The Introduction: Undying Love #1

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The Introduction: Undying Love #1 Page 6

by Isabelle Connors

  "Ari perk up, your man is killing it on the field. What can possibly be wrong?" Rachel says excited.

  "Nothing, I am perky." I say without any enthusiasm.

  She raises a brow at me. "If that's perky I don't want to see ecstatic."

  “Seriously, would you find a hobby and stop watching my moods."

  "If I did that then I wouldn't hold the title of being your BFF, would I?"

  "No, you would hold the title of being the awesomest friend ever." I say with a sweet smile.

  "Is awesomest even a word?" She asks while laughing.

  "Who knows? Who even cares?"

  "True … anyways why do you look so sad? Did Mr. Dimples do something stupid?"

  I frown. "No, he didn't do anything. It's just me over analyzing things as usual."

  With a serious tone she says, “You know you two are meant for each other right? I didn't see it in the beginning because I didn't want to see it."

  "But does he love me enough for us to survive a long distance relationship when he goes off to college?”

  She grips my arm. "If he loves you as much as I think he does; you guys are like an ageless kind of love. You guys are going to make it. Trust me."


  And with that, we turn and watch the rest of the game. Skylar shoots the winning goal for our school in the extra time after the ninety minutes. We win 2-1. Everyone runs up to the field to congratulate him. But, I hang back because there is no way I can get through to him. A few moments later, I notice the crowd opening and Sky is rushing towards me. He picks me up and spins me around right before he lays a kiss on me.

  "Congratulations baby," I whisper on his lips.

  He whispers, "Thanks."

  We stay there staring into each other's eyes. It's as if everyone and everything fades away. A few moments later, his teammates break the trance by pulling us apart so that they can celebrate.

  He mouths, "Wait for me by my car."

  I just nod and smile.


  When he emerges from the locker room, his hair is wet from a shower and he looks delicious. With a smile he says, "Hey."

  Shyly I say, "Hey."

  "I'm sorry I took so long in there." He apologizes.

  "It's okay. You can make it up to me by treating me to ice cream."

  He laughs. "I will. Not tonight though. I'm going to go out with the guys to celebrate with them."

  "Oh. Okay …"

  "You're okay with that right?"

  "Yeah, I'm good." I lie.

  "Okay, cool. Let me drop you home."

  I walk over to the passenger seat and sit without uttering a single word. We drive the whole way without talking. When he gets to my house I'm about to step out of the car, but he holds my arm. He studies my face and says, "Hey, are you going to leave without even kissing me?”

  "Sorry, I thought you may have wanted to get going."

  "There's no one more important than you Ari. I would never leave you in a hurry to get to anyone else. It's you I love.” He whispers.

  "I know."

  He rubs the charm bracelet on my hand and looks up and smiles at me. He likes the fact that I never take it off. I reach over and kiss him quickly. Then I open the door and step out.

  "Goodnight Sky."

  I walk away without even waiting for a response, but I hear him say "Night Ari."


  At around one in the morning, I hear my phone going off. It’s a few text messages from Skylar. When I open them all I see is Skylar laying down with another girl. He looks like he's sleeping, but he has no shirt on. I drop the phone and run to the bathroom and throw up.

  "Oh God, Sky what have you done?" I whisper.

  I lay down on the bathroom floor and cry. I don't know how long I lay there crying. I cry until there are no more tears and I lay there numb. I get up when I hear an alarm going off in the distance.

  I'm on autopilot. I take a shower and I get dressed. I need to think, but I need to be alone, so I go to the one place that no one will think to find me. Behind my old house is a clearing of land that no one ever built on; there’s an old tree house there that I use to play in when I lived there. It was a happy place. As soon as I make it up to the tree house, Skylar starts to blow up my phone. I turn it off, and I lay there. Time and space pass as tears I didn't realize I was crying slide down my face.

  In the mid-morning, I turn my phone on. As soon as I power it back on it starts to ring again. It's Skylar. I ignore the call. Voicemails and text messages pop up instantaneously. I ignore them all. I search for Rachel's name and I call her.

