Been There, Done That

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Been There, Done That Page 8

by Darrien Lee

  Coming closer, he revealed, “I’m willing to risk my heart again with you, Venice. Can’t you also chance loving again?”

  She looked up into his serious eyes. “What I can’t do is risk losing someone I love again. The timing is not right, Craig. Besides, this wouldn’t be right.”

  Removing the bottled water from her hand, he pinned her between his body and the counter. She felt his sweet, warm breath against her cheek. Venice shivered as he lowered his face and planted a provocative kiss on the curve of her neck, then her cheek. He noticed her immediate response. Smiling, he continued his exploration on the other side of her neck and cheek. Venice’s breathing became erratic as his sweet torture overpowered her.

  With her palms pressed against his chest, she begged, “Craig, please.”

  His own breathing was becoming short and erratic.

  “I’m trying, too, Sweetheart. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Craig, didn’t you hear a word I said?”


  Seconds later, his lips descended upon her, covering hers greedily. Her arms reluctantly went around his neck as she pressed her body closer to his. She whimpered as he pulled her hips firmly against his desire. He reached up and covered her breast, stroking her swollen nipple with his thumb. Venice laid her head against his chest in silence. He ran his hand softly up and down her back as he tried to regain control.

  “Venice? Venice? Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  He took her by the hand and said, “Come…we need to talk.”

  Finally able to move, he led her back into the living room and sat on his large leather sofa. Not wanting to release her from his embrace, he continued to hold her close.

  “Venice, I know you’re afraid to open up, but so am I. When you married Jarvis, I was hurt and my world stopped revolving. You wanted to be friends, but there was no way I could be just a friend to you. I was too much in love with you and I still am. Sweetheart, if I had the opportunity to be around you while you were married to Jarvis, I don’t think I could have been able to keep my hands off you. I didn’t need that kind of temptation. I was raised to respect marriage, but I freaked when I lost you. I figured the best thing for me to do was stay away from any and all contact with you, so I decided to try and move on with my life.

  “Venice, when Jarvis died, I wanted to be there for you, but I didn’t want the media starting a scandal about your ex-lover consoling you. I couldn’t take that kind of chance. I came to Detroit for the memorial service…”

  A startled Venice asked, “You did?”

  “Yes, and I ached because I couldn’t take your pain away. I had to stay away. That’s why I came here. After seeing you in so much pain, I needed seclusion to try and clear my head because I was in pain myself.”

  She asked softly, “Craig? Why haven’t you gotten married?”

  Without hesitation, he answered, “You weren’t available.”

  Dropping her gaze, she asked, “But what about Melanie and I’m sure there were others?”

  He cupped her face with his hands. “Melanie wasn’t for me. Actually, I haven’t met anyone I would consider spending my life with. I guess you can say I wasn’t willing to put my heart out on a silver platter again. Look, Venice, you have been the only woman I have ever loved.”

  She raised up, looking into his sincere eyes. “Thank you. I thought you hated me and that’s the reason you stayed away.”

  Stroking her cheek, he said, “That would never happen. I was definitely hurt and very bitter. Recently, I’ve been remembering how we were together. It was strong then and it’s strong now.”

  She looked away holding back her tears.


  “Yes, Darling?”

  “I have to admit, I felt pain and jealousy like I never felt before when I saw Melanie kiss you in the restaurant. My reaction surprised me and I didn’t know how to handle it.”

  He smiled. “You saw that? Well, that kiss was our goodbye kiss. Seriously, we’re only friends now, Venice. I had dated Melanie for a long time, but I knew nothing would ever come out of our relationship except a friendship.”

  She touched his hand. “I’m sorry, Craig.”

  “I’m not. I knew God had something better in store for me.”

  In a whisper, she said, “That’s beautiful, Craig.”

  He turned her to face him. “I really am sorry about Jarvis. The short time I knew him, I admired him for his love and dedication to you. I realized that the day we had lunch together when Joshua was in the hospital. He was a good man.”

