Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace) Page 17

by Reese Monroe

  Somehow that didn’t help—at all!

  “Okay.” He tapped fifteen digits into the keypad, and a screen popped up. He pressed his thumb to it and made a triangle, then another triangle upside down.

  The screen flashed green, and the locks unhitched. A woman screamed and lunged. Brenton kicked Slade in the chest, sending him five feet down the hallway, then dove in the other direction.

  The woman let out a pained cry and fell to the floor, holding her stomach. Her breathing was ragged, sputtering. Slade hopped up and immediately recognized Justin’s Mate. “Yvonne.”

  She looked at him with glazed eyes. Sweat covered her forehead. “Justin. He’s— Justin!”

  Brenton shot to his feet. “Where is he?” He reached for her, then stopped. “Yvonne. I’m Brenton. Gatekeeper. I know I can’t touch you, but you’re injured. Can you heal?”

  “Yes. It’s slow, though. Poison.” She pushed up. “Hurry. Fourth floor.”

  “Addie?” Slade stepped into the panic room. Only his echoing voice greeted him.

  “I’m sorry, Slade. They got her.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Halena crept down the hallway, Mavet in each hand, even though she didn’t sense any demons. Zander followed closely.

  The area was so still. The first two vaults had been cleaned out. “Must have been some very powerful demons here to work such magic to get into these vaults. Something you helped them with?” she asked Zander.

  “No. I swear. But I’m not the only witch out there. There are more powerful than me, at least for now while I’m developing. Not Evania’s level of magic, but you know what I mean. And then there’s Lucifer. He’s got enough power to get through pretty much anything if he needs to.”

  “If he’s involved again, then there’s trouble,” Halena said.

  “I heard about Pario and how Lucifer personally came up and got him. Good thing Archangel Gabriel showed up,” he said.

  “How’d you know about that?”

  “Once I got settled, I asked around.”

  Halena glanced over her shoulder at the witch. “You’re pretty resourceful.”

  “Yeah, well, like I said, I’m gaining power, and it comes in handy with the resourcefulness.”

  She bet it did. Damn evil being, yet he didn’t trigger her demon sense. Never had. And Theo had trusted this creature to help him before, so Halena would as well.

  “Two more vaults to check. Do you know which Artifacts were where?”

  “No. Only Theo. We couldn’t chance anyone hacking into our minds. Damn demons have been gaining strength. After the last compound breach, things changed.”

  The door to the third vault was cracked open. She put up her hand, and Zander stopped. Halena drew in a deep breath and picked up the coppery scent of blood. Lots of it. She recognized another scent. “Justin.”

  She hurried to the door and saw his foot propping it open. Throwing her weapons to the ground, she skidded on her knees beside him.

  “What’s up with you always getting filleted?”

  Justin groaned as he pushed to his side. “Yvonne—”

  “Stop moving. Or do you want to bleed out?” Not that he could, really, but merde this cut around his neck was deep.

  Sliding her hand along his cold skin, she covered the wound. A battering ram of pain pounded into her skull.

  “Oh my God, Justin!” Yvonne’s screech flooded the room. She ran to his other side. “Justin. Halena, please. Heal him,” she cried as she groped at her Mate’s face.

  “Hey, watch the hands.” Halena settled onto her butt as she clutched Justin’s neck and focused on absorbing his injury. “He’ll be fine.” Energy poured out of her. Breathing became much more effort than it should have been.

  Yvonne whimpered as she pressed kisses to Justin’s face. “Big dummy pushed me into the panic room.”

  “Just…protecting you.”

  Wow, the travel, lack of food, and all-around fatigue was hitting home right now. No way this injury should be wiping her out like this. She kept one hand on Justin and propped herself up by the other so she wouldn’t topple over. Her pulse thundered through her head like a drum, and everything felt heavy, even the air around her. The tips of her fingers tingled, and the corners of her vision curved as darkness crept in. It felt like a car rested on her chest it was so difficult to breathe.

