Been There, Done That

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Been There, Done That Page 24

by Darrien Lee

  “Good! And Francine?”


  “I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.”

  “Thanks, Craig, and tell Venice and Brandon hello.”

  “I will. Let me know how it goes. Goodnight.”

  Craig decided to take a break and joined the girls in the den to watch videos. When he entered, a video was playing that was really demeaning to women. He watched as Portia and Crimson bobbed their heads to the beat.

  “Do you two like that video?”

  Crimson spoke up saying, “Yeah! It’s da bomb!”

  “Crimson and I can’t wait until we’re twenty-one. We’re going to go to California and be in videos.”

  Craig watched the video to the end, then leaned forward and asked, “Do you really want to be in videos with guys putting their hands all over your body like that?”

  Crimson grabbed a handful of popcorn and said, “It’s just a video, Craig. I didn’t say I wanted to marry them.”

  Portia nodded her head in agreement.

  “You do know that’s demeaning to women. Right?”

  They burst into laughter and Portia said, “Craig, that’s no different than what goes on in the hallway at school.”

  Surprised, he asked, “For real? I hope you two are not letting guys do that to you.”

  There was silence as Portia and Crimson looked at each other. Portia turned and said, “Craig, it’s different than when you went to school. There’s nothing wrong with hanging out with the cool guys.”

  Craig stood and made fists with his hands as he watched them talk about it so casually. He walked over to the window and looked out in silence. He finally turned and calmly said, “Girls, there is something wrong if you let a man disrespect you like that. Are you saying you like it when they do that to you?”

  Crimson took a sip of her soda and answered, “Well, it depends on who it is.”

  Craig couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know. He just had to.

  “I want to ask you something and I promise, it won’t leave this room. Okay?”

  In unison, they said, “Okay, what is it?”

  He took a deep breath and asked, “Are you two having sex with any of these guys?”

  Portia looked at Crimson and said, “Well, I have with a couple of them.”

  The air left Craig’s lungs. He knew it; he could just tell. He sat down in the chair opposite them and asked, “What about you, Crimson?”

  Stuttering, she asked, “Are you going to tell Venice or my dad?”

  “I said what we talk about stays in this room. I want you two to be able to talk to both me and Venice. You’re going to have to trust us because we’re only trying to look out for your well-being.

  Crimson said, “Well, I have been with this one guy. Daddy doesn’t like him, but I do.”

  Craig flinched because he knew Bryan very well and he would throw a fit if he knew his daughter was getting busy. He regained his composure and said, “Please tell me you ladies are using protection.”

  Portia spoke up first. “I take birth control pills.”

  Craig took a handful of popcorn and asked, “What are you doing to protect yourself from getting a disease like HIV?”

  Portia didn’t answer. Crimson folded her arms and said, “I’m not on birth control, but we use condoms.”

  Portia said, “I do, sometimes, but my friend says it’s uncomfortable.”

  Craig firmly said, “Portia, if you’re gonna do it, you have to use condoms. You can’t play Russian roulette with your life. Sex can get you killed these days and I’m sure you don’t want to get HIV. I believe you’re both too young to be having sex anyway, but if you’re going to do it, have common sense enough to take care of your body. If you don’t, nobody else will. Remember, you’re responsible for your own actions, so you can’t blame anyone but yourself if something happens.”

  Portia said, “Craig, I don’t want to get HIV.”

  Craig turned the TV on another channel and said, “I know and if that knucklehead tells you that again, tell him you’re not about to risk getting it for anybody. If he has a problem with it, call and let me know. I’ll pay him a little visit if I have to.”

  The girls laughed and Portia said, “Thanks, hit man Craig.”

  “You’re welcome. Just remember what I said. Nobody can protect you better than you can.”

  Crimson stood and said, “Portia, help me clean up. I’m sleepy.”

  Craig grabbed their soda cans and said, “It is late. I’m going to turn in myself. Sleep well, girls.”

  Before he could turn, they both hugged and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek. He smiled and said, “Now you want to get all mushy. Grab those bowls. We’ll get the rest in the morning.”

  When Craig left for the kitchen, Portia hurried and finished cleaning the den. Crimson washed up the dishes they used, even though he tried to get her to leave them. It only took about ten minutes for them to complete their task.

  Together, all three climbed the stairs to turn in for the night. Craig had no idea that the reason Venice wanted the two girls to come up for a few days was to talk to them about sex. Her former mother-in-law’s suspicions were on target, but Craig had single-handedly taken care of the situation. Venice was in for a big surprise.

  After a few days and nights of fun, Venice figured it was time to have her talk with the girls. The night before they were to leave, she told Craig what she was planning to do. He was in the bed reading and she was brushing her teeth. She came out of the bathroom with toothpaste on her face and asked, “What do you mean, you’ve already talked to them?” She was obviously surprised. Not that he had talked to them, but the fact that he didn’t tell her he had talked to them.

  “Venice, it just came up one night while we were watching videos.”

  She rinsed her mouth and joined him on the bed. She made him put his book down and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I really didn’t see the need. Sweetheart, I didn’t know you were planning on talking to them. God knows if I had, I wouldn’t have done it.”

  Sliding under the comforter, she asked, “So tell me.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m sorry, Venice. I told the girls what we talked about would stay between us. I want them to trust me. Everything’s okay, so don’t worry.”

  He started reading again, then she put her hand across the pages and asked, “You’re really not going to tell me, Bennett?”

  He closed the book and said, “I love you, woman, but no, I’m not going to tell you. If you still want to talk to them about sex, go right ahead. Now, goodnight.”


  “I love you, too.”

  He smiled and started reading again, then heard her say, “Thank you, Craig.”

  CHAPTER Thirty Five

  It had been a harsh winter in Philly and February fourteenth, the day for lovers, was no different. The thermometer read thirty-three degrees, but it felt more like twenty-three. Venice usually arrived at her clinic an hour earlier than Craig did at his office, which resided on the floor below her. Since they started sharing the same office building, it made it convenient for them to meet for romantic lunches. Lamar and Tressa were still dating hot and heavy, and Francine and Jonathan Manley seemed to have hit it off perfectly. Who knew what Valentine’s Day had in store for the happy couples?

  Since it was Valentine’s Day, Craig made it a point to beat Venice to work. He wanted her three dozen white and red roses to greet her when she entered her office. It would be later when he surprised her with the real gift: a four-day getaway to Ocho Rios. Little did Craig know, Venice was working on her own little surprise. Being sneaky, she slipped it in his briefcase in the middle of the night.

  He did beat her to the office and smiled, knowing that she would love the flowers. The receptionist called to let him know that Venice had arrived in her office. It would only be a matter of time before she called. As he twirled in his chair, Lamar bu
rst into his office.

  “Lamar! Will you ever learn how to knock?”

  Grinning, he said, “Sorry, Bro. Check this out.”

  Lamar handed