  The tears she had tried to hold back flowed from her eyes as he snuggled her closer.

  “I can’t be in a relationship with anyone, Craig. It’s too soon.”

  “Have dinner with me tonight so we can talk about it. I know you’re overwhelmed with seeing me again and I don’t mean to come on so strong. You’ve been to hell and back and I want to be here for you and Brandon. What you’ve experienced, no one should have to deal with so young. I know death is inevitable for all of us, but to have a young child involved is making it harder to deal with, I’m sure.”

  Smiling, she looked up and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

  “It does and Craig, everything you said is true. I’m overwhelmed and I have my moments of depression. I’m still trying to work through this void in my life and it’s very hard. So hard that it makes me ill at times. I’m not ready to put that on anyone else right now. I need time and I don’t know how much time it’ll take for me to get better.”

  “I know it’s going to be a long time before you feel like yourself again, but I want you to know that I’m here for you. Okay?”

  “Thank you, Craig. Look, it’s Joshua’s first night here and I want to cook him a nice dinner. How about we have dinner tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow it is.”

  Standing, she asked, “Why don’t you join us tonight?”

  “Maybe another night. I don’t want to intrude on Joshua’s first night here.”

  “Okay, if you change your mind, come on over.” He walked her to the door. “I’ll keep that in mind. Would you like me to walk you back to the cottage?”

  “No, I’ll be fine, thanks.”

  “See you tomorrow and tell everyone hello.”

  He took her hand into his and kissed the back of it, then watched her walk back down the beach. After closing the door, his phone rang.


  “Mr. Bennett, this is Katrina.”

  “Hello, Katrina. Is everything okay at the office?”

  “Yes and I’m sorry to bother you, but there is a problem with the Garrett Design. Lamar is in Japan so he told me to contact you.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Lamar has booked me on a flight to bring the changes to you. I’m arriving in the morning on flight 178 at nine.”

  Sighing, he answered, “I’ll pick you up and tell Lamar to call me ASAP.”

  “Will do, Mr. Bennett, and again, I’m sorry to disturb you.”

  “No problem, Katrina. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Hanging up the phone, Craig hoped that business would not interfere with his pleasure. Everything had to go smoothly with Venice.

  CHAPTER Thirteen

  Venice had no idea what to wear to dinner with Craig. She was nervous and excited all rolled up into one. After trying on several outfits, she settled on a long snug-fitting white chiffon skirt with a matching midriff. When she arrived at Craig’s house for dinner she froze when a gorgeous, long-legged Amazon answered the door dressed in denim shorts and a purple tank top. She swung her honey-blonde microbraids back to reveal sea-green eyes.

  “May I help you?”

  Feeling awkward, Venice asked, “Is Craig in?”

  Smiling devilishly, she answered, “Oh, he’s in the shower, but he’ll be right out. And you are?”

he woman who owns my heart,” Craig acknowledged as he crossed the room and kissed Venice proudly. Relief swept over her, but confusion still lingered. Who was this woman acting so comfortable with Craig?

  “Venice, this is one of my designers, Katrina Simmons. Katrina, this is Venice Anderson.”

  Shaking hands, Katrina said, “Nice to meet you, Venice. You look familiar. Have we met before?”

  “Not to my knowledge, but it is a small world.”

  “Indeed it is.”

  Venice was still somewhat shaken but was able to hold her ground and extend her hand to the woman. Craig was relaxed, standing in the center of them wearing black dress slacks and a white shirt. Wrapping his arm around Venice’s small waist, he offered her a seat.

  “Venice, Katrina had to fly down to discuss business. Unfortunately, we didn’t finish until a few minutes ago. She won’t be able to fly out until the morning so I hope you don’t mind going out for dinner instead.”

  “No, I don’t mind.”

