Vows of a Vampire

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Vows of a Vampire Page 7

by Ann Cory

  He couldn’t take the innocent act, it only pissed him off more. “Like hell. What, you pretend to be my friend to my face and then stab me in the back when I’m not around? I trusted you.”

  Blake took a tentative step back, but didn’t tear his gaze away. “Hey, brother, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I said I wouldn’t tell, and I meant it.”

  If only he could believe. “If anything happens to her, I’ll rip your throat out. Understand?”

  “I’m not sure where you got your information, but they lied. I didn’t tell a soul, I swear.”

  He hesitated. “Luke said…”

  Blake lunged forward and got right in his face. “I see. The one person you have no reason to trust tells you something, and all of a sudden you take his word over mine? I don’t think so.”

  The words were like a light bulb going on over his head. Why would he trust anything Luke said? “He didn’t name names, but you’re the only one I told.”

  “Then someone listened to our conversation, because I didn’t make any mention of her. You ought to know me better than that. Like you I’m a man of my word. Maybe more so.”

  The comment stung, but he bit back a harsh return. Instead he moved out of the face-to-face confrontation and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. It’s just when it comes to Aubrey, I tend to react first and think later.”

  “What happened to distancing yourself from her?”

  He shrugged. “My intentions were good, but I lack willpower. What can I say?”

  Blake bellowed and slapped him on the back. “I hope she’s worth it.”

  “She is. If you see Luke, tell him I’m looking for him.”

  His brother bowed his head. “Will do. While you’re visiting your lady love, I’ll see if anyone overheard anything. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  Varick turned to leave and almost ran straight into Melenge.

  “Hey you sexy beast. What’s your big hurry?”

  He couldn’t help but notice she stood naked in front of him.

  “I don’t have time for this right now.”

  Her violet eyes locked on his. “Oh, you’ll make time for me.”

  Varick crossed his arms. “And why would you say that?”

  She brushed a nipple against his arm and wetted her lips. “What if I told you someone paid a visit to your precious mortal? Someone you’re not particularly fond of.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed. “Who visited her? Was it Luke?”

  Melenge raised a finger and pressed it against his lips. “Humour me, first. I have to know. When you’re asleep, can you feel me sucking your cock?”

  Varick felt sick. “I’m not going to stand around here talking about this. Is it Luke? Did he visit Aubrey?”

  Her violet eyes looked darker than usual. “Mm, you’re good. Are you curious to know how Luke found out where she lived?”

  He’d never known a Vamp to help unless they wanted something in return. “You’d actually tell me?”

  Melenge moved in front of him and grazed her nails across his waist. “Sure I will.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What’s the cost?”

  “Fuck me.”

  He went to push her away but she gripped his arm tight, her fingernails digging into his flesh. “Relax, I didn’t say now. I’ll bide my time. You’ll give me what I want soon enough.”

  The pain in his arm was difficult to ignore, but she wasn’t letting up.

  “I’m not interested in your games. Are you going to tell me who told or not?”

  Her other hand moved to his zipper. “Let me suck your cock first. No other female will take you in as far as I am capable. Let me do that and I’ll tell you everything.”

  Varick pushed her hand away, still struggling to get her nails out of his arm. “I don’t want you, understand? I never have and never will. Now tell me what you know or let go.”

  She pursed her lips and fixed him a deadly stare. “Fine. Since you’re playing hard to get. I’m the one who told the coven about your lover.”

  Varick felt dizzy. “What? Why the hell would you do that?”

  “For you. You see, I happen to know that Luke’s been feeding on tainted humans. They are ripe with disease, but he doesn’t know. When I told him about your mortal being here, and where he could find her, he didn’t waste any time going to see her. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s fed from her once already tonight.”

  His body went weak. “No!”

  “Oh, yes,” she purred. “Luke put a sensor block on you when you two last quarrelled to keep you from realising he’d gotten to her. Because of the tainted blood, all he has to do is pierce her skin and it will mix into her bloodstream. Here’s the beauty of it all. If he bites her a second time, she’ll die. If he doesn’t bite her a second time, she’ll still die. Either way I’ll have you all to myself.”

