Reaper's Reward

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Reaper's Reward Page 8

by Marie Harte

  Rick muscled past the guards by the door and knelt next to Ethan. “Oh. Hell. Not Pete.”

  “Afraid so.”

  “What the fuck is on his shirt?”

  Ethan sighed. “The killer and Pete were either jacking off before Pete was killed, or the killer did it after Pete’s death. Either way, it’s a little disturbing.”

  “Yeah, a little,” Rick said sarcastically. He brushed damp hair from his eyes, and Ethan noticed his rumpled state.

  “You just jump out of the shower?” He glanced back at Elise, also slightly damp and who remained tightlipped, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited by the door.

  “You could say that. Man, I can’t believe Pete is dead. He was such a good man to have around. Pleasant. Professional.” Rick sighed. “At least he had no family to break the news to.”

  “The only good thing about this mess.”

  “Do you think our thief did this?” Rick asked in a low voice.

  Ethan leaned closer, careful to keep their conversation private and continued as quietly as Rick. “I can’t say for certain, but I’ve got a hunch he’s behind it. And at least now we know it’s a he.” Ethan nodded distastefully to the stain on Pete’s shirt.

  “So is anything missing?”

  “Not that I can tell. But the screen on the desk has been fiddled with. I don’t know if he saw anything off your private feeds or not. Odds are, if he had the code to get in here, he might have been able to access your surveillance.”

  “Meaning he had access to see the cup.”

  The cup was in Rick’s room. A room in which Ethan had been sure of his privacy…and Jewel’s.

  “What? You never mentioned video surveillance in your own room,” Ethan whispered furiously.

  “Oh, come on, Ethan. You don’t think I’d leave the cup in plain sight without a digital trail of its whereabouts?”

  “Plain sight? You keep the damned thing locked behind a secret panel in your wall.”

  “And sometimes I leave it in its case in the corner of the room. In plain sight.”

  Ethan flushed, realizing the thief might have seen his time spent with Jewel, and that Rick could see it later, in every excruciating detail, if he wished. As much as Ethan admired the open sexuality of Satyr’s Myst, he didn’t relish being the star of his own hardcore movie. And he knew Jewel would freak if she knew. “I want that video.”

  “Relax. You’d have to have my private codes to see what’s taped in that room.”

  “Exactly. You might think you’re the only one that has them, but if you recall, you told me where you keep your pass codes. I told you to get rid of the list, but if I know you, you just yessed me to death, and they’re still there.” Ethan shook his head at Rick’s guilty look. “If I know about that sheet, I’m betting someone else might. Besides, a hacker won’t care about codes if he can hijack your system.” Ethan paused, his brain processing a mile a minute. “Security’s been breached, and we have to face the possibility that the thief is not just a guest, but one of your employees.”

  “But you dismissed those suspicions. I thought you’d cleared everyone.”

  “I cleared your new folks, and the ones hired within the past year, when the thefts in your club first started. But you told me not to look at the others, and like an idiot, I listened. My gut feeling tells me we’re missing someone important.”

  “You definitely think this is the work of our thief, then. Not some random shot at Pete?”

  Though Rick sounded hopeful, Ethan could see the man knew he was grasping at straws. “I can’t explain it, but I feel a connection here, Rick. I think our thief must have distracted Pete in some way, because Pete took his job seriously. He wouldn’t have let anyone in here without my authority or yours. And he had no way of knowing if I’d be checking on him tonight or not. I’ve been making random stops here all week. I mean, this place is cherry for anyone needing more info about the resort, and about you in particular. One look at the feeds in here and he’d be able to verify who’s doing what where.

  “I’m going to have Jacobs do another sweep, to make sure nothing electrical has been planted. We don’t need the thief tapping into our own security while we flounder around looking for him.”

  Rick nodded. “I’ll have to tell the staff about this.” He stared sadly at Pete.

  “I know. Just keep the details to a minimum. Tell them Pete died, and the circumstances are under investigation. Our thief’s no fool; he’ll know we’re onto him. Hell, he left us a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. I just wish I knew why he’s waiting to make his move on the cup.”

