Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 8

by Daniella Wright

  “Taste what's on your fingers,” Cael says, still wearing that confident, disarming smile. There's a shadow in his face. “I want to see you enjoying it, slut.”

  Cheeks red, I lift up my fingers and allow them to trace over my tongue. It doesn't taste like how I expect. It has a musky, hot quality to it, when I expected nothing but bitter salt, like people have told me how it tastes. I wonder if it's different for a shifter.

  “Are you a virgin?” Cael punches me with the question, just before I reach down to touch his dick again.

  I shake my head, trembling. I didn't want to reveal this. I wanted to act confident and sure, but with all the rehearsals I've gone through in my head, I find my will dissolving, my knowledge retreating into a corner, until all that's left is to obey or fall behind.

  “Pity.” He pops the word. “I was hoping for something more exciting than a virgin. But I guess we'll have to make do, won't we?”

  I expect him to order me to start sucking on his dick. I start mentally preparing for this, before he turns my expectations upside down. I gasp as he picks me up and throws me onto a table. A bolt of pain lances through my back. He seizes my thighs and pulls me forward, allowing himself to instantly penetrate my wetness.

  Wow. I was far wetter than I previously thought. The pain and pleasure sear through me, and I find myself getting excited, heightened by the pain, even as my cheeks burn, and a cry of protest trickles through my mouth. He just shoved himself inside me. If I'd been a true virgin, one that didn't masturbate on the side or use sex toys as props, I don't think I would have found this half as enjoyable. Instead, I'm gasping, with my arms flung out like wings upon the table, my legs spread and held by his hands, even as he thrusts his hips forward, that erection delving into me.

  Alaric watches from the side, still frozen like a statue, even as Cael chuckles, briefly stroking my thighs. “Look at you, whore. I know you like this. Look at how your greedy core longs for me. Look how your body is hot for me.” He grunts as he forces himself deeper into me, now using his hands to rock my body, pounding me against his hips and sending crashing waves of pleasure. Using me, treating me like an object, degrading me to the point where I'm nothing more than a device of pleasure.

  And somehow, I love it. That humiliation bites into the darkest corners, forced out of me until it becomes something manageable. Mixed up with the scent of danger, it drives me wild.

  I can't help it at this point. I let out a moan, both terrified and elated at the same time. There's something about hovering on the brink of death, knowing that he could change his mind on a whim, if Alaric reacts too soon, is chaotic to my emotions. I don't know how to react. My mind protests, my body cries for more. My heart tries to jump out of my chest at this point. The experience elevates me and shocks at the same time. I'm so wet, and I'm already beginning to contract when he leans forward and says, “Don't you dare come! Don't you dare!”

  It acts as a cooling agent on the fire dancing over my skin, though the pleasure's still as intense as ever. I whimper as he continues to thrust in me, then fills me with his hot seed, whilst I struggle to not come from the torturous and sweet feeling at the same time. He then grabs me by my long red hair so we're face to face.

  “You want more, don't you?” He licks his lips, pupils completed dilated. “You're just begging to be fucked like this.”

  I shiver, unwilling to admit just how much I want it. It's silly, because I've made it pretty fucking obvious that I want to be fucked senseless, to have that roughness grating against me, to be called such horrible words because it's a kind of fuel for that darkness inside. It doesn't make sense. I should be upset, crying, scared, but I just want to dive in further. I want to lose everything, give everything, and be dammed with the consequences.

  It's just so sweet. So tempting. So consuming.

  He jerks my hair roughly back, and I gasp, “Yes!” At the same time though, I'm confused because I want to say no as well. Every now and then my body gives out a little spasm. The conflict thrashes inside, but I already know exactly what will win out.

  The yes. It's stronger than any no that might form in my head.

  Cael finally looks at Alaric. “You. Answer me. Did you enjoy watching that? Did you enjoy watching me fuck someone else rather than you?” Cael's calloused hands reach under my shirt and pinch my nipples, before grabbing each globe roughly, squeezing them. The shock of pain makes me hiss between my teeth, but he doesn't prolong the pain. It comes and goes, when he squeezes a little too hard, and then massages it out. He's playing with my breasts in such a brazen, commanding manner. The confidence challenges Alaric. And I'm still in Cael's grip. Still within the jaws of death. And I long to orgasm, to explode and let that sweetness attack every inch of me.

  Alaric bares his teeth, anger suffused in his expression. His knuckles are white. “Why would you do this, Cael?” I do notice something interesting, however. There's a bulge between Alaric's thighs, poking his pants out.

  “Why not? You certainly didn't seem to mind...” his gaze now flicks to Alaric's bulge. “Why, if anything, you're showing you're exactly the cheating bastard I paint you as.”

  Alaric lets out a low growl from his throat, though something like guilt shivers in his expression at the same time.

  “Come here,” Cael says imperiously, and some kind of conflict springs up in Alaric's expression, before he makes his way over, blue eyes dark and dilated. “Stay still,” he tells me, though my body aches from his pounding, and I feel no inclination to move far. I wonder if I can sneak in some stimulation, and allow myself to orgasm without him noticing. Probably little chance. I kind of lose control when I get near. I'd never be able to silently come.

