To Hell and Back (Eternally Blooded)

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To Hell and Back (Eternally Blooded) Page 5

by Brandy Sullivan

  James stopped and sighed. “As much as I find your stubbornness charming, we really don’t have time for this right now.”

  “Make time. I am not moving until you tell me. You may be an immortal but I promise you if this is a pissing contest I will win hands down.”

  James laughed at her vulgar language. He had to admit hearing a dirty word come out of her mouth was strangely a turn on. “Okay love you win, now stand up before you get all wet. The ground is damp here.”

  Valerie stood up, noticing that her pants were indeed wet. “Okay I am all ears. Let this be a lesson to you though, I am a woman, stubborn and capable, not a child. No secrets between us, especially if they directly affect one of us.”

  James kissed her lightly on the forehead. “Woman, you will be the death of me, you know that?”

  “Only if you lie to me, now spill the beans.” Valerie smirked.

  James took a deep breath in resignation. “Marion gave me an extremely old, extremely valuable pendant. It dates back to ancient Egypt and contains powerful magic. Marion has been the keeper of it since he was first granted immortality. As an immortal he could never use the power, it is against our laws, power like this is meant for the gods and the gods alone.”

  “What kind of power?” Valerie asked.

  “The kind that can raise the dead and give the wearer complete control over the beings it calls forth.”

  Valerie was dumbfounded. “If that pendant is so powerful, why would Marion hand it over to you? I mean won’t he get in trouble for that?”

  “This is where you come into the picture love. Marion is an old immortal, older than any I know, and his powers have developed over the years. Sometimes he gets glimpses into the future and his last vision was, unfortunately, of you.”

  “Why unfortunately?” Valerie asked. She assumed Marion saw the two of them meeting and didn’t understand why her being James’s blood mate was a bad thing.

  “There is something I didn’t mention, and before you get your panties in twist, not that I wouldn’t like to twist your panties, I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t all that concerned. I was just happy to have found you after all these years being alone.” James said as his voice cracked with emotion. “It is highly unusual for a mortal to be the blood mate for an immortal. In fact it has only happened a handful of times that I know of. When it does happen it usually means the mortal is destined for something, the mortal has been blessed or cursed by the gods. This is what Marion saw. According to him you have been blessed, not that I agree with that, but he saw you playing an important role in the survival of our kind.”

  Valerie’s head spun as she tried to ingest this latest tidbit of information. James said he didn’t agree with it being a blessing. “Why do you think it is a curse?” She asked warily.

  “Because anything that has to do with survival means having to fight for it. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you, I don’t want you fighting, but I can’t change fate.” James replied as he cradled her in his arms.

  “What exactly did Marion see me doing?” Valerie asked, thankful for the strength in the arms that engulfed her.

  “He couldn’t tell me, he has the visions but it is forbidden for him to interfere and he knows I would try to change any fate that put you in danger. I only know that when we come to the Goddess Styx I should present her with the pendant so that she will bless us and our union. Now let’s try not to dwell on this information, we are after all in Hell and need to keep our wits about us.”


  The rolling hills of Limbo abruptly ended in a wave of darkness. The soft grass turned into a rocky plain and Valerie found herself stumbling as she struggled to see. James kept a firm grip on her arm as he led them around some of the larger boulders.

  “How are you not tripping?” Valerie asked in frustration.

  “Immortals have excellent vision in the dark. Stick tight to me and we will make it through this without any rolled ankles.”

  “Easy for you to say, you’re not the one stubbing your toes on every pebble possible.” Valerie quipped.

  James contained his laughter at her frustration. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings and based on her attitude he had a feeling Valerie was used to being independent. Before long they arrived in a small clearing where the rocks were replaced with solid concrete. The darkness lifted enough for Valerie to see a bit better, although she found there was nothing to look at it. Nothing but concrete that seemed to go on forever.

  “Okay what now?”

  “Now my love, we go down.” James replied.

  “Down where?” Valerie asked just as she caught site of a manhole cover about 20-feet ahead of them. “Never mind let me guess we are taking a trip down there.”

  “You got it babe.”

  Please, Valerie thought, don’t let that be the entrance to an actual sewage drain.

  James lifted the cover and it looked like pure darkness, Valerie could not get a glimpse of what was below. Taking her hand James bowed and motioned at the hole. “Ladies first.”

  “And who said chivalry was dead.” Valerie smirked as she climbed in. There was a ladder that led down a ways before stopping on the edge of a cliff. She could feel James presence right behind her and it was mildly reassuring. When she stopped to think about it there is no way she would ever climb into a manhole by herself, let alone one located in Hell.

  The steps leading down off the cliff were narrow and slick. Leaning inward Valerie grasped parts of the cliff as she descended with her hands. She knew James would never let her fall but that didn’t change the fear that was eating away at her. She couldn’t see a bottom and she knew one slip would turn her into a splat that even James wouldn’t be able to put together again.

  The air felt stifling in her lungs; it grew warmer and heavier with humidity. When they finally reached the bottom every limb on her body was trembling. She would have gotten down on her knees and kissed the ground but she realized her feet had made a small splash. They were standing in murky water that didn’t quite reach the top of her shoes.

