Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 75

by Daniella Wright

  Chapter Seven

  It was a beautiful Sunday morning and I suggested Connor and I take a walk into town. The sun was shining brightly; we had had three good days in a row. I was hopeful and happy and anyone could see it in my face, luckily the wine hadn’t been too much and I awoke feeling rather good with only a foggy memory of last night.

  We took Percy into town, Connor insisted on it, he also insisted on taking the reins. Yes, it was customary but this was the first time he had gone to meet Percy, besides the first day when he led Claude to the stables, and I was rather taken aback by it. “Here, let me show you how he’s used to-”” I got it.” He said curtly. We had talked the other night, about what to do if he made comments to me like that. I would give him a look and he would correct himself, problem was, he wasn’t looking at me. “Connor” I said softly, “Please.” I put my hand gently over his, relaxing my fingers in between his. He bowed his head, “I’m sorry Adaline.” He said, looking over at me and giving me a tight-lipped smile. “It’s alright.” I gently took the reins from his hands and showed him how I looped them. This happened a couple more times throughout the day, he would get short with me, I would give him the look. It always made me nervous when this happened, I was terrified these last three days were all a dream and I would wake and be back with my uncle again. What happened to the romantic Connor who revealed himself last night, I wondered?

  At the parlor, we came across a few friends of his, friends I had never met. “This is Adaline, my wife.” He introduced me, though not as warmly as I would have liked. They were polite and made small talk while I stood there, feeling invisible. My mind was lost in thought about what we might do next when I heard one of his friends ask, “So what about Felicity?” Connor mumbled something incoherent and his friend said no more. I was curious but not concerned, I decided I wouldn’t bring it up. We parted ways with them, “Good to meet you, miss!” one of them shouted. I waved my hand out of politeness but was not invested. Connor didn’t say anything; his mood had changed in seconds. “Are you alright,” I began to say but he cut me off, “I’m fine.” He responded coldly, without looking at me. “I’m sorry” I said, “What would you like to do? Maybe go see the horses that are for sale, just go and say hello?” “Would you grow up Adaline, we don’t need to see the horses!” He said it so loudly, people nearby heard and turned to look at us. I was embarrassed. “I’m sorry” he said, though it did not sound like he meant it. He was whispering now, “Those were some old friends of mine, I don’t talk to them much anymore. I don’t care to see them.” “Is that why you never come into town?” “Yes.” Was all he said. “Would you like to go back home?” I offered. He said nothing but motioned for us to head back where Percy was. I was disappointed, in his behavior and for us leaving. The whole way home we rode in silence. I thought about Felicity, who was that? It must be the name of the woman who hurt him so. I had so many questions and thought about asking Sarah but I knew she would want Connor to tell me. His mood changed mine and soon all happy thoughts of us together dissipated. When we arrived home, Connor asked me to go inside so he could put Percy up. I didn’t want to argue so I did as he said. Entering the home, it felt like a prison. I did not want to be here with him in such a mood. I began to cry, frustrated. I was making my way upstairs when he came in. I turned and he saw the tears that were coming down my face, but said nothing. I gave him a moment to reconsider before running upstairs and slamming the door to my room. I laid on my bed and pounded the pillow. “Don’t act like a child” I mocked, “Grow up” I said. I was hurt and frustrated, all I wanted was a loving husband, was that so much to ask for?