  "Where are you?" She asks hurriedly.

  "That's not important," I say lifelessly.

  "Yeah, it is. Everyone is searching for you. Why are you hiding? What's wrong Ari?"

  I burst into tears.

  She soothes, "Oh, Ari honey. Where are you? Let me come to you."

  "No, I need to be alone. Please."

  Forcefully she says, "No honey, you need your best friend."

  "Okay ... But don't tell anyone where I am. Especially Skylar."

  "Okay, I can do that. Where are you?

  "I'm at the tree house …," I say in a low voice.

  "I'll be there in a few minutes."

  I hang up, and he starts calling again. So, I power off the phone again. After about ten minutes, I hear Rachel starting to climb the tree house. She lays next to me without saying a word. We do this for a while until I break the silence.

  "Thanks for coming." I whisper.

  "You don't have to thank me. You would do the same for me … Are you ready to talk?"

  I sigh. "Early this morning someone sent me pictures of Skylar and another girl from his phone. He was passed out, and he didn't have a shirt on. I … I feel broken from looking at those pictures."

  "Oh honey, I'm sorry."

  "Me too."

  A few moments later Rachel's phone starts ringing. When she answers, I know exactly who it is.

  "She's fine. I think you need to give her some time … and space … She's hurt by you so you need to give her some time … I'll try, but I can't promise you anything … Okay, but I'm still going to castrate you for hurting her … Yeah, you are."

  With hesitancy in her voice she says, "He wants to explain what happened … so he wants to know where you are."

  "I might as well get it over with. You can tell him."

  "Okay." She sends him a text message and less than five minutes later I hear his voice. It's like a dagger through my heart.

  "Hey pretty girl." He says tenderly.

  Rachel looks from me to Sky. "I'm going to let you two talk … But you and I have some unfinished business, pretty boy."

  He nods towards her as she leaves. As soon as she is out of sight, he moves to touch me and I back away. "Please don't touch me Sky, I need to have a clear head and you hurt me."

  He grits his teeth. “Okay, I'll respect that … for now."

  "How could you do that to us Sky?" I cry out.

  Hurriedly he pleads, "It's not what you think Ari. Yes, I got drunk and stayed out late with the guys but that's it. Some of the guys invited those girls, but I didn't touch them. I passed out and that's probably when they took those pictures. Trust me, I hate myself for getting so wasted that I passed out and gave them the opportunity to do that. But NOTHING happened baby, you have to believe me."

  I stare into his eyes and see the vulnerability. I want to believe him, and to some degree, I do.

  "Please pretty girl, you have to believe me." He begs.

  "I believe you, but it doesn't make a difference. We still can't be together."

  Confused he asks, "Why? If you believe me, and you know that I didn't cheat on you, why do we have to break up? That doesn't make any sense."

  "It does. It shows me when you go to college in the fall I won't be anything but miserable—because I'll always think the worse. I can't do that to you or me. It’s best if we cut our losses now Sky. I can't dea
l with the ache that I feel in my chest. It's killing me. I'll be jealous of every female who will be at the college. I'm only human. It'll kill me Sky."

  "You don't have to worry about that, I'll stop drinking. I'll even go to a community college here. I'll do anything to be with you." He begs.

  "You'll resent me later if you stay. You're going to college and you'll be great. But we can't be together. This ends here Sky. If you make me love you more and then we part ways, I won't be whole, I'll be empty." I say weakly.

  "I can't let you leave me, Ari. I can't survive without you. Don’t do this. We can be together and love harder than we ever did before. Trust me Ari, distance and time can't keep me from you. Give me one more chance … and if I mess up, you can leave me. But I can't breathe without you. I can't survive Ari." He begs while his eyes shine with tears that are on the brim of his eyelids. He touches the key on my charm bracelet. "You have the key to my heart Ari, or did you forget that you own me?”

