One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance Page 54

by Lauren Wood

  He was gasping and sputtering blood with his thumb pressing the invisible switch that wasn’t there. He was grinning like an idiot and it dawned on me he didn’t have to reach out to kill the both of us.

  “I win.” Two words had never had that much meaning behind them before.

  He was breathing shallowly. I picked up the knife and showed him the steel of the blade. I lifted it above my head with both hands and then I was struck with an idea.

  I used the pointed end of the knife to cut the shirt he was wearing wide open to see the electrodes taped to his chest. I lifted my white blouse and took them off of him before he could take his last breath.

  I pressed the electrodes to my chest and sat down waiting for the inevitable. I closed my eyes and was prepared to leave this mortal coil behind.

  Chapter five

  I saw him standing in profile with his hands drawing me into his embrace. I had survived by the grace of God. My Hail Mary of placing the electrodes on my chest worked better than expected.

  “I have to say I was impressed but terrified at the same time.” He kissed my fingers and sucked them deep into his mouth to imitate what I was going to do to a certain appendage of his.

  The sensation of his tongue twirling around my digits sent profound signals below my waist. My panties were sticking to me, but he was able to peel them away with very little difficulty. He knelt on his knees and had my panties with the crotch stuffed into his mouth. I watched mesmerized by how his eyes were rolling into the back of his head by the briefest taste of my ambrosia touching his lips.

  “I did what I had to do and I would do it again.” He made me spread my legs and I felt his hands creeping up the inside of my thighs.

  “I want this chance to show you how serious I am about making this work.” His fingers flickered over my bald mound and made contact with my clit.

  “This dress is getting in the way, but I do find it erotic to see you wearing something girlie.” I had purposely found a boutique on the way over to his place and this dress was calling to me from the window.

  “The proprietor told me this was the one that would knock your socks off. I told her I was interested in making your pants fall down and she smiled knowingly.” He had the blood red material of the dress bunched up in his fists. I let the straps fall over my shoulders to show him how my high beams were on.

  “My tongue was hanging on the floor when you walked through the door. It’s the reason why we are here.” The bed was a few feet away, but it felt like 1,000,000 miles.

  “I can think of better things for you to do with that tongue.” This was my chance to escape reality and find happiness in his arms.

  “We both have a lot to discuss, but I think we have done enough talking for the time being.” The sizzling spear of the pointed end of his tongue made my legs feel like jelly.

  “My God… is there no end to your depravity?” It was a good thing the wall was right there in front of me.

  The sloppy sound of his penetration echoed in my ears. My wet and glistening lips received him deeply and with unbridled enthusiasm. I was pushing up against his face to get him a little deeper than he already was. I knew there was no way that I was going to stop him and there was nothing I wanted more than to feel completely underneath his spell.

  “I don’t know where you have been all of my life. It seems unfathomable to have you on your knees like this giving me the kind of pleasure most women only dream about.” I was hanging by a thread and waiting for the proper stimulation to send me over the edge.

  I reveled in the all-encompassing feeling of warmth traveling up and down my body. I gently wept for the woman I was, but I was a grateful to be reborn stronger than ever.

  I was scratching the paint off the wall with my fingernails. The sensation was intensely gratifying.

  “You may already know, but let me tell you in words you will understand… YESSSSSSSSS.” The last word lingered loudly and long making me sound like a snake after her prey.

  I came with my eyelids fluttering and my entire body electrified from the inside out. I found myself falling on my knees breaking contact with his tongue to be presented with something more than a little appetizing.

  He had dropped his pants and his underwear leaving me to see the object of my desire. I didn’t even hesitate. I swallowed the evidence of his arousal with him grunting in response to my overanxious sex drive. I planted his flag in my throat and gave him a thrill beyond words.

  “I guess it’s true about what they say.” I wanted to hear what he was going to say next. “A woman is open to anything if a man is willing to give them that one climax.” An orally induced orgasm was another animal.

  I had every intention of making him succumb and fall victim to my warm caress. I had him begging for release with his eyes. I could feel it growing by the second with his balls inflating to twice their size. The head ballooned and began to pulsate with the boiling seed from his balls firing with an intensity of their own.

  The first shot went directly into my throat before I had enough time to drag those inches back along the silky surface of my tongue. I tasted the product of his excitement and it made my entire body shake in an aftershock of my previous orgasm.

  I was amazed to find him stiff to the touch with an unyielding tool of persuasion in his possession. I relieved him of his shirt and made him follow me until I was lying with my legs spread on the bed.

