Red Letter Day

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Red Letter Day Page 27

by Colette Caddle

  Dominic eyed the suitcases lined up in Kay's hall. 'I've no idea where we're going to put all of this,' he murmured.

  Kay laughed. 'That's only her clothes. Wait until you see what's in the garage!'

  'What's that?' Marina emerged from the kitchen clutching a large box. Even though she was wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, she still managed to look glamorous.

  'I was just warning Dominic about the garage.' Marina smiled as she handed over the box. 'Don't, Mum, he might change his mind.'

  'No chance of that,' Dominic said, 'although I hope you're a good nurse. Because I'm not sure my back is up to this.'

  'Henry Higgins in a wheelchair,' Kay laughed.

  'You are coming to the show, aren't you, Kay?' Dominic asked his future mother-in-law.

  'I wouldn't miss it.'

  'It should be quite a night,' Marina said excitedly. 'Richard is having a party afterwards in his penthouse — I can't wait to see it.'

  'I'll be coming straight home to Josh,' Kay said.

  'You know you could stay at Dominic's with him if you want.'

  'That's okay, we'll be fine here.'

  Dominic paused on his way out to the car with two suitcases. 'You have to stop calling it "Dominic's". It's your home now too.'

  Marina grinned at her mother. 'It's going to take some getting used to.' She watched Dominic piling the cases into the car. 'I hope I'm doing the right thing, Mum.'

  'Of course you are, love. Everything's going to be just fine. Oops' — she looked at the clock — 'I'd better go and collect Josh. Why don't I take him for an ice cream and give you two a bit more time?'

  'That would be great, Mum, thanks. I want to get his room ready first. If I set up his light and posters and put the Thomas the Tank Engine duvet cover on the bed it should make him feel right at home.'

  'He'll settle in just fine. You know he loves Dominic's garden.'

  Marina nodded, smiling. 'And Dominic's going to clear out the shed and turn it into a sort of playhouse.'

  'Ah, sure, he won't miss this place at all.'

  Marina hugged her. 'He'll always want to come and visit his granny.'

  Kay pulled away, blew her nose and collected her bag and car keys. 'Okay, then, I'll see you two later.'

  Dominic shut the back door of his car and turned to Marina. 'Right, I'll drop this lot over. I should be back in half an hour or so.'

  Marina kissed him lightly on the lips. 'Are you having any second thoughts?'

  'None, you?'


  He kissed her again. 'I'll pick up some black sacks on my way back and we can put Josh's toys in them.'

  'Right, bye.' Marina stood in the doorway until he'd driven off and then went back upstairs. With the exception of some books and photographs her room was empty. On a sudden impulse she decided to strip the bed and put the clothes into the washing machine. She laughed as she carried the pile downstairs. Her mother would be in shock! Then she went up to Josh's room and stood in the doorway. She would leave some toys here — Kay had insisted she was keeping the room exactly the same for whenever Josh came to stay — the rest would come with them. She opened the wardrobe and drawers and started to fold his clothes into a neat pile on the bed. Some she put to one side. Josh was growing and this stuff could go to the charity shop. She would be buying him some new things for the trip to Nevada anyway. At least having the wedding in the US meant there was no reception to organise. She could focus all her energies on clothes and shopping, her favourite pastime. It was going to be quite a challenge on a budget. The bank loan was paying for the shop conversion but Dominic and Marina still needed to watch every penny until they were up and running.

  By the time Dominic returned, Marina had finished with Josh's stuff and was out in the garage.

  'Wow, your mother wasn't kidding,' he said with a low whistle as he came to stand beside her.

  'We can sell it,' Marina offered, but he saw the sadness in her eyes.

  'No way, some of this furniture is beautiful.'

  'Do you really think so?' Next to clothes, Marina's passion was antiques. She regularly trawled through shops and markets but only bought when she fell completely in love with something.

  'Absolutely! I've always wanted to buy some good furniture for the house but I don't have the eye or the know-how or the money.'

  Marina wrapped her arms around him. 'You know, I think you and I are going to get along just fine.'

  Dominic kissed her. 'I never doubted it. Look, let's leave the furniture for today. It would be great if we had Josh's room ready before he arrives.'