  I stare at him as tears stream down his face and I know that I can't say no to him. Even though my gut tells me it won't end well. "Okay."

  "Okay? You won't leave me?" He says with hope in his voice.

  I shake my head. "No."

  He moves to touch me hesitantly and I don't move. He kisses me on the forehead and each of my eyes. He whispers his undying devotion to me, and I absorb everything numbly from the whole ordeal. We sit there for hours holding each other. While we listen to the sound of our heartbeats beat as one.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Steal my Girl?


  It's been a few days since the whole incident occurred, and I'm still on edge. Tonight is the first game since the whole ordeal happened and I'm more than nervous. Ari seems to have just given us an extension on our time together. It doesn't feel like she thinks we’re permanent. But what she doesn't realize is that I won't give up on us.

  The game is about to start and I'm warming up on the field, when I get a sick feeling in my gut. When I look up in the bleachers, I see Colin and Abel sitting next to Ari and they are laughing. She hasn't been laughing much lately and seeing her laugh with Colin is scaring me.

  The game starts and I do my best not to look in their direction. Because, every time she smiles at them, I feel myself breaking out into a cold sweat. I'm not playing my best game even though I should because there are a lot of scouts out here to watch me. I don't score and we end the game tied 0-0. Usually after each game, she comes on the field to give me a kiss. Whether its win, lose or draw but she doesn't tonight. She is still on the bleachers talking to Colin and Abel. I sulk back into the locker room, not feeling my best. Coach Black sees me and by the look on his face, he doesn't look too happy with me.

  "Montgomery what was that out there. That was pure shit." Coach Black fumes.

  "Yeah, I know coach, I wasn't feeling well."

  "Well, you should have said something so I wouldn't have kept you on the field to play such a crappy game."

  "Okay coach."

  "Boy let me tell you something. If you want to succeed in this game, you can't be distracted by anything or anyone no matter how pretty it may be. You understand?" He says with a tight voice.

  "Yeah, I hear you.”

  "I'm not asking if you hear me because I know you hear me. I know you’re not deaf. I'm asking if you understand me."

  I murmur, "Yeah I do." I head to my locker not giving Coach Black a second thought or look.

  I do my best to take a quick shower so that I can get out of the locker room fast. As I'm about to leave my teammate Kyle stops me. "Hey man, a few of us are going down to the lake to hang out. You down?"

  "Nah. Maybe next time."

  He smirks at me. "Yeah I wouldn't want to hang around us either with that hot piece-of-ass you got waiting for you."

  I lose my cool and I snatch him up by the collar pushing him against the lockers. "If I were you I would never refer to her as a hot piece-of-ass in my presence because I won't be able to control myself, or how I react. You know what scratch that. Don't even think about her. You may live longer if you do that. Got it?"

  Terrified he says, "Yeah, man I got it. No disrespect."

  With that, I leave the locker room even more pissed off than when I entered.

  As I'm walking out of the locker rooms, I look up and notice that Ari is nowhere to be found. I call her cell but she doesn't respond. I start heading towards the parking lot and I hear her laughing. She's standing by the gates with Colin and Rachel. As I'm approaching them I hear Colin say, "You know you seem to be getting prettier and prettier every time I see you."

  I hear Arianna reply, "Colin will you behave with all the compliments. You know I have a boyfriend."

  Approaching them, I hug Ari from behind. "Yeah, Colin you should stop." I say while glaring at him.

  He rolls his eyes and doesn't even respond to me. He continues, "Yeah like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted …"

  Arianna shakes her head. "Behave, Colin."

  He sighs. "Fine, only because it's you asking."

  I say, "Let's go, babe."

  She wrinkles her nose. "I thought you were going to hang out with your team tonight. So, I was going to chill with Rachel, Abel, and Colin."

  "Nah, not tonight. I wanted to chill with you. Alone."

  "I see … but I can't just bail on them."

  I groan inwardly and say, "Fine, I'll join you guys then."

  She looks at Colin, then me. "Maybe I should take a rain check you guys."