  Chapter Eight

  The sky above was dark and the wind was howling outside. It was still early in the afternoon but felt like night. I could hear the horses neighing in the distance, I worried for Percy but knew he was secure in his warm stable. Then the rain came. It came down hard, creating a sheet in front of the windows so thick I couldn’t see anything. It pelted on the roof and made the house loud, like we were sitting inside a tin box. I lit a candle and walked towards the library where Connor was. I paused. He hated to be interrupted when he was reading but that was before we had made such progress, though I hated to ruin it, but then again maybe he wouldn’t mind so much now? I bit my lip, unsure of myself. “I can hear you thinking in the hall, Adaline.” He said. I sighed. “Sorry Connor, I won’t disturb you further.” “Come in.” he said gently. He was sitting in his favorite chair, the small wooden table he made himself stood next to him, a stack of books on top, so high it almost reached the top of his head. There were ashes from his pipe strewn on the table and notebooks with scribbles in them. The room smelled of sweet tobacco, bourbon and him. “Yes, Adaline, may I help you with something?” I was not expecting this response. “Oh, well no, it’s just that it’s so loud in the house, at least out there. I guess I wanted to check on you.” That was a lie. I was bored and I wanted to be with him, I wanted to get to know him in his nook, his room he wouldn’t let me go into during the day which was a shame because I loved to read. “I see.” He closed his book, his voice giving in, his tone indicating he was going to play along. “Well, I am doing well here, I guess it’s quieter in this part of the house.” We both raised our ears to hear rain, but very little. “Have a seat.” He motioned for me to sit across from him. “What do you enjoy reading, Adaline?” I pursed my lips. “Hmm, well a few months ago I finished Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. I loved it, I loved dreaming of far off places and adventures.” My voice began to get animated. “Same with Robinson Crusoe. I adored Moll Flanders, it was a book my mother had given me. Oh! And I can’t forget A Modest Proposal, A Tale of Two Cities by Dickenson, have you read that? Well, possibly one of my very favorites. Oh, and Candide!” “By Voltaire.” Connor chimed in with a laugh. I had been rambling, talking so fast. “I’m sorry, I get quite excited by books.” His eyes changed, they got forlorn. “And here I am, not letting you in here.” He gazed around the room and at me. “I suppose that is something I can do when I’m not home.” My eyes lit up. “Oh really? I would just love to read more.” He nod his head and scooted out of his chair a little and leaned forward so now our knees were touching through fabric. He gave me a small kiss-on the cheek. “You really are very charming.” He said with a wink and smile. “Have you read this one?” he asked as he stood up and took a book from high up on the shelf. He showed me a copy of The Female Quixote, a quizzical look passed across my face and he took notice with a loud laugh. “I am actually surprised but grateful you haven’t yet read this novel. Published in 1752, this story is about a beautiful girl, the daughter of a Marquis to be precise, she has a passion for reading, much like yourself though it gets her into trouble as it changes how she sees her own life. It’s a comedy, she reminds me a lot of someone else I know.” He said, giving me a smirk and handing me the book. I smiled, “I hope that’s a good thing.” I replied, waiting for him to affirm. “That it is. You must read it and tell me what you think.” “I will of course, I’ll begin right away.” I got up but he grabbed my hand, “Why don’t you stay and read in here with me?” His eyes twinkled and I sat down. With his strong arms he pulled my chair, with me in it, a little bit closer to him. “Now, there we are, nice and comfortable.” I snuggled into my chair and opened the book. Glancing over at my husband, he was back into what he was reading, which I wasn’t sure of. I realized I had not asked him what he enjoyed. I shrugged it off and thought that could be another conversation for later and as I began to read, the howling of the rain and the wind outside were nothing but a memory. We sat and read and made conversation though I could barely concentrate on my book. My mind was on him and his looks and his charm. He caught me staring and decided to play along. “Have I something on my face?” he joked. “No, not at all, just some good looks I guess.” His eyebrows raised with a smile, “Oh, do I now?” he laughed, closing his book and focusing on me. “Yes, Mr. McAvoy, you are quite handsome.” We began to flirt. �
�You are quite beautiful yourself, Mrs. McAvoy.” I leaned in, letting him see the curves of my breasts as they pressed against the arm of the chair. The fire light danced across the white canvas of my chest. I caught his eyes taking me in. I parted my lips and he leaned into me, and kissed me. His tongue explored my mouth, gentle yet hard. His hand grasped the back of my head as he went deeper. It felt like we had been kissing for hours when he finally pulled away. I was breathless, panting, aroused. I could see his excitement in his pants, he was well-endowed and I imagined him inside me, taking me over. He cleared his throat when he noticed I was looking. “Well, that was long overdue but I think we best call it a night.” I was disheartened but didn’t press it. I kissed him again, to reassure him that it was ok and he kissed me back. “Goodnight, Connor.” I said in a breathless whisper. I took the stairs two at a time and made my way to my room. I was elated, finally, a real kiss. I laid on the bed and touched myself, I was so wet. I let my finger slip inside of me, feeling myself. I moaned quietly as I explored my body, imagining it was Connor’s hands instead of my own.

