Been There, Done That

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Been There, Done That Page 12

by Darrien Lee

  After releasing for a short breath, she said, “Craig Alexander Bennett, I do love you.”

  His eyes became misty.

  “It seems I’ve waited a lifetime to hear you say those words.”

  Resting her head against his chest, she whispered, “Would tomorrow be too soon to get married?”

  Caressing her back, he said, “Sweetheart, please don’t joke about that.”

  She raised her eyes to meet his gaze as she removed the ring from her right hand and handed it to him.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “I love you, Craig, and if you don’t hurry up and put that ring on my left hand, I’m going to dunk you.”

  His trembling hand slid the ring onto her left hand.

  “I love you, Venice, and if you want a wedding tomorrow, we’ll have a wedding tomorrow.”

  Picking her up into his arms, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “That’s what I want, but can we start the honeymoon now?”

  He moaned and carried her to his large bed and covered her body while he buried his face into her neck. His warm breath was sweet as he planted kisses upon her lips and neck, then lower as he unbuttoned her sweater. Removing it and her lacy bra was no task for his eager hands. He couldn’t wait to caress the softness of his woman’s body, who by tomorrow would be his wife. She saw the desire in his eyes as he unsnapped her jeans and slid them over her shapely hips. He gasped when he looked upon the skimpy undergarments covering her womanhood. He didn’t know how much more he could take as she wiggled her hips when he removed them. Drinking in the sight of her was like looking at a mirage.


  She raised upon her knees and pulled his shirt over his head, then dipped her head to run her tongue over his chest. His body jerked as she played in the silky hair covering his chest. Her hands inched lower until she found what she sought. Squeezing ever so gently, he groaned in her ear. Moments later, he stood before her fully aroused. She pulled him to her and kissed him fully on the lips, moaning his name.

  “Craig, make love to me.”

  Brushing her hair away from her eyes, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “You don’t have to protect me, Sweetheart. Nothing would make me happier than having your baby. Brandon has been talking about having a brother or sister and by tomorrow, I will be your wife anyway. Right?”

  “Sweetheart, you having my baby would be the answer to all my prayers, but when our baby is conceived, you will be my wife. I hope you understand.”

  She smiled. “I understand, Babe, and you’re right.”

  “So are you ready to get this party started?”

  Giggling, she said, “Cross my heart.”

  He responded by kissing her lips and the curve of her neck greedily. She arched into his strength as his hands explored her starving body.

  He caressed one breast while attending to the other, then inching lower. She gripped the sheets as his warm lips found her moist heat and he tasted her.

  She screamed, “Bennett!”

  The rest was incoherent moans and groans as he feasted on her womanhood. His assault was taking her to heights she never felt possible. Yielding to him completely left her begging him to fill her very essence. After several moments of pleasuring her, he applied protection, then entered her body, inflaming them into an inferno far beyond any passion they’d shared before. Never in his life had he given, taken, and shared like he did with her. His thrusts were demanding and needy, as he united their bodies in a fiery passion. Her nails dug into his back, but he felt only pleasure. He filled her tight space, stretching her to accommodate the length of him. She also felt nothing but sheer pleasure as he devoured her mouth, drowning out her whimpers of passion when he quickened his pace. The emotions overtook them both as he moved in and out of her body first slow, then urgently. Arching to meet his demand was overwhelming as he whispered his love into her ears.

  She moaned louder as he pushed his body deeper and confessed breathlessly, “I love you, Venice.” Another thrust and he said, “This is what you do to me.” One last thrust and he moaned, “Venice! Oh, God, help me!”

  She screamed out a variation of emotions in Spanish as she shuddered beneath him. Their coming together came sudden and hard. Unable to control his body any longer, he willed his body to finally give in to her explosive passion.

  Silence engulfed the room moments later as she massaged his back.

  “Craig, I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

  Kissing her flat stomach, he said, “Me, either, and after dinner, I plan to love you all night long.”

