To Hell and Back (Eternally Blooded)

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To Hell and Back (Eternally Blooded) Page 9

by Brandy Sullivan

  Valerie assumed by claiming her Styx meant love making. “Umm, yes. Yes he has and I have given him my full consent.”

  “Do you consent to me probing your mind and verifying your intentions?”

  Valerie hesitated for a moment. No one had said anything about any probing. She knew her intentions were true, she loved this man with all her heart, but what if Styx saw something in her she didn’t even know was there? Valerie took a deep breath, trying to push back new doubts that were popping up out of fear. “Yes I consent.”

  “Give me your hands.” Styx instructed, splaying her own hands palm up in front of Valerie.

  When their hands connected Valerie felt a surge of power snaking through her body. It tingled as it wound its way through her. It wasn’t painful, but it wasn’t particularly comfortable either. Styx eyes rolled back in her head, leaving nothing but whiteness staring blindly ahead.

  James gave Valerie a reassuring smile as the goddess’s aura began to glow a bright orange. Valerie could feel her emotions pouring through her and into Styx. Flashes of memories swirling in her head. Valerie hoped Styx approved of what she saw, judging by the smile on her face she was enjoying Valerie’s inner most thoughts. Valerie began to relax a bit, finding the bond less uncomfortable as she stopped fighting it. Just as she thought everything was going perfectly Styx broke the bond with a gasp.

  The goddess’s eyes turned a dark blue as she pointed an accusing finger at Valerie. “How dare you try to deceive James. You have lain with Erra and are a snake in the bush. You will not have my blessing, you will not make your oath to me. You are lucky I don’t strike you down where you stand.”

  James flashed in front of Valerie, shielding her from Styx’s wrath. Valerie was trembling from head to toe, she was confused and hurt. How could the goddess accuse her of sleeping with anyone but James? “I didn’t, I don’t know what she is talking about James. We haven’t left each other’s sides since we met, how could I?”

  James bared his fangs at Styx. “You lie. Valerie was a virgin just a few days ago, she hasn’t been out of my sight and even if she had been I trust her. She would never lie with another man, let alone Erra.”

  Styx stared at both of them. “Then give me your hands James, let me see for myself what has transpired the last few days.”

  James eagerly did as the goddess asked. This time there was no glowing aura; James groaned and twitched as Styx probed his mind quickly and efficiently with little regard to his comfort.

  When she released him she had a tear running down her cheek. “My poor dear James, after so many years without love it comes to you mixed with turmoil and war.”


  The lighthouse seemed too small, the air too thick. Valerie wanted out of Hell and she wanted out of Hell in an instant. Her entire world had been turned upside down. James was sitting across the room from her; she wouldn’t let him touch her. She didn’t want anyone touching her.

  Styx and James were both staring at her with a mix of sympathy and something else. If Valerie had to guess what that something else was she would say it was fear. Why would James be afraid of her? She didn’t know but it was starting to piss her off.

  “You’re a goddess Styx, can’t you just blink me out of here and send me home. Clearly my presence is making you both uncomfortable.” Valerie demanded.

  They both stared at her as if she had sprouted another head. Valerie crossed her arms over chest and gave them her best ‘bring it on’ look.

  “You cannot go home Valerie, you will stay here with me.” Styx replied.

  Before she had even finished her sentence James was up and staring at her with rage. His voice growled with deadly warning. “My mate will not stay here with you, are you crazy?”

  “Oh so I’m still your mate even though I’m knocked up with a demigod?” Valerie asked.

  James whirled on her trying to control his temper. “Yes. This is not your fault. This is Karma’s fault. If she hadn’t picked you for some prophecy fulfilling bullshit Erra never would have given you a second glance.”

  “I still don’t understand this prophecy stuff, don’t I have a say in my own future?” Valerie asked as a tear slid down her cheek.

  James was at her side in an instant, wrapping his arms around her, fluttering kisses on her head. He wished he could take all her sadness away.

