Highlander The Dark Dragon

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Highlander The Dark Dragon Page 17

by Donna Fletcher

  How then did she get in there? Frustrated that she did not see a way, she continued to meander around the village.

  “A storm approaches.”

  Heather glanced up at the sky and was surprised to see that gray clouds had gathered overhead and was about to agree with Seamus when she looked at him and saw that he leaned heavily on a walking stick. “Are you not feeling well, Seamus?”

  “It is just an old injury that troubles me when storms brew and winter sets in and reminds me how old I am getting.” He stepped closer. “Have you discovered where they took Aggie?”

  “No, but I promise you I will.”

  His head drooped. “Before it is too late, I hope.”

  Heather placed her hand on Seamus’s arm. “You have my word, Seamus, that I will find out what is happening to the old McComb villagers and I promise I will make sure that you remain here with your daughter and her family.”

  Tears came to the old man’s eyes. “I never thought I would grow old. I thought a battle would get me before age would and I sometimes wish it had. I watch the Dragon and his men on the practice field and long for the days I was that young and spry. I do not like growing old.”


  “There she goes again, my Alaina,” Seamus said with a shake of his head and a smile.

  “She keeps a good watch on you. I believe she loves you very much.”

  “Aye, she looks after me. You should head back to the keep, my lady, soon now the sky will drop buckets of rain on us.” He went to turn and stopped. “I remembered something Fane once told me that might help with finding the secret passage.”


  “Bless her, she thinks my legs still move as fast as they once did. Quick now, let me tell you what I recall. Fane said that if there was ever an attack and the sword took him that I was to take Mary to her solar on the upper floor, and he told me to take my family with me.”


  “I must go, my lady, and I thank you for any help you can give me.”

  Heather watched him amble off, calling out to his daughter as he did and when he was a good distance away, she turned and hurried off, her destination Mary’s solar.

  She did not know if she was followed and did not care. She was determined to solve the mystery of the secret passage. If rain fell soon, it would drive her husband into the keep and he would no doubt search for her. She had little time to spare. She hurried up to the upper floor and grabbed the torch from the sconce. She entered Mary’s solar and used the torch to light the logs in the small hearth. They caught quickly, the wood dry from having lingered there. She returned the torch to the sconce and when she stepped in the room again, she was pleased to see that the hearth’s flames had cast sufficient light in the room.

  In here was the secret passage and she intended to find it.

  An hour later with dust covering a good bit of her and smudges of dirt dotting her face, Heather was no closer to finding the secret passage than she had been when she had first entered the room. Though, the room was much cleaner than before and much more inviting. She could understand why Mary McComb and her mum spent time here stitching and talking. The things they must have discussed, the hopes and sorrows they must have shared, just as she did with her sisters. She only wished her mum could have been there to share the years with them.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Heather jumped, her hand going to her chest. “Can you please announce your approach before you actually appear? You forever startle me.”

  “And you forever—”

  “Disobey you—” she finished while the rest of what she intended to say abruptly died on her lips. She had seen her husband look formidable many times, but nothing like he did now. His muscles were swollen hard from exertion and sweat clung to his naked chest and arms, as if it refused to let go, and she could not blame it. She would love to be clinging to him right now and the wicked thought had, to her frustration, tingles nipping teasingly at the most intimate of places. She forced herself to finish what she had to say. “I know I forever disobey you and I see an unlikely chance of that ever changing.”

  Rhys battled his growing arousal, but then he had been battling it since last night. It was the reason he had left their bed before she woke this morning or else they probably would still be there. Now, seeing her covered in dust and dirt marring her lovely face made him want to dirtier her even more with his sweat-covered body. And damn if the thought did not turn him harder.

  He slammed the door so hard behind him after stepping fully into the room that the whole keep must have heard it. “You will learn to obey me.”

  Heather had always found that kind words went far and could help avoid potentially difficult situations, but that was before passion took hold of her.

  She walked over to him and leaned up to whisper in his ear, “Make me.”

  He grabbed the back of her neck tightly. “You are playing with fire.”

  God help her but she was, but she did not care. She needed to know the Dragon, taste him, and become part of him if she was ever going to truly be reunited with Quinn. “I do not fear getting burned.”

  “Then God help you, wife, for you are about to get scorched and the scars it leaves may be too deep for you to ever forget.”

  “I do not want to forget the moments I share with you. I want to always remember."

  He reached out and with quick, rough hands stripped her bare, and then did the same to himself.

  She reached out and ran her hand down his chest. “I love seeing you naked.”

  “Worry not, wife, for I will make certain you see me naked often.”

  “Promise?” she whispered, bringing her lips close to his.

  He grabbed at the back of her hair and yanked her head back, bringing his mouth down near hers as he said, “You have the word of the Dragon. Now open your mouth for me.”

