Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 119

by Daniella Wright

  “Since we’re taking each other’s phones now, too!” I hear Jason shout snidely and I can’t help but giggle at their antics. “What’s so funny?” Jason inquires, and I can only laugh harder.

  “The two of you are adorable.” I admit, and Jason chuckles. “But… I need some time to think. In spite of how stupid we’ve all been, I genuinely care about… well, both of you. I can’t decide, just put on the spot like this.” I admit. Jason hesitates for a moment, but I hear him sigh on the other line.

  “I guess I can understand that. But I won’t be so easily dismissed,” Jason begins, and I hear another scuffle.

  “Me either! We’ll fight for you ‘til the end!” Ricky announces. I roll my eyes at how melodramatic they’re being. I look to the clock, realizing with a start that I’m late for class. I try to interrupt their bickering to tell them I have to leave, but they seem too distracted to hear me. I hang up my cellphone with a snort, silencing the ringtone before moving about getting dressed for class. Back to my usual conservative outfits, and natural makeup. I once again examine my reflection, realizing that I like the reflection much less than I had the night before. There’s little to do about it for now, however. Even if I decide to pursue one of the boys, it will have to be in secrecy. I can’t go around embarrassing my father and shaming the college name.

  I exhale a sigh, stepping away from the mirror and shouldering my backpack. I step out into the brisk morning air, and it feels as if there is some sort of buzz, a thrum about campus. As I walk away from my dorm, I pass two girls I can’t recall ever speaking to. They’re whispering among themselves, but as I approach, they silence their whispering and stare at me through wide eyes. Then, confusingly, they erupt into laughter and walk past me.

  “What a slut.” One of them announces, and I stare after them in confusion. While girls being jealous of Jason’s interest in me was nothing new, the outright insults were sudden and confusing. As I continue to make my way towards class, the whispering continues, growing louder and more pervasive as the sound seems to wash over me like a tidal wave. As I walk past one of the other basketball players, whose name I can’t place, he smacks my rear as I pass. I squawk indignantly, turning to face him and give him a piece of my mind.

  “What, little princess Parker? You’ll take two for the team, why not one more?” He grins lewdly. My heart drops into my gut, and before he can walk away, I grab him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to my level.

  “What the hell are you talking about? Who told you anything about me and--” I cut myself off, blushing angrily but holding firm. He grins casually, seeming none too threatened by the closeness of our faces.

  “The towel boy’s boyfriend can’t keep his mouth shut for anything, princess. It’s only a matter of time before daddy dearest finds out what a deviant daughter he has.” He smirks. I release him, but he does not move away, instead tensing a hand in my hair and forcing out lips together. I struggle against him, attempting to scream and bolt away, but he holds firm. Suddenly, a body slams into his side as someone simultaneously pulls me free of his embrace. I choke out a sob, trying to get free of my new potential assailant, but they guide me into facing them. I see Jason staring at me through wide eyes, and he cups my cheeks, gently stroking his thumb to the side of my face. I hear the shouts of the basketball player who had assaulted me and I turn to see Ricky beating the living hell out of their teammate. He rains punch after punch down upon the screeching man’s face, and a loud crack echoes as he slams his fist slam into his teammate’s nose. His teeth are bared almost animalistically, and Jason looks me over briefly before stepping over to the squabbling pair and dragging Ricky off of the other man. Ricky struggles in Jason’s grip, straining to get his hand on their teammate once again.

