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Heartland Page 14

by Julie Cannon

  Three sets of eyes turned her way. Up until this point, other than hello, Rachel had said very little. “I can’t speak for Becky and Ellen here, but I for one don’t want to hear about your sexual conquests, especially if they involve our host.” Rachel was surprised that she felt that way. She had competed for the same woman before and occasionally lost, but rarely gave it a second thought. Rachel wondered why she didn’t like the possibility of someone else touching Shivley.

  “Ooh, touchy, touchy, are we? Maybe you want a little bit for yourself. Or maybe you want all of it.”

  Christina was drunk and Rachel was not in the mood to argue or even drown her, for that matter. “Jesus, Christina, you sound exactly like a man. Shivley is probably more than just a good fuck and you should treat her with a little respect. Obviously she’s intelligent and capable. She has this ranch, for Christ’s sake. She knows what she’s doing and is successful doing it. Yes, she’s attractive, and I’m sure more women than not would want to get into her pants, but isn’t that a bit superficial?” Rachel stopped when she realized she was beginning to sound like a hypocrite. Hadn’t that always been what she was interested in?

  Christina refilled her glass. “Who cares? She’s hot and I’m horny. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me.”


  Rachel wrapped the robe tighter around herself to ward off the chill from her wet body and walked through the kitchen to the great room. The poker players were sitting around a circular table covered in felt that dampened the clinking of chips as they hit the table. Beer bottles were scattered at their feet and the smell of popcorn filled the air. Every player was studying the cards in her hand with intense concentration as if it were the final hand in the World Series of Poker. Every player except Shivley.

  The stacks of chips in front of Shivley were much larger than everyone else’s, and she wore a corresponding satisfied expression on her face. She leaned back with a relaxed air that reminded Rachel of the characters in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Rachel was a killer poker player, having spent many days and nights playing the game to pass the time on buses or airplanes while on the campaign trail. Debra grunted and tossed her cards face down on the table, the universal symbol of giving up any chance of winning the hand. Cindy soon followed, leaving Shivley and Jane to battle for the pile of chips between them. Rachel watched as Shivley stroked her cards gently, and she swore she could feel those fingers stroking her as skillfully as they did that morning. She shook her head to clear the image, but it was too late. Four cards and eight chips later, Cindy’s fate was sealed and Shivley gathered the chips toward her.

  “Another hand, ladies?” Shivley shuffled the deck.

  “Are you crazy? You’ve taken every penny I have. I thought I was the guest, and as the guest you should let me win,” Debra teased.

  Shivley laughed. “Tsk, tsk. Somebody didn’t read the fine print on the contract.” All four women laughed and the sound of Rachel joining in pulled Shivley’s attention away from the table.

  “Enjoy the water?” A pair of dark legs peeked out at Shivley from under the white fluffy robe. Her pulse began to pound as she imagined Rachel stepping out of the Jacuzzi, warm water sliding down her body unimpeded by clothing.

  “Not nearly as much as you seem to have enjoyed yourself. It looks like you cleaned their clocks.” Rachel motioned to Shivley’s winnings.

  “She’s a card shark,” Jane said.

  “And a damn good bluffer, too,” Cindy added.

  “Now, ladies,” Shivley began, “you were the ones who invited me to your friendly little game. I just joined you to be polite.” She mockingly defended her honor.

  “Bullshit,” Debra said and pushed herself away from the table. “I demand a rematch. I’m not going to let you disappear with my two dollars and eighty cents without having the chance to win it back. I have rent to pay.” She pointed her finger at Shivley and pretended to be angry and threatening. “I’ll see you tomorrow, missy.”

  “Not me. If I lose any more Sue will kill me. It’s my turn to buy the magazine at the airport for our return flight.” Cindy laughed at her own joke and disappeared in the direction of the stairs, Jane following behind her.

  Shivley and Rachel were the only ones left in the room. “You’re not a very good hostess. Taking the milk money from those poor, innocent women. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” Rachel could barely contain her laughter.