  There was a foul rotten scent coming out of the water and she wasn’t sure if her mind was playing tricks on her or not, but she could have sworn she saw something slither that made the water ripple.

  James noticed her involuntary shiver and scooped her up in his arms. “Let me carry you my lady.” He said trying to ease her tension. He tried to imagine seeing this place through the eyes of a mortal and again felt himself surprised at Valerie’s strength and determination.

  “So is this circle two? Umm… I am trying to remember Dante, the circle of the lustful?” Valerie asked as James continued to walk down the small river.

  “Not quite, this is like the hallway between the circles. First we must pass through the Judge.”

  “The judge?” Valerie asked, not failing to pick up a note of nervousness in James’s tone. “Who or what is the judge?”

  Kissing the top of her head in reassurance James did not want her to fret. “He decides innocence or guilt before souls are sent lower.”

  “Why do we have to see him? We aren’t souls needing to be judged?”

  Clever girl, James thought before responding. “Well when immortals make the trip they have to check in with him as well, especially before the blooding of a new mate.”

  “Does he have a say? I thought the goddess Styx was who we had to worry about. Remember you promised no secrets, and I know you are hiding something. I don’t need immortal powers to feel your body tense up. Little old me can read some signals all by my lonesome.”

  James raised an eyebrow at her before setting her down in front of him. “Can you?”

  Before Valerie had a chance to brace herself James had her locked in an embrace, trailing kisses along her neck, making her pulse speed up. Valerie gasped as she felt his fangs elongate and graze her skin. His hand trailed across her back and to the front of her shirt, where her nipples began to strain at the fabric. He rubbed slow
circles around her nipple; excruciating pleasure began to spread through her.

  James’s mouth covered hers making Valerie gasp as his tongue probed her lips. A current of pleasure ran up her spine as his tongue sensually caressed hers. Valerie felt her need for him growing as he pressed his hard length against her.

  “Wait.” She said pulling her face away from his. His touch, his kisses, served as distractions.

  “I know this isn’t the most romantic spot, but I love you my sweet, stubborn, beautiful woman.” James said kissing her forehead.

  “Okay, stop.” Valerie chastised him, breaking their embrace. “I know what you are doing.”

  James spread his hand, feigning innocence. “Me? I’m not doing anything, besides showing you how I feel.”

  “No that’s not what you’re doing, well it is.” Valerie sighed with indignation. “More importantly, you are distracting me from my original question.”

  “Which was?”

  “You know darn well what it was, don’t play coy with me. Why do we have to see the judge?”

  “Oh that.” James said as if it was nothing, but Valerie knew if it was nothing he wouldn’t have tried to hide it from her. “When an immortal passes through Hell the judge takes the opportunity to make sure they are still living in accordance with the laws set forth by the God’s and immortal’s councils. If he finds an immortal guilty of breaking the laws he calls the council to come deliver punishment. It wasn’t something originally in the judge’s job description, but he is an immortal himself, serving as judge in servitude for breaking the law himself.”

  James didn’t give her an opportunity to question what he said; instead he scooped her back up and began walking. “We really need to stop with all these distractions.” He scolded.

  Valerie laughed, “Tell yourself that mister. Maybe if you got your hormones in check we wouldn’t be running behind. Worse than a teenage boy I swear.”

  The laughter died on Valerie’s lips as she caught sight of the large marble throne ahead of them. The throne itself was striking, a shimmering onyx masterpiece with tendrils of gold running through it like veins. James set her down gently, keeping a grip on her hand, as she let out an audible gasp at the figure sitting on the throne. He was an immortal, there was no doubt about that, but instead of the smooth creamy complexion James had his skin was gray with small cracks running through it.

  “Judge, we are just passing through, no need to get up.” James said casually as they approached the throne. “If you would be so kind as to open the passage for us I would be much obliged.”

  The judge’s eyes blazed orange as he growled at them. “There is no such thing as just passing through. You will be measured before I open that passage.”

  Valerie felt herself begin to tremble as the judge descended the throne. She wanted to hide behind James. The judge had his eyes fixed pointedly on her and a sinister smile was turning up the corners of his mouth. “Well, well, Valerie Myers, interesting seeing you here. Most humans do not willing visit my little part of the world.”

  Valerie steeled herself and squared her jaw. “I am not most humans, and as James said we are only passing through. Now let’s get on with this.”

  James wanted to clap her on the back and say ‘atta girl’ for not letting the judge intimidate her, but he restrained himself and settled for a smug smile instead.

  The judge continued to walk towards her until they were a mere inches apart. She could feel his hot breath on her face, smell his foul breath.

  “As you wish.” The judge placed both hands on Valerie’s shoulders and she felt raw power crackle through the air. His eyes blazed as her head swam. He was doing something to her mind, she wanted it to stop, she wanted his hands off her, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t move. The Judge opened his mouth in a grin, baring his fangs as his head dipped towards her throat. Valerie braced herself for his bite, but a flash of motion disturbed the room before she felt the teeth pierce her skin.

  She blinked rapidly as the fog in her head lifted. Looking across the room Valerie saw James and The Judge locked in an embrace of pure hatred for each other.

