Christmas at Emelia's: Blossom Creek Novella

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Christmas at Emelia's: Blossom Creek Novella Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Let them be jealous,” she sings and comes to a stop. “Where are you parked?”

  “Usually out front of the station. However, your luck is in. I’m parked around the corner in the alley.”

  Emma picks up speed and before I know it, I’m sitting in my truck with her clambering on top of me. “Put your hands on me, Jared.”

  “They’re cold.” I hiss as she presses down on my lap.

  “I’ll warm them up.” Her lips find mine and all I can think about is touching her.

  I’m not quick enough as Emma has ideas of her own and has my pants opened and her fingers pulling my cock free. “Hurry.” She pants and wraps a hand around me. After moving her panties to the side, she slides down me.

  “Indecent exposure.” I hiss, grabbing her bottom. “Nathan is going to arrest us.”

  “I’m so hot for you, Jared.” She leans backward, resting against the steering wheel while rocking her hips. “I can assure you that this isn’t going to last long.”

  Reaching between her legs, I slip a finger into her panties and find her magic spot. “I feel ten years younger with you.”

  “Oh God! Help me,” she begs, throwing herself forward, hips moving frantically.

  I’m seconds from finishing us both off in my truck when I spot a car moving toward us down the alley. I can’t make anything out with the steamy windows, but someone is there and will know I’m in here.


  “Someone’s coming.”

  “I know.” Moaning and gasping, Emma comes on my dick. Her body shudders and her pussy pulsates hard, sucking my release free.

  I grip her hips and find I’m pressing her tightly to my groin instead of pushing her away. “Oh boy!”

  “I’ve never had sex in a truck before. I’ve never had sex in any kind of vehicle before.”

  “I hope to fuck I don’t know who’s pulled up in front of us.”

  “What?” Emma jerks in my arms. “What did you say?”

  My beautiful woman jumps from my lap and with a hiss, I close my eyes for a second as pleasure rushes through me at having her jump from my dick so suddenly.

  “Jared, get dressed.” I open my eyes and snap to it when I see Emma reach for me.

  “Don’t,” I rush out. “Sorry.” I wince. “If you touch me again, I’m never going to fit in my pants.”

  Giggling, Emma straightens herself and tries to peer out of the windshield. “I see the car but can’t make out if anyone is inside.”

  “Well, it wasn’t there when we got in the truck, so someone must have driven it there.” Tucking my shirt into my pants, I add, “Stay in here and I’ll go check it out.”

  “Yes, sir!” Emma offers a salute.

  Closing the door on her smirking face, I turn toward the car and freeze. Roy is leaning against the driver’s door facing the wall.

  The older man has the biggest grin on his face. “I never thought I’d be interrupting the sheriff.” He laughs. “Couldn’t decide whether or not to flash you.” He shakes his head. “Nathan talked me out of it.”

  “Oh, great! Who else knows?”

  “The station.” The old goat gets back into his car and reverses out of the alley.

  “Who was that?” Emma asks, coming up beside me while fastening her jacket.


  “I’ve met him. He works with you, right?”


  “They all know, don’t they?”

  “Afraid so.”

  “I don’t care. I feel lucky having the sole attention of the sheriff.” Emma smirks. “Just don’t tell my parents.”

  “You’re not bothered that the whole town will know we had sex in my truck?”

  “A week ago, I would have been. But here with you, I don’t care who knows.” She shrugs and, seeing my puzzled look, wraps her arms around my neck. “I wish I didn’t have to get back to the restaurant.”

  “I have to work too.” I kiss her sweet lips. “However, I’m looking forward to my date this evening with my beautiful girl.”

  “I’m looking forward to that too.”

  “Let me drop you off.” I open the door and help her inside the truck and groan at the look on her face. “Behave, woman!”

  “If I must.”

  Turning the engine over, I grin at my woman and head toward the restaurant. “Tell me about your cousin Ryker.”