  Varick couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew Luke had strong powers, but hadn’t understood just how strong. “You’ll never have me. I feel nothing for you.”

  She dug into him harder. “I can change that.”

  Pain seared in his arm. “Remove your nails from my flesh.”

  Melenge ground her pelvis against his cock and moaned. “You’re too late to save her this time. She’s going to die. Accept it.”

  “Fuck off!”

  He wrenched his arm from her grasp, and winced at the bloody gashes she left along his arm.

  “You’ll pay for this behaviour, tonight.”

  “Good. I like a little pain with my pleasure. I’ll be waiting.”

  Varick pushed past her and prayed he wasn’t too late to save Aubrey.

  Chapter Seven

  The ceiling spun above as Aubrey lay on the floor, her body trembling. A painful cold coursed through her veins, making her shiver uncontrollably. Thunder and lightning played tug of war above her house, allowing brief glimpses of Luke’s face as he sat in a chair, watching her.

  “Welcome back, angel. You’re just in time for me to feed from you again.”

  Her throat felt like something had scratched the shit out of it. She tried to talk, but nothing came out.

  “Oh I know you want to thank me, but save your voice. I can see it in your eyes. You’re a beautiful woman. It’s a good thing I prefer to fuck vampires, or I’d take you right now. Of course, it would drive Varick mad to know I’d fucked you, so maybe I can make an exception.”

  The other one stood off to the side gawking at her as if she were prey.

  “I’d fuck her.”

  Luke shot him an explosive look. She wished they’d leave her the hell alone.

  “Shut up, Denzen.” He returned his attention to her and slid to his knees. “Ah, you’re such a pretty little treat.”

  Aubrey tried to pull away but she lacked the energy. Her limbs were mush.

  “Feisty. I find that sexy. Keep struggling and you’ll find yourself naked with my cock shoved up your ass and Denzen’s cock in your pussy. Oh but wait, you’d probably like that.”

  She wished her head would stop spinning. “Leave me alone, Varick will stop you.”

  Luke reached under her dress and pulled off her panties. “He doesn’t even know you’re in trouble. I placed a block on him. Looks like it’s a threesome tonight.”

  Aubrey closed her eyes and sobbed.

  Varick moved swiftly though the storm slowed him down. He’d never forgive himself for allowing her to be bitten. He should have known Luke would do anything to get at him. Even involve an innocent mortal.

  Inside Aubrey’s house he came upon Luke, unbuckling his belt.

  His body shook in anger. “Stop! Don’t you dare touch her again.”


  Aubrey rolled her head in his direction, eyes unmistakably glossy. Her faint voice nearly broke his heart. She needed him and that was all that mattered. “Luke, let her go,” he demanded. “Your business is with me, not her.”

  “Now see, here’s where we differ ye
t again. I consider her very valuable. Besides, how else can I screw up your life as you screwed up mine.”

  “This is not the place to fight you. Come back with me to the coven.”

  Luke glared at him with daggers. “Like hell. First I’m going to fuck your little mortal and then I’m going to feed from her again. Once I do I can claim her and make her mine.”

  Rage erupted inside Varick. He charged toward Luke but a blast drove him into the wall. He slammed into it hard with his back, all the wind knocked from his lungs. When he looked to see what hit him, Denzen picked him up and sent him flying into the wall on the other side of him.

  Gasping, he pointed at Luke. “Call off your guard dog. This is between us. Are you such a weakling that you can’t fight me on your own?”

  He knew the comment would sting.

  “Denzen, leave him be. Come here and make sure the woman doesn’t move.” Luke stood and made his way toward him.

  Varick picked himself up, ignoring the tremendous pain in his back.

  Unsteadily he motioned to his brother. “We’re going to settle this feud between us, once and for all. I’m sick of taking all the blame for your problems. I’ve done nothing to you.”

