The Watchers Trilogy: Awakening

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The Watchers Trilogy: Awakening Page 23

by Karice Bolton

The morning light came through my bedroom and woke me up from a wonderful dream that I was in the middle of. I rolled over trying to get back to that state of sleep where I could recover my dream and begin it again. I didn’t want to lose any time with Athen, even if it was in my dreams. I was still in the process of relearning memories, and sometimes, they came in the form of dreams, which I certainly didn’t want to miss out on. Anything to take the place of the nightmares was wonderful. I tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep, but it was hopeless. The light continued to blaze through the windows and was far too intense. I vowed going forward I would keep the curtains closed, even if it meant missing out on waking up to falling snow. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it read 6:30am - curse it. There was no way I would be able to get Matilda up this early, let alone go outside to do her business. I wondered if Athen was still asleep. My guess was that he was. Everyone left pretty late the night before. My heart ached a little at the thought of him at his condo and me across the village. I was so relieved to experience a night’s worth of sleep filled with happiness instead of the horrific images usually invading my mind.

  I begrudgingly lifted the comforter up and climbed out of bed. I knew I was too amped up to get back to sleep, which made me think I didn’t remember my dream as well as I thought I did. I pattered into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hoped that I still had enough beans left to make a pot of coffee.

  I was still on information overload from the night before but knew that those missing pieces were so very important in helping me understand the dangers that were still out there as well as what happened so many decades before. I knew the journey to fully regain my memories would be a long one. I was thankful that I had my family around to help with them. The mere thought of Cyril, Athen, and Arie made my heart automatically begin to warm. I was truly blessed. I only hoped that I would get over the uneasy feelings of my heritage. I kept trying to spin it in a positive manner, to no avail. I opened the cabinet, relieved to find enough beans to make that pot of coffee. I also made a mental note to stop by Karen’s later today to avoid losing the one quasi friend that I could call my own.

  I sat at the breakfast bar waiting for the coffee to brew while I decided to start a to-do list. Since spending so much time with Athen and his family, a lot of my personal duties seemed to slip through the cracks. First on the list was a grocery trip, followed by pre-paying some of my bills through the holidays so I didn’t have to come back to a dark house because, at this rate, I would forget to pay the electric bill. I could feel myself begin to daydream about Athen again and wondered if that was how it always would be.

  The day before I was so thrilled to have another memory resurface of us all at a lake, enjoying some sort of summer party with games, and many people, who I did not recognize, wandering around. I knew I wanted to ask Arie about that memory because so far the only people that have appeared were Cyril, Athen, and Arie – not strangers. I knew I was safer asking about the happy dreams rather than the scary ones. I hoped the nightmares were just that – nightmares. I didn’t want to ask though.

  The morning had gone by fast, and it was a smidge before 11:00 am. I managed to get all of my grocery shopping done as well as put everything away tidily in the pantry cupboards and even got many of my bills paid online early. My next hope was that I would be able to get a hold of Karen for an afternoon visit. I decided I had better call her and head over before she had to start her shift at the Pub.

  I reached for the phone, feeling a burning pain run through my fingertips, almost as if I was being poked with hot needles. I couldn’t quite fathom that so I took my hand away and readjusted how I was sitting; maybe I scuffled around the floor too much, I thought to myself. I picked up the phone quickly this time hoping to avoid that same level of pain and dialed Karen’s number. My technique worked, no pain. The phone rang and rang, but the machine didn’t pick up so I held on a little longer about to give up when I heard the receiver click.

  “Hello?” I heard Karen’s familiar voice and was thrilled.

  “Hey, Karen!” I exclaimed, not able to hold back my excitement.

  “Ana! I’m so glad you called. I was planning on stopping by to say hi. How are you feeling? That was some horrible flu you got. Are you back to normal yet?”

  Always like Karen to be concerned. I pushed away the guilt for not being honest, but I knew the truth would get me locked up in some sort of facility that I would never get out of.

  “I’m doing so much better. Still not a hundred percent but getting close – worn out mostly.”

  “Well, we really miss you at the pub.”

  As soon as Karen spoke the words a little pang of guilt came over me because I knew deep down that I was having so much fun with my family that I didn’t think about working at the pub at all.

  “I miss you all too. It certainly is odd not worrying about my shift, or what kind of crowd might be coming in,” I told her, trying as hard as possible to sound convincing.

  “Yeah, I’m sure that is what you are thinking about,” she said teasing. Obviously, my attempt failed.

  “Very funny! So I called to see if you are free this afternoon to catch up. I know it’s short notice, but…”

  “No problem at all. I finished cleaning everything up so come on over whenever you want. I don’t go in until 7:00 pm tonight, and I work until closing. We’ve got plenty of time to chat.” I could tell that she was getting excited. I was relieved that my lack of communication, over the last while, didn’t rub her the wrong way.

  “Great. See you in a bit,” I said and hung up the phone quickly. This would work out great, since I wasn’t meeting Athen for dinner until 8 pm tonight. I decided to get ready for the dinner with Athen now, in case I was running late coming back from Karen’s.

  I was standing at Karen’s door waiting for her to appear, while I delicately balanced the fresh baked pretzels I’d picked up. One of our favorite things we used to munch on during a movie night.

  She flung open the door and came pouncing to hug me before she noticed that my hands were full. I managed to grab everything before it hit the ground, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Well, some things don’t change,” I said, barely able to move through the door because I was laughing so hard.