  “Slade.” Need a little jump here…


  “Lena?” Slade shook her shoulder. “Lena?”

  A hint of metallic taste coated his tongue and her face paled.

  “Can she die doing this?” Slade asked anyone who might be listening.

  “No,” Brenton said from outside the room. “Justin’s taking energy so fast, it’s hitting her hard.”

  “Mon Dieu,” she whispered, her body slouching toward him.

  You are so strong, Lena. I’m going to get my kiss after this. Long and hard, you hear me? I’m going to taste every part of your mouth like I’ve been wanting to. And those fangs. We’ll be testing them out again, my playful little cougar.

  Lena smiled. “Deal, frat boy.”

  Justin let out a grunt, and his eyes snapped open. “Okay…” He coughed. “Good.”

  “Thank you, Halena. So much.” Tears fell from Yvonne’s bloodshot eyes.

  “What the hell happened in here?” Brenton asked.

  “Not now,” Slade said. “Where can I take her to rest?” And kiss her senseless…

  “Second floor, a few doors past the panic room, there’s another living space,” Yvonne said, then planted a kiss on Justin’s lips.

  Cradling his Mate close, Slade got to his feet.

  “I can walk,” Lena said, her voice considerably more airy than usual.

  “That’d be a no. Just let me take care of you for once.” Slade nodded to Brenton. “Show me where.”

  Stepping over Justin’s arm, Slade made his way to the door, holding her face to his neck for contact. No wonder healing Justin wiped her out; they’d been traveling for hours, hadn’t eaten in ages, and were just plain tired.

  The elevator jerked to a stop on the second floor. Brenton held the doors open and led Slade to a door three down from the panic room. He held that open, and Slade hurried through. “Go. I’ll check on Yvonne and Justin.”

  Slade kissed Lena’s forehead, then settled her on the bed. Her pale face nearly blended in with the white pillowcase. But her long wine-red hair was a stark contrast.


  “Let me get you out of these clothes.”

  “Mmm, so tired…” Lena settled into the pillow as Slade worked off her jeans.

  Next to go was the bloody shirt.

  A burning heat bloomed in his chest, throbbing, and it stole his breath. He knew then that he had to lie with her, give her this energy bubbling inside him.

  The heat he was generating was for her, wasn’t it? To refuel her.

  “Okay, Lena. I’ll take care of you.” He stripped to his boxers and sneaked under the covers. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he turned her to face him, then eased onto his back, holding her close.

  She hissed, and those dangerous but sexy fangs shot out. He wanted to kiss and explore every sharp point of them.

  Her leg snaked over his, and she snuggled impossibly closer, just like she’d done when she’d healed him from his stab wound. She’d sacrificed so much for him…for Addie.

  He loved her. The realization settled over his mind and heart like a soft blanket. Home.

  Lena grunted, and her grip tightened.

  “Shhh. We’re safe. Just heal, sweetheart. Just heal.”

  He knew that once she was awake he wouldn’t be able to refuse kissing her. Hell, he wasn’t sure he’d have the strength to not seal the mating bond entirely.

  But he had to. She would not become vulnerable because of his weakness.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Halena looked at her sleeping Mate. His head was tilted away from her, and she could see the
pulse jumping in his neck. Slow and steady.

  Steady. Just like he’d held her last night. Or yesterday. She couldn’t tell what time of day it was in this windowless room.

  His breathing hitched, and she sensed his mind nearing consciousness. But it was solely focused on her. Even in his slumber he thought of her. Such a great provider. Protector.

  Once, the idea of having those kinds of thoughts scared her; it would bring her too close to opening herself to someone. But now, they were the golden rope of hope. Slade had made shitty decisions that led to her being captured, sure, but she’d made equally shitty decisions as well. Keeping everyone at arm’s length, isolating herself from her Shomrei family. That had weakened her more than anything. She’d dishonored The Great One—and Dru—in the process.

  His eyelids fluttered open, and his head angled toward her. “You’re awake.”

  She nodded.