  Still exhausted, he rolled over, pulling her atop his body. Feeling his strong hands caressing her body, she said, “In that case, I’m starving. Let’s hurry up and eat.”

  “Don’t move, Venice. Dinner is coming to you. I don’t want you to leave my bed.”

  She smiled and watched him dress in some sweat pants and a T-shirt. “Whatever you say.” He bent down and kissed her. “I’ll be right back.”

  He did as he said and brought the entire dinner to the bedroom. They enjoyed the meal he had prepared before getting back to their loving.

  As they finished their dinner, his telephone rang. He leaned over and asked, “Who could this be? Hello?”

  “Craig Alexander Bennett! Why didn’t you tell me you and Venice were back together? I can’t believe you would keep something like that from me. If it wasn’t for your sister, I wouldn’t know what was going on. You let me go on and on about you settling down when I called you in Japan. You could have told me then. You know how much I love that girl. How is she? Where is she? Is she okay? It’s so sad about her husband. Well, don’t just sit there…say something!”

  Craig put his hand over the mouthpiece. “It’s Nanna and we’re busted. Bernice told her about us.”

  Venice smiled.

  “You should have already told her, Bennett. She’s gonna whip your butt when she sees you.”

  He could hear Nanna calling his name. He finally said, “Nanna, I’m here. I was going to tell you as soon as I had a chance.”

  “Well, what were you waiting on? Where is she? “ll Bernice told me was that you ran into each other and were seeing each other again.”

  Craig ran his hand up Venice’s thigh caressing it lovingly.

  “Nanna, Venice is here with me now so I’ll fill you in on everything later.”

  “Let me at least say hello to the child for one second.”

  “I love you, Nanna, but your seconds are more like hours. Venice just got here today so you two can talk tomorrow. Okay?”

  Nanna paused. “Well…okay, but I want to know everything. Tell her I’ll call back tomorrow, and Son?”

  “Yes, Nanna?”

  “She’s the one. I love you. Goodbye.”

  “I love you, too, Nanna. Goodbye.”

  He smiled at Venice and hung up the phone.

  “Are you in trouble?”

  He pulled her into his lap. “Never when you’re concerned. She said she will call you tomorrow.”

  Hours later, Craig lay awake and listened to the clock strike three. He and Venice had spent countless hours making love and christening his garden tub. Not able to stay awake any longer, Venice succumbed to sleep snuggled securely in Craig’s arms. However, he was too wound up to sleep. Tomorrow he would finally make her his wife and become a father to her son. His prayers had been answered in more ways than one. He decided he would announce his marriage to employees later. He hoped Venice would agree to a nice reception for their families and friends in the future. For now, he hoped to enjoy their bliss in private. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, finally drifting into a deep, satisfying sleep.

  CHAPTER Nineteen

  The phone ringing at six was unwelcome since he had just fallen asleep a few hours earlier. Venice was still sleeping comfortably against the warmth of his body. Craig growled at the thought of someone at
his office disobeying his request to be left alone. Then he thought it might be a call from either of their families.

  The phone was already on the third ring when he found the strength to pick up the receiver. In a groggy voice, he answered, “Hello?”

  “Man, I’m sorry to call you at home, but…”

  Craig whispered firmly, “No, Lamar! Whatever it is, no!”

  Lamar pleaded, “You know I wouldn’t disturb you if it wasn’t important.”

  Craig sighed and put his hand over his face. “What is it, Lamar?”

  Lamar went on to explain the crisis. Craig, half-listening, leaned down and kissed Venice’s cheek. She stirred slightly, inching closer against his body reminding him that he was all male. He was brought back to reality when he heard the words, “fly out today.”

  “What did you say, Lamar?”

  “Were you listening to me at all? I said Garrett wants us in Chicago by noon. He said the designs are still missing some detail.”

  Craig sat up angrily in the bed and whispered, “Forget it, Lamar. I have plans today that I cannot break. You can handle Garrett.”

