Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace) Page 14

by Reese Monroe

  “Always have had a touch of foresight. It’s helping me stay ahead of things.”

  “Where are you? I’ll come get you and take you to Addie. The Gatekeepers will watch over you.”

  “That sounds just fine.” She smiled. “I’m at a motel in Alabama, but I’m getting the sense I should move on. I’ll tell you when I land at my next spot.”

  “No. We’ll come right now.” He tugged her to a stop.

  “Addie and Halena are your concern. I’ll get to you soon.” She smiled. “And don’t worry. She’ll forgive you.”

  “Not so sure she should.”

  A warm finger bumped under his chin. “You had noble reasons for what you did. You’ll earn her affections. You’ve already earned her respect. Trust The Great One and His plan, but don’t sit back waiting for something to happen or go wrong. Be proactive. Hone your skills. You’re stronger than any in our line, and you need to protect the women in your life.”

  “Me, protect? Lena’s stronger than I’ll ever be.”

  “Maybe physically, because she’s a Gatekeeper, but she has other vulnerabilities. Ask her about her Companion. There’s much insecurity there. A weakness that has forced her to keep her guard up, to not let anyone in.”

  “How do you know so much about her?”

  She tapped her temple. “I’ve been shown a few things to help.”

  “Love you, Grams.”

  She smiled, then faded from sight. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Slade slid his hand along his bare chest and faced skyward. Time to try this focusing thing, and starting with Addie might be a good place, considering she was an Oracle, too.

  Widening his stance, he zeroed his thoughts on his kid sister. Her giggle. Her insatiable appetite. Shopping. She loved—

  As if the world tilted, Slade stumbled to the side. His vision blurred, then landed on Addie.

  She laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. Yvonne tossed her an apple from the other side of the kitchen. “Eat, then we’ll train some more.”

  “I think I saw Grams earlier.”

  “That’s good. We’ll try again. Maybe reach out for Slade this time. I’ve read up on this. Oracles are connected, and you’re kin, so that connection is even stronger.”

  Holy shit, Slade was watching his sister? And Yvonne…they were at a house of some sort. A compound. That felt right.

  “You won’t let him become demon, will you?” Addie asked.

  “What do you see? Does he become one?”

  She shook her head. “I’m scared, Yvonne.” Addie slumped as she chewed her apple.

  “I know. But you’re tough, and you’re safe here. If we can tap into your power, and Slade’s, we’ll go take care of things.”

  “Will Theo be okay?”

  “Losing a limb takes a bit to heal, but he’s with Sadie, so he’ll heal fast. That baby in her is boosting her powers.”

  Addie looked out the window.

  “Addie?” Slade said. “Can you hear me?”

  She sat up. “Slade?”

  Yvonne dropped the knife she’d been using to butter bread and whirled around, eyes darting every direction.

  “I hear you.” Addie pushed up from her chair.

  “This is amazing.” Heat flushed through Slade’s chest.

  “Why can’t I see you? Where are you?” Addie patted her cheeks. “You’re warm.”

  Justin barged into the room, dagger drawn. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Addie just scared me. She hears Slade.” Yvonne reached for Justin. “Look at her. Her eyes are white.”

  “That’s creepy the way she’s just staring at…nothing.” Justin inched forward.

  So, Slade could still see the surroundings, but all they saw was Addie sitting in a chair.

  “I saw Grams today, too,” Slade said, wishing he could give Addie a hug.

  “She’s on the run. We need to get her.”

  “We will.” Slade smiled. “I can’t believe this. It’s better than cell phones. I can feel you.”

  “You, too. Why are you all sweaty?”

  “Was running on the beach.”

  “No fair. I want to be on the beach.”

  “I’ll bring you here when this is all over, okay?”


  “Pinkie swear.”

  She laughed. “I love you, Slade.”

  “You, too, sis. Talk to you soon.” Slade told himself to disconnect and come back to reality, and he did.

  A sharp pain at the base of his skull knocked him to his knees. He glanced around. All was calm. He rubbed his neck and rolled his shoulders. Okay, maybe he’d tried too much this first time. But he’d done it. She couldn’t see him, but still, it was a start.