  Venice could see the woman sizing her up as the competition. She’d seen that look in women’s eyes before and Katrina wanted Craig.

  He grabbed his keys and said, “Katrina, I’ll be back later. Call Lamar and let him know everything’s settled and that you will have the changes back in the office by tomorrow afternoon. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Mr. Bennett. Nice meeting you, Venice.”


  The walk down the boardwalk was quiet. The silence was finally broken when Venice asked, “Is Katrina staying in the cottage with you tonight?”

  Smiling and wrapping his arm around her waist, he said, “She works for me…period.”

  Lowering her head, she said, “You didn’t see what I saw.”

  He stopped and turned her to face him. “What did you see?”

  “She wants you.”

  Smiling, he said, “Venice if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I would say you’re jealous.”

  Venice looked away, too proud to admit her jealousy.

  “I’m sorry, I have no right to pry.”

  Absorbing her comment, he realized she was serious.

  “Venice, if Katrina has any ideas, she’s wasting her time. I’m only interested in being with one woman…you.” Pulling her closer, he said, “Before I say another word, I need to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful, and tomorrow morning Katrina will be out of our way.”

  Resting her head against his chest, she said, “I’m more worried about tonight.” Pulling away, she stared him directly in the eyes. “Have you ever slept with her?”

  Craig pulled her back into the confines of his arms. He needed her undivided attention. He couldn’t believe she was worried about him being alone with Katrina. The worry and sincerity was there in her dark brown eyes.

  “No, Venice, I have never and will never lay a hand on her. Okay?”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she nuzzled her face into his neck. He held her securely and realized he couldn’t risk messing things up, especially after covering so much territory with her.

  “I’m so scared, Craig.”

  “Of what?”

  “All these emotions that I’m feeling.”

  Running his hand up the length of her back, he said, “It’s Okay, Sweetheart, and I understand. I’m scared, too. I’ll get Katrina a hotel room for tonight. I couldn’t bear the thought of you not trusting me.”

  She snuggled closer. “It’s not you I distrust. Look, I’m sorry. I have no right to interfere, especially after telling you I can’t have a relationship with you.”

  “Well, I hope I can change your mind about that and you have every right to express your concerns. She’s out of there. When we get to the restaurant, I’ll call and book her a hotel room for the night.”

  Back at the cottage, Katrina was furious. She knew it was Venice who had thrown a wrench in her plans to seduce Craig. Moments earlier, he called to let her know he had booked her a room at a nearby hotel and was sending a car to transport her there. As she threw her personal items into her suitcase, she screamed, “Where the hell did you come from?! Okay, if you want to play dirty, I can play dirty. It’s on now, you bitch!”

  Katrina continued to throw clothes into her suitcase. She was in deep thought because she was sure she had seen Venice somewhere before. Talking to herself, she said, “I might have my work cut out for me, but I’m not about to let you come here and take Craig away from me. Craig Bennett will be mine.”

  Returning back to Craig’s cottage after dinner made Venice feel uneasy. Her womanly instincts told her Katrina wasn’t too happy about getting kicked out of Craig’s cottage. After calling Joshua to check on the kids, she took off her sandals and stood on the deck, looking out over the dark beach. Craig offered her a glass of wine and began to massage her tense shoulders. The minute his large hands came in contact with her bare shoulders, she felt her body react.

  “Why are you so tense?”

  “You make me tense.”

  “I was hoping you would be able to relax around me by now. It’s not like we don’t know each other.”

  “You make it hard, Bennett.”

  Taking a sip of wine, he said, “That’s an understatement, Sweetheart.”

  Turning to face him, she studied his face. He was so calm, so relaxed.

  “How can you be so relaxed when I feel like I’m falling apart?”

  “Because I know who and what I want even though I’m scared as hell. Venice, you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for and I know you’re still in pain.”

  He sat the glass down and came closer.

  “Venice, I’ve always been curious about something and I hope asking you will not upset you.” She turned to him. “What is it?”