  “My mama always taught me to take advantage of every opportunity that came my way, and that includes women who don’t know enough not to bet the milk money.” Shivley was enjoying the light teasing between them. She had insisted on penny poker and she had won less than six dollars in the game.

  Rachel stepped closer. Her heart pounded in her chest and her pulse throbbed between her legs as she closed the gap between them. The top of the robe slipped open and Shivley’s eyes flashed with desire at the exposed flesh. Unlike the other women in the Jacuzzi, Rachel had kept her suit on while in the water, but she had removed it once she was out and toweled dry. Her breasts were bare underneath the robe, and her breathing quickened at Shivley’s reaction to her nakedness.

  Shivley fought her desire, her mind trying to remind her body that Rachel was leaving in a few days. She wasn’t concerned with falling madly in love with her, but she wanted her more than she had ever wanted a woman before. As she struggled to maintain control, Rachel added more fuel to the fire. Slowly she untied the robe and let the belt fall to the floor. The robe opened with each step she took, and in a moment she was standing within arm’s reach of Shivley. Shivley’s chest rocked up and down, her breathing shallow and coming in short bursts. This was the first time she had seen Rachel naked, and she was absolutely beautiful. Her neck was long and elegant, following down to breasts that fit perfectly in the palm of Shivley’s hands. Her stomach was flat, with just a hint of an appendectomy scar just below and to the right of her belly button. Shivley’s hand twitched as she anticipated the feeling of her fingers in the soft, downy hair between her legs.

  Her mouth watered in anticipation. Rachel’s body was breathtaking, with just the right amount of flesh filling out the curves that made her a very attractive woman. Shivley remembered the salty taste of Rachel in her mouth, and she unconsciously leaned forward to sample it again.

  Rachel felt powerful, and as she watched Shivley respond to her, a feeling familiar yet unknown gripped her. With previous lovers she was usually the one in charge, and whether it was the result of her skill in seduction or too much alcohol intake by her partner, her partner always surrendered to her. But at this very moment, something felt different, very different. She wanted to lose control.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Rachel rationalized and blamed the feeling on the effects of thirty minutes in the hot tub. She suspected she was dehydrated from the day’s activities and attributed her light-headedness to the wine she had with dinner. It absolutely had nothing to do with the look of unbridled desire emanating from Shivley, still seated in the chair. Her hand shook when she reached out and touched soft wavy hair. Her eyes never left Shivley’s as she ran her fingers through the curls and around to the back of her head. She bent her head at the same time she pulled Shivley to her.

  Shivley didn’t hear anything except the pounding in her ears and could only see Rachel’s mouth descending toward hers. Her mind screamed for her to stop what was sure to happen, but her body was focused solely on quenching the desire that raged through her. She let herself be drawn into a kiss that was soft yet insistent.

  Shivley remained still as Rachel explored, alternately nibbling and sucking on her lips and the edges of her mouth with soft butterfly kisses. Again, Rachel asked and Shivley granted her permission to enter, and in an instant, tongues were battling for control. She pulled Rachel onto her lap and slid her hands under the material of the robe gliding smoothly along Rachel’s silky skin. Her back was warm, and she traced the muscles and rib cage with alternating firm and feather-li
ght caresses. Shivley’s passion overtook her and she tore her mouth away from Rachel’s and dragged it across the salty skin of her neck.

  Rachel arched her neck, giving Shivley free access that she took without hesitation. She pulled Rachel closer and ran her tongue sensuously up and down the muscles quivering under her caresses. The feel of Rachel in her arms and the smell of her body permeated her consciousness.

  A low moan escaped from Rachel’s lips and she wrapped her arms around Shivley’s neck, drawing them even closer. Her nipples leaped to attention when they made contact with Shivley’s soft shirt. A jolt of desire shot through Rachel and cool air met the warm wetness between her exposed legs as she straddled Shivley’s thighs. She needed to be touched, and most importantly, she wanted Shivley to touch her.