  Styx stood up and glanced somberly out the lighthouse window. “Perhaps I can explain for you Valerie, I know you are new to this world and did not grow up with the same stories the rest of us did.”

  Styx began to pace the room. “Many years ago there was a war between immortals and gods without any clear battle lines drawn. Gods were fighting gods, immortals fighting immortals, and then everyone trying to slaughter each other. It was this war that caused our laws to be written down, laws that would govern all species. Back then humans were treated as cattle. They were on the bottom of the food chain and many atrocities were committed against them. There were gods and immortals alike who saw the folly in this, for what would this world be without humans? We felt a certain responsibility to protect them.”

  Valerie didn’t care about a history lesson, she was growing impatient. “That’s all fine and well, but where do I come into all of this?”

  “As you may have guessed Erra was unhappy with the new laws but he was outnumbered and there are gods with far more power. The same night we sealed our laws and established the counsel Marion had a vision of a great war far bloodier than any of us had ever seen.”

  James stood up, punching a hole in the wall. “Marion, damn him. Why couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut? Will he never learn?”

  Valerie failed to see how it was Marion’s fault. “He can’t help what he sees can he? I mean how can you blame him?”

  “Easily.” James replied. “Marion sees visions of the future, but the future is ever changing. There is always more than one possible outcome. It is when he opens his mouth that his visions turn from possibilities to prophecies.”

  “No one should have that much power.” Valerie whispered. Her hands fluttering to her stomach, where apparently a little life was growing. Fresh tears welled up in Valerie’s eyes. She had wanted to be a mother someday, but not like this. A baby fathered by someone she didn’t know or love, a baby who would be born into war.

  Valerie gasped as a thought occurred to her. “James that demon that saved me, do you think he knew?”

  “You know love, I bet he did. I couldn’t understand why he would help you, but if you are carrying Erra’s baby then those on his side have probably been warned to not let any harm come to you.”

  “Okay I think that makes sense, but then why would Erra send a rogue to kill me?”

  Styx cleared her throat. “I can answer that. From what I saw in James’s memories it was a young vampire who shot you with an arrow of all things. Have you not guessed how Erra’s seed came to be in your womb?”

  “Well I was assuming it was during a dream I had last night, some creep in black gave me nightmares most of the night.”

  James whirled on Valerie, about to berate her for not telling him about the dreams but understanding dawned on his face before he got a chance. “The arrow carried his seed? The rogue was never meant to kill her, just shoot her. Erra knew I would kill the rogue but that didn’t matter as long as the task was accomplished.”

  Styx nodded in agreement. “That baby is the start of the war Marion foresaw. A baby that would be both a god and an immortal if I bless this union and allow the blooding ritual to take place.”

  “What do you mean if?” James snapped.

  “Really James calm down.” Styx sighed. “You know I would do anything to ensure your happiness, but this I cannot do. Right now that baby is but a demigod, sharing Valerie’s mortal genes. If you change her over, you are changing the baby as well.”

  Valerie understood what Styx was saying, but she also understood that if this baby was half of her she could shape it to be kind and
caring. Raised with the love and gentle hands of both her and James the baby would grow up to be honorable, not a threat to the entire planet.

  Styx heard her thoughts. “Valerie we cannot rely on hope alone that what you wish will come true. I cannot do this.”

  The goddess looked genuine in her sadness over the situation, but James didn’t care. As a mortal Valerie was too vulnerable in his world. Once the baby was born Erra would lift the order not to harm her. Assassins would seek them out to take her life and steal the baby.

  James knew how to convince Styx. “Don’t you see, I have to change her. As a mortal she would not be able to protect herself after the baby was born. Erra would steal the babe and have one of his rogues change the demigod, fulfilling the prophecy without Valerie in the way. Changing her is our only hope to shape this baby for our side. You know just as well as I do that illegal changings happen all the time. If they didn’t I would be out of a job.”