  Sighing, Emma turns and glances at me before her eyes focus out the window. “Ryker is a great guy. I can’t believe he caused an accident. It’s so not like him. He’s a safe driver. Grew up where it snows throughout the winter months. It’s worrisome to me that he lost concentration or something. I’ll talk to him.”

  “Emma, I promise I’m not going after him. I made that decision before I even knew the two of you were related. Bea doesn’t want it to go further. Ryker is paying to sort her car out, and he’s already paid her medical expenses while she got checked out. It tells me he’s a good guy, and accidents do happen.”

  “I don’t know how I’m going to leave you.”

  I don’t know how I’m going to let you go.


  Vivien Taylor

  A bit of delicious afternoon delight must be what the doctor ordered because I feel amazing. As though I could take on the world, not that I need to do that. Levi hadn’t been bothered about my curves, and I can’t honestly remember the last time a man saw me naked. It’s Levi, though. The man fills me with confidence. I can’t wait until after the opening when I’m going to be spending the night in his apartment. He was more than adamant about that.

  It would seem I’m not the only one who had a joyful afternoon from the gossip I’ve heard concerning Levi’s sister. I’m only glad I wasn’t caught having sex in the middle of town in the afternoon. Talk of the sheriff will go on for months and certainly won’t be forgotten.

  I chuckle to myself as my hands slide down my body, smoothing the maroon-colored dress I’m wearing. The material clings to me. Molding to my curves is something I’ve always stayed away from in clothing. However, seeing Levi’s reaction to my body has given me the confidence I needed to bring this dress out from the back of my closet. As I slip my feet into a matching pair of high heels, I chance a look at myself in the full-length mirror on my closet door.


  Nerves flutter in my belly as I see myself as I imagine Levi will. I hear Ingrid padding softly toward my room and my heart pounds as I swallow around the lump in my throat, my hand rests on my tummy, waiting.

  Ingrid pauses when she appears in my doorway. “Levi won’t be able to keep his hands off of you,” she says, and moves into the room. “You look beautiful, Vivien. Sexy.” She smirks.

  “Are you sure?”

  She tips her head and holds my gaze. “You’re my sister and I love you. I wouldn’t lie to you, especially when I know how much you like Levi.” Ingrid slips an arm around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. “You look amazing.”

  Blowing out a loud puff of air, I turn to my sister. “Why haven’t you dressed?”

  “Nathan won’t be here for another thirty minutes, so I’m waiting to put my dress and shoes on. Knowing me, I’d end up spilling something on me before he got here.”

  “I forgot what a klutz you can be.” I nudge her with my hip and notice she doesn’t appear as happy as I am. “What’s going on?”

  “What if I get close to Nathan and then get pulled home. I don’t want a broken heart. I don’t want to break his. I really like him, Vivien.” Tears hover in her eyes as I reach for her and tug her into my arms.

  “This is your home, Ingrid. You have to live your life. Do not let our parents guilt you into returning home.”

  “Easier said than done sometimes.” She sighs.

  Holding her away from me by her shoulders, I say, “Forget about everything tonight and have an amazing time with Nathan.”

  “I can do that. I’m determined to do that.” Quickly hugging me, Ingrid runs out of my room
, shouting behind her, “Thanks, sis.”

  It worries me how our parents hold on to her and refuse to accept she wants to stay with me. She’s twenty and above the legal age to live her life her way. It’s something that niggles at me and comes back when the calls and texts start. It’s obvious they’ve started again with how worried Ingrid is.

  Moving slowly down the hallway, I slip my phone into my evening purse and pull on my insulated jacket. It’s been a while since I left the apartment in the evening, and with the snow and ice down, it’s going to be treacherous underfoot. As I arrive at the front door, I decide to change into my snow boots. Not exactly elegant, but undoubtedly safer and warmer. My toes feel cozy nestled in the fur.

  I smile and open the door when I hear footsteps shuffling outside. My smile widens when I find Levi there, looking handsome as ever in black jeans and a pale gray turtleneck sweater. His eyes do some traveling of their own before I fasten my coat and grab my heels up in my hands. “Don’t want to forget these.”