  Shivley slid her hands between them and gently cupped one firm breast, then the other as her mouth left a trail of wet kisses from Rachel’s neck to the peak of an erect nipple. She pointed her tongue and slowly circled the outer edges, fully exploring the taste and texture before capturing it in her mouth. She sucked lightly, continuing to circle the nipple with her tongue. Rachel trembled in her arms and Shivley took that as an invitation to continue. She turned her attention to Rachel’s other breast, repeating the same slow, sensuous actions she had bestowed on the first.

  Rachel was overwhelmed with sensation. Countless women had done exactly what Shivley was doing, but she could not remember ever being so aroused. She held Shivley’s head to her breast and thrust her hips.

  Shivley sensed Rachel’s need and slid her hands slowly down her sides, her mouth never leaving the nipple. She flicked the hard pebble with her tongue. Rachel’s hips moved in anticipation of her touch, and she couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Rachel, we can’t do this here.” Shivley didn’t want to stop, but for the third time that day, they ran the risk of being caught in a compromising position.

  “I can and I want to.” It was all Rachel was able to say. Shivley’s hands and tongue had made her lose focus.

  Shivley removed her hands and pulled the front of Rachel’s robe together. The backs of her knuckles lay against rock-hard nipples. She sighed deeply, trying to clear her head of the passion that made her dizzy. She looked into eyes that mirrored what she was feeling. “I don’t doubt it, but that’s not what I want.” Shivley was serious now. “I need more than a quickie this time. I want to touch every inch of you without clothes or robes or anything else in the way. I want to feel your body tremble under my fingers. I want to feel you under me, your body singing with sensation. I need you naked in my bed with absolutely nothing between us. That’s what I want. Nothing less.”

  The way that Shivley described her desire was, in a way, a declaration. She hadn’t realized it when she said it but she wanted, she needed, Rachel in her life. Having her in her bed without that would be hollow. She hoped she had not scared Rachel away.

  “I want that, too,” Rachel whispered. She wanted more than another mindless, almost effortless fuck. She ached to connect with Shivley and to be deeply touched in return. Her life was shallow and superficial and she had found what she was looking for in Shivley’s arms. She was terrified, but she knew that if she missed this opportunity, she would never have another.

  They walked silently up the wide stairs. The thick carpet in the hall muffled Shivley’s boots and the soft click of the latch of her bedroom door was the only sound in the house. Shivley pushed the lock in and the sound echoed in her ears. She turned on a small light sitting next to the clock on the nightstand. A soft pink glow cascaded over the king-size bed. Shivley turned and was stunned by Rachel’s beauty.

  Rachel slid the robe off her shoulders with agonizing slowness. But before she did Shivley saw a glint of fear in her eyes. It was so fleeting, Shivley wasn’t certain she had seen it at all. Inch by inch Rachel revealed more skin, and Shivley could only stare. Rachel was perfect, from her strong shoulders to the tips of her pedicured toes and every inch between.

  “You said something about being naked in your bed with nothing between us?” The way Shivley was looking at her was heady. It had been a long time since a woman had seen her absolutely naked like this. Usually they were between the sheets minutes after entering a room. Heat rushed through her body under Shivley’s adoring gaze. She believed Shivley when she had said she was worth more than a casual fuck. No one had ever said that to her, and if they had she would have passed it off as a line.

  But not this time. Not tonight. Rachel had become a different woman here on the ranch, and she realized that difference included how she would make love with Shivley. She wanted to be tender and gentle. Free to bond with Shivley in a way she never thought possible. She wanted Shivley, her rancher.

  Shivley reached out her hand. It was more than a signal. It was an invitation. An invitation for Rachel to come to her. To join her in their lovemaking. It wasn’t about one taking the other, but sharing of not just a physical but an emotional event as well. Rachel hesitated, and for a moment Shivley thought she might bolt.

  Rachel almost did run. The last five minutes had been unlike any she had ever experienced. She knew what was happening, what Shivley was saying without a word. She had never been asked and she wasn’t sure what her answer should be. She had no frame of reference for this. She had no idea what to do, what to say, or how to act. She was petrified. She looked into Shivley’s eyes. She couldn’t find the words to describe what was reflecting back at her, but she knew that she didn’t see pride or the thrill of pending conquest. She stepped forward into more than Shivley’s arms.