  “He wants us both or he’s going with someone else. You know we can’t let Garrett get away from us. This project alone is worth one-point-two million. Whatever you have planned, I’m sure you can reschedule.”

  Craig closed his eyes and slowly got out of the bed, careful not to wake Venice. He strolled into the bathroom and continued to listen to Lamar run their accounts down for him. Craig sat at the vanity.

  “Man, you just don’t know what you’re asking me to give up.”

  “Well, a woman must be involved. Is she worth it, man?”

  Feeling a headache coming on, he rubbed his temples.

  “She’s priceless compared to that million-dollar deal. I would never put my company or anything else ahead of her.”

  “Damn! I have to meet the woman who has reeled in Craig Bennett.”

  Craig sighed. “Between you and me…we’re getting married today. So flying out to Chicago is out.”


  “I mean it, Lamar! No one is to know about us yet.”

  Laughing, Lamar asked, “Where did you find a fiancée? 1-900-get-a-wife?”

  “You’re real funny, Lamar. She’s the only woman I have ever loved. We lost track of each other and now we’re together again and I’m not going to mess this up.”

  Sensing Craig’s annoyance, he asked, “You’re for real, aren’t you? I’m sorry, man. Congratulations! But, I’m sure she’ll understand if you explain it to her. Anyway, we should be back by tonight. Enjoy each other over the weekend and get married on Monday.”

  Craig stood up. “I’ll call you later, Lamar.”

  Lamar responded, “I’ll pick you up at eight thirty. Our plane leaves at nine thirty and Craig, I’m really happy for you. I can’t wait to kiss the bride.”

  “Goodbye, Lamar.”

  Craig turned and saw Venice standing in the doorway wearing only his T-shirt. With her arms resting provocatively on her hips, his body instantly responded.

  Smiling, he said, “See what you do to me?”

  Coming over to him, she sat in his lap. “So I noticed. You affect me the same way, but Bennett, I know you’re not about to blow off a million-dollar deal because of little ol’ me?”

  He caressed her thigh. “How much did you hear?”

  Taking his hand in hers, she said, ““ll the important stuff. Now go ahead and take your shower so I can get you dressed.”

  He didn’t want to move. Sadly, he said, “Venice, I would never put off marrying you.”

  “You will today and I’m going to help you. We’ve waited years, so what’s a few more days? Now get in the shower. Time is wasting. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  He pulled her against him.

  “That’s why I love you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. Now, the only way I’m getting in that shower is if you come with me.”

  She embraced him and said, “I’ll follow you anywhere, Bennett.”

  They entered the shower and steamed up more than just the mirrors.

  Katrina sat in her doctor’s office waiting for her name to be called. Getting bored, she picked up several magazines and thumbed through them. She had skimmed through about all of them when another patient returned one to the table.

  “Sports…oh well, it’s better than nothing.”

  Turning the pages, her eyes froze as she came across a picture and article. The article was on the MVP of the previous Super Bowl and titled: “Triumph and Tragedy of a Superstar.” In the picture was a joyous Jarvis and Venice holding Brandon on the field after the Super Bowl. She gasped and hollered, “So that’s where I know you from! I knew I had seen you somewhere before.” She read the article taking in all the details of their storybook romance and the unexpected illness that claimed his life. Finishing the article, she smiled and put the magazine in her purse.

  “Well, well, well. Poor little Venice. I’m going to have to pay you a little visit. You’re not about to get your hands on Craig Bennett.”

  Moments later, Katrina’s name was called to enter the doctor’s office. Smiling, she rose and said, “It’s going to be a great day after all.”

  Straightening Craig’s tie, Venice said, “Be still, Bennett. Your ride will be here any minute.”

  He grabbed her around the waist.

  “We should be headed downtown to get married.”

  She finished straightening his tie and said, “You just hurry up and get back tonight.”