  They packed the last of the bags into the car and drove over to Dominic's. While Marina went to work on Josh's new bedroom, Dominic made a plate of sandwiches and a fresh pot of coffee.

  'Everything okay?' Dominic asked when Marina joined him.

  'Perfect!' she announced and bit into a sandwich. 'I can't wait to show him his room.'

  'Why don't you ask Kay to stay tonight? Josh might feel happier having her in the room with him on his first night.'

  'That's a great idea,' Marina agreed, 'I'll ask her.'

  Josh and Kay were playing in the garden when they went back to collect them.

  'Mummy, Mummy!' Josh came running and she scooped him up into her arms and swung him around.

  'Hello, darling, are you having fun with Granny?'

  'Yes, we had ice cream and now we're playing football.'

  Marina looked at her red-faced mother. 'Well, I think you should finish that game in Dominic's — in our new house.' She smiled over his head at Dominic.

  Josh scowled. 'I don't want to move. I want to stay with Granny.'

  'But look at the wonderful garden you'll have to play in,' Kay pointed out. 'Much nicer than Granny's. And Dominic can play football much better than me.'

  'Will you play football with me, Dominic?' Josh asked.

  'Sure I will, pal.'

  'Okay, then.'

  Marina shot her mother a grateful look. 'Mum, will you come with us too? You could stay the night.'

  Kay hesitated. 'Is that a good idea?' She lowered her voice so Josh wouldn't hear. 'Maybe a clean break would be better.'

  'Josh, go and wash your hands, we'll be going in a minute.' When he'd run inside, Marina turned to Dominic. 'What do you think?'

  He shrugged. 'It's up to you, but I don't think there's a need for a clean break, Kay. There's a bed for you in our house and you're welcome to use it whenever you want.'

  Kay smiled. 'Well, that's very kind of you, Dominic, thank you.'

  'So, Mum, will you come?'

  Kay stood up. 'Just let me go and pack an overnight bag.'

  When they were alone in the garden, Marina hugged Dominic. 'I never thought I could be this happy. Now if we could just get our bridesmaid and best man together, everything would be perfect.'

  Dominic, who'd seen Celine and Richard walk past the newsagent's this morning hand in hand, smiled. 'I think your wish may have already come true.'

  Chapter 45

  Fergus had just got home when there was an urgent knocking on the back door. With his heart pounding in his chest, he went into the kitchen and edged his way towards the door. The banging came again.

  'Fergus! It's Inspector Murphy, open this fucking door!'

  Hastily, Fergus complied. 'What the hell are you doing here?' He let Declan in, closed the door and locked it. 'What if the house is being watched?'

  'The only one who's watching it is my lads,' Declan assured him. 'Now what the hell's going on?'

  Fergus shook his head. 'I don't bloody know. I haven't heard a word from Mick and he hasn't been at the club either.'

  Declan frowned. 'Do you think he's done a runner? Could he have found out we were after him?'

  'Dunno.' Fergus lit a cigarette and dragged on it long and hard.

  'Tell me exactly what he said to you the last day you met.'

  'I've told you that a dozen times already—'

  'Tell me again,'
Declan barked.

  With an impatient sigh, Fergus reeled off the short conversation that he'd had with Garvey. 'Then I asked him would he be in the club later and he said no, that he was going to see someone.'

  Declan's head jerked up. 'You never told me that before. Who was he going to see? Think, Fergus!'

  'I don't know. It was someone who was trying to muscle in on his patch. Then he showed me a knife and said that it was a mistake to mess around with him.'

  Declan stared at him, incredulous. 'And you never thought to mention this before?'

  Fergus stubbed out his cigarette. 'Sorry.'

  Declan pressed the speed-dial on his phone. 'Yeah, it's me, look I need you to check something out for me. Do a search on the system for any other new dealers in the Sandhill area and anywhere in a ten-mile radius. Ring me back as soon as you find anything.' Declan hung up. 'Right, I'll be in touch.'

  'What are you going to do?'

