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by Allie Standifer

  Blame it on Bangkok

  Allie Standifer

  Book 4 in the Erotic Escapes series.

  After seven years of married bliss, Blanca isn’t about to lose her husband to a twenty-something stick figure. It’s time to pull out all the tricks in this curvy woman’s repertoire.

  Waking up to find his sexy wife in his hotel room thrills Zane, until he finds out why she’s there. Another woman found an email never sent, one detailing his every dark desire, but the only woman starring in his fantasy is his wife. He plans to use their erotic surroundings to win her forgiveness.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Blame it on Bangkok

  ISBN 9781419936289


  Blame it on Bangkok Copyright © 2011 Allie Standifer

  Edited by Helen Woodall

  Cover design by Syneca

  Photography by Les Byerley

  Electronic book publication August 2011

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  Blame it on Bangkok

  Allie Standifer


  This one’s for Desiree. You’re always there, whips, chains and floggers notwithstanding. Thank you for the encouragement, insults and space at your table. I’ve written some of my best work under your eagle eye and look forward to many more writing sessions in the middle of nowhere while fighting for work space with your cats. Lubs ya, babe!

  Chapter One

  She wouldn’t lose her husband, not to the seven-year itch or to some trampy assistant. Blanca Davon stopped in front of the presidential suite, took a deep breath, and gripped the handle on her luggage. Her stomach jumping with nerves, she slid the keycard in the lock and opened the door.

  Please let Zane be alone, she silently prayed as the silence of the luxurious suite settled around her. After a few moments her eyes adapted to the lack of light and Blanca made her way through the hallway, past the elegantly appointed living room and barely noticed the fully equipped office with its bright glowing lights.

  No, the other thing she could concentrate on was the barely there smell of Zane’s cologne as she followed the subtle trail to the master bedroom. The double doors were ajar as was her husband’s habit and with a soft push of her leather-clad foot, the doors swung open.

  Like a rabbit fleeing from a wolf, Blanca’s heart raced so fast against her chest she was surprised it didn’t wake the man sleeping soundly on the huge platform bed across from her.

  With a prayer for courage and calm, she dropped the handle of her suitcase and crossed the lushly padded floor. What the hell she’d do if Zane had did have another woman in his bed she didn’t know. What she actually was one-hundred-percent positive about was that Blanca would dump his gorgeous ass if he cheated on her. She might not be cover girl material—what woman over the age of fifteen was? But Zane swore up and down he loved her plus-sized curves and in the eight years they’d been together nothing he’d done or said had ever pointed to another opinion.

  So why now? Why this woman? Her husband spent most of his time around thin beautiful woman. What producer worth his obscene paycheck didn’t? However, Blanca had never felt threatened. Why would she? Zane loved her, he’d married her and every night he came home to her.

  Unfortunately Laura didn’t take vows, love or commitment into consideration when she went after the man she wanted. And make no mistake Zane’s newest production assistant wanted him anyway she could get him. At twenty-seven Laura’s body hadn’t succumbed to the evil threat of gravity. Her boobs might gently sway in an under-thirty kind of way. Completely unlike Blanca’s way-too-generous, top-heavy girls that needed their own protective gear anytime in public. Gravity managed to drop them a little more every year, too, damn Isaac Newton and his apple.

  A muffled snore from the bed dragged her attention away from the mental loops she’d been running and back to the reality of her life.

  Twenty hours on a plane had landed her in Bangkok to find out the truth and to hopefully give her a chance to save her marriage with the only man she’d ever love.

  “Oh God, Zane, please don’t do this to us,” she whispered and walked to the right side of the bed, the side her husband always claimed as his own. With trembling fingers, a sick stomach and a pounding heart, Blanca reached over and flipped the bright table lamp on.

  Zane jerked up like a puppet on a string. “What the hell?” His stormy grey eyes blinked in the sudden brightness while a hank of thick, black hair fell over his brow. “Blanca? Honey, what are you doing here?”

  The same intimate sexy smile, which had drawn her to him years ago, curved his mouth. Before a look of intense concentration caused the smile to fade. “Did something happen? Are you okay? Was there an accident?”

  A fast look on the other side of the bed had her sagging in relief. “You’re alone.” She breathed out the words.

  Confusion clouded his gaze. “Of course I’m alone, Blanca. Why wouldn’t I be? Tell me what’s going on? Are you all right?”

  “I…” Oh shit, how would she explain this to her husband? The man who believed in truth, honestly and communication above all things? He’d think her a fool and he’d be right. “I’m fine. No one’s hurt, everything’s okay at home.”

