The Introduction: Undying Love #1

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The Introduction: Undying Love #1 Page 3

by Isabelle Connors

  Confused I ask, “So … what? Are you telling me to date Rachel?”

  She beams at me. “Exactly. Just make sure not to let things progress to anything too serious with Rachel. But who knows, maybe its Rachel you belong with.”

  “I’m sure about Arianna. It may not be for always, but for right now she’s all I want.”

  “Well, go get your girl then.” She smiles and kisses my head and leaves me to think everything over.


  It’s Saturday night and there is a party going on at Lake Sidney on the outskirts of town. I’ve decided that tonight I’ll try one more time with Arianna. If she continues to run from me then I’ll ask Rachel out and hope this all works out for the best. She’s sitting with Abel and Rachel. But, I see Colin sitting across the way watching her every move. I decide to text her to get her to come over to me rather than to walk up to her and make a scene.

  Me: You look nice.

  Ari: Are you lurking in the shadows watching me? 

  Me: Maybe!

  Ari: Being a stalker is not a good look on you …

  Me: I need to talk to you; can you slip away?

  I see her look up and contemplate her response.

  Ari: Okay. Where are you?

  Me: I’m by the tree where the cars are parked.

  Ari: Okay. Give me a few minutes.

  Me: I’ll be waiting.

  I watch her, hidden by the cloak of the night. She talks some more with her friends and then I see her getting up. I look to my right and I notice that Colin is on the move right along with her. She stops and speaks to him and I feel my jaw tighten and I squeeze my hands into fists. When she gets away from him, she walks hurriedly to my direction. When she’s hidden in the dark along with me, I walk up to her and pull her into my arms. I feel her body shivering. “Are you cold?”

  She croaks, “No.”

  I smile. “I see. So what did Colin want?”

  “He wanted to go on that date that I canceled on him.”

  I grit my teeth. “I see. So, are you?”

  “I don’t know … What are we doing here Sky?”

  “I want to know or better yet I need to make sure that you don’t want to be with me.”

  She swallows hard. “I’m sure.”

  “Why are you running from this … from me?”

  “Because she’s obsessed with you.”

  “And I’m obsessed with you.” I whisper.

  She takes a deep breath and says, “I’m going on that date with Colin.”

  I take a step back and release her from my arms. I stick my hands in my pockets. “Okay. I guess I better let you go back to your friends then.”

  “Sky …”

  “It’s okay. I just need some space right now. It doesn’t change how I feel I just need to think …”

  I leave her standing there alone in the night and I start walking away from the crowd. Now, I’m running from my feelings. The sense of deep anger and intense hurt is suffocating me.

  Chapter Six



  It’s official, I have my first boyfriend. I’ve been with Colin now for two whole weeks. But, it’s been five weeks and two days since the night Sky walked away from me. There has been a void in my chest ever since. He still talks to me, but it’s not the same. It could be because he’s dating Rachel now. I don’t know why, but this whole situation sucks. This is what I wanted, right? I guess? I told him to date her and now when I see them together I get sick. Yesterday, I literally got sick. I lost my lunch because I saw them hugging. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have encouraged him, but I love her and I want her to be happy. And I what … lust? Like? Love … him? I think I need to get professional help because I feel like my brain is going to explode.

  I groan aloud and rest my head on the cafeteria bench. I’m sitting on the sole bench that’s located outside. It’s separate from the rest of the school. It’s under this huge oak tree. To get to it you have to pass the gym, the cafeteria, and the track field. It’s always deserted. But I feel the electricity that surges straight through me anytime he’s near. I don’t lift my head, I wait to see if I’m losing my mind.

  He whispers in my ear. “What are you thinking about?”

  I shiver. “Nothing.”

  He laughs and sits next to me. “You’re a terrible liar.”

  I raise my head up and my breath hitches in my throat. He’s so damn beautiful he’s hard to look at. I whimper as I look into his alluring eyes. They look like the sky when an early morning rainstorm is about to start pouring. It confuses me to see him look at me so passionately. He touches my arm and I bite my lip to stop myself from saying something stupid.

  “Arianna are you okay?”

  I take a deep breath before I answer him. “I’m fine.”

  He looks at me for a bit longer and then removes his hand from my arm, and I miss his touch instantly. I change the subject so that I don’t dwell on the fact that I’m yearning for the touch of my best friend’s boyfriend. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Well, I was walking past and I saw you sitting out here all by your lonesome …”

  “You were walking past going where Sky? There is nothing back here.” I raise my brow expectantly.

  He’s silent as he watches my face. The wind blows and my hair flies into my face. He lifts his hand hesitantly and brushes my hair out of my face. “I was looking for you Arianna.”

  “You were looking for me?” I repeat confused.


  “But why?”

  He runs his hand through his hair. “Because I know you come out here sometimes to think.”

  I gawk at him because I’m shocked that he noticed. This is where I come to be alone when I’m at school. I don't bring anyone out here with me. Not even Rachel. “Sky …”

  “You don’t have to say anything, Ari. I know a lot about you, deal with it.”