  “I’ll kill him!” Ricky snarls, and Jason simply keeps a firm grip on his rival as the other basketball player scrambles to his feet and darts away from the scene. The other man clutches his bleeding nose as he flees the scene, little droplets of blood making a trail behind him. I stare uncertainly after him, a feeling of nausea settling in the pit of my stomach. “Why’d you stop me!?” I hear Rick demand, and I look towards them in time to see Jason gesture towards me. I’m all too aware of the tears streaming down my cheeks, and it feels as if my lips will bruise from the force of the kiss that had been forced upon me. I’ve never felt so violated in my life. Jason slackens his grip on the other basketball player, and the two of them approach me hesitantly. I look between them, wanting to throw myself into one of their arms but unsure of who to pick. They seem to sense my unease, exchanging a glance. The decision is made for me as they step up on either side of me, forming an small and intimate group hug. I press my face against Ricky’s shoulder, and can feel Jason gently rubbing my back from behind me. I choke out sobs, trying to find some small measure of comfort in their embrace. For a moment, I feel as if I can calm down, as if the world is slipping away all around us. Then, realizing what our position will look like to anyone who sees us, I abruptly shove away from them. Tears continue to spill down my cheeks, harder than before this time, and I sputter helplessly, keeping them both at an arm’s distance.

  “Listen, Jenny, me and Ricky decided, you don’t have to choose-” Jason begins, and I choke out a sob, stepping away from the pair. The sincerity in their eyes is enough to bring me to my knees, but I know that I have to put a stop to this. I have no choice. This is only going to bring hurt to everyone involved.

  “I don’t have to choose? I can’t choose! Do you know what it would do to my father’s reputation if I dated either of you!?” I demand, and they exchange uncertain looks.

  “Well who’s gonna know…?” Ricky starts, and I laugh bitterly, gesturing at the crowd forming around us.

  “Oh I don’t know. The entire campus, at this rate!? I…” I pause, lowering my voice. “I care very deeply about both of you. And I appreciate you putting aside your differences for my well being, but… I can’t be with either one of you. Let alone both.” I say quietly. The two of them look stricken, and I straighten up, ready to put the final nail in the coffin. “As long as you two are in the spotlight, I can’t… I can’t do this. My father is all I have.” I announce. I turn my back on the two of them, taking long strides in the direction of my next class. The murmuring continues, and I hear the two of them calling after me. I don’t pause, as much as I want to look towards them and take all of my words back. I know I’m doing the right thing. I have to be the good girl. I have to be a good reflection on my father’s dignity. There’s no way that this could have any other outcome.

  Then why do I feel so awful?


  The days seem to pass in a blur, and I’m pleasantly surprised by the lack of angry reprimand from my father. He simply tells me that the basketball player that had assaulted me had been permanently expelled from the college. I want to smile, I want to thank him, but all I can consider is the empty feeling in my heart. I want to ask him about what sort of punishment Jason and Ricky had received, but he says nothing regarding the matter. Considering the trauma of the incident, I’m given a pass to miss the next week of classes, and for that week, I refuse to leave my dorm at all. The final game of the basketball season is drawing near, and I tell myself that I should stay as far away as possible.

  The day of the final game, I wake to the sound of a knock at my door, and reluctantly rise from my bed. I pull on a robe, not bothering to get dressed as I open the door just enough to see who is outside. Jim Reagan, one of the last people I want to see. His eyes are rimmed with red, and I can tell from the grinding of his teeth and his tense posture that he’s upset. Even though I’m angry, I can’t just send him away, looking as upset as he is.

  “What do you want, Jim?” I inquire drolly, opening the door and gesturing for him to come inside. He clenches his jaw, stepping into my dorm. If he’s aware of my state of undress, he says nothing about it, simply staring at me through teary eyes.

  “I broke up wit
h my boyfriend. I just wanted you to know that… I never intended for any of this to get out. He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone, but I should have known better.” He says, his voice watery. The usually stoic man looks as if he is ready to fall to pieces, and my heart softens at the sincerity in his voice. I know I should stay angry. I know I should send him away. But all he has ever done is try to help me, and I can’t stay angry at him no matter how much I’d like to. I draw him into my arms, and he grabs me in a bone crushing hug. “I’m so sorry.” He chokes out, and I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to say.