  “Don’t you touch her, don’t you dare touch her. You know the rules you piece of shit.” James snarled squeezing the Judge’s throat.

  The Judge only laughed, “I know the rules, but what do you know? Your new pet has hidden secrets, secrets she deserves to be judged for.”

  Valerie winced at the words; she saw James turn to glance at her and knew in an instant that guilt was written all over her face. She must make him understand; she hadn’t lied to him or hidden anything on purpose. It simply had not come up yet, and it wasn’t like they had been dating that long.

  “Enough!” The Judge cried, throwing James across the room in a burst of power.

  “She is an innocent Judge! You cannot touch her, no matter what you think you know.” James picked himself up off the floor and crouched, ready to pounce back on the Judge.

  “Calm yourself James. All things truly wicked start from innocence. You know that as well as I do. I am not going to harm her, I am simply suggesting she spill her guts so to speak, before you make it to the bottom and drain the life from her. There are people here who may lay claim to her whole soul before you turn her.”

  James stayed in his crouched position, swinging his eyes around to Valerie. She felt the heat blush her cheeks as the tears began to well in her eyes. “James…I…”Her voice cracked as the tears welled over and spilled down her cheeks.

  James was at her side in an instant, cradling her in his arms. “Hush now, whatever it is you can tell me. I know who you are, nothing will surprise me.” He whispered as he kissed away her tears.

  The Judge let out a harsh bark of laughter. “Oh I think you are going to be quite surprised James, your little pet here has blood on her hands, staining her soul.”


  Valerie tried to calm herself. The Judge was back on his throne and she had forced James to stand away from her. She knew the Judge had no intention of letting them pass until she made a full disclosure. Her stomach knotted at the thought of James leaving her after he found out.

  She had spent many years and travelled many miles in an effort to leave her past behind. She never once thought an immortal being punished in Hell would force her to drag it all back up again.

  “I was nine the summer it happened. I lived with both my parents and my brother, who was three years older than me. My father had been abusing my mother as far back as my memories will take me. She was a meek woman who lived in constant fear of him. For years I pitied her and always wished that the next time she would stick up for herself, the next time she would let him have it, the next time she would take us kids and walk out the door. I couldn’t fathom being so pitiful that I would ever sit there and let a man treat me like that.” Valerie felt the old strings of anger and hatred tugging at her heart.

  “Of course this never happened. Many years of therapy taught me it is a cycle that woman like her live in and often it won’t break on its own. Not without outside intervention. Unfortunately my mother was estranged from her family and my father’s family didn’t give a shit. There is something other than intervention that works though. Death. Death of her from a beating gone too far or death of him.” Valerie paused to wipe a stray tear from her cheek. She saw James move towards her. “No, stay there. Let me finish. Please.”

  It was hard for James to control his urge to comfort and protect her, she was destined to be his blood mate, and emotionally they were now connected. He knew he needed to respect her wishes and so with painful difficulty he made himself stay put. The Judge hadn’t moved an inch as she began her story; in fact when Valerie peered at him she noticed a look of boredom upon his face.

  Taking a deep breath she plunged ahead, wanting to get show and tell done and over with. “My brother and I had built a tree fort that summer. We used it as an escape; we could hide there when things got too bad at the house. As
my brother was nearing manhood my father starting lashing out at him as well. At first it was open hand slaps which eventually turned into punches. It was a sunny Saturday morning when it happened. We were gathering scrap materials out of the shed. My brother had a heavy armful of lumber. He didn’t notice that the new storm windows were lined up outside the shed. He stumbled and the weight of the lumber caused him to fall. The storm windows unfortunately took the brunt of it. Some of them were shattered into pieces. My father lost it. He gave him a beating that left him unconscious.”

  “My brother ended up in critical care. My father told the doctors that my brother took a nasty fall from our tree house and they didn’t even question the truth behind that statement. Backwoods medicine at its best. That night I decided I had to do something. My mother received a black eye and swollen lip as punishment for calling the ambulance. She was in the living room sobbing over an album with family photos in it. I knew she was looking at the baby pictures of my brother. The doctors said he had bleeding on the brain. We didn’t know if he was going to pull through or if he would be normal if he did.”

  “My father was passed out drunk in their bed upstairs. I snuck out to the shed and grabbed the lighter fluid for the charcoal grill and a box of matches. I didn’t want him to kill my mother and after seeing what he did to my brother I was afraid. Afraid for my mom but also afraid I would one day be left alone with this man.”

  Valerie’s tears were flowing freely now. The damn she had carefully constructed against her feelings over the years didn’t just crack it exploded. “I crept upstairs and emptied the whole can of lighter of fluid on the bed my father slept in. One match. It only took one match. The fire burned so fast and so hot I felt it bite my skin. I fled the room grabbing my mother and dragging her outside. I remember yelling, the house is on fire! The house caught fire! I wanted her to hold me while we watched the fire burn. This woman I had loved and pitied my whole life was concerned for the man who beat her and put her own son in critical care. I stood there and watched as she ran inside to try to save him, I stood there and watched as the fire trucks arrived, I stood there and watched as they failed to save the house or either of my parents.”


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