  Rachel says, "I would take a rain check too if I were you."

  Arianna laughs at Rachel. "Behave, Rachel."

  "Fine, go with your soccer star I'll see you later." Rachel pouts.

  I don't wait for her to respond and I pull her towards my car. When we get there, I push her to the side of the car and I kiss her. I kiss her as if I'm heading to war and I'm not sure if I'll return. I kiss her with my soul, hoping she remembers how bright our love burns. I pull a few inches away and leave our foreheads together so that I can stare into her eyes. Although, I see love there, I also see doubt and that scares me straight to my core. I reach down and touch her bracelet.

  "Am I losing you, Ari?" I whimper.

  "You'll always have me Sky no matter where you are."

  "But will you always have me? Because I feel like I'm losing you. Like you're trying to kick me out of your heart, and I won't let you. If it's the sole thing in life I accomplish, you will be my wife, Ari. We will get married and grow old together. I promise you this."

  She whispers, "Don't make promises you can't keep Sky. It would hurt more expecting everything with you and getting nothing from you."

  "We will have our everything, Ari, but you can't give up on us. I feel you breaking our connection. I feel you slipping away."

  "We used to be so happy Sky, and lately all I do is cry. Is that healthy? We're so young, maybe we’re not in love, or maybe we're not meant to be together. "

  "I can plead to you till' the kingdom comes and you won't believe me. I'll prove it to you one day. You'll see that you are it for me, and one day I'll tell you I told you so." I say as I brush my hand lightly over her face.

  She closes her eyes and says, "I hope you do get that chance Sky."


  After the talk in the parking lot after my game, I feel better about Ari. But, I have a feeling that Colin is trying to steal my girl. He's always around her every time I turn around, and I don't like it. He's starting to piss me off.

  I spot him in the cafeteria; surprisingly he isn't with Ari. I head straight towards him and when I'm a few feet away I say, "Hey man, can I talk to you right quick?"

  He raises a brow at me and says, "About? Because we're not friends so what can we possibly have to talk about?"


  He narrows his eyes. "I see … okay then."

  I walk to an empty table and he follows.

  With a bored look he says, "Speak."

"Okay, so I get that you have liked Ari a lot in the past and you may still be into her. I also know you may feel like I disrespected you by poaching Ari from you, but it wasn't like that. If Ari wasn't so stubborn, you wouldn't have gotten the chance even to date her. So with that being said, I would appreciate it if you would back up a bit. Because every time I turn my back, I see you sniffing around. I won't let you or anyone else mess up my relationship with her. She is it for me. Got it?"

  He stares at me for a moment and scowls. "You don't know shit about how I feel. You want to know how long I've loved her. Since kindergarten, and guess what? When you leave, I'll be here for her. So you can kick and scream all you want, she will be mine again."

  "Keep dreaming asshole." I snarl.

  He smirks menacingly at me. "Well, it will be my dreams and your nightmares come true, wouldn’t it? I don't even have to do much; you'll mess up again like you did at that party. Did you like the pics I sent her?"

  When he says that, I see red. I don't even know when I jump over the table. But all I know is that I'm on top of him landing blow after blow. I hear people telling me to stop. But it doesn't matter; I want to end him for being the source that almost ended my relationship. And then I hear her.

  "Sky stop. You're going to get in trouble and if you do, you won't get to play … Please stop Sky." And just like that, I let him go.



  As I'm heading to the bathroom to go clean up my face, the principal spots me. I try to go the opposite way but he already sees me and there is nowhere to hide.

  He looks me up and down. "Are you okay young man?"

  "I'm fine."

  He looks at me with concern. "I think you should go to the nurse; that looks awful."

  "No, I'm good. I got hit in the face with a dodge ball." I lie.

  He looks at me skeptically for a good while before he walks away, allowing me to go to the bathroom to clean up.

  As I'm cleaning up, I make up my mind. I will make him pay for this. He stole her from me and now he humiliates me in front of everyone, in particular, her. She will be mine again.


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