Ruby...Red Slippers & All (The Gems & Gents Series Book 5)

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Ruby...Red Slippers & All (The Gems & Gents Series Book 5) Page 6

by Iris Bolling

  "Hey baby girl," Joe kissed her cheek. "I thought I would be finished before you got home."

  Ruby took the shovel. "You gave me a nice strong back and taught me how to take care of my lawn. You need to go home to Sally and get some rest yourself." She eased the rebuff with a smile. "After you have a cup of coffee with me, that is."

  Joe had removed his coat and gloves, then wrapped his hands around the hot cup Ruby sat in front of him. "You're not going into the office today?"

  Ruby finished pouring herself a cup then took a seat. "I've been asked to come back in for a second interview with a non-profit."

  "Congratulations baby," Joe smiled. "That must mean they are really interested."

  "I think they are, it's just that..." she cleared her throat. "The man heading up the project came by the shelter last night."

  When she did not say more Joe spoke. "To see you in action, I take it."

  "Kind of. Any way we had a.... moment," she looked at her father to see if he caught on.

  "Mmm, hmm. Did this moment involve a kiss?"

  "Yes," she replied quickly, relieved he got it.

  Joe smiled. "Was it a good kiss?"

  "Daddy," she stretched out across the table shaking her head. "I don't even know the words to describe how good it was."

  Joe sat back. "That good, huh?"

  She sat up. "That good."

  "Is this your first time meeting the man?"

  "Meeting him, yes, but not the first time I saw him. Anyway if I take the job any chance at us exploring what we discovered last night will be out of the question."

  "Why? You are a woman and he is a man. The job is just titles." He stood and put on his coat. "It doesn't change what a man feels when he meets a woman. I don't care who's the boss." He kissed her on the cheek. "A kiss is the most intimate action that can happen between two people. Think about it. How do you turn sex into love making? It's all in the kiss." He raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell your mother you said hi." He smiled and walked out of the door.

  Rudy sat at the table for a long time after her father left. He was right, of course. She had had sex before and it felt nowhere near as passionate as the kiss she shared with Devin. Ruby looked at her watch. It was close to eight. She could make it to work by nine if she got up right now, took her shower and headed out. Yep, she could do that. Instead she picked up the phone and called in. She would take a nap then go check out Aaron's House.

  This time Ruby wasn't going to try to impress anyone. After all, they were now imposing on her time. That’s what she told herself when she started dressing. Ten outfits later, she decided to wear her sexy power suit. The one she wore when meeting with men who could help with things at the shelter, a navy blazer and skirt that showed off her thick thighs in a flattering way. A pair of three inch black pumps that enhanced her calves and a sexy white crepe blouse that she thought covered her breasts. After all, there was no way she could ignore the six-figure offer or the man who delivered it. By the time she reached Aaron's House, she was soaked from melted snow that was splashed over her stockings and caramel coat. She had slipped several times in the heels and the wind had blown her hair that she took twenty minutes curling.

  The building surprised her. It looked like every other condominium building in downtown Richmond. Maybe better than some she had seen. Walking into the lobby, the receptionist greeted her.

  "Hello, may I help you?"

  She asked the question with a smile even though Ruby looked a mess. "I'm sure you won't believe this but I'm supposed to meet someone here about a job."

  "Are you Ms. Lassiter?"

  "I am."

  The woman came from behind the desk. "Oh, you had an accident. May I take your coat? Would you like something hot to drink?"

  "That would be wonderful." Ruby brushed her hair down as the woman took her coat.

  "I'm Cameron Hicks," she said as she hung the coat up in a closet. "I wasn't expecting you until noon." The woman shook her hand. "Welcome to Aaron's House."

  "Thank you," Ruby slipped out of her heels. "I apologize for my appearance. The snowfall from last night hasn't been kind to me."

  "Oh don't worry about it. I have some slippers under my desk. You are welcome to them." Cameron pulled them out and Ruby happily accepted them.

  "Red slippers," Ruby smiled. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," Cameron smiled. "Mr. Upton isn't due until noon. I'd be happy to show you around."