  Luke’s black eyes narrowed to slits.

  “Is that what you think? Unlike you, I wasn’t born a vampire. I didn’t even ask for this lifestyle. When Dante took me in, I had no idea what he planned for me. He promised I’d live richly and have everything my heart desired. He gained my trust and took away the only world I knew. I was six. I didn’t know what I was getting into.”

  “He gave you a new chance. You had nothing.”

  Luke smirked. “When I finally learned to live like a vampire and accepted Dante as a father, you came along with your pity story about being abandoned by your traitor of a father. After that I didn’t exist where Dante was concerned. Everything became about you because you were a true vampire. He discarded me like I was trash.”

  Varick wanted to shake him. “Who cares about the past? Has it been that bad, there has been no enjoyment in your life at all? Dante took you away from the abuse and pain you were subjected to you by people you loved and trusted. He did you a favour.”

  His brother’s lip stiffened. “He led me to believe there was more to this immortal life than there really is. There’s no freedom here. I’m a prisoner to the coven and you expect that I’ll obey you?”

  He raised his hands to mid-waist, palms up. “Again, I couldn’t control how Dante responded to you. I was a kid myself, just as screwed up as you. And I didn’t ask to be leader, in fact I begged him to choose someone else. We need to get beyond this and find a way to live together under the same roof without driving each other crazy.”

  It was clear his long time enemy would have none of it. “I’ll never forgive you, and I’ll never accept you as a leader. I will however accept the beautiful offering lying on the ground. If you’d tasted her blood, you’d know what I mean. It’s the sweetest taste in the world, and it’s all mine.”

  Varick had enough. He’d tried reasoning, but it failed. He lunged and flew straight into Luke knocking him down.

  “Get off me.”

  Luke tried to roll away but Varick grabbed him and bit into his wrist. Careful to not drink from him, he spat out the blood and gripped his hands around his brother’s throat. “You’ll pay for biting Aubrey.”

  “Big deal.”

  Varick struggled to keep a good chokehold against his brother’s prying hands. “You’ve been drinking tainted blood. You’d better hope she has one hell of an immune system or she could get deathly sick.”

  “Wrong. First I’m going to kill you, and then I’ll turn her. The bitch will be mine.”

  Luke kneed him in the gut and slashed Varick’s arm in the same place Melenge had dug her nails. He bellowed in pain and went to strike Luke when he was punched in the stomach. The fierce blow sent him reeling. When he tried to stand, the room tilted. Damn. He should have replenished himself. “Stay the hell away from her or so help me, I’ll destroy you.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” his brother chortled. “Just so you know. I’m well aware of the tainted blood. How do you think I brought our great mentor down.”


  “You heard me right. I killed Dante. He thought his illness resulted from Laura’s death, but I gave him poisoned blood. He deserved it for abandoning me when you came along. Now you can join him and I will take my rightful place as leader.”

  Stunned, Varick tried to pick himself up but Luke brutally rammed into him and pinned him.

  “I’ll bleed you dry,” he growled and bared his fangs.

  Before he had a chance to move, Luke sank his fangs deep into his shoulder. He struggled to throw him off, but his brother’s brawn surpassed his own.

  Varick faintly heard Aubrey calling for him and it helped him gather enough strength to turn the tables on his brother. With the palm of his hand he tore Luke off him and slammed him to the floor.

  Luke thrashed beneath him, barely able to make a sound.

  “You aren’t capable of deciding who lives and dies around here. Your anger and hatred have brought enough darkness to the coven. I don’t want to kill you, but you’ve left me no choice. With you out of the way, our brothers will have no choice but to look to me as leader. For too long have you been responsible for their loyalty being divided.” He leaned over and caught the flesh of his neck, biting him deep.