  Once he rested he’d focus on this Gem thing. If he could find it somehow and help the Shomrei get it, they’d have all the Artifacts. There’d be no chance for Lucifer to do anything. Or Votar.

  Then he’d spend every waking moment earning Lena’s trust so she’d mate him for good.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Halena leaned back, letting the wind toss her hair off her face and neck. The sun heated her skin. Salty air and water swirled around her, wrapping her in a peaceful blanket.

  Savoring the gentle pressure on her muscles, she let the waves carry her worries away. Far away.

  Now that the Shomrei had the Necklace, might she find a bit of relaxation? Theo was off with his Mate, healing. Slade was safe, as was Addie. Maybe a Caribbean vacation was in order.

  Just a couple of days.

  With water now up to her chest, she dipped beneath the surface. All sounds muffled, leaving a calm, peaceful silence.

  She blew out a few bubbles from her nose, relieving the pressure. If only she could stay here, worry free. No Mate. No memories. No Artifacts.

  Tempting as that was, she pushed up to the fresh, crisp air.

  “Hey.” Slade’s voice sounded like a familiar song.

  She closed her eyes and faced the sun, letting it heat her skin. “Hey, yourself.”

  “I’ve always loved the ocean,” he said.

  “You’ve been many times?”

  “A few. First was with Mom and Dad. I was only five. We went to Florida.”

  “Let me guess. Amusement park? An American family ritual, right? I’ve read about how parents take kids so young to an overwhelming amusement park that they won’t remember. I’ve never understood that.”

  Slade laughed. “Me, neither. But I actually remember some of it. Well, more the bond of it. Make sense?”

  “I guess.”

  A comfortable silence fell between them. Standing next to him, with the waves lapping against her chest and the sun toasting her skin, all felt right with the world. Her mind calmed, and her breathing settled into a lull. Experiencing the Ahavah bond firsthand, when she’d only seen it with her Shomrei brethren, was both overwhelming and intoxicating. And they hadn’t even kissed or made love yet.


  She couldn’t imagine how intense the connection would get when that happened. When. Somewhere along the line it changed from if to when… Interesting.

  “Grams came and saw me,” Slade said.

  Halena turned toward him. “As in…a vision?”

  He nodded. “She gave me a talking-to about…things. Told me to get off my ass and learn how to use this Oracle gift I’ve been given.”

  Halena laughed. “She’s a feisty one.”

  “She’s on the move, too.”

  Water glistened on his chest, sliding through the valley between his pecs, and she couldn’t help licking her lips. Totally inappropriate timing, Halena.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” She backed up toward the shore, feeling Slade’s desire to help his grandmother. “Let’s go get her.”

  “You’d help her? Just like that?”

  “Of course. She’s an Oracle and demands our protection. The Great One would have my hide if I didn’t help her.” And because it is important to you.

sp; He reached out and snagged her hand. “She’ll text us from her next stop.”

  “If demons are after her, we shouldn’t wait. Use your power to find her.”

  Slade tightened his hold. “She said she’s fine. Didn’t sound worried.”

  “Well, she is an Oracle…”

  “I can see the light through the water.” He looked at their joined hands, inches below the surface.

  Little streaks of light radiated from where he touched her. Halena had seen that when Theo and Sadie held hands. Now she had that, too. Something she never thought she would. Actually, she’d never wanted it until Slade came into her life.

  “Tell me about your Companion.”

  Her heart stopped, and she tried to twist out from his grasp. Slade stepped closer. “Don’t. Tell me. Please.”

  She didn’t want to talk about it. Even though four centuries had passed, it still hurt like a son of a bitch. She couldn’t—

  “Lena,” he whispered.

  Tears stung. Lena. It spoke to her in a way nothing ever had. She’d never let anyone close enough to earn a nickname.

  She couldn’t refuse him. She needed him, needed their connection. “She was killed.” I failed her.


  “Trying to help me.” She closed her eyes and was thrust into the memory.