  He shuffled forward and gave me the blunt end of his instrument. He stretched me open with the lips clinging to his shaft with each inch currently forging ahead. I heard the noise of his long extended breath and I followed with one of my own. He had this evil smile with his hand underneath me to hold me in position.

  “It’s up to you how far you are willing to take this.” I lifted my body and impaled the last half of his equipment into the fist of my sex.

  “You didn’t even have to ask twice.” There was nothing between him and me.

  He rallied his forces and began to push me to my limit and beyond. I felt trapped underneath him. I had my legs in the shape of scissors around him with my ankles locked in place.

  “I know I have a dirty mind, but it looks like we have that in common.” He followed that statement with a rousing rendition of a man possessed by the sexual devil.

  The sounds coming out of him were satanic in nature. I thought for sure his head was going to turn around in a 360° arc. His whole face changed.

  I was ready to be inducted into one of many notches on his belt.

  “It’s not a gentlemanly thing to do to get off before I do.” He slowed his role and made me feel every inch in a slow and agonizing climb to the top of the mountain.

  “You really didn’t think that I was going to leave you wanting? You are a silly girl.” He rearranged his position so that the shaft was rubbing up against the pronounced piece of my anatomy.

  I whitewashed his shaft in my juices, grabbing the invading force and twisting a sexual confession out of it. I felt the head begin to make those same signals inside me as they did in my mouth. I was lashing my hair in every direction and I tried to keep my eyes open, but it wasn’t easy. I had eye contact with him the entire time. I didn’t think that we could be any more connected.

  There was something happening between us and then he took it away before it could be revealed. He dropped unceremoniously to the mattress with his raging hard-on ready for more. With a girlish glee, I jumped into his lap with one thing on my mind.

  Looking down at him, I shifted until I was able to make contact with his knob. I was biting my bottom lip as I dropped my weight down the length of his pole.

  “I’m going to break you of all of your bad habits. I’m also going to make sure you fuck me every day. Do you think that you are up to the challenge of daily encounters?” I didn’t give him a chance to speak at least not with words.

  I held onto the headboard and slammed my entire weight down on top of him several times. I could feel the walls of my hole quiver
ing around the length of his instrument. The pleasure I was inflicting was evident on his face. I reached down and gave him an extra bit of incentive by sealing my fingers around the base.

  “I wish I had an idea of what happened that night. I know we had sex, but it’s nothing more than fragmented images in my head.” He grunted every time I made him bottom out inside me.

  I applied pressure to my inner muscles to drag my orgasm to the forefront of my mind. Every neuron was inexplicably firing on all cylinders. The pleasure center of my brain was overactive. I began to convulse with my whole body going into a sexually explicit epileptic fit. I was there, but I wasn’t there at the same time.

  My orgasm was on another level of consciousness. I opened my eyes and witnessed the distortion of his features. There was no disguising his impending climax. It exploded from the tip and he continued to fuck me with wild gyrations of his hips.

  “I have never had such an intense experience. I will never be discontent in your arms. To answer your question, I have no problem giving you this repeat performance every day for the rest of our lives. It can’t possibly get boring if we work together to make each time feel like the first time.” He was lying there spent and depleted of his natural resources.

  He was still inside me and I was purposely strengthening those muscles by using him as exercise equipment in a different way. I had gotten every single stream buried inside me. I knew this was what heaven had to feel like.

  “This does answer the question of whether or not you want to stick around. I honestly didn’t take you for father material, but maybe I was wrong. I apologize for assuming anything without first discussing the matter with you. We have a lot to do to get ready for this child.” I rubbed my belly and grabbed his hand so that he could feel where the baby was currently making his home.

  “I know we have a few months, but I want to make every decision together.” I felt his appendage slinking down along the slippery walls of my sex.

  “I don’t know where you are going and I haven’t even finished with you. My hormones are driving me insane and my sex drive is off the charts.” I didn’t see him complaining and I actually felt a jolt of renewed energy jerking between his legs.

  I was going to make good use of his sexual stamina. I knew that he was up for the demand literally and figuratively.

  My child was going to be embarrassed by seeing us showing public displays of affection. I didn’t want to have it any other way.






  All Mine Series is here, all in one complete set!

  Only Mine: Carlos & Eve

  “From the instant we met, I could see your innocence. You were both shy and bold, all at the same time. I needed to learn more. I need to know all of you.”

  Always Mine: Joel & Cameron

  “I knew once I saw you that I would make you mine. You were pure and a little dirty in the same breath. It was going to take a lifetime to know you, to really know you.”

  You're Mine: David & Carol

  “From the first look, I knew that I wanted you. You were sassy with a little sweetness. Now I have to have you back in my life and in my arms.”