  Ruby glanced at her watch. She was an hour early. Oh well. Maybe she was more anxious than she thought. "I'm a little early."

  "It's not a problem," Cameron held her hand out. "Let's start with the model apartment. Then I will show you the facility."

  "Sounds good." Ruby inhaled as she walked behind the slim stylishly dressed woman. Slim, she said that already. Was everyone woman around Devin gorgeous? Walking inside the model apartment took all thoughts of how beautiful the woman was from her mind. There was a living room, a family room and a kitchen with beautiful appliances. Between the two bedrooms on one side of the condo, were a Jack and Jill bathroom and on the other side was a nice size master suite with an ensuite bath, and walk in closets. There was a balcony and a small yard for the children to play.

  "It feels like a home," Ruby said as she looked around. It didn't feel like temporary living quarters. It felt like a great place to get a new start.

  "That's what Mr. Upton was going for. He wanted the places to feel like a home. "Construction is still in progress on the upper levels but I can show you the medical and entertainment centers."

  Cameron was a sweetheart. Ruby recognized her people skills as they toured the complex. She was the type of person that would help and not judge. Twenty minutes later they had returned to the first level when Cameron opened a door. "This will be your office."

  Ruby started to say she hadn't taken the job, but then she walked into the office and froze. Devin was there, sitting behind the desk, dressed as if he was meeting the President or somebody. She would have looked good too, if it hadn't been for the mishaps on the way.

  The moment Ruby walked into the office Devin laughed. He loved the spirit of the woman and had not even said hello before looking her up and down. "Trying to prove a point."

  Ruby looked at her attire and joined him. "Honestly I know how to dress for an interview. It must be you." Ruby declared. "But hey, I am who I am. You accept me or reject me, but clothes are not going to change who Ruby Marie Lassiter is on the inside."

  “That makes me a very fortunate man. I happen to like Ruby Marie Lassiter, red slippers and all."

  Cameron walked out of the office smiling as she closed the door behind her.


  "Well, what do you think of the complex?"

  "It's wonderful, but how do you decide who's worthy and who is not?"

  Devin stood, leaving the chair behind the desk vacant. "I don't." He held his hand out to the chair. "You do." Devin wasn't one hundred percent convinced she would take the position. To ensure the outcome he wanted Devin added. "Before you make a decision, you should know the Director of Aaron's House reports to the Board of Directors of The Upton Foundation, not me personally. As of this morning, I removed myself as the head of the Board and asked my mother to take over." He walked towards her. "I explained that I met an incredible woman who made me feel things I've never felt before." He stopped in front of her and whispered. "I told her the sweetest Ruby red lips I've ever tasted were on that woman and I would not be able to resist kissing them again."

  He captured her lips and the sensations from the night before flooded through Ruby. The small amount of cobwebs left from the kiss the night before dissipated as juices began to flow through her panties. The man could kiss her into an orgasm.

  "Excuse me," an appalled Tania screeched from the doorway.

  "I tried to stop her Mr. Upton," Cameron explained.

  "If she had, she would not have been doing her job," Tania made a note to fire Cameron a
s soon as she was named HR Director. "Ms. Lassiter. I need a moment with Mr. Upton."

  "No," Devin turned to Tania. "She stays."

  "Devin...Mr. Upton as the Acting-Director for Human Resources it’s my job to protect the company from sexual harassment claims." She all but rolled her eyes at Ruby. "This," she turned back to Devin, "is dangerous territory, sir."

  He knew she was right and it was her job to point out a cautionary warning. "You are correct Tania," Devin glanced at Ruby. "However, Ruby has not accepted the position and I am no longer in charge of the Foundation. Technically we are on good standing."

  "Technically, that may work. But it's the appearance of this, whatever it is that will not be good for the company."

  "It's a moot point Tania, the decision has been made."

  Cameron knocked, then walked into the office. "Mr. Upton, Mr. Dance would like to see you upstairs."