  This time she obeyed without question and was soon caught up in a kiss that had her lost in a haze of passion. He trailed the kiss down her neck, nipping as he went and sending gooseflesh racing over her before returning to her mouth.

  She jolted when his hands grabbed at her waist and lifted her to slam against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. And she startled again when he released her and her bottom slapped against the wood chest.

  His mouth left hers to once again nip down her neck to her breast and when his teeth caught hold of her hard nipple, she almost leapt off the chest. Her desire soared and with it the urge to touch him, and her hand slipped down between his legs.

  He felt like the finest wool, soft and smooth, though hard as metal and she enjoyed the feel of him in her hand.

  His hand settled over hers, squeezing it and moving it up and down. “Grow me harder,” he demanded and again she obeyed, though it was because she wanted to. She enjoyed the feel of him and the power of growing him large in her hand.

  He suckled at her breasts while she did as he told her, a mistake on his part. He thought he would come then and there, his manhood responding enthusiastically to her innocent touch, but he would not allow himself to. The entire night lay ahead of them and the Dragon was too ravenous to be satisfied with simply one feeding.

  While his mouth lingered at her breasts, his fingers drifted along her body, caressing as he went until he found that special spot in the triangle of hair between her legs and he began to tease it.

  She dropped her head back with a moan and her hand fell off him to join the other in gripping the edge of the chest.

  His hands cupped her hips and yanked her forward and as he did his own hips nudged her legs apart. Her eyes turned wide as she felt the tip of him ready to enter her, and she glanced down and gasped as she watched him drive into her swiftly. He sank deep inside her, then pulled out of her, though not completely.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded and when she did, his hands slipped beneath her backside, took firm hold, an
d lifted her enough so that he was able to move in and out of her with ease.

  Soon his rhythm turned hard and fast, and after only a few minutes, she said, “I am going to come.”

  “Aye, you are, many times tonight,” Rhys said and squeezed her backside as he yanked her hard against him.

  She let out a cry, grabbing his shoulders as she felt her passion climb and climb and climb until she let out a scream as she suddenly plunged into a never-ending climax that completely devoured her. When she thought she was finally spent, her head fell to rest on her husband’s chest.

  “You are not done yet,” he demanded as she fell against him. He pulled out of her, yanked her off the chest, and turned her around, bending her over to slip into her once more.

  She gasped, though still wet, he seemed to feel larger inside her this way and when he began to pound against her, she once again braced her hands on the edge of the chest and was shocked to feel another climax begin to build inside her.

  The slap of his body against hers with every thrust he delivered was like a strange enticing melody to her ears and fed her passion even more. So did the sharp, quick nips he delivered to the back of her neck with his teeth. But it was when his hand came around in front of her and his fingers began to work their magic on her nub that was beyond sensitive that she once again exploded in a climax and this time when she did, so did her husband.

  Rhys rarely let out a moan when he climaxed and if he did, it was barely heard. This climax had him roaring out loud. Never had a climax felt as good as this one. He continued to pound against her, wanting to savor every last bit of it. And when it was done, he bent over her, bracing his hands beside hers, feeling more spent than he ever had from a climax.

  They both remained like that for several minutes, neither wanting to move, neither wanting to separate. Finally and reluctantly, Rhys pulled out of her and turned her around to face him.

  A tear trickled down her cheek.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked his stomach tightening at the thought as he wiped the tear away.

  She shook her head, sniffling to keep more tears from falling.

  “Then why do you cry?”

  Another tear slipped out and she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. How did she tell him that whether he was the Dragon or Quinn, it did not matter? She loved them both with all her heart and then some.

  “Answer me, wife,” he demanded.

  She spoke from her heart. “I did not know how wonderful making love could feel.”

  A smile crept across his face, though his wife could not see it and he scooped her up in his arms. “I am not finished with you yet.”

  A grin quickly surfaced on her face as her arms went around his neck. “You just answered my prayer.”

  He held her tight against him as he walked down the stairs to their bedchamber. “You will tell me if you grow sore.”

  “And you will tell me if you grow tired.” Heather was shocked to hear him burst out laughing at her remark and her smile grew. He was not pulling her down into the darkness; she was pulling him out of it.

  Chapter Twenty

  Heather winced as her husband pulled out of her.

  “Damn it, Heather, I told you to tell me if you were sore,” Rhys said, rolling off her to sit up beside her in bed. “How sore are you?” he asked, his hands reaching to spread her legs further apart.

  Heather quickly closed them tight.

  Rhys looked down at her. “Do not tell me you are embarrassed for me to take a look when there is not a spot on you I have not seen, touched, or kissed.”

  “That was in the throes of lovemaking.”

  “You will obey me. Now spread your legs.”

  She shook her head.

  “Am I to understand that you will only obey me when we make love?”

  She smiled. “You are beginning to understand me.”

  “A pity that you have yet to understand me,” he said and moved so fast that Heather let out a sharp cry when he spread her legs wide.