  He drew her close until their foreheads touched. “Please tell me it’s okay to kiss you now.”

  “I’ve been waiting about eight centuries for your kiss, frat boy.”

  His lips met hers with a blast of energy. Heat. Pain. Pleasure.

  It spiked from her heart and poured directly into her neck. He tilted his head and took command. Tasting her.

  Owning her.

  She remembered hearing him whisper how he was going to do that. How he was going to taste her like he’d been wanting to for so long. Mine.

  Edging closer, she rested her hand on his chest. He cupped her neck, his thumb caressing her Mark, and she could feel it rising as the bond between them strengthened.

  Her body warmed, softening, wanting him, but her lungs burned for air. She couldn’t move, though, didn’t want to move ever again. For eternity she’d want only him.

  Make love to me.

  He slowed his kiss. “Lena,” he whispered.

  That nickname coming from his mouth felt so right. Intimate.

  “Let me see.”

  She tilted her head to the side, and his fingers danced across the raised Mark. It had changed into a blood link, sharing the same pulse as his shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” He touched a kiss to her lips. “Really okay?”

  She answered him with a deep, leisurely kiss. Tasting him, like he’d just tasted her. Learning every crevice of his mouth, each dip and curve. She crawled atop him until she lay flush against him, her body molding to his hard planes.

  His hands skimmed her spine to her butt and sneaked beneath her panties. I love you, Lena.

  The words were so loud that she thought, at first, that he’d actually said it. She eased back and looked down at him. His eyes were wide and dilated.

  “I do. I love you.”

  He’d said it. The rest of the guards around her heart crumbled, crashing to the floor of her chest.

  “You have my heart, and my respect.” She touched a kiss to his lips. “Make love to me.”


  “You’re not going to make us be more fully clothed and in our right minds again, are you?” She kissed his cheek, then his neck. “I might explode.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I want you, but you’ll be vulnerable to death. And in my vision, I was demon yet a fully mated Shomrei. I won’t allow that.”

  It took quite a strong man, in the state his body was in, to refuse sex. “I will only ever want you. You’re mine, and I want all of my Mate.”


  “Will become one. I’ll come into my true power once I fully mate with the one chosen for me. We’ll both be stronger than you can imagine.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” His jaw clenched, and she thought he might push her away. “God, I want you—want this. But—”

  She silenced him with her mouth. He pushed her panties down and rolled her onto her back as he edged them entirely off. Sliding his gaze over her bare body, his hand followed suit as his fingers grazed her breasts.

  “You’re mine, Lena.”

  Smiling, she nodded. Enough with fighting The Great One on this mating thing. Slade completed her. His quiet but solid strength made her stronger.

  Lights streamed across her skin as his fingers dipped below her belly button.

  Chocolate eyes stared at her as he made his way to the spot burning for him. Threading her fingers through his hair, she closed her eyes, and she fell into the sensation of his strong fingers teasing her, learning her.

  “Slade.” She clawed at his boxers, ready to shred them if they didn’t disappear in about three seconds.

  He smiled against her mouth, and she helped him out of them, never separating from his lips.

  No barriers. Nothing between them. Finally.

  He eased between her legs and found his spot, then stopped. Propping himself on his elbows, he rested his hands on her forehead and kissed her hard. “For eternity.”

  And they were one.

  She held him steady, relishing the feeling of him deep inside. He kissed her nose, her eyes, then her lips. Gentle yet controlled, as if holding back. Her fangs snapped through her gums.

  “There’s my little cougar.” He licked her fang.

  The Mark pulsed a frenzied beat; heat streaked across her chest. She toed the line of her control. That delicious tongue of his slid along her neck, his momentum never faltering.

  A hard suck had her crying out, but the tender kiss that followed chased the brief sting away. Only the soft lips grazing her skin and the feel of him moving within her existed. She’d found her other half. The piece of her soul that had been missing.

  Everything settled into place. Yes, her neck was vulnerable now, but she’d found the other half of her soul. That empowered her more than anything ever had before.