  "Please tell him I'll be right there Cameron, thank you." He turned to Ruby. "I'll be right back," he then walked towards the door as he spoke. "Tania, please ensure all documents are provided to Ms. Lassiter should she decide to stay," he smiled at Ruby then walked out of the door.

  "Well, you work fast," Tania turned on Ruby. "In less than twenty four hours, you've worked your way to sleeping with the boss."

  "Sounds like you're a little jealous to me. What, you weren’t able to get him into your bed?"

  "I don't have to," Tania smirked. "I have a Masters in Human Resources Management. A degree, sweetie, something you don't have. I fit in his world. You barely graduated from high school. Speaking of which, how long do you think you will be able to keep his interest?" She looked Ruby up and down. "I mean look at you." She walked around Ruby. "Is the mud and red slippers a new trend or something? What are you going to do when he has business dinners to attend? Or when he is invited to the Governor's Mansion for the holidays? How will you be able to support and represent him if you don't have the education or the fashion sense to be in the same room with his colleagues? You know there is nothing wrong with having hopes and dreams. Your dreams should stay on the level of possibilities. Devin is not one."

  "What is it with you? From the moment you put eyes on me it's been a beat a sista down thing with you. Why is that? Do I remind you of somebody who used to beat your ass in high school or something?" Ruby held up her hand. "Don't answer that, ‘cause I really don't care." She took a step closer to Tania and grinned. "I think it befuddles you that you have all the things you mentioned and a man like Devin still doesn’t want you. You ever think it might be your personality." Ruby turned, walking towards the door. "Loosen up, get wet," she looked back over her shoulder. "Don't be afraid of a little mud." Ruby laughed and opened the door. "Get the paper work ready. I'm taking the job." She closed the door behind her.

  Tania cursed under her breath, then made a call. "She's taking the job."

  "I thought you had this in the bag?"

  "Well, I don't," she huffed. "Give me thirty days. I'll have her out."

  "Yeah well, you better do something. I think they are picking up on my little business at this facility and I'm going to need a new gig."

  "What's happening?"

  "One of the assistants is checking the supplies as they come in. She came to me about shortages. I told her some things are on back order."

  Tania shrugged. "Send me a list. I'll see what I can get to you." She disconnected the call. She took a seat behind the desk then opened her briefcase. Using her tablet she pulled up the paper work needed to officially hire Ruby Lassiter.

  "Why are you sitting behind that desk?"

  Tania glanced up to see Miranda standing in the doorway. She looked back down. "I'm doing as your son requested. Preparing the paperwork to hire that horrid woman."

  "Cameron can take care of that," Miranda walked in and placed her purse on the table near the door. As she removed her coat, she continued. "I would prefer that you stay away from this building."

  "Mrs. Upton, it is not my intent to be disrespectful," she looked up. "I answer to your son. He requested I handle this and that's what I plan to do." Tania looked back at her tablet as if dismissing the woman.

  Miranda took the tablet from her hand. "You answer to him at Upton, not at Aaron's House." She held her hand out with Tania's coat. "You also do not handle Aaron’s House employees. I think you know your way out."

  Tania stared at Miranda. "What is it you don't like about me? I worked hard for your husband. I am just as dedicated to your son. I don't understand Mrs. Upton."

  "The simple fact that you think it’s okay to speak to me with that superior attitude of yours. You didn't work hard for Aaron. You used other people to make you look good. Devin isn't easy to fool. He'll figure out your game, whatever it is. You thankfully are not my problem to figure out." She held the woman's coat open.

  Tania grabbed the coat as she walked into the lobby. Devin and Ruby were standing near the elevator talking. They were getting too cozy too quick in her opinion. She walked over and placed her hand on Devin's arm handing him her coat.

  "I'm going back to the office," she said sliding into the coat, spreading her hair over the collar. "We still on for dinner?"

  "Yes, at seven."

  Tania smiled. "I look forward to it." She nodded. "Ms. Lassiter congratulations." She turned and walked out the door with her head held high.

  "Dinner?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

  Devin smiled. "Is that a little bit of jealousy I hear?"

  Ruby glared at him. "Is there a reason for me to be jealous?"