  “Aren’t you afraid of getting cooties?” I finally say, a teasing lilt to my voice. He meets my gaze, and I smile gently at the poor guy. “I’m angry, but… it’s not your fault. I know you only ever tried to help me.” I offer, and he rubs his eyes roughly. He manages a weak laugh, slumping against the wall beside the door.

  “I even left the team. I’m surprised Jason and Ricky didn’t kill me first.” He groans. I chuckle in spite of the pain that lances my heart at the mention of the two men.

  “Oh, Jim, don’t worry about it. They’ll have to get through me first.” I say with a half smile, and he reluctantly returns it. “So… where do we go from here?” I say softly, trying not to sound as defeated as I feel. I know he likely won’t have any answers for me, but I can’t help but try. I just want some guidance, some way to get out of this slump I’ve been driven into. He hesitates a moment, rubbing his eyes once more before straightening up.

  “Go to the basketball game with me tonight?” He inquires uncertainly. My eyes widen, and I consider him critically.

  “I thought you were gay.” I demand. He quirks a brow, sticking his tongue out in faux disgust.

  “I didn’t mean as a date. Before my boyfriend and I broke up, he mentioned that there was supposed to be some big announcement after the game tonight. We might as well see this crapshoot through to the end, right?” Jim says with a crooked smile. I hesitate, knowing that I’ll likely only make myself more miserable going to see the two men I so adore play. However, I feel drawn to the game, as if maybe it will bring me some sort of closure.

  “Okay. I’ll go with you.” I answer hesitantly. He smiles, pulling me into his arms before backing away. He looks me up and down, making a face.

  “Well, put some clothes on, first. I’ll be here to pick you up around eight.” He says with an air of finality. He waves before slipping out the door, and I’m left alone with my thoughts for the remainder of the day. Will going to the basketball game only make me feel worse? I have very little doubt, but I’ve already promised Jim.

  I spend the rest of the day meandering around my dorm, getting dressed in the team colors in spite of how little team spirit I actually feel. Eight rolls around faster than I expected, and Jim barges into my dorm without even knocking. I suppose he thinks he has that friend privilege now. I suppose he’s right.

  “Come on. I’m eager to see if the team crashes and burns.” Jim announces grandly, and I roll my eyes in amusement. I take him by the arm, and we walk the short distance to the gymnasium. The murmurs are ever present, but I do what I can to ignore them. The crowd gathered outside the gymnasium is huge, but we manage to find a spot on the bleachers. My father sit some distance away, watching stoically as the rival team steps out. The crowd boos, but I remain silent, watching the doors from which the home team will emerge. When they do, my eyes immediately fall upon the two men of my dreams. They remain side by side, engaged in what seems furious chatter. If they realize I’m here, they give no indication.

  The game passes in a blur, and all I can do is try to ignore the ache in my heart. The home team wins, and as the crowd erupts into cheers, the team lifts Jason and Ricky up on their shoulders. They seem to spot me in that very moment, and I avert my eyes, preparing to leave.

  “Wait! We have something to say!” Jason cries out, and the gymnasium goes quiet. Both of the men keep their gazes fixed on me, only briefly looking away to consider each other. “With this season in the bag, Ricky and I have come to a mutual decision. The both of us are retiring from the team. This will be our last game.” Jason announces. My eyes widen in shock, and the crowd goes wild as the two basketball players slip away to the locker room. I stumble down the bleachers to chase after them, giving pause as I feel someone watching me. I turn to meet my father’s gaze, and stare at him beseechingly.

  “Go.” He mouths, and I smile before darting towards the locker room.

  I find Jason and Ricky inside, standing as if they had been expecting me.

  “What on Earth did you do!?” I demand, rushing towards the two of them. They laugh, gathering me in their arms.

  “If we can give up our rivalry for you, giving up basketball was cake.” Jason says teasingly, nudging Ricky in the ribs. Ricky grunts, rolling his eyes.