  He stroked the back of her thigh, guiding it up, as he trailed kisses to her chest. With a gentle tug, he opened her even more to him as he drew her tender flesh into his mouth. Settling deeper than ever imaginable, she arched into his touch, accepting every bit of him. Needing it.

  Joined body, soul, and spirit, she gasped at the overwhelming peace encompassing her. Never alone again. Fates sealed for eternity. One soul.

  He looked up through locks of hair that’d fallen forward and shifted his hips. A ripple of pure pleasure streaked down her center.


  Propping himself up, he reached between them. “Go,” he whispered.

  Her mind and soul opened, linking with his, as she broke apart. Images of him throughout his life ignited in her mind, and her heart swelled. With hope. Love. Faith in him and The Great One.

  Slade had been chosen for her. He was hers for eternity.

  “Lena.” At the sound of his voice, she dived into bliss with him. And if she had her way, she’d never surface again.


  Slade feathered kisses along Lena’s perfectly curved neck, nibbling her collarbone. He hadn’t yet rolled off her. He couldn’t. More like didn’t ever want to.

  They’d had sex, sealing the bond. They were eternally connected.

  The air crackled above him. Lena’s fangs were out. Maybe she needed another nibble. He was up for round two—

  Before he got another thought out, pain pierced his neck. Searing. Intense. Then, like a melting-hot knife carved into his skin, his flesh seemed to catch fire. What was happening?

  It’s okay. He zeroed in on Lena’s face. It glowed as if she had a bright inner light beneath her skin. Her evergreen eyes shone with tears, but she smiled. Our Ahavahs are forming.

  She tilted her head to the side. Deep red lines spiraled down her neck, weaving, twisting. He thought he heard skin sizzling, but wasn’t sure. Pain danced up his neck as he watched the ink move along hers.

  Their Marks. The final step.

  He marveled at the beauty as he brushed his fingers along the swirling lines. Her pulse raced. As did his.

  A crackling, like twigs snapping, vibrated through his head. Heat prickled along his jaw, and his mouth ached. Terribly.

na moaned and framed his face with her hands. She curled up her lip.

  He ran his tongue along his teeth and was stung by a sharp prick. Fangs.

  You’re mine. She lifted her head and brushed her tongue along his new teeth. Mine.

  He pressed his lips to hers, tentatively. Their teeth knocked, igniting his desire.

  Slowly, he slid into her as if they’d never separated. She squeezed his ass, urging him impossibly deeper. The burning in his neck and shoulder ebbed, leaving the pulse of his desire pounding in his chest.

  Tension coiled along his spine, and he picked up the pace. She met his movements with equal vigor. When she tightened around him, he gave her everything. Every part of himself. Mind, body, soul.

  Lena growled, the sound vibrating through her chest and into his. His body trembled as her hands traced up his back.

  “It’s done,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “I love you, Slade. With my everything.”

  She settled into the pillows, her cheeks rosy from their lovemaking. Her fangs retracted, and his followed suit, sending a ripple of crackling through his skull.

  “Wow.” She smiled. “You’re pretty good at that already.”

  “Hadn’t read about getting fangs.”

  The bed shook with her laughter. “And the Mark?”

  He pressed a kiss to her damp forehead. “Oh yeah!” He cranked his head to the side to see the artwork, and what he could see of it from this angle, he loved. Especially because she had the exact same markings. Only the bigger one was on her neck, where his was on his shoulder.

  “Shit… You’re vulnerable now.”

  “But even stronger. And we’re going to kick Votar’s ass. Together. And if we have to, we’ll go straight to Hades to get Addie back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Justin shook his head as Halena opened the refrigerator and swiped a beer. “If you say a word, I’ll finish what the demons started on you.”

  “Yikes.” Justin patted his chest and inched his chair closer to Yvonne, then whispered, “Cradle robber.”

  Halena looked at the happy couple, and the usual envy didn’t bubble to the surface. Now that she had Slade, she had that same…happiness. Security.


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