  Styx contemplated what James had said but still looked unconvinced. Thrusting the pendant Marion had given him at her he pleaded. “Take this as payment, Marion said you could have it, only you must allow us to make this oath before you now.”

  Styx eyed the pendant with longing on her face, tentatively reaching out to touch it her hand trembled before her. “Marion would give this to me after all these years?”

  “Yes Styx only you must do this for us.” James pleaded.

  Snatching the pendant from James and draping it around her neck before he could change his mind she called out, her voice reverberating off the walls of the lighthouse. “Swear to the gods that you are true in your intentions, that you will never seek to sever the bond of a blood mate, that you will honor our laws or face death.”

  James knelt down and responded. “I swear it.”

  Valerie knelt beside him and repeated his words. Styx placed a palm on each of their heads. “You have my blessing, now go and complete the ritual before Satan himself and may the gods be with you.”


  Valerie’s heart was pounding in her chest. The gates to the pit of hell were made of steel, towering over her like a bad omen. Their shadow stretched out for what seemed like miles behind her.

  Styx, breaking tradition, teleported her and James to their final destination. Skipping the lower circles of Hell was a relief to her, but standing here not only at the gate of hell but the gate to her immortality scared the crap out of her. She loved James and knew that he was her life and would always be her life, but knowing that she would no longer be mortal, that she would have to feed off the blood of humans, and that she was carrying a demigod in her stomach made her want to run.

  Sensing Valerie’s conflicting emotions James gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Alright then love?”

  Valerie was grateful that he seemed to know what she was feeling and responded to it in kind. She had friends over the years whose boyfriends wouldn’t have known they did something wrong unless they got hit in the face with a frying pan.

  “James, I need to ask you something before we do this. You took the news of me being with child pretty well. Why were you so quick to be at my side, not only defending me but offering to raise this child with me? I have never met a man who would do that.”

  “You have never met a man Valerie. A real man or immortal as it were, would do anything for the one they love. You are my savior Valerie and I love you with all that I am. Without you I have no future and this baby is a part of you. I will love him or her just as much as I do you.”

  Valerie felt the tears stream down her face. They weren’t tears of sadness, they were tears of Joy. This man, standing in front of her, made her feel as if all was right in the world. She knew that becoming an immortal to be with him would be the happiest moment of her life.

  “Alright then James, let’s go kill me.” She said before kissing him full on the mouth, trying to pour all her emotions into the touch of their lips.

  Facing the gate, hand in hand, James called out demanding entrance. The gates groaned as they opened inward just wide enough for the two of them to pass through. The rush of air that swept over them was hot and heavy. Valerie felt herself gasp as her lungs protested the assault. Stepping through the gates the air got hotter; Valerie could feel the sweat rolling off her in waves. One glance at James told her immortals didn’t suffer the same problem. She smiled at the thought of not having to find deodorant that actually worked. Being immortal would have its bonuses.

  James squeezed her hand and pulled her closer. “We’re here.” He whispered.

  Valerie looked up and thought she was gazing at a pillar made of blood red stone, but as her eyes travelled upward she noticed arms and a neck growing out of a massive torso. The head on top took her breath away. Fangs and drool protruded from the mouth, the nose was flat and snorting like a bull, but the eyes were the worst of all. Nothing but blackness filled them, a soulless empty void that Valerie couldn’t bring herself to look into. What she had mistaken for a pillar was the body of Satan, buried hallway in the earth leaving only his upper body visible.

  James knelt before the devil, pulling Valerie down to do the same. “We have come to complete the blooding ritual.”

  Satan laughed. “You want to blood a mortal?”

  His voice sent a shiver right through Valerie. She was expecting a growl or a snort given the animalistic features, but instead it was a voice of pure evil.

  “Yes and I would like the other half of my soul back.” James said in a voice far steadier than Valerie would have been able to muster.