  'Never mind. Just carry on as normal and if Garvey makes contact you know what to do.' Declan unlocked the back door and left. There was no side entrance and the garden walls were high, but when Fergus looked out of the window there was no sign of the policeman. He went out to the hall, picked up the phone and called Richard. 'I, er, was just wondering if I could talk to you about the shop,' he said when the phone was answered. 'Me ma wanted me to check the books.'

  'Oh, right, yes of course. Do you want to meet me there in half an hour?'

  'That would be fine.'

  Richard hung up, left his apartment and walked the short distance to Close Second. The closed sign was up but he could see Celine moving around inside. He tapped on the door and she turned and smiled.

  'This is a nice surprise, she said as she let him in.

  He kissed her. 'I got a call from Fergus. I think he's okay but we'll know for sure in about twenty minutes. He's on his way over.'

  'He's coming here? Why? Do you think it's all over?'

  Richard shrugged. 'Like he said, we'd have heard if Garvey had been arrested.'

  'In that case something's gone wrong,' Celine said miserably.

  'There's no point in guessing. Let's wait and ask him.'

  'I'll make some coffee.'

  Richard followed her out to the back, sat down in a chair, stood up again and began to pace the tiny room. 'Hurry up, Fergus,' he muttered, 'hurry up.'

  When there was a sharp rap on the door, Richard almost ran to open it.

  'Let's go in the back,' Fergus said, slipping in the door and walking past him. 'Howaya, Celine.'

  Celine hugged him. 'It's good to see you, Fergus. Are you okay?'

  He collapsed in a chair and pulled out his cigarettes. 'My nerves are gone but apart from that I'm fine.'

  'What's happening?' Richard asked, leaning against the fridge.

  'I wish I knew. Mick has disappeared. I just had a visit from your inspector friend. He seems to think I know something' — he looked directly at Richard — 'which I don't.'

  Richard nodded. 'Okay, so what had Declan got to say about it?'

  'He thinks I'm a bit of a gobshite,' Fegus muttered. 'Mick said something the last day I met him and I never told the cops.'

  'What did he say?' Celine asked, sitting down at the table, her eyes never leaving Fergus's face.

  Fergus sighed. 'He said he was going to see some guy who was trying to muscle in on his patch.' He broke off and looked up at Richard. 'He took a knife with him.'

  'A knife?' Celine's eyes widened in horror. 'But if there had been a fight, we'd know about it, surely?'

  'I don't know.' Fergus stubbed out his cigarette. 'Murphy says I'm to carry on as normal and let him know if Garvey makes contact. Carry on as normal, it's easy for him to say! I can't even manage to serve coffee without spilling it and I don't know how many cups and glasses I've broken this week.'

  Celine took his hand. 'Hang in there, Fergus, it can't go on for much longer.'

  'No,' Richard agreed. 'Now that you've told Declan that Garvey was going looking for trouble I'm sure they'll find him.'

  'I'd better go to work' — Fergus stood up — 'while I still can.'

  Celine walked with him to the door. 'Please be careful and keep in touch. Just call and say something about the shop just so that I know—'

  He smiled slightly. 'I'm still alive? Bye.'

  He slipped quietly out the door and Richard gathered Celine into his arms. 'He'll be fine.'

  'I'm not so sure.'

  'Declan will look out for him. Now, are you finished here? I want to take you to dinner.'

  Celine smiled. 'Oh?'

  'Yes, we have some talking to do.'

  She frowned. 'Sounds ominous.'

  He sighed. 'Not at all. I just need to clear up a few things.'

  'Then let's go.'

  As it was another warm evening, they went to the beer garden behind Donnelly's pub and ordered a smoked salmon salad for Celine and a burger and fries for Richard.

  Celine was quiet, her mind still on Fergus. She kept wondering what Rose would say when she found out that they'd kept this from her. Celine had seen some evidence of the woman's temper but had never been on the receiving end.

  'What are you thinking about?' Richard asked, pushing his empty plate away.

  'Fergus, Rose. She'll be furious with me for keeping this from her.'

  He shrugged. 'You're respecting Fergus's confidence. Anyway, what good would it do telling her? It's not like she can do anything.'

  'Yes, ignorance is definitely bliss at the moment. I feel so bloody helpless. Why don't you call this inspector and ask him what's happening?'