  “Hey.” Levi puts a hand on my arm. “I’ll carry those for you.” He leans closer and nuzzles into my neck. “You smell good enough to eat,” he says, taking hold of my shoes.

  Groaning, I slide a hand around to the back of his neck. “You can’t miss your opening night.”

  “I know,” he whispers. “I’m going to savor you tonight.” His lips brush along my jaw as he holds my gaze. “You know you’ll be meeting my parents this evening, right?”

  He watches me closely as I nervously lick my lips. “I haven’t met parents before.”

  Levi grins and presses a quick kiss to my lips. “Good.” He takes my hand and laughs. “At least we’re not the talk of the town.”

  “That must be embarrassing for Emma and Jared, especially with your parents in town.”

  Lifting me into his truck, Levi runs around and climbs in. “I can’t wait to see Emma’s face when she greets Mom and Dad. She’ll turn red as a tomato.”

  I punch him in the arm. “You’re a mean brother.”

  “No way! If it were us who’d been caught, Emma would be in the front row waiting for our parents to approach. No lie.”

  Chuckling at the thought, I stare out of the window and enjoy the feeling of being next to this man. I forgave him so quickly earlier today and I’m glad I did. Not because of how he made me feel when I did, but because I do like him. The love and affection he openly shows to his sister and cousin tells me he’s a good guy and deserves my forgiveness. I also need to admit that the way he looks at me melts my panties and gives me butterflies in my belly.

  “Um,” I mumble, trying to get comfortable.

  Levi snickers. “I’d love to know what you’re thinking about.”

  With an unladylike snort, I stare at his muscular thighs and laugh. “I’m not sure it’s wise while you’re driving.”

  “If you keep staring at my groin, you are going to make me late for my opening night.”

  Meeting his gaze, my eyes sparkle. “I’m not staring at your groin.”

  He raises a brow.

  “I’m staring at your thighs.” I reach out and trail a fingernail along his thigh and enjoy watching the shudder he can’t hold inside. “I’m going to enjoy trailing my fingers all over your body later tonight.” My eyes flicker to his groin and although I shouldn’t be, I’m surprised at the bulge pressing against his pants. “Oh,” I mutter. A teasing smile spreads across my lips as I follow the thick line with my fingernail before moving my hand back to my lap.

  Levi’s hands tighten around the steering wheel while he fidgets in his seat. I smile to myself, knowing that I’m responsible. If he wasn’t driving, I’m sure I could have come up with some other way of teasing the man. He’s irresistible and knows it too. However, I’m not sure he’s used to women teasing him in the way I’m enjoying. Reading between the lines, I’m guessing he’s always been a one-nighter, until now.

  I cast a quick side glance in his direction and sigh at his handsome profile. His lips twitch, and I change position slightly so I can see him better. For the remainder of the ride, I don’t move and wish the ride had been longer because I could watch this man all day and never get bored.

  “You’re very good at distracting me,” Levi says, his voice husky. “If we weren’t in the parking lot of Emelia’s with cars and people around us, I’d be pulling you onto my lap.”

  “I’m sure your sister wouldn’t mind having people talking about us instead of her.”

  “God,” Levi groans. “Please don’t remind me.” He shudders. “I don’t want to think about my sister in that way, although I’m still looking forward to the folks’ reaction.” He grins. “Stay put and I’ll come around and get you.”

  “My lady,” he says a few moments later. “Oh, wait. Let’s put your shoes on here and I’ll carry you to the door.”

  “What? No! I’ll leave my snow boots in the cloakroom.”

  “Woman! I want you in my arms before we go inside.” He starts pulling my boots off and drops them into the footwell.

  “If you massage my feet, I’m going to be uncomfortable all evening.”

  Levi lifts a brow. “Tell me more.”

  I pause, and add, “Your hands on any part of me make me hot and bothered.”

  He groans. “I think we better go inside.” He gently slips the heels on my feet and hauls me into his arms.

  “I’m heavy, Levi.”

  “Vivien,” he growls.

  “I’ll shut up now.”