  Forever Mine: Marcus & Angela

  “She was a girl from my past. The girl of my dreams and I wasn’t going to rest until she was in my arms again”

  Be Mine: Lucas & Fran

  “I ran a gang, dealt with life and death every day. She was harder than that. She was the one that made my heartbeat slam in my chest and wonder what if there was more.”



  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading All Mine - A Bad Boy Next Door Romance






  Be My Forever Series is here, all in one complete set!

  Be My First

  "My New Employee makes it hard…very hard to ignore.

  Claire makes me want to throw all the rules away."

  Be My Bride

  "I had a decision to make, that would change everything.

  Could I say ‘I’ do for business?

  I had one rule in life, don’t fall in love. Now I have fallen for my wife."

  Be My Princess

  "I needed an assistant like that; hot tempting and willing to please.

  Her innocence was intoxicating and I had to have more.

  I was going to be her first and her last.

  I lived by rules and rule number one was don’t let women get to me. Stacy got to me."

  Be My Daddy

  "I wanted to give her the full service treatment.

  Meri was a client that I wanted to break all the rules with.

  I met her at a wild time, in a wild place.

  One night with Meri changed everything"


  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading Be My Forever - A Billionaire and Virgin Romance





  Chapter 1


  “Are you on your way?”

  “Yeah, you called me twice Scott, I told you then that I was on my way. I’ll be there.”

  “That was an hour ago Carl and your ass is still not here.”

  “I had to take Bianca home.”

  “Oh, well is she still with you because we are not going to have enough room in the truck?”

  “No, I just dropped her off a few minutes ago.”

  Scott knew that Bianca lived right down by my house and I figured that he would get what took so long and that’s why he was on my ass. He must be bitchy because he hadn’t gotten any this morning.

  “Good, how long until you get here?”

  “Five minutes or so.”

  “We need to go get my sister from the airport, so hurry the hell up.”

  “Your sister?”

  “You remember Melanie, don’t you? It’s been a while since you’ve seen here huh?”

  I hadn’t thought about little Mel in several years. She went off to boarding school when she was fifteen and I hadn’t seen her the last five or six years. Now she is on her second year of college. I hear about her from time to time from her proud brother, but I hadn’t seen her since I took him to drop her off at the airport that long ago. I hadn’t known that she was coming back.

  “Oh yeah, of course. How is she doing?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Mom called me when I was at work and told me to go get her. I didn’t even know that she was coming home, but you know they don’t tell me anything when it comes to her.”

  “Probably so but you don’t remember because you don’t listen.”

  “Probably. Get over here already. Her plane has touched down already and it’s twenty minutes there. I don’t want to hear about it because you had to get laid this morning.”

  I told him that I would be there soon and hung up. I didn’t get what he was so worried about. It wasn’t like she was a kid or anything, by now she was a woman. It was hard to see her as that since she’d been gone for so long, but time had not stood still.

  It was better than going to work, so I got to Scott’s and honked, waiting for him to come out and get in so we could go. When I saw his mom Lily coming out, I said hi to her and apologized for honking. “He said something about being in a rush.”

  “Yeah, he needs to go get his sister. I told him thirty minutes ago. I would have gone myself if I would have known that he was going to take so long.”

  I just kind of smiled
and agreed, knowing that it was Bianca’s tempting ass that had made him late in the first place. She knew I had to go and she made sure that it was hard for me to do so. She liked to fuck with me and this morning she was on double duty and there was nothing I could have done. I was a helpless victim in it all. She knew that certain things would get me going and then I had to play it out to completion. That was the problem this morning anyways.

  “Well he said he was ready, so we will be there in no time at all.”

  She smiled and thanked me. “I don’t know where Scott would be without you Carl. You always help keep him in line.”

  It was another thing that she didn’t really get. I got him in trouble a bit more than I would admit and it was Scott that usually kept me in line. He was usually the reasoning one that didn’t think out of emotions and do stupid shit like I was known to do. We balanced each other out well most of the time.

  “How is Ted doing?”

  “He’s doing alright. Starting another round of chemo tomorrow and we are hoping that this one does it.”

  I told her that I would be praying for her husband that was diagnosed the year before. It was hard for me to be around him like that, when I wanted to remember him the way he was before he got sick and started to decline. He was a shadow of the man that he’d once been.

  I didn’t come in to their house much anymore, probably because I didn’t know what to say or how to act, but I still wanted them to know that I was thinking about him and hoping him all of the best. He’d treated me like his own kid since I’d befriended his son when we were children and if the next round didn’t work, they wouldn’t be the only ones that were upset by it. Ted meant a lot, to a lot of different people.


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