  “Styx has taken your oath and given her blessing?” Satan asked. “This is your true blood mate, of this you are sure?”

  “I am sure.” James responded. “She will not turn into a soulless vampire when the change is complete.”

  Eyeing Valerie Satan sighed. “You give your full consent and enter this willingly? James has not lied to you or coerced you in anyway?”

  “Yes I do and of course he hasn’t.” Valerie tried her best not to let her voice tremble but she could hear it just as well as Satan could. She kept her jaw up and her shoulders squared.

  “Then I will allow this blooding to take place, although I do hate losing your soul James. I had hoped to see you here one day as a resident. You were getting so close to turning, I foolishly built my hopes up. I should have known fate would hand you your blood mate before that happened.”

  “That’s it?” Valerie couldn’t help but blurt out. She has been scared to death of meeting Satan and couldn’t contain her surprise, but what surprised her more was the laughter from both James and Satan.

  “What did you think would happen? That I would make you sacrifice animals or something perverse like that?” Satan asked still chuckling at her.

  “Well no, but I…well you’re the devil. I thought it would be all fire and brimstone, fighting to save my soul or something more climatic.”

  Satan just continued laughing as he lifted an arm, waiving it over the floor. An alter made of stone rose before them.

  “This will be more exciting for you I am sure, now hop on up young lady.” He instructed.

  Valerie looked to James, not knowing what she should do. James nodded his approval and helped her climb up.

  “This won’t hurt love.” He whispered as he gently moved her hair aside, exposing her neck. “Are you ready?”

  Valerie swallowed her fears and blinked away the moisture in her eyes. “Yes. I love you more than I ever knew it was possible to love someone.”

  James bent his head down to Valerie’s exposed neck. His breath was warm and comforting on her skin, skin that had broken out in goose flesh despite the high temperatures of Hell. He kissed her pulsing vein lightly, gently running his tongue over the sensitive area. His fangs descended and with one quick motion his fangs sank into her flesh. Valerie felt a small pinch before the waves of pleasure rolled through her. She reached a hand up, cupping James’s head and pulling him closer.

  As he drank
from her she felt herself growing lightheaded, the blood was diminishing quickly from her body. Just as she was about to pass out she felt his wrist press to her mouth. There was liquid flowing from it, she hesitated, not wanting to open her mouth and drink.

  “Take what I offer you love, take my life into yours. It will all be over soon.” James whispered before sinking his fangs back into her throat. Valerie forced her mouth open and allowed the liquid to wind its way down inside her before everything went black.


  The trees were thick, the branches grabbing her arms and stabbing her face as she made her way further in. Valerie didn’t know where she was. It was night time; she knew it was night because of the lack of light. She couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of her. The foliage was heavy and if there was a moon it cast no luminosity to aid her in her travels.

  Something was urging her forward even though every ounce of her sensibility told her running deeper into the woods was dangerous. She didn’t know what was behind her, but rather sensed a presence that wouldn’t allow her to stop or turn around. The roots were gnarled and tripped her up every few strides. The leaves rustled above her as the wildlife followed her cautiously from its safe cover.

  Valerie clawed at her throat as she ran. There was a burning sensation erupting from her stomach and making her throat feel like it was on fire. The baby inside her was turning this way and that, every nudge of its limbs making the fire worse.

  The trees grew further apart as she moved forward still. A small glimmer of hope blossomed inside her as she thought that maybe she was at last breaking free of the forest. A wolf howled somewhere behind her, the sound echoing off the mountains that loomed on either side of the lush trees.

  A scent on the wind caught her attention, it made the burning worse. Valerie didn’t know what the smell was but it compelled her forward at a quicker pace. She needed to find its source. Like an animal she growled, sending the sound out into the forest, quieting all other living creatures. Her nose twitched as she drew nearer. The trees gave way to a river bend. The waterfall cascading down shined in a bright crimson hue. The source of the smell was in front of her, a river flowing with blood.


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