  “Thank you.” Levi kisses the tip of my nose and carries me up the cleared path in front of Emelia’s. “There you go. All safe and sound.” He leans closer and whispers into my ear, “The only thing you were in my arms is all woman. My woman.” He nips at my lobe. “Once I get you under me, I’ll make sure you never have any doubt about how I think of you.”

  “Levi,” I groan. “I’m not going to be able to walk inside with what you do to me.”

  He gives a dirty laugh and, taking my hand, opens the door to the restaurant. I catch my breath at the beautifully decorated reception area. Although they’ve kept the barn feeling, they’ve given a modern twist to the décor. They’ve gone with dark wood inside with black-and-white photographs of the town of Blossom Creek. I recognize some of them from the walls of the hardware store.

  Taking my coat, Levi presses a kiss to the nape of my neck. He silently passes my jacket to the attendant and wraps an arm around my waist. “You look stunning, Vivien.” He winces. “My father is going to be well aware of where my thoughts are when he gets a sight of you.”

  “That, um, doesn’t sound right.” I frown and catch a wince on his face before he laughs.

  “I guess it didn’t. My dad knows me. He’ll know by the way I look at you that I want to be alone with you. My dad has always been head over heels in love with my mom. Embarrassingly so at times.”

  “I already like the sound of your parents. Wish mine were like that.” I wince. “That’s a story for another time. Not now. Not tonight. In the light of day.”

  “One morning, over breakfast.” Levi winks and pulls me over to an older couple, who I know straightaway are his parents.

  Levi looks just like his father; they have the same nose, chin, and cheekbones. His eyes are like his mother’s, green ocean.

  “I know who this must be,” his mother states. “Vivien, I’m so happy you forgave him for whatever he did. He never cooks for anyone but guests at Emelia’s, so it means something that he prepared you his and Emma’s favorite dishes.”

  I glance at Levi, who has a dark tint along his cheeks, and I lean in to press a kiss there. “It meant more to me than he’ll ever know that he did that.” I smile up at the man before returning my attention to his parents.

  “Where are my manners? I’m Emelia, and this handsome man is my husband, Dante.” The way Emelia stares up at her husband makes me want to swoon. And the dark look filled with promise that he gives his wife is the same way Levi looks at me when he wants his ha
nds on me.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” I glance around the restaurant at the people mingling, and ask, “How does it feel seeing the second Emelia’s?”

  “Not as good as it feels knowing our son is responsible for this,” Dante says, holding Levi’s gaze.

  I briefly squeeze Levi’s hand in support as I see emotion cross his face.

  “I never would have accomplished anything if it weren’t for you and Mom pushing my lazy ass.”

  That breaks the emotional tension that had filled the air.

  “You must stop by Temptations before you leave town,” I suggest. “My sister, Ingrid, works with me, so it’s a family business.”

  “Ah, of course. The chocolate robins that everyone is munching on. They’re amazing. I have such a sweet tooth,” Emelia says, and something over our shoulder catches her eye.

  I turn and find Emma looking up at Jared. They’re happy and smiling, and anyone watching can see how much they’re both in love. It makes me wonder how they’ll make it work, considering where they both live.

  Emelia has worry lines across her brow as she watches her daughter. Having noticed his daughter too, Dante wraps his wife closer and kisses the top of her head.

  “Go talk to Emma,” Levi suggests. “I’m going to introduce Vivien to Ruben and Rosie.” He laughs. “The three Rs.”

  “The three Rs sounds like a group or something.” I laugh as Levi drags me away.

  “Whatever! You and my parents can laugh all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that their names begin with the same letter.”

  “So, Ruben and Rosie are Ryan’s parents.” I grin. “Do not say it. Are any other members of Ryan’s family here? I’ve met Gretchen in the store.”

  “His brother, Jaxon, and his wife, Poppy, have come up. They won’t be staying long as they have a baby, so an early night for them. Back to Lexington tomorrow. The same with his sister, Sophia, and her husband, Shane. At least they’re here. Oh! I need to introduce you to my cousin Ryker. He’s around here someplace. I haven’t seen him since he arrived in town, though.”


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