  'Okay, okay.' Richard pulled at his mobile and tapped in the number. 'Declan? It's Richard Lawrence. Just wondering if there's any news on Garvey.' He listened for a moment and Celine moved closer in the hope of hearing the reply. 'Yes, I spoke to Fergus, he told me that . . . No, I told you, Declan, Fergus is straight up . . . yes, right, okay . . . thanks.' Richard put down the phone.

  'Well?' Celine asked.

  'They have an idea who Garvey was going after.'


  'They're looking for him — for both of them.'

  'He doesn't really think Fergus is involved, does he?'

  Richard shook his head. 'I don't believe so. Declan is just naturally cautious.'

  'I suppose you have to be in that job.'

  'Now,' Richard took her hand, 'can we forget about all that for the moment and talk about us?'

  She smiled and took a sip of wine. 'I suppose we could do that. Anything in particular?'

  'Yes, I want to apologise.'

  'What on earth for?'

  'For the way I reacted over the whole Kevin Gilligan business.'

  'Don't worry about it,' Celine told him, not particularly keen to bring that subject up again.

  'No, I need to tell you something.' He sighed. 'Rose told you I was no angel and she was right. I was involved with a married woman a couple of years ago.'


  'Yes, and it got very messy.'

  'You were found out too.'

  'Yes and he left her.'


  'She wanted me to move in but, to be honest, I didn't even love her.'

  'Did she love you?'

  'I don't believe so. I think she was just bored.'

  'So what happened?'

  'They sold their house, split the proceeds and she moved to Spain.'

  'That was convenient for you,' Celine said, knowing she sounded bitchy.

  'Like I said, I'm not proud of myself.'

  Celine sighed. 'And neither am I, Richard. I demonised Eileen in my head but she didn't deserve it. It must have been awful to be humiliated the way she was.' 'How do you feel about Gilligan now?' he asked.

  'Sad. Sad that he's wasted so much time. I just hope that it's not too late for him and Eileen.'

  'You've done what you can. It's up to Kevin now. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I had no right to be so judgemental. Basically I was ju
st sick with jealousy.'

  Celine smiled. 'That's nice.'

  'There's nothing nice about jealousy. Anyway, I apologise.'

  She kissed him. 'Apology accepted.'

  'Now, I need to explain something else to you. It's about the night of the break-in.'

  'Oh?' Celine stiffened. She had wondered where he'd disappeared to that night and why he hadn't taken his mobile with him but she'd refused to ask.

  'I was in Kerry, painting.'

  Celine relaxed. 'Really?'

  He laughed. 'Yeah, I just got this urge and I had to go. I think you inspired me.'

  'But why didn't you say?'

  'I wanted to see what I could do first. I have this little house in the middle of nowhere and that's where I go when I have some ideas. Oh, Celine, I had a great couple of days, I even worked through the night. Then I had a few beers to celebrate on the train back to Dublin.' He rolled his eyes. 'I crashed as soon as I got home and didn't wake up until Fergus came banging on my door. I am so sorry I wasn't here for you.'

  'That doesn't matter.' She waved away his apology. 'When can I see the paintings?'

  'As soon as you finish your drink. Although, I must admit, I'm a bit nervous.'

  She frowned. 'Why?'

  His brown eyes stared into hers. 'Because your opinion matters.'

  She swallowed hard. 'If I tell you they're brilliant, will you promise to have an exhibition?'

  'I'll make a deal with you,' he told her, taking her hand. 'I'll have an exhibition if you start designing again.'

  She pulled her hand away. 'It's not the same—'

  'It's exactly the same,' he insisted. 'You told me that you gave up design because with Dermot gone there was no point. What about now?'

  'What do you mean?'

  'You've got me now, doesn't that count for anything?'

  Celine looked at him. 'Have I got you?'

  He smiled and kissed her fingers. 'You know you have.'

  Celine swallowed hard. 'I don't know what to say.'

  'Say you'll go back to designing,' he urged. 'What were you planning to do when Rose got back?'

  'Leave,' she replied without thinking.

  'Leave Hopefield? But why?'

  'Like you say, Rose won't need me soon. I thought it might be time to make a fresh start.'


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