  Varick fed upon him, ignoring the way the tainted blood worked against him. He’d have little left in the way of energy to fight Denzen, but instincts told him his weaker brother would flee without Luke around. He’d always been a follower and would have no one else to turn to. Regardless, Varick would fight to his death. As long as Aubrey was safe, that’s all he cared out. He continued to feed, draining the life out of Luke. His fury would not be tamed until he drank up every single drop.

  The disease raced through his veins, sapping him of the little energy he had left. His stomach churned and he thought he’d pass out. Aubrey’s elegant face circled around him, and he wished he could reach out and stroke the softness of her cheek.

  Finally, he removed his bloodstained fangs and moved back an inch. Luke lay still pale and lifeless, his body shrivelling up. Within seconds his body turned to ash.

  Varick couldn’t move. His entire being felt lethargic and slow. Wanting nothing more than to be by Aubrey’s side, he dragged his body along the floor. He needed to make certain she was okay.

  “Varick, can you hear me?” Through a haze he glimpsed Aubrey crawling toward him and resting her head on his chest. Her faint voice brought him relief. “I’m so weak,” she sighed.

  He breathed in her sweet essence and choked back a sob. He’d vowed to protect her and he’d done anything but. “I know, and I’m so sorry for everything. If I hadn’t come into your life, you’d be fine.” He never should have gotten caught up in his feelings for her.

  Raising her head, she stared into his eyes. “No I wouldn’t. I’d have gone over a cliff. You saved me then, and you saved me just now from being bitten again. You are my hero, Varick.”

  In his mind he felt like a killer. “I should have prevented it. I didn’t want you to be harmed by anyone. It’s my fault they found you.” He paused a moment, his chest tightening making it difficult to catch his breath.

  Fear filled her beautiful eyes. “What’s the matter? I can tell you aren’t okay.”

  Here she lay, weak and frightened, and she asked how he felt? “Don’t fret about me, love. I’m more concerned about you right now.”

  She gripped his shirt in her fists and tugged. “Please, talk to me. I’m worried.”

  He tried to offer her assurance with a smile, but the pain made him flinch. “My body is starting to shut down. I haven’t fed for several days and I’ve lost a great deal of blood. It’s weakened me.”

  Her eyelids flickered. “Why haven’t you been nourishing yourself?”

  He t
angled his fingers through her hair, enjoying the soft strands against his flesh. “You fuelled me with your beauty and love. Since we’ve been together, I haven’t thought of much else.” Varick craned his neck to where he’d last seen Luke.

  A tear slid down and rounded her cheek. “I’m sorry you had to fight your brother.”

  He’d have given anything to find reconciliation between them. “It was inevitable. He despised me. At some point we would have had an all out war. He wasn’t happy, now maybe he can feel a sense of freedom.”

  She laced her hand in his, sending much needed warmth through his body. “Denzen fled while you two were fighting.”

  He’d had a feeling that would happen. The loyalty of the coven had ended with Dante’s death. “I doubt he’ll return.” Varick winced as he inhaled.

  “He mentioned something about blocking your senses. It’s not your fault.”

  His brows furrowed. “I’m the one who brought you to my home. I went against my instincts and the laws of our coven. I should have left you alone.”

  She pressed her cheek onto his, nuzzling close. “Don’t say that. I love you.”

  His heart soared to hear those words from her lips. “I love you, too, which is even more of a reason why I shouldn’t have put you at risk. I hate that Luke got to you before I could save you. You might…”

  Varick stopped himself. He couldn’t even bare to think it.

  Her eyes searched his, fear present in her expression. “I might what?”

  His lips trembled. “Luke fed from humans who were sick. His blood is tainted and when he bit you, the disease may have mixed with your blood. It could make you very sick. Even if you don’t get sick, having been bitten still puts you at risk of being hunted by other vampires.” It sickened him to say the words.

  The terror in her eyes made his pain worse. “How soon can it affect me?”

  He swallowed hard. He should’ve been stronger and kept control of his feelings. It had been a mistake to ever let her in his home. He’d never forgive himself. “Days, maybe months. Right now you’re weak from blood loss, so your immune system is shot.”


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