  Shivley’s gentle kiss lasted a lifetime. Rachel swayed into her, wrapping her arms tightly around her neck. Shivley’s clothes were rough on her naked skin and only added to her awareness of who she was with. Shivley was solid, real, and everything Rachel would ever need.

  Rachel’s hands shook as she unbuttoned Shivley’s shirt, and Shivley could hardly wait to feel Rachel naked against her. She deepened the kiss and shivered when Rachel slid the shirt off her shoulders and tossed it somewhere behind her. She broke the kiss for the second it took for Rachel to pull Shivley’s T-shirt over her head, her lips lost until they could reclaim Rachel’s once again.

  The backs of Rachel’s fingers pressed against Shivley’s stomach as she made short work of her belt buckle. The metal tip clicked several times as it slid through the loops on the belt, sending a chill of excitement slashing through her. The sound of clothes deliberately coming off in preparation for love was thrilling. She helped Rachel remove her jeans and boots. They were both naked, free of any pretense, motionless in anticipation.

  Time seemed to stand still for Rachel. She was lost in the depths of Shivley’s eyes and the moment. She didn’t know if they stood there for a minute or an hour, and it didn’t matter when Shivley finally took her in her arms and laid her on her bed.

  The sheets against Rachel’s back were crisp and cool. They smelled like sunshine, fresh air, and Shivley. Shivley hovered above her, burning a trail over her body with her eyes. Ever so slowly she lowered her body until Rachel embraced Shivley’s weight and wrapped her arms around her. Shivley moaned deeply in her ear. “My God, you feel good.”

  The sensation of Shivley’s body on top of hers was overwhelming. They fit together perfectly, and Rachel savored the wonder of the first time. She wanted to embed this feeling in her memory to last a lifetime. Her hands drifted up and down Shivley’s back, alternating between tickling soft skin and raking her fingernails over hard muscles. Shivley began to move in response to her seductive strokes and Rachel grew bolder.

  Shivley shifted slightly, giving her better access to Rachel’s body. She cradled Rachel’s head in the crook of her elbow while her hand roamed freely over Rachel’s soft body. Rachel pulled her head down and Shivley kissed her. Rachel’s hands tangled in her hair, demanding more, and Shivley opened her mouth and deepened the kiss. She stroked a firm thigh and calf, lightly brushing the inside of her legs on the way back up
to cup a full breast. Rachel bent her leg and wrapped it around Shivley’s, pinning her tightly.

  Shivley tore her mouth away and bent to nibble on first one breast, then its twin, each time starting on the outer edges and working toward the center where an erect nipple eagerly waited for her attention. Minute after minute, she feasted on Rachel’s breasts while her hand drew teasingly closer to Rachel’s sweet spot. Rachel arched closer each time Shivley came anywhere near the area that was wet with desire.

  Rachel couldn’t stand it any longer. She grabbed Shivley’s hand and thrust it between her legs. She felt Shivley stiffen and Rachel froze. What had she done?

  “Shh, not so fast, sweetheart,” Shivley offered in comfort. “I want you just as bad, but I want to go slow. We need to go slow. I want to learn your body, not just what to do to get you there,” she said between wandering kisses.

  Rachel relaxed but was unable to speak. Shivley had tormented her long enough and what she needed was release, but she would do this for Shivley because she wanted it. Her lover wanted it and she would not let her down.

  Minutes of torment turned into hours of pleasure and Shivley drove her crazy with ecstasy, taking her higher and higher until she thought she might soar off into the night if she was unable to release the pressure that was building inside her. Finally Shivley shifted and kissed her way down her belly with agonizing slowness. Rachel could hardly breathe, her excitement was so great. She spread her legs in anticipation, but nothing had prepared her for this. Shivley’s tongue was soft and gentle as it explored her folds, each stroke more confident than the last. The tip of Shivley’s tongue lightly flicked over her clit and Rachel arched off the bed.

  “Not yet,” Shivley murmured against her. “I want to taste you, all of you.”


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