  "It's a business dinner."

  "Mmm hmm," Ruby replied. "I can tell you what you can do with your business dinner," she started to walk off.

  "Wait," Devin grabbed her hand before she could get too far. "Does this mean you're not taking the job?"

  "Oh no," Ruby turned to him. "I'm taking the job. I'm just not sure about the man."

  "There you are," Miranda walked towards Devin then stopped. "It is you," she smiled brightly as the woman turned. "Devin this is the woman who helped me the other day with my car."

  "Hi," Ruby took the woman's hand. "It’s nice to see you again. Thank goodness you didn't have a flat today."

  'You're right,"

  "Flat? What flat?"

  "Oh," Miranda waved his question off. "The day of the Board meeting I had a flat tire and this is the woman who helped me. By the way, I'm Miranda Upton, Devin's mother."

  Ruby was surprised. "Ruby Lassiter. It is nice to officially meet you."

  Miranda took Ruby's hand and walked away. "Same here. Please tell me you are accepting the position here at Aaron's House. It's a wonderful facility and needs someone who cares to bring it to life."

  Devin watched as they walked away talking as if they were life long friends. She changes flat tires. He thought, yet another side to Ruby Lassiter. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

  Cameron looked up at him. "And yet another one bites the dust," she smiled.

  "You like her?" Devin asked.

  "I do," Cameron replied. "She asked the right questions. Voiced the right concerns. You picked a good one Mr. Upton."

  "I think I'll keep her." Devin smiled then walked into the office with the women.


  It was Thursday morning, Thanksgiving Day and she was in a funk. After officially accepting the position the day before, Ruby and Miranda spent hours going over plans for Aaron's House. Precisely at six-thirty Devin stood to leave.

  "Where are you going?" Miranda asked.

  "To have dinner with the heifer known as Tania," Ruby huffed.

  Miranda laughed so hard it even made Devin smile.

  "Mother, don't encourage her."

  "That's exactly what I'm going to do." She laughed. "It's about time someone got the balls to stand up to that heifer." She continued laughing.

  Devin put on his coat to leave. "I can see now I'm going to have to chaperone you two." He held Ruby's eyes. "May I see you later?"

/>   "You mean after you have dinner and lord only knows what else, with the heifer. No, I don't think so."

  Ruby sat in her car outside her parent's home and took a breather. The words from Tania weren’t far off the mark. She didn't have the opportunity to attend college like her younger brothers and sister. But she made a good living for herself. After talking to Miranda, she got a glimpse into their private lives. While she and Devin both lived conservatively, they were wealthy. The people in their circle were the elite of the Richmond area and surrounding counties. It wasn't her kind of world. "Tania may be a heifer and I don't have to like her, but she spoke the truth.

  Ruby took a moment to pull herself together. She knew once she entered, there would be non-stop activity from cooking dinner to the annual football game, and finally sitting down at the table with the people she loved most in the world.

  Ruby walked through the kitchen door to find her parents in a conference with two of her brothers, Joshua, who was always in trouble and her youngest brother Adam who was following in his footsteps.

  "I am so happy to see you," Sally beamed as she reached for her.

  Ruby hugged her mother, "Hi Mom." She said then looked at her two brothers. "What have you done?"

  Adam took a step closer to Joshua, who sat up straight.

  "Nothing," the two men replied in childlike voices.

  "That sounds like an untruth if I ever heard one," Ruby said as she pulled off her gloves and coat and put them on the hook by the door. She saw Adam’s coat thrown across a chair at the kitchen table. She rolled her eyes at him as she picked it up and hung it up. "Did the hook move?"

  "No," Adam replied. "I wasn't thinking when..."

  "That's just it," she walked over to the sink to wash her hands. "Men don't think," she huffed. "No, they do think, but they think with their dicks instead of their heads."

  Sally's eyes grew in size as Adam spoke. "Aren't they one and the same?"

  Ruby slowly turned from the sink glaring at him as did Sally.

  Joshua stood. "That's my cue to leave." He walked out of the room.


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