  Cael snarls at Alaric, taking more interest in the bulge now.

  “You're sicker than I thought.” He stares for a moment longer before ripping off Alaric's pants, allowing the erection to jut free. It's thick and meaty, perhaps a touch smaller than Cael's, though it doesn't make it any less interesting. I watch as Cael grabs Alaric's balls and fondles them. Alaric closes his eyes and groans, and something glistens on his tip. “Maybe you two are better suited than I expected. You're both just as depraved as one another.” He runs his hand over Alaric's length, squeezing until the foreskin rolls over, before he pushes Alaric between my legs.

  “What?” Alaric stares at my core, smells my lust and Cael's release with a shiver and a twitch of his nostrils. Cael places his hands on either side of his naked hips, though he's still wearing his white shirt and black waistcoat. He raises one eyebrow, and his dick is slowly becoming erect again.

  Wow. Fast recovery time.

  “Fuck her. Do the thing that made me hate you. Fuck her brains out.” Cael moves forward and bites into Alaric's neck. The blonde groans, stretching and moving his head backwards. Cael snorts and helps push him into me, by grabbing his erection and angling it just right so it slicks inside. Cael's hand stays there for a moment, and brushes ever so lightly over my clit, making me grimace, and suppress a scream.

  “Fuck her!” Cael takes his hands away and squeezes Alaric's cheeks. Alaric pants as he begins to thrust in me, with Cael encouraging him to go harder, faster. I feel my orgasm rising again, and My eyes expand in shock as I see Cael rubbing himself into arousal again, before pushing the tip of his length against Alaric's rear. Alaric completely stops grinding as Cael penetrates him from behind, without any apparent lube or preparation.

  That's got to be painful, right? I'm pretty sure that without preparation for anal, it doesn't work out so well. Like you need lube and shit because even though it can be used as a recipient of pleasure, it's not a normal hole for people to use.

  So either these two have had this kind of sex many times before and Alaric's relaxed enough for this, or Cael is more interested in causing his former lover pain. No. Wait. I see his hands are slick with something. And I see a bottle of lube fallen over on the ground. With Alaric inside me, I hadn't noticed this rapid lubrication.

bsp; He thrusts roughly inside Alaric, and the blonde has a hard time with the stimulus happening from both sides. He slows to a halt with his thrusts, so that it's Cael guiding the movement for us. Alaric's blue eyes are glazed, struggling to focus. He's drowning in pleasure, and he comes with a stuttering gasp. The force of Cael's push causes me to quickly tumble into one as well. I was already so close before. The combination of Alaric's reaction and the faintest push against my clit makes everything tense up, everything release.

  My cheeks are impossibly hot, my breaths hitched and fast, and my heart a rapid fluttering. It already begins to slow down with the orgasm, however.

  For a moment, there is silence.

  Then, Cael peels himself away, pulls up his pants, and stalks off without a word. He slams the door, disappearing through it.

  Which leaves me and Alaric awkwardly entangled. I don't move, though my mouth hangs open slightly.

  Did he just do that? Fuck us and run off?

  Alaric's arms are braced on either side on me upon the table. The hard surface is now digging into my back, an uncomfortable sensation that now gives me the image of a patient stretched out on a hospital slab. With my legs still spread, and Alaric still tucked in me.

  “Well,” Alaric says, attempting a smile. It doesn't really work, as something weighs down the corners of his mouth. “That happened. Uh, sorry.”

  “It's okay,” I say. I enjoyed the thrill, the way I got sucked into this wild ride.

  I don't really enjoy this aftermath. Because reality returns to me, letting me know that avoiding my problems or allowing them to fuck me certainly doesn't make anything better.

  Maybe I found myself caught up in madness, and maybe I enjoyed it, but it doesn't take away the fact that this shouldn't have happened.

  But what else could I have done, I wonder? Would I have reacted differently if we replayed the last half hour again?

  Alaric eventually extricates himself from me and we both get fully dressed. I didn't get to see his chest, because Cael only ripped off his pants in that act. We both face each other, fidgeting as we wait for Cael to come back.

  He doesn't.

  Alaric stares after him with longing and sadness, and I feel a little pulse of sympathy, out of odds with what's happened to me. I find myself opening my mouth to comfort him, then hesitate.

  I'm a prisoner. I'm an object. He's not my friend, he's not my ally. But I find myself understanding a little of the situation, of him.

  “I'm sorry about that, Alaric. Your... ex isn't happy, is he?”

  Alaric cradles his head in his hands. His pants are a little ripped at the top, since Cael didn't exactly take much care in yanking them off. He doesn't bother responding to me. I think this is how it will be. He won't speak to the slave princess. He's too ashamed.

  A little shame trickles into my cheeks as well, plugs up my stomach and throat.

  I can't believe I liked that. And I can't promise I won't become malleable again if Cael bore down on me with that brutal intensity of his. I can't promise that I'll once again end up on that table, gasping and writhing as I'm fucked by shifter dicks, driven crazy by their brimstone scent, their heat, their rough hands and rough words.