  “Oh yum! Pretzels!” Karen was as excited as always to see the baked goods. I delicately maneuvered through her entry hall as she carefully tried to grab items to make it easier. I made it to the dining room, happy I didn’t drop anything.

  “Wow, did you get a new rug?” I asked her, not remembering an off white rug in her dining room before.

  “Yep. Got it on sale down in Squamish. I was tired of always having cold feet at the dining room table.”

  “Well, I love it.”

  We were getting all situated when Karen got a text. The needle sensation ran through my fingers again. It had to be the rug. I quickly sat down and raised my feet up, but this time it didn’t go away. An image flashed in my head of a guy, I didn’t recognize, texting to Karen’s number. I looked over at Karen who looked very uncomfortable and was beginning to blush.

  “So did you get something from your boyfriend? Do I need to leave the room?” I said laughing.

  She looked a little relieved and smiled.

  “Yeah, that’s who it was.”

  I wanted to believe her, but somehow something wasn’t adding up. I had a very uncomfortable feeling building up, and the feeling in my fingers was not going away. It dulled a little but was still very much present. I smiled quickly to hopefully make her at ease and decided I would bring it up a little later to give us enough time to bond again.

  “Something seems different about you. I can’t put my finger on it though,” Karen said, looking at me puzzled.

  “Hmmm,” I said aloud, “Oh geez. I know what it is. I have green contacts in.”

  “Wow, well not sure what would have p
ossessed you to do that, but it looks good. Usually those things look so fake.”

  “Yeah, thanks. I think.”

  She relaxed a bit as we both dove into the pretzels I brought as we covered every topic imaginable. I told her all about Athen and his family, leaving out the obvious parts. She was quite agreeable as to how caring he seemed to be. I could tell we were back to normal so I decided to pounce. I looked at the clock and back at Karen.

  “I should probably get going. Give you time to get ready for the night and text you know who back. Hey, I’m gonna text him a hello and tell him he made my girl blush.” I said laughing. As I feared, her reaction wasn’t what I hoped.

  “No, don’t do that. He’s at an appointment.”

  “Oh, is that so?” I asked, eyeing her suspiciously. “What kind of appointment? It’s kind of late for one. Wouldn’t he have his phone turned off? I want to reach out,” I told her, looking her in her eyes knowing, unfortunately, that wasn’t her boyfriend who texted her earlier.

  “Why are you looking at me that way, Ana? Why would I be lying about where he is this afternoon?”

  “You are right,” I told her. “I guess I’ve been away a wee bit too long and didn’t read you right. You haven’t acted that way before over me texting him, that’s all.” I hoped my softening voice would win her over a little to come clean. Instead, she sat silently staring at the table runner. I hopped up and grabbed my purse.

  “Sorry, Karen. I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds.” I went over and hugged her. “I can let myself out.”

  “No, don’t be silly. I’m fine. You’re fine. You did nothing.”

  We walked together through the living room. Once we got to the front door, I turned to her and gave her a hug.

  “Thanks for always being there, Karen. I’m thankful. You should come to dinner with us all and, of course, bring Justin. It has been too long since the crepe house, I think.” I could feel her squeezing harder than when I first arrived to her house earlier. I knew my suspicions were right. She let go and stood back and looked at me.

  “You look amazingly great, Ana – more confident or something.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her a quick hug as I left and quietly whispered, “Don’t do it, Karen. It’s not you. Be the kind soul you are.”

  I could hear the door shut silently behind me. I knew she was about to make a choice that could alter her future forever. I wondered why on earth I knew any of that off of a text.

  I was relieved. I got back to my place in time to let Matilda out for a quick walk. I was still fiddling with my key in the door when Athen appeared opening the door in front of me. He was already at my place. I could feel the excitement level swell instantly, and I almost let out a little squeal of delight. He picked me up and spun me around as I shut the door with my leg. He put me down and began kissing me when I began smelling something over the top delicious. I backed away slowly and looked around the living room, which was completely dark except for the fire and a few candles that he had placed along the coffee table with rose petals surrounding them. My eyes started to fill with tears as I took in what he had planned for me. I couldn’t believe that he had snuck in and done this for me.

  “Looks like we are staying in tonight?” I said smiling from ear to ear.

  “Well, we don’t have to,” He said, toying with my hair that had fallen from my ponytail.

  “This is so incredible, Athen. Thank you. I’m dying to know what I’m smelling? It’s making me delirious.”

  “A rib roast with rosemary and garlic.”

  “Oh, my gosh, my favorite!” I exclaimed, and before I knew it, Athen had grabbed me and wrestled me to the couch.

  “Whoa, fine sir. What do you have planned?” I mischievously asked and hoped for something that had eluded me thus far with him.

  He began placing pillows behind my head and grabbed my red throw to cover me up with. I couldn’t believe my good fortune.

  “Well, I want you to do nothing and be comfortable while doing that.” He leaned next to me, gently kissing my neck. My heart started beating faster as his breath was crawling on my skin. I reached around and grabbed his shoulder bringing him closer to me. His fingers grazed my breast, leaving me to want so much more. I looked up at him, hoping for the next step, when the oven bell went off. For the first time in my life, I would have been willing to pass up my favorite meal. I knew that was not on the agenda tonight, no matter how much I begged for it.


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