  Rick frowned and stood. “Maybe he’s not.” He punched in the codes, and they watched as the screen on the desk came to life. The computer showed three views. “There’s my empty hot tub, the grotto where the senator is currently playing with his new ‘house boy,’ and…well, well. That’s Jewel there, pacing and wearing your shirt, I believe. I like what you’ve done with the bed, Ethan,” Rick murmured.

  Several scarves remained tied to the bedposts, and an assortment of sex toys littered the bed table.

  “Very creative. I bet Jewel loved them. The plug especially.”

  Yeah, she’d been really into that plug, and if Ethan had his way, she’d be into it again. But not until he could get a handle on this mess. As taken as he was with the brassy, black-haired witch, Ethan had to admit Jewel was a temptation. He needed to focus on this case, to reexamine past leads that had died, and scare up new answers.

  Just then, movement in one of the shots on the computer screen grabbed him. A shadow that shouldn’t have been there fell over Jewel, and she glanced over in surprise at something obscured by the camera’s limited view. The shadow grew, and then the feed exploded into static.

  Ethan was already moving, his heart in his throat. Fear spiked the adrenaline rushing through his body, and he raced without care, needing to find Jewel safe, to hold her in his arms and protect her from the threat spreading like a disease over Rick and that damned cup.

  One thing was certain. Before the night was through, he’d have Jewel safe and sound in his arms again. And the intruder in Rick’s room would wish he were dead when Ethan was through with him.

  * * * * *

  Jewel glanced up in surprise to see two people walking into a room supposedly on lockdown. Joshua Denton, of all people, and a beautiful, if drunk, woman teetering on high heels strode in like they owned the place. The woman wore a skin-tight, yellow minidress, complementing Denton’s tan slacks and light blue polo shirt. He wore clothing befitting the veteran hosts of the resort, those whose sole purpose on the island was to escort ‑‑ provide massages, pleasure, and general catering for ‑‑ the guests. Jewel could only stare, stunned by his early return.

  His pictures didn’t do justice to his presence in person. She could definitely understand what Sophie Ayers had seen in him. Rangy and good-looking in a beachboy kind of way, Denton sported short brown hair and smiling blue eyes. He had an island tan, obscenely white teeth against his darker skin, and the build of an athlete.

  Denton stared at her as if another woman weren’t by his side and clinging to him like a vine. “Ah, sorry. Tyrone told me Rick wanted Tanya and me to join him tonight.” He looked confused, but not so confused that he stopped staring at her from head to toe. Denton licked his lips, his intent gaze both bold and eager. “You must be new. I’m Josh Denton, and this is my friend Tanya. We’re up for some sport, and what better way to introduce ourselves? Why don’t we get more comfortable while we wait for Rick?”

  His hands moved to the hem of his shirt, and Jewel hastily stopped him.

  “Hold on. I think there’s been a misunderstanding here.” Where was Ethan when she needed him? Staring at Denton, Jewel realized she had to handle him just right. She couldn’t come across as cold, not if she wanted to finagle her way into his room and into his computer. After all, this was a pleasure resort, where sex seemed to occur at the drop of a hat. But she didn’t plan
on having sex with him to flush out Sophie’s pictures.


  Tanya pouted. “Come on, Joshie. I thought we were going to fuck all night? And with Rick to watch.” She reached down and grabbed Denton by the crotch.

  Denton kept his eyes glued to Jewel, and she realized Ethan’s polo molded to her breasts and hips, nearly brushing her knees. It was obvious she wore nothing beneath the cotton, and she blushed with misplaced embarrassment.

  “Shy, honey? You’re new, it’s okay.”

  Bingo. “Um, yeah. You see, I’ve been undergoing some sexual, ah, help, the last few days to make me a better employee here. I’m afraid I’m not really ready for what you might have in mind.” Her eyes flashed to Tanya, and she projected just enough temerity. “I mean, I do better one-on-one.”

  Denton grinned in understanding, and Jewel knew she’d managed to wedge a foot in the door to loosening his hold on Sophie Ayers.

  She gave Denton a promising smile and finally felt as if she were doing her job. Her job. For four nights and three days, she’d been having sex and loving every damned minute of it. She’d turned into a raving nympho and had it bad for a domineering giant who referred to her as his slave and insisted she call him Master in the bedroom. Such a one-eighty from her stolid life just a week ago. Good Lord, Jewel felt like a different person altogether. So the reminder of why she’d been sent to the island restored her balance like a shock of cold water.