  Whatever the case, I still feel weak and trembling from the efforts inflicted upon me.

  I also feel lonely. I wish now that Yuna or Melantha would walk in the room, so I could be spirited away by them instead. Or I could walk out the caves and see my mom and dad waiting in a car, ready to whisk me back to civilization.

  “I don't think I can get through to him.”

  Alaric's voice surprises me. I didn't expect him to talk. I cradle my hands in my lap as I regard the morose prince. I sense I shouldn't interrupt him. He's moving his lips as if gearing himself to speak more.

  “I used to think maybe I could fix it, somehow. Like he'd understand why I did it and then forgive me and we could just take off like it never happened.”

  Hmm. I'm not exactly a therapist, and I highly doubt my observations will be helpful, but given that he's using me as his confession booth right now, I probably should say something.

  Even if it's just a way to escape the gnawing in my soul, the weight in my guts. “You slept with that girl you had, right? Like, just getting it clear over here,” I add, when he narrows his eyes.

  “Yeah.” He scratches at the back of his head. It's endearingly awkward, for some reason.

  “And... you were lovers for like, how long?”

  He shrugs. “I don't know. A year. Maybe less. We just kind of crashed together, really. Both of us pretending we didn't like each other and then just... doing it.”

  An image conjures up in my mind. Of them staring at one another with sizzling desire, before Cael just crosses the distance and grabs Alaric by his mop of blonde hair, forcing their lips into a kiss. The image is so hot that I actually find myself getting turned on, before I shrug it off.

  Not really the time and place right now. If it ever was.

  “Did you ever uh, mention it to him or anything that you needed to do this? Was it planned?”

  He scowls, now folding his arms defensively. “What should that matter? Stop talking about this to me, human.”

  I shrug. “Okay. Your call.”

  He doesn't look at me again, but I hear him say after a minute, “He knew I had pressure about it. That my dad was getting suspicious.”

  “But he didn't know that you were gonna sleep with the girl?” I notice he's still not answering my question directly, and purse my lips.

  “He knew I had to!” Alaric crunches his hands together. He's gone dark red again, flustered by my words.

  “But you didn't specify,” I say.

  Alaric's bottom lip quivers, before he also storms out of the door, leaving me alone.

  Looks like he didn't want to face up to anything. And now both shifters I've slept with have stormed out on me in a matter of minutes.


  So, I suppose I could try and escape now.

  Except there's nowhere for me to run to. Not when I'm stuck in the middle of an unknown mountain without any way to contact anyone in the human world.

  Cael's gone off to God knows where. Alaric probably doesn't want to look at my face right now.

  Guess I'll just have to figure out what my next step is.

  Chapter Five

  I wake up, and stretch out in luxurious satin bedsheets. It's been one week, I think, since the rather heated sex session between me, Cael and Alaric. One week of replaying the scenes, living again through the moments that occurred, and having my body stir in passion when I allow my desires to be vulnerable.

  One week and longer since I've been able to contact my family and friends, and let anyone know where I am. Without technology as well, I suddenly find myself with more free time. Though I damn well miss sitting on the toilet scrolling through images on my phone or playing simplistic match three games.

  My hand bumps into a mess of brown hair, and then the owner of said mess of brown hair promptly snuggles up into me.

  “Too hot. Too hot!” I attempt to push Melantha away from me, because I'm boiling. The brunette merely grins and clings harder to me, forcing me to groan and squirm more.

  “I know I am.”

  “No, seriously. I'm about to die.”

  Melantha releases me, and I scamper out of the yellow sheets, before stretching and yawning. It's easy to tell by looking at this place that it's had a woman's touch. The walls are covered with tapestries, and the place has a homely feel to it, stocked up with decorations and women's toiletries. There's also some hygiene pads on blatant display in the bathroom that denote a place that is solely dominated by women. Which would make sense, given that this is Melantha and Yuna's cavern.

  “Better go and grab breakfast,” Melantha says, yawning as she cups a hand over her mouth. “Do you think female dragons lay eggs that we can eat?”

  “Are you proposing to eat Yuna's eggs?” I blink at Melantha, bewildered an
d a little grossed out at the idea. For some reason, I imagine Yuna being in human form as she lays an egg. “Because I don't want to be a part of this.”

  “If a dragon becomes pregnant,” Yuna says then, since she's walking past us, wrapped up in only a dressing gown and holding a sway to her wide hips, “it depends on the form she becomes pregnant in. If I become pregnant whilst in human form, it gestates normally. And if I transform then I end up killing the fetus.” She stops, smiling as Melantha rises up from the bed to gape at her mistress. Yuna definitely seems to be putting on a show for Melantha, languorously stretching, showing a hint of the top of her thighs.

  She has that same sultry, brooding look as her brother, so it's easy to become attracted to something like that, I think. At least in her case she has rounder cheeks and thinner lips. Melantha on the other hand has thick lips, the kind I'm jealous of, because they look so edible. Bet they crack like mad in the winter and strong winds, though.


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