  I can’t find any word to say, so I nod. We sit there for a while in a comfortable silence. I haven’t felt this whole and happy in a long time, so I soak it all up. I know it’s wrong because he’s not mine and I’m with Colin. But, for the time being, I’m happy to be in this stolen moment with him. It’s ours and I’m happy it’s just ours.

  He pulls me out of my thoughts. “Why are you out here? What’s wrong?”

  I do my best to hide my feelings. So I smile at him and say, “Nothing I can’t deal with.”

  “Let me help you.” He whispers.

  “You can’t.”


  I get up from the bench. “Are you coming?”

  He looks up at me confused. “Where are you going?”

  “To learn …”

  He laughs and says, “Well we are in school, but its lunch time now.”

  “Well, to eat then.” I say with a laugh.

  We continue to laugh and joke around until we get to the front of the school where all the classrooms are located. As we hit the front hall, I hear Rachel call out to Sky. And I feel nauseous all over again.

  Hurriedly I say, “I have to go.”

  “Don’t.” He growls.

  Silently I plead with him with my eyes, but in a flash his whole demeanor changes. A split second later I feel someone put their arms around me and then I get it. It’s Colin, and Skylar is jealous. I smile to myself because I realize he hasn’t stopped caring for me. Even though I pushed him into Rachel’s arms.

  “Where have you been?” Colin asks while staring at Skylar.

  I step out of his hold. “Nowhere.”

  He looks at me skeptically. “You weren’t in class …”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t feeling good. So I went to the nurse’s office and as I was leaving to come to lunch I met Sky on the way.” I lie.

  His eyes soften as he looks at me. “Why didn’t you call me or even text me? I would have gone with you.”

  “I’m good.”

  I turn around and notice that Rachel is hanging on
to Sky like an extra limb and I roll my eyes. Sky notices and he laughs.

  Confused Rachel asks, “What?”

  “Nothing. Can I see your notes later?”

  She looks from me to Sky and murmurs, “Yeah, sure.”


  Rachel grabs Sky’s hand. “Let’s go I’m hungry. I’ll see you two later.”

  I don’t respond as I watch them retreat down the hall. When I turn back around, I notice Colin watching me. “What?”

  “Nothing … Do you feel better? Can you eat?”

  “I’m starving so I need to eat before I pass out.” I say with a pout.

  Colin laughs and takes my hand and leads me to the cafeteria to eat. The rest of the day is uneventful. But, I’m happier than I’ve been in a while because I know Sky still cares for me. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.


  After school, I’m laying down in my room doing homework and I hear my bedroom door open.

  “Knock, knock.” Rachel says as she enters my room.

  I look up at her and smile. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, I just wanted to see what you were up to and here.” She flops on the bed and drops the notes I missed earlier on my bed.

  I eye her skeptically. “Thanks, I’m doing my homework …”

  “Oh, I see.”

  I roll my eyes. “What’s wrong Rachel?”

  She rolls over and stares at the ceiling. “You seem cool with Sky, right?”

  My heart drops to my stomach and my mouth goes dry. “I … I mean we’re friends I guess …”

  She frowns at me. “Right. He’s kind of distant sometimes. I’m worried that maybe he’s cheating on me or something …”

  I sit up. “What do you mean he’s distant sometimes?”

  “Well, like sometimes when we’re making out and stuff ... He gets kind of weird and just … stops. Almost like, he doesn’t want to touch me. But, sometimes he’s into it. I’m confused you know …”

  I try to hold the grimace I feel forming on my face and I take a deep breath. “I don’t think he would cheat on you. He seems like a good guy …”

  “Yeah I guess.” She says without any conviction in her voice.

  “Is that it?” I ask hopefully.

  “Well, one other thing. He seems quiet when we’re alone but once we hang out with you or Abel he gets so chatty. It’s like I bore him or something. I don’t know. It’s just these mood swings he gets are giving me whiplash. I don’t know what’s up or down with him.”

  With a sick feeling in my stomach I say, “Maybe, you should talk with him …”

  “Yeah, but what do I say?”

  “Just be honest with him and tell him how you feel I guess.”

  She has a blank look on her face. “Thanks, Ari. I want us to work you know. I like him a lot. More than anyone else … I think I may even love him.”

  She gets up and hugs me, and leaves the room. In her departure, she leaves the aftertaste of betrayal in my mouth and a sinking feeling in my stomach.

  Chapter Seven

  Take Your Time


  I’m in love. And I’m beginning to realize that sometimes you don’t always end up with the person you love. Look at my mom, she was in love with someone besides my dad and I think she still loves this guy. I don’t think she even knows where he is. And that sucks not to even have a small part of someone you feel so much for. So I’ve accepted my fate. I realize that I may never get anything more than friendship with Arianna because she’s a good person. When she loves someone, she does her best to protect them, even at the risk of her own happiness. So I’ve decided that if that’s all I’m going to get, I’m going to cherish it, because I can’t not have her in my life. So tonight, I decided to take Rachel out to dinner. I pull up in front of her house and as I’m about to step out of the car Rachel comes barreling out of the house. She opens the passenger side door and sits.