  He grazed his mouth against hers, teasing and biting her lips gently. She pulled him to her and deepened the kiss, which sent a wave of heat over her.

  “Whew! On second thought, Bennett, blow off that meeting!”

  He looked startled.

  “Just kidding, but I am tempted to hold you hostage.”

  Kissing her lips again, he said, “You’re tempting and I love you.”

  Running her hands up his chest, she lay against him and closed her eyes just as the doorbell rang.

  Craig gritted his teeth and said, “Damn! Lamar’s here!”

  Pulling him by the hand, they headed downstairs.

  She said, “Quit pouting, Craig. The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll get back.”

  “I guess. Come on so I can introduce you to Lamar.”

  He scanned her body up and down. “I wish you would’ve chosen a different outfit.”

  “What’s wrong with this outfit? I’m just getting ready to workout.”

  He scanned her again, taking in the sight of her in the spandex feeling possessive. He didn’t want Lamar or any man to see her body. He kissed her on the forehead.

  “You look beautiful, Sweetheart. Don’t mind me. I’m just being over-protective.”

  Moments later, Craig opened the door and invited Lamar inside. He introduced them.

  “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard great things about you.”

  Craig saw Lamar staring at Venice. “Lamar, close your mouth.”

  Lamar complied, still stunned by the beauty standing in front of him.

  “Thank you and I’m sorry for staring. Craig didn’t tell me you were gorgeous.”

  Smiling she said, “Thank you.”

  Craig rolled his eyes. “Cut it out, Lamar.”

  Lamar hugged and kissed Venice.

  “Congratulations and I can see my man has great taste. You are as charming as you are beautiful.”

  Blushing, she said, “I feel like I’m the lucky one. He’s one of a kind.”

  Lamar grinned.

  “That he is. Well, I guess we’d better get going and I’m sorry to interrupt your plans.”

  Venice shook his hand again. “I’ve waited a long time for this, man. A few more days won’t hurt.”

  Lamar said, “You are special. Watch your back, Craig.”

  “I told you, Lamar, you play too much. Now get away from her.”

  Venice playfully slappe
d Craig on the hand. “Craig, be nice.”

  Lamar shoved his hands into his pockets.

  “Craig, I’ll meet you in the car. Nice meeting you again, Venice.”

  Looping her arm with Craig’s, she said, “Likewise and you make sure you bring him back in one piece.”

  Lamar turned to respond but before he could, Craig slammed the door in his face. “That wasn’t nice!”

  “He’ll live. That’s what he gets for spoiling our wedding day.”

  Venice hugged him tighter. “It’s not his fault, Babe. Now kiss me.”

  He pulled her into the safety of his arms and touched his lips to hers with heat and desire. She moaned as she pressed her body closer to the full length of his. Breaking the kiss wasn’t easy as he brushed her cheek and neck with sprinkles of kisses.

  Breathless, she said, “Get out of here, Bennett, before I change my mind.”

  Opening the door, he said, “Are you sure you’re going to be okay until I get back?”

  “Yes, now go!”

  “Keep my bed warm until I get back.”

  “I will, drive safely.”

  Hours later, after her workout, Venice showered and curled up with a book, then the telephone rung.


  “This is Katrina Simmons from Mr. Bennett’s office. Is this the housekeeper?”

  Venice immediately remembered Katrina. She gripped the phone.

  “No, Katrina, this is Venice. Craig’s friend you met in Ocho Rios.”

  Faking her shock, she said, “Oh! Venice! How nice of you to visit our little city. Well, I called because I have some papers that Craig needs to look over before Monday. I know he’s out of town with Lamar, so I thought I would drop them off on my way home, if that would be okay with you.”

  Venice hesitated, knowing this woman definitely wanted Craig.

  “Well, if he needs them, I’m sure it will be okay. What time should I expect you?”

  Grinning on the other end of the phone, she said, “I’ll be there in about an hour.”


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