  Craig hesitated for a moment, then picked up his glass, taking a sip of wine.

  “What was it about Jarvis that you loved so much?”

  Venice hugged herself and looked out over the beach.

  “Craig, a lot of people didn’t understand Jarvis like I did. Some saw him as possessive, bossy and aggressive. They just didn’t know him and I mean really know him. He was a beautiful and loving man. Since I lost him, I’ve been remembering the very reasons why I loved him so much. I loved Jarvis because he was in my blood. That may sound strange to some people, but that’s how we affected each other.”

  Craig stood and listened to her in silence. She walked over to Craig and looked him straight in the eyes.

  “Craig, Jarvis moved me intellectually, every time we debated an issue. He moved me emotionally, every time he entered the room. He moved me spiritually the first time I heard him pray. He moved me physically, simply by running his hand across my cheek. Like I said, he was in my blood.”

  Craig now understood how Venice could love Jarvis the way she did. He had similar reasons for loving her. Her demeanor had suddenly changed. Her thick lashes hid her eyes as she dropped her head.

  “Venice, are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  She looked up. “I’m not upset.” Then in almost a whisper, she asked, “What do you want from me, Bennett?”

  He ran his hands down her arms. “I’ve already told you.”

  Looking into his passionate brown eyes, she said, “Tell me again.”

  “I’d rather show you, Venice.”

  The kiss came urgently and her arms looped around his neck as he pulled her hard against his body. He groaned as her tongue darted against his. He grabbed her full hips and pulled her even tighter against the yearning of his body. She wiggled closer to fit her body to his which matched perfectly.

  Breaking the kiss only for air, he unexpectedly whispered, “Marry me, Venice.”

  Stunned and speechless, she froze. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her into his bedroom and laid her upon his soft mattress. She closed her eyes as she savored the feel of his mouth on her lips, neck and roundness of her breasts. He looked into her eyes as he slowly removed the midriff to reveal cinnamon
-peaked nipples. Slowing his movements, he covered one, then the other with his mouth, sucking and teasing each one with his tongue. She writhed beneath him wanting and needing more, so much more. She’d longed to feel this way again, but she had no idea it would be with him.


  “Yes, Sweetheart?”


  She couldn’t speak. What he was doing felt so familiar, so right and yet so forbidden. Slowly, he trailed his kisses down her flat stomach, then lower as he removed her skirt. All that were left were scant, white-lace bikini panties, which were quickly discarded.

  “My God, Venice.”

  She blushed and wondered what she had got herself into. It had been about six months since she had made love, and fear was starting to drift in on the moment. Removing his clothes, he covered her body with his, and said, “I love you so much, Venice.”

  “Craig…wait! Stop! I can’t do this. I’m so sorry.”

  His dark gaze met hers, then Venice shyly turned away. He decided to give her some needed space as he rolled onto his side and faced her. Tears filled in her eyes as she tried to form words that would not come.

  With his voice barely above a whisper, he said, “Baby, it’s okay. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I shouldn’t have pressured you.”

  She opened her eyes as he stroked his cheek lovingly with the palm of her hand.

  “You didn’t pressure me, Bennett, and it’s not your fault. But, for some reason it feels like I’m cheating on Jarvis.”

  Kissing her palm, he said, “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I should have been more sensitive to the situation.” At last, they hugged tightly and lay in each other’s arms. They stayed this way in silence for over an hour until they both fell asleep.

  CHAPTER Fourteen

  The sound of the crashing waves roused Venice from sleep. She opened her eyes to find Craig still asleep with his arms wrapped securely around her. For some reason, she felt different…relaxed. As she reached up to touch his face, his eyelids slowly opened as her hand was retreating. They stared at each other as their hearts pounded with desire. It was almost unbearable to hold her warm nude body against his without wanting to bury himself deep inside her. For now, he would have to chill.


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