  I raise a brow at her. “Uh, is there a fire or something?”

  “Nope.” She replies breathlessly.

  “So why did you run into the car?”

  “Because I did not want you to go inside …”

  “Why is that?” I ask curiously.

  She’s quiet for a long while, so I steal a glance at her and she’s looking straight ahead. “Rachel?”


  “What’s wrong?”

  She sighs and turns in her seat slightly. “I’m not sure. You know that I like you and sometimes I think you like me too. But there are times when I think you would rather we be friends. Almost like it isn’t me you want to be with.”

  “If I didn’t want to be with you I wouldn’t be with you.” I lie coolly. I want to tell her the truth, but I don’t want to hurt her. If Arianna never existed I may have been able to give Rachel more of me, but I can’t. Arianna had me from the first time I laid eyes on her. Arianna loves her, so that means I care for her also. Plus Rachel has grown on me a lot.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” She asks gently.

  “Because I’ve been a pretty shitty boyfriend to you. So I can understand the distrust.”

  “Sky, I want us to work. So whatever it is you need from me, for us to work, I’ll do it.”

  My brows pinch from shock. “Rachel, what are you trying to say?”

  “I think you know what I mean Sky.” She says flirtatiously as she rubs my thigh.

  When I stop at the light I slowly remove her hand from my thigh, and I see her face falls. “Rachel I can’t drive with you rubbing my leg like that.” I say with a tight smile.

  She smiles brightly at me, and instead of being happy, I feel like a complete fraud. “Rachel, are you a virgin?”

  The light changes and I continue to drive and she still doesn’t respond. “So I’m guessing you are by your lack of response. It’s nothing to be ashamed of Rachel. There is no rush.”

  After a moment she silently confesses, “Yeah, I am. How about you?”

  I can feel myself beginning to blush. “No, but I wished I waited on someone I loved.”

  “Yeah?” She replies in a quiet voice.


  I pull into the restaurant parking lot and as we’re about to step out of the car I say, “Hey, Rachel.”


  “Were you watching me from the window when I came to pick you up earlier?” I ask with a smile in my voice.

  “Oh shut up will you.” She grumbles.

  As we're walking to the entrance, she stops in front of me. “I think I believe you now, Sky.”

  I smile tightly back at her. For the rest of the night I’m having an inward battle on why I let this relationship with Rachel get this far.


  I decided to start training early for the soccer season after school. So, when the tryouts start I’ll be in top form. I’ve just finished running for the last hour to strengthen my resistance. As a result, I’ll be able to play a full game without becoming winded.

  I’m heading back to the locker room and for some reason unknown to me; I turn my head in the direction of the tree where Ari goes to think. To my surprise, I see her sitting there. Before I even realize what I’m doing, my legs start moving towards her.

  “It’s late why are you out here by yourself?” I shout.

  Eyes open wide, she shouts, “Sky …?”

  “Yes, Arianna?”

  "You scared me. I didn’t realize anyone was out here. Colin asked me to wait on him, he’s at basketball practice.”

  I wipe my face with my shirt and put my hands on my hip to catch my breath a bit. I notice her eyes follow the movement of my hands and I smile to myself. “So why aren’t you inside the gym? This isn’t safe.”

  She looks up at me sheepishly. “I slipped out of the gym. I don’t care much for basketball.”

  “Oh really? So what do you care about then?”

  She smirks at me. “Soccer.”

  I laugh. “You are trouble Ar

  She smirks. “I do try.”

  “Let’s go. I need to take a shower, and I’m not leaving you out here by yourself.”

  She pouts and I laugh. “Your super cute powers don’t work on me Ari.”

  I grab her book bag and pull her upright straight into my chest. “You smell good.” I say while fighting with myself not to kiss her.

  “Thanks.” She murmurs.

  “I told myself I’ll be good. So I’m going to release you and step away from you okay?” I say shakily.


  When I release her, she looks everywhere but at me.

  “Let’s go Ari, before your boyfriend goes apeshit searching for you.”

  She laughs. “You are awful Sky.”

  I laugh along with her and in this moment, I’m content to be in her presence. It’s not what I wanted but it’s better than not having her in my life at all. Any amount of time I spend with her is a good time.

  Chapter Eight

  My Best Friend


  Rachel slams her locker door. "Oh my gosh, why won't this day be over so summer can begin."

  I shake my head at her. "What's the rush? Got something special to do this summer Rachel?"

  "Yes! Hopefully Skylar." She says flirtatiously.

  I roll my eyes. "Ugh. Have you ever heard of TMI? Over sharing does not become you, my dear."

  She looks at me condescendingly. "Whatever. I don't know what his problem is anyways. He should totally want to hit this." I look away from Rachel feeling a bit relieved and embarrassed all at once.

  "There's no rush Rachel. You have all the time in the world."

  "I think we are the few virgins left." She says with a pout.

  "Who are the few virgins left?" Colin asks as he hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek.

  "Me and your girlfriend here. Hopefully, I won't be one for much longer though!" Rachel says while wagging her eyebrows.


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