  In one smooth motion, Zane flung the cream-colored sheet aside and pulled her into his warm familiar embrace. “Come on, babe, whatever it is we can deal with it.” Soft loving kisses were pressed to her forehead, nose and finally her lips.

  The touch of his mouth brought forth the well-known fire and passion they’d always managed to create together. But she couldn’t let herself get distracted, not even when her body craved to be joined with the man she loved in the most intimate way possible.

  Pushing against his muscled chest, Blanca broke the connection. “I have to tell you why I’m here, Zane.”

  “Babe, I don’t care what brought you to Bangkok. I’m just thrilled to hell to see you. It’s been more than three days since I’ve been inside you.” Shivers raced up her spine as his talented lips traveled from her jaw and down her neck. “We’re never spending that much time apart again. I’ve spent more time in the shower jerking off than in bed. You’ve spoiled me for sleeping alone.”

  Normally she’d smile and tease him over his high sex-drive, a drive that Bla
nca surprisingly found herself eagerly matching. Tonight, if she wanted to save her marriage, to save them, she needed to lay everything on the table, including a few cravings her husband didn’t know anything about.

  He was right up against her, his swollen cock pressed into her belly, his face bare inches from her. Then his arms came around her, pulling her tight against him and his mouth came down on hers.

  “Just another kiss. You taste better than every wet dream I’ve had about you.”

  Zane had wet dreams about her? Stunned Blanca opened her mouth to protest and his tongue swept in like a raiding outlaw, tasting, touching stroking the inside of her mouth. His hands automatically moved down to her ass, clasping the full globes and inching her closer. Her own traitorous hands actually snuck around his neck while her fingers threaded through his hair. The kiss spiraled through her straight to her clit.

  She pulled her head away a fraction, softly panting against the dampness of his mouth. Zane’s sweet, toothpaste-laced breath wafted over her senses. The stubborn man hadn’t given her much room to maneuver.

  “I have to talk to you, Zane,” she pleaded, trying to pull out of his all-too-enticing embrace.

  As expected, Zane shook his head. “After,” came his whispered promise. What was left of her common sense kicked in and she found the power to pull back from him. She tried to move him away but he held her too close for her actions to be of any use. Those oh-so-talented hands stroked up and down her back, stirring friction under the silk cloth of her now rumpled travel dress.

  Damn, the man knew her so well. He knew she wanted to give in, but she couldn’t. Maybe after once things were worked out.

  “No,” she said as forcefully as she could manage. The same tone worked wonders on her eight grade students and apparently on thirty-nine-year-old boys too.

  With a sigh of resignation Zane sank down on the high mattress and ran a frustrated hand through his sleep tumbled hair. “Blanca, I love you, honey, but it’s…” He tossed a quick glance over to the dimly lit clock. “Three o’clock in the morning in Bangkok, which is not where you were the last time we talked.”

  Nervously threading her fingers together Blanca moved to sit beside her husband. “Well, I was in Paris when you called last night.”

  Shock had his beautiful eyes widening. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I…ah…wanted it to be a surprise?” The tone came out more a question than statement.

  The dark, familiar head tilted at her words, suspicion narrowed his eyes and formed small lines between his black brows. “Try again, Blanca.”

  Fear of losing him, fear of her own cowardly actions had her jumping from the bed to pace the spacious bedroom. Truth time, she thought and headed for her purse, which she’d dropped by the small, specially packed suitcase.

  Nerves strung tight, Blanca reached in and pulled out the printed e-mail she’d memorized over the past twenty hours. Moving with confidence she didn’t feel, Blanca went back to the bed and with shaking fingers handed the damning note to her husband.


  “Just,” she waved a hand at the hated paper, “read it. Just read it then we’ll talk.”

  Laura, my love,

  There are things I haven’t been able to tell you. Things I haven’t wanted you to know but I can’t keep these hungers silent any longer. You complete me in a way no other woman ever has. Please believe me, but I think there’s more we can do and be together. Starting with that sweet ass I love to touch and hold. I want to fuck your ass. The need to take you there keeps me up at night along with several fantasies of using different toys on your lovely, lush body. Please think about it, don’t dismiss this until you’ve at least considered my requests.

  Forever yours,


  Shocked, Zane opened and closed his mouth, no words coming out as his thoughts were jumbled in a ball of confusion. Finally shaking his head, he got to his unsteady feet. Holding the damning letter in the tight clutch of his hand, Zane met the troubled green gaze of the woman he loved.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “It came through our e-mail account as a blind copy.”