  Rhys cringed when he took a look. “Damn it, Heather, you should have told me you were too sore to take me this morning.”

  “My desire for you outweighed my soreness,” she said her cheeks blushing red.

  “What can I do to ease your pain?”

  “Stop looking between my legs.”

  He closed her legs gently. “Now tell me how I can tend you.”

  “I will see to it myself.”

  “I caused this and I will make it right,” he insisted.

  She laughed softly. “I did not force you to lay with me.”

  He laughed as well. “I could argue that, since you can be quite demanding in bed...or out of it.”

  Heather blushed again, recalling the places they had made love in the room. She had straddled him while he sat upon a chair, and the door shook when he took her against it. Her blush deepened when she just now realized the guard could have heard them. And what of her screams? She had been wickedly loud when he bent her over the table and also the bed. Her hand went to cover her mouth.

  Rhys grabbed her hand. “Your deepening blush tells me your thoughts. I love the way you scream when I plunge deep inside you and I would order you never to stop,” —he grinned— “but it is not necessary, for you will never be able to stop yourself from screaming out your pleasure.”

  “It is your fault,” she argued.

  “Aye, it is,” he admitted, “as is this.” He laid his hand gently at the apex of her legs. “Now let me tend you.”

  Heather rested her hand on his arm. “Please, let me see to it?”

  “You ask like an obedient wife, so I will not refuse you, though know that I will not touch you again until I see for myself that you have healed.”

  “As you wish, husband,” she said, smiling.

  “I mean it, Heather,” he said sternly and his arm was quick to scoop her around the waist and bring her along with him to settle on his lap once he sat braced against his pillows. “Now tell me what you were doing on the upper floor last night.”

  She moved to settle more comfortably on his lap and recounted what Seamus had told her. “So, that is what took me there, though to no avail, for I found no secret passage.”

  “We will search the room together later when I am finished with things that require my attention.”

  Heather tucked a strand of his dark hair behind his ear, then ran her finger down along his jaw to his chin. She searched his face for the young man she loved, but it was the Dark Dragon she kept seeing. Had he devoured Quinn completely or had Quinn had no choice but to surrender to him.

  “Who was the man who made love to me for the first time in this bed? He touched and kissed me, but he was never truly here.”

  “A man trying to be someone other than who he is.”

  “Who is he?”

  “He is a man more used to harshness than to kindness. A man more used to roughness than to gentleness when taking a woman. A man more used to hatred than to love.

  Heather sat up straight. She ached to tell him that she had always loved him and always would, but she answered as she thought best for now. “I do believe I am falling in love with the Dark Dragon.”

  He took hold of her chin. “Do not waste your love on me, wife, for you will be sorely disappointed.”


  Heather stared at the sizeable wood chest two men had placed in the room under the window. The rain had stopped in the middle of the night, but the skies had remained overcast, so it was a gray light that filtered through the windows and over the chest.

  Rhys had told her that he was having it brought to her, explaining that perhaps she would find some garments in it that she could wear or perhaps stitch to fit her size.

  She had just finished tending herself with cool cloths and a light salve she had found worked well on the women in her clan who had suffered such a problem. Now she wanted to dress and get outside before rain fell again and forced her to remain inside. S
he opened the lid of the chest eager to find something to wear and be on her way.

  Her mouth fell open in shock. The chest was filled to the brim with women’s garments and as she rifled through them she wondered where her husband had gotten them all. Surprisingly, most looked as though they would fit her and the few that did not would need only a tuck or two. None appeared too small or too large.

  She chose a pale green garment that cinched at the waist and shoulders with ties, fitting her nicely. The sleeves fell just passed her elbows and it rode high on her chest. She did not want to waste time searching through all the garments, but she did dig her hands through the mound, hoping to find boots or shoes, and she was elated when she yanked out a pair of boots that strapped around the ankles. She was also delighted to find a pair of sandals, better left to use another day.

  With her hair neatly plaited, she hurried out of the keep, grateful to Nessa for having brought food to her after Rhys had left. She walked around the small village, calling out greetings, stopping to speak with those she knew and getting acquainted with those she did not know. Now and then she would cast a glance toward the barn, though she did not make it obvious. A guard sat in front of the door, so that not even a quick-footed person could get passed him. Still, she was determined to find a way in there.

  She walked along the edge of the woods talking with Belle until the woman excused herself to tend to her chores. Heather kept walking. She had thought she heard an odd noise when Belle had been there. Now she listened and was sure she heard something.

  An animal was in distress. Ever since she was young she could sense when animals needed help and they seemed to sense that she could help them. She never told anyone about it, though she often thought her father knew. He made mention time and again how her mum had a special way with animals.

  Heather stopped and listened and the sound broke her heart. She could not ignore the animal’s cries of distress. She knew ghost warriors had to be watching her, but she could be fast on her feet when necessary. She only hoped that she was faster than the warriors who would chase after her.


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