  Chapter Nine

  It had been four months since I first arrived in my new life. You could say I was born again that warm day in August, it may have been a slow and agonizing birth but it was what it was and I have never felt more comfortable in my skin in my life. Connor and I have been able to get to know each other, a strange sort of courtship already being betrothed to him, but I am feeling ready for him to truly know me. I hadn’t been feeling well the last few days and Connor has been so attentive and warm to me, affectionate and loving. As I sat on the edge of the bed, willing myself to get up and get dressed, Connor came in the bedroom. “Breakfast in bed for you, my sweet.” He chirped. “Oh, Connor, you lovely man, thank you!” and I kissed him on his cheek. “I have another surprise for you tonight.” His eyes shined like a young boy’s in a candy parlor. “What ever is it?” I demanded playfully. “We won’t be going far, I’ll say that much!” and he mimed buttoning up his lips and doing a little dance, it made me laugh out loud as I had never seen him so playful. “You are something else Mr.McAvoy.” I joked, “As are you, Mrs.McAvoy!” He kissed my head and sat on the bed beside me. Suddenly, he got very serious. “Adaline, I can’t deny I am attracted to you. You are a beautiful woman.” I was shocked, he had become more affectionate but never said he thought I was beautiful like that. “Thank you” was all I managed. “I want to do more with you, I want you to decide what you want that to be.” He said it, placing his hand on mine. I nodded. I wasn’t sure if that meant I had to tell him now but it looked like he was waiting for a response. I leaned in closer to him. Truth was, I had been longing to kiss him. Longing to be in his arms. “You may kiss me on the lips, Connor.” I instructed. I saw his mouth part slightly with my words and a sliver of his tongue rotate between his teeth. I bit my lip. He came in closer and our lips touched. His were full and soft, his beard ticking me slightly. I pressed my lips against his with more pressure and opened my mouth and brought his lips into mine. It was a good kiss, a very good kiss. He pulled away, a look of surprise on his face. I smiled, “Let’s start there?” I offered. “Yes, very good. Very good indeed.” He said, standing up and sounding a little more than flustered. “Rest and I will see you this evening for your surprise!” He closed the door behind him and I sat there stunned at what had just occurred but let myself squeal with joy as for the first time I finally felt like his wife.

  I had been instructed at lunch time, to wear one of my summer dresses. I was very confused because it was fall and very cold outside, but when I protested, he shook his head and buttoned his lips again, not saying a word. “Very well” I had replied, “Very well.”