  And then Ethan burst into the room like a wild man, with Rick, Elise, and three other security guards hot on his tail.

  When Ethan took a good look at her company, he frowned and murmured something to Rick. Rick motioned for Elise and the others to leave, then closed and locked the door behind them.

  “Joshua Denton in the flesh. Welcome home.” Rick smiled, as if nothing were wrong, and Jewel stared hard, wanting to know what she’d apparently missed, and how the hell Denton had entered a secured room.

  Ethan cleared the anger from his face and backed away from Rick to remain protectively behind him. Jewel frowned. Obviously Ethan was playing the role of security guard and nothing more. The perfect employee.

  Jewel watched with curiosity, feeling like the captive audience in a play taking so many twists and turns it was hard to keep track.

  “I didn’t expect we’d see you for another day or so.”

  Denton shrugged and rubbed Tanya’s waist, apparently reluctant to tear his gaze from Jewel.

  “I missed this place, and apparently, some action.” He stared at Ethan and the door through which Elise and the guards had vanished. But when Rick simply smiled and said nothing, Denton shrugged. “I finished up my business early and found Tanya the minute I walked through the front door.” Denton grinned at Jewel. “I have to say, I love your new girl. We were just introducing ourselves.”

  “Ah, Jewel. My precious little gem.” Rick smiled, and Jewel smiled back, feeling as if she had a role to play as well. Rick joined her and hugged her to his side, his hands molding to her ass as if he had the right. Ethan didn’t move, and Jewel kept the smile plastered to her face, wondering at Rick’s game.

  “Yeah, Jewel mentioned you’ve been helping her to adjust to life on the island.” Denton chuckled. “Makes me think of my first time here, and how much you helped me.”

  “We do what we can.” Rick bowed to Tanya. “Tanya, you’re looking lovely as always. I see Josh is taking care of you tonight. But if I may ask, how did you two get in here? I thought I’d locked up behind me.”

  “The door was open a crack so we came in. You did ask us up here.”

  Rick’s eyes narrowed. “I did?”

  “Yeah.” Denton frowned. “Tyrone told Tanya and me you wanted to see us, for a ‘special get-together,’ he said.”

  Rick’s expression cleared. “Oh, that’s the mix-up then. I meant I’d wanted to see you when you returned, thinking tomorrow. But I must say, Tanya’s a wonderful choice of partner.”

  “So’s Jewel,” Denton added slyly.

  “So she is.” Rick grinned. “Right, well. I have a few more things to wrap up before I can call it a night. Why don’t you take Tanya back to her room, and I’ll order up a special menu just for the two of you. We’re on for tomorrow night, all right?”

  Tanya pouted but gave him a nod. Her hands on Denton stirred the man to quickly agree. Ethan moved to open the door, then stood back to wait.

  “Later, Rick, Jewel.” Denton gave Ethan a last, furtive glance before following Tanya out the door.

  Silence descended, and Jewel wondered what the hell was going on.

  “Take your hands off her.” Ethan’s words were quiet, and frightening in their intensity.

  Rick squeezed her ass before letting go, and she took a shaky breath, wondering why she hadn’t pushed him away as soon as Denton and his floozy left.

  “You know, Ethan, both she, and you, are my employees.”

  “Fuck that. You gave her to me, she’s mine.”

  Rick cocked his head and stared from Ethan to Jewel. “He taking good care of you, Jewel?”

  She flushed. “Um, yeah.” Why the hell don’t I just rate him on a score of one to ten? He’s an eleven when he’s hard, a fifteen when he’s mad. He’s so damned sexy when he’s mean…and I am so incredibly perverted.

  Ethan scowled, his dark look sending tingles down her spine.

  “So what happened?” Jewel asked quickly, reminding herself to focus on the mission.

  Rick sobered, his eyes sad. “Pete Dancourt, one of my security team, is dead.”

  “Dancourt? Dead?”

  Ethan stepped away from the wall, his stare brooding. “Tall guy, a little shorter than me, with bright red hair. Stabbed three times in the chest.”