  “Well, if we can mostly give up our rivalry.” Ricky amends. I consider the two for a long moment, my heart slamming in my chest. Suddenly, a rush of emotion blooming in my chest, I press my lips to Jason’s. He groans against my lips, and Ricky watches with no small amount of jealousy as Jason thoroughly explores my mouth with his tongue. Not wanting the other man to feel left out, I reach out to take him by the hand, guiding it to my breast. He stiffens, and Jason’s eyes widen as our lips part.

  “I have a challenge for the two of you.” I say slyly. They exchange a glance, and I take Jason’s hand as well, placing it on my other breast. “Let’s see who can outlast the other.” I say with a grin. Their eyes widen immediately, and Ricky hesitates, making as if to pull away.

  “Are you sure… you want this? So soon?” He inquires hesitantly. Jason pulls away, seeming to echo the sentiment. I consider the two for a long moment before slowly pulling my shirt off over my head and tossing it to the side. I unclasp my bra, allowing my breasts to spill free for the both of them to see. As their members swell to matching attention, I can’t help but wonder how different they are down below. I drop to my knees, looking up at them through half lidded eyes.

  “Who’s first?” I inquire softly. The two exchange a glance, racing to get their basketball shorts off. I can’t help but laugh at the sight, knowing that in spite of their words, their rivalry still ran deep. As they abandon their task and press me against the lockers, each of their mouths finding one of my breasts, I realize that perhaps that’s not so bad.

  I utter a breathy moan, pressing a hand to the back of their heads, pressing my thighs firmly together as they each use their own tactic on each of my breasts. Jason is more tender, lavishing my nipple with gently licks and kisses. He gently sucks, pressing forward only when I guide him to. Ricky on the other hand is very much the beast I thought him to be. He sucks my nipple with more force, grazing his teeth to it. He wraps his lips tightly around the aching bud, giving it a sharp little tug. The warring sensations are an onslaught on my brain, and it’s all I can do to keep from screaming as they simultaneously begin fervently lapping at my breasts. They ease me into a seated position on the long bench that spreads out in front of the lockers. Ricky glances to Jason, quirking a daring brow before settling between my thighs. His hand finds my zipper almost immediately, and Jason lifts me up as Ricky slides my pants and underwear down around my ankles. The bench is cold against my bare rear, but warmth blooms through me as Ricky tucks his head between my thighs. I spread them obligingly, mewling longingly as he uses two fingers to spread my folds. He drags his tongue against my womanhood, and it’s all I can do not to sob as I bury my face in Jason’s chest. Ricky rumbles a laugh from between my legs, and I’m all too aware of Jason’s manhood straining against the fabric of his basketball shorts. I shakily reach between his legs, shoving the waistband of his shorts down just enough to grip him in my hand.

  It’s all I can do to focus on pleasuring Jason while Ricky is so fervently lapping at my folds. I give my best effort, however, wrapping my hand around him and slowly sliding it up and down his shaft. He groans, and as I’m really getting into the swing of my
steady pace, Ricky flicks his tongue to my most sensitive nub. I cry out, squeezing Jason’s length without really intending to. He cries out, and I’m afraid I’ve hurt him, but he simply ruts against my hand, groaning uncontrollably.

  “Whatever you did, Ricky, do it again.” He mutters, and Ricky rumbles another laugh. I’m certain Ricky won’t oblige, but find myself all too pleased when he does. That tongue is like molten hot lava pressing to my clit, and I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming. I rapidly move my hand up and down Jason’s length, the fervor of my strokes increasing as I grow nearer and nearer to my peak. Jason himself looks ready to explode, but when we are both teetering on the edge, Ricky pulls away from between my thighs, looking up to me with a cheeky smile.

  “Why’d you stop?” I plead, my voice coming out strangled. Ricky smirks, rising to his feet and slipping his shorts down off of his hips.

  “Payback. I ought to let you finish yourself off, like I did after that dinner we had together. That wouldn’t be as fun, though.” He says with a grin. Jason considers us curiously, apparently not knowing the extent I had gone to in my attempt to charm Ricky.


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