  Her words might sound calm, but Zane knew his woman well enough to know such damning evidence would be tearing her apart.

  “This isn’t what you think, Blanca,” he started.

  Fire flashed through her eyes as Blanca’s hands fisted on her silk covered hips. “Don’t,” she growled out, “Do not say this isn’t what it looks like. That’s the lamest, most overused excuse in the world.”

  “But it’s the truth, honey. If you give me time I can prove it.”

  His words had the hoped for effect. Her posture eased slightly while her shoulders lowered and her hands fell from her hips. “How, Zane? How can you prove you didn’t write this?”

  “That’s the thing, honey, I did write it, but not to Laura.” He held up a hand to stop her automatic objections. “Five minutes, Blanca, just give me five minutes and then we’ll talk about everything.”

  “Fine,” she agreed with a stiff nod.

  Letting out a relieved whoosh of air Zane bolted out of the bedroom to the office, grabbed his laptop and almost ran back into the bedroom, grateful to see her still standing where he left her.

  Setting the small machine down on one of the antique tables he flipped the laptop lid open, bringing the computer out of sleep mode.

  “Okay, just hang on for a sec while I bring up my programs.” Moving quickly while a nervous trickle of sweat ran down his spine, Zane hurriedly clicked his mail program open.

  Moving the mouse over the locked drafts folder, he typed his password in and brought up the incriminating letter.

  With a wave of his hand Zane backed away, motioning Blanca to the glowing monitor. “Since you woke me up you’ll know I haven’t had time to tamper or mess with it, right?”

  Slowly moving forward, her pretty forehead wrinkled with confusion. “I understand.”

  Then those eyes that used to look at him with nothing but love dropped down and scanned the document. Zane knew the letter word for word. It exactly matched the one his wife had received except it was addressed, Blanca, my love. He’d written it months ago waiting for the time and courage to confess his darker desires to his gentle wife. Now with the wisdom of hindsight he admitted he should have grown the balls and just told her, face to face.

  Chapter Two

  “I don’t understand.” One trembling pale hand lifted to cover her full lips.

  Blowing out an aggravated breath Zane closed the distance between them. “Simple, my love, I wrote it intending to send it to you. I was too much of a coward to say these things to your face in case you rejected me or thought I was freak. Laura must have hacked into my files and sent it to you herself. Every password and access code will be changed first thing in the morning, right after I fire her lying ass.” Grasping her silk-covered shoulders firmly, Zane bent his knees enough to look into her eyes. “The bitch was always coming on to me, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. You know what it’s like on set. Everybody’s always screwing everybody else. There’s not a whole lot of faithful or long term relationships in Hollywood.”

  She knew it, Zane knew she knew it but didn’t understand it. Marriage and commitment meant something to her, but not so with the majority of people in their world. “Why would she do this and think I wouldn’t confront you?”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Because Laura is a fool who thinks you’d scurry off at the slightest sign of trouble. She has no idea of your strength or will since she has little enough of it of her own.”

  Tears filled her eyes at the enormity of what had almost occurred crashed through her. “Zane, I’m so sorry for doubting you. I should have known better.”

  Sweet tender kisses trailed over her face and neck as he whispered to her. “Shh, baby, it’s okay. We’re okay.”

  The memory of his letter burned in her br
ain so she pulled back from his distracting touch. “No, Zane, we’re not okay.”

  He jerked back frowning. “We’re not?”

  She shook her head. “Not until we talk about the…things you want, things you need.”

  “Aw baby, I can live without them, I can’t live without you.”

  The honest heartfelt words touched her deeply, but now it was her turn to confess. “Actually, Zane,” she hesitated over the words she could form only in her head. “I think…I may…”

  “What is it, baby?” He pushed closer in her personal space, the fresh scent of his skin filling her nose.

  Blanca dropped her eyes as if she couldn’t meet his gaze. “Those things,” she whispered again, “I want them too. Or at least I think I do. I’ve thought about them and the books I buy are filled with loves scenes like that.”

  Zane sucked in a stunned breath before lifting her chin up to meet his eyes. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe for the same reason you never said anything to me.”

  “The woman I dated before you… I’d tried to tell her, but she accused me of being a perverted freak. Said I needed mental help and to stay away from her.” The confession freed something inside him Zane hadn’t been aware of. The burden so long weighing him down disappeared beneath the understanding look of love in his wife’s eyes.



  Their eyes met, understanding dawning between them before they both broke into peals of laughter and fell into each other’s arms.

  “Blanca, if you want those things for yourself, not for me, I’m more than happy to fill your every desire, no matter how wicked or naughty.”


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