  “Oh, my God. That’s so sad. He was such a nice guy.” Jewel remembered him. He’d had a nice smile, and unlike most of the people in this place, his stare hadn’t lingered on her breasts the two brief times they’d spoken.

  “Yes, he was.” Rick sighed. “At this point, I think we can safely say that Denton wasn’t the one who killed him.”

  “Why would you say that?” Ethan finally lifted his gaze from Jewel.

  “Because he couldn’t have seen the vid ‑‑ ” Rick paused at Ethan’s hard stare. “What I mean is, he didn’t know it was you, and not me, who’d been in here with Jewel.”

  “Yeah, or he could have been faking the whole thing. I still want to know how he got in here. If he’s telling the truth, then someone else opened the damned door. But either way, he bothers me.”

  “I wonder why,” Rick murmured, glancing toward Jewel.

  “He takes a two-day vacation, his first in three years, right? Then he turns around and asks for another one, only to return early? And he just happens to walk into your ‘unlocked’ room right after Pete’s been stabbed?”

  “But he had Tanya with him.”

  “A nice, drunk alibi.”

  “I see your point.”

  Jewel interrupted. “Wait a minute. A man is dead, murdered? Who would do that?”

  Ethan answered. “The same man after the Mirvolo Cup.”

  “We think,” Rick added. “I see you’ve taken Jewel into our confidence.”

  “Hell.” Ethan ran a hand through his hair. “She’s not involved in this.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?”

  “Obviously you wouldn’t have told her if you didn’t think you could trust her.”

  Rick’s words warmed Jewel. Ethan trusted her. Maybe it was time to start trusting him. He had a lot on his plate, keeping Rick and that cup safe. Something Denton had said resonated, and she turned to Ethan, wanting to help.

  “Rick?” Jewel chewed her lip in thought, stopping when Ethan’s bright stare lit on her mouth. “Denton said something that made me wonder. He said Tyrone told him you wanted him up here. Seems to me like you need to talk to Tyrone.”

  “Yes, that’s a very good idea.” Rick glanced from Ethan to Jewel. “Why don
’t I see to that right now? Don’t worry, Ethan. I’ll take Elise.”

  “And have a second guard shadow you at all times.”

  Rick sighed again. “Of course. Why don’t you two take some time to finish up in here? I’m afraid we’ll have to move Jewel’s training into your room, Ethan. Appears I have a date tomorrow night with Josh and his lovely lady.”

  “I want your ‘surveillance’ turned off, effective immediately. I’ll turn it back on when I’m finished in here.”

  Rick shrugged. “Done.”

  “Actually, about that training,” Jewel interrupted. “I think Ethan and I are about through.” With Denton back, she needed to start working on him ASAP. She only had another week before Sophie’s blackmail was due. Whatever feelings she’d garnered for Ethan were part of this fantasy world ‑‑ a world she’d be leaving in a short time.

  “No, actually, we aren’t,” Ethan said quietly, his gaze on Jewel. “Thanks, Rick. We’ll wrap this up and head out of here in a few. She’ll be with me, in case you need her.”

  “I assumed as much.” Rick nodded at her and turned to leave, but not before she saw the satisfied gleam in his eyes.

  Jewel caught a glimpse of Elise and two burly security guards before the door shut behind her boss. She could feel Ethan’s stare burning a hole into her, and glanced up to meet his eyes. He stood aggressively, his arms crossed over his chest, his mouth a thin line of displeasure.

  “Our training’s not over until I say it’s over.”

  She swore to herself. Now was not the time to be getting hot and bothered over Ethan’s ego trip. His attempt to reestablish his dominance wasn’t working. It’s not working, she tried to convince herself. Remember Sophie. Remember Dreemer’s. Remember your perfect success record.

  Yet as she stood there under Ethan’s stern gaze, she could only recall the feel of Ethan’s hand on her ass, of his lips on her breasts, the taste of his mouth, and the steel in his cock.

  Jewel shivered and saw satisfaction flare in his deep, brown eyes. She automatically stiffened her spine.

  In a calm, even voice, she explained, “Ethan, I’m sorry for what you went through tonight. But I think you’ll agree you have more important things to look after right now than me. You have a murderer and a thief, or maybe one and the same, to find. After all, you are responsible for Rick’s safety, aren’t you?”


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