or him.

  Shawna frowned, shook Whitney’s hand, then dropped her hand to rest on his arm possessively. He reached down and disengaged himself.

  “Rick has told me so much about you.” Whitney stepped closer. “I’m glad to finally meet you.”

  Shawna looked at the photographer and shook her head no, signaling with a wave of her hand not to take any photos of the three of them. She turned back toward Whitney. “So, you’re Rick’s little friend here in Indigo Bay.”

  “Friend.” Whitney laughed her sweet, melodious laugh. “I am his friend, yes. I think all couples should have their relationship based on friendship, don’t you?”


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