  The time had come and I was in a rosy pink dress and felt very out of sorts. He had been home for about an hour, not letting me come downstairs until he called to me. “Adaline, my darling wife, come down here!” He shouted. I giggled at him, loving the attention. “Coming my darling husband!” I called back. He appeared at the foot of the stairs in his summer clothes too. He held out his hand to me. “Right this way, my dear!” He led me around the corner to the fireplace which filled the place with much-needed heat. In front of it, was a linen blanket and a picnic basket. He had prepared a small feast in front of the fire. I noticed one of my suitcases was next to him on the floor and when he saw me notice it and the look of alarm on my face he immediately began to reassure me, “No no, don’t worry, you’re not going anywhere. Let me explain, please, sit.” I sat down, my dress filling the space. He sat in front of me and took my hands in his. “I wanted to prepare a special dinner for you, one I should have prepared when you first arrived. Hence the summer clothes and your case, like when you first arrived.” He smiled at me, hopeful. “You see, Adaline. I haven’t been kind to you and we’ve been so much better together lately, I wanted you to know that I’m invested. I’m falling madly for you and I feel like such a fool for causing you so much grief.” He hung his head. I gently placed my hand under his chin and lifted it up. “Connor, I just don’t understand why that happened at all.” The last part came out as almost a whisper. “I owe you an explanation.” He said. He handed me a drink and poured one for himself. “I was engaged before, to a woman who I loved. We met and were together for a year before I had to go to war. I had just proposed to her, we would marry when I returned. The only thing that kept me going all that time was the thought of her. I missed her terribly. When I returned, she was gone. Left me for another. I had won the war against the North but could not be happy. I had made so many plans with her. When I was fighting, she was all I thought of. At night, in the cold, when I was dirty and sore I planned our future. I came back ready to give her the world. That’s when I changed. I lost trust. I cared for no one. I became jaded and cold and then, I received word that you needed a husband.” He stopped, pausing. I was speechless, I felt terrible for him but it was hard to hear how much he loved this other woman. I squeezed his hand, hoping to give him strength to continue. “I heard you needed a husband, your uncle sent word and I accepted. I accepted because I-I, I didn’t care. My heart was closed. I thought of you as a maid, not someone to love and I’m sorry. It was all out of convenience. I didn’t trust anyone. It was wrong of me to do that to you.” He raised my hand and kissed it. “Connor, I understand you. Those first months were terrifying to me, you see, my father died and my uncle was so cruel to me. My heart was closed and I still grieve my family.” He hung his head in shame, buried it in his hands. Through a muffled voice he said, “You were going through so much and I treated so badly.” “It’s ok, everything is so much better now. You’ve let me in.” and I placed my hand on his heart. His eyes met mine and as if we both had the same idea, we lunged at each other, our lips meeting. I parted my mouth, inviting his tongue inside. He explored my delicate mouth with his tongue, the heat surging through my body. His hands began to roam my body, stopping at my breasts and caressing them; I let him continue. His lips moved, in motion with mine. I leaned back and let him kiss my neck. His hands caressed my breasts as we moved as one. He pulled back, “Adaline” was all he said. “Yes?” “You are still in charge of how far we go.” I thought about it, arousal coursing through my body though I was not yet ready for more. “Exploration is never a bad thing.” I smirked. “His lips pressed together and opened in a wide smile. He slowly put his hand up my dress, feeling through the layers. I felt his fingers graze my thigh. He was sitting so close to me now, almost on top of me. I could feel him hard against my leg. His fingers stopped at the space between my legs, his fingertips moved slowly up and down, sending warm sensations through me. He pressed a bit harder, adding pressure. He buried his nose between my breasts, my cleavage bursting at the top of my dress. He kissed my breasts and I felt his hot tongue run over them, two milky white mountains being licked and warmed with his kiss. Under my dress, I was wet with pleasure. I think he knew, he carefully and slowly moved his hands up my dress and between my legs. He slipped his finger inside of
me and I let out a small cry. I felt him feeling, moving; he touched my clit and made me shake. He rubbed it with his thumb, kissing me all the while. His touch was so new, a touch by any man was new to me. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. I let him pull at my dress and tug it down, one breast exposed he put it in his mouth and that sent me over the edge. As soon as his tongue ran across my nipples, I cried out. His fingers pulsed harder and soon I came, hot and wet all over him. He licked his lips in satisfaction and kissed me. I straightened my dress out I kissed him back. “Cheers to new beginnings.” He said with a smile. “Now, I bet your famished.” I nodded, looking at the delicious meal that was still laying untouched before us. “You have given me quite the appetite.” I said, implying more things than one. He took a piece of fruit and fed it to me, now everything he did was sensual. My face was flushed and as hungry as I was, I was hungrier for him. “Have I awoken something in you, Adaline?” he asked, his eyebrow raised and a slight smile on his face. I could tell he was quite pleased with himself. “I believe you just may have, but I won’t be sure until we practice more.” I teased. I fed him a piece of fruit next, he took it slowly, letting his lips wrap around my fingers as it slid into his mouth. I leaned in and kissed him, I kissed him like I had been wanting to for so long. “I think I’m falling for you.” He whispered to me.


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