  “Halena, I finally found you.” Drucilla tugged at the chain holding Halena prisoner.

  “Dru. You shouldn’t be here.” Halena lay limp on the stone slab. “How’d you find me?”


  “Where is he?” Halena’s breath faltered. So weak. So injured. Months trapped in Hades had taken its toll both physically and mentally.

  In an instant, Dru was slammed into the steaming granite wall. She slumped to the ground.

  “No!” Halena’s throat burned.

  “Stupid Companions. So focused on saving their Gatekeepers.” Gray, a demon Halena’d vanquished years ago, smiled. She’d gotten to know that sadistic grin beneath the ministrations of his torture. “They don’t consider their own well-being.”

  He knelt beside Dru and held up his blade.

  “No. No. No,” Halena whimpered, barely able to hold up her head. “Please don’t.”

  Gray growled and sank his blade into Drucilla’s chest, then buried his fangs in her neck. Dru’s eyes shot wide, but only for a brief connection to Halena. I’m sorry, sister.

  It was Drucilla’s voice.

  No. Hold on, Dru. Hold on.

  Halena yanked at her restraints.

  Come on, Halena. Pull! she ordered herself, the metal cutting into her flesh so deeply she thought she’d sever her hand at the wrist. She’d do that for Dru. She would. Please, Great One. Don’t take her from me!

  Madness would ensue. Gatekeepers relied on Companions to keep them sane over the long years of servitude until the Gatekeepers found Mates.

  The restraint snapped where it had been fastened to the concrete wall. The second one broke before the demon even moved. Halena, wearing the steel bracelets, rammed into the demon. While he was gaining his senses, she sped over to the corner for her Mavets. One powerful lunge and her weapons were buried to the hilts in Gray’s chest. “Reverto ut Abyssus!”

  Tears cascaded down Halena’s cheeks. Black soot plumed, and she fell to the ground. She scrambled to her Companion. “Drucilla. Please. Dru!”

  Dru lay on her back in Halena’s arms, limp, unmoving. Halena closed her eyes and looked skyward. Her fangs shot out, the beast trying to take away the wounds.

  To save her.

  But no pain registered. There was no pain to absorb.

  Dru was gone.

  A shimmering white dust settled over Halena’s lap, clinging to the moist blood soaking her fatigues. All that remained of her Companion glistened on the granite floor of Hades.

  Movement snapped Halena back to reality. Slade stood before her, hands clasped at her neck, thumbs stroking her skin.

  “Oh my God, Lena,” he whispered.

  She went to step out from his touch, but he shook his head and kept hold. “Don’t.”

  “I can’t do this, Slade. I just…can’t.”

  “I get it, Lena. Fuck the world, right? Fuck everyone.” He ducked into her line of sight. “Stay cold, push everyone away so you never lose anyone again. Son of a bitch. You think I don’t know that feeling? That anger?”

  She froze. Of course he knew. His mom and dad were taken from him. He saw all the way into her soul, didn’t he? Was it because of his Oracle status, or because he was her Mate? Great One, why him? Why?

  Because he’s your match.

  The Great One’s voice shook through her. Slade’s grip tightened. Had he heard that, too?

  It’s the journey, child. Search out your feelings.

  She remembered what Theo had said, that she must seek out The Great One’s help to forgive Slade and open up to him. For so long she’d been on her own. Fighting…everything and everyone.

  So focused on being a Shomrei Gatekeeper, following the rules, slaying demons. She’d lost touch with The Great One’s bigger plan.

  “So, her name was Drucilla? And you were together for four centuries?”

  She nodded.

  “That’s a shitty hand to be dealt, Lena.”

  She knew he was thinking about his betrayal. Longing to connect with her, take care of her, swam through his thoughts. He could, too. Hell, he already had. She hadn’t told anyone, in such detail, how Dru died or about the guilt and regret she had carried since that day.

  With Slade here, the hole in her gut left by Dru’s death slowly filled. It would never fully heal, but Slade, her Mate, soothed the ache. He made her feel alive again, even hopeful.

  “Slade.” Her legs trembled. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t.” He gathered her into an embrace.

  She’d dreamed of a connection like this, one filled with forgiveness, encouragement, and…love. She felt it—and his desire—radiating from his body. He buried his hand in her wet hair and drew her face to his neck, then rocked side to side.

  God, that was soothing, even more than the sway of the water, like he was absorbing centuries of pain from her heart. Her soul.

  She wove her arms around his waist and held on. Tears streamed down her face, but hopefully he’d think it was the ocean water spraying up.

  It didn’t matter. He was her Mate; she could cry in front of him. Sharing that memory of Drucilla connected them on a deeper level, and she never wanted to kiss him more than right now. A long, leisurely kiss, like the couples she’d seen over the centuries.

  Tender lips brushed her bare shoulder as his arms pulled her closer. Strong, protecting arms. Right then it didn’t matter that he’d betrayed her to Votar. All the angst surrounding that vanished, the waves carrying it out to sea.

  A weight glided off her shoulders. So freeing. Enlightening. Strength seeped into her bones, her soul. It was Slade. He was in her, melding with her very being.

  Her neck pulsed. He drew in a quick breath, and he loosened his hold slightly, letting water rush between them. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

  She pulled him flush to her again and felt exactly why he’d broken away. Her face heated, and her breathing morphed into shallow pants.

  “Slade.” Burrowing her fingers into his hair, she cradled the back of his skull in her hand. With her other, she gripped his marked shoulder. “I forgive you.”

  His eyes shot wide. She leaned in to press her mouth against his. “Wait.” He shifted slightly so her lips met his cheek. “Lena.”

  “I want this. I’m ready for the next step.”

  “But…you said—”

  “I forgive you. That’s what I said. I. Forgive. You.” She eased in again. “You’re mine.”

  “We can’t do this. It’s what Votar wants, and I refuse to do anything that might put you in danger.” He skimmed his hands over her butt and lifted her. At the touch of his tender hands on her thighs,
she opened to him, and a line of heat shot straight to her stomach. “I need to be close to you.”

  “But you won’t kiss me?”

  He pulled her body to his, and she drew in a sharp breath at the contact as she locked her ankles together at the small of his back. “I made a promise to you.” Shifting his weight just right made her stomach clench. “To not let you kiss me.”

  “That was before. I seem to remember you saying you’d kiss me if I asked.” His hands forged a path to her butt, guiding her movements.

  “If you ask me when we’re fully clothed and in our right minds, I might kiss you until you can’t see straight.” He sucked hard on her neck, where her Mark was. It sent a jolt of electricity straight to her core.

  He stepped deeper into the water, and she asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Moving so prying eyes can’t see my sexy Mate’s body.” He smiled as he reached between them. “I’m not good at sharing.”

  She leaned back and smiled, wanting to show him her body, all of it. He made her feel beautiful, important, treasured. He flicked the clasp of her bra open, and she wiggled out of the fabric. Sweeping a smoldering gaze down her body, he let out a moan, as she threaded her hands behind his neck. He smiled and let go of her. “For an old fart, you’re sexy.”

  She smacked his chest. “Frat boy.”

  He smiled as he cupped her breasts, and she sighed, tilting her head back. Heat pulsed through her veins as he touched her so gently.

  Rolling his hips, he hit her in exactly the right spot, and she couldn’t help gasping.

  “I love that look on your face.” He bit at her shoulder. “And that I put it there.” He pulsed against her. “I need…you.”

  Sliding her hand between them, she dipped beneath the elastic band of his underwear. As she made contact with his smooth skin he inhaled a sharp breath, and she was pretty sure he growled.

  That just cranked her even tighter. Her fangs elongated as he picked up the pace, and she couldn’t help but nip at him. Mine.


  Hand in hand, Slade and Lena walked along the beach. He’d never felt so close to someone before. The moment she said she’d forgiven him, everything felt like it had clicked into place.

  And holy hotness with the fangs. A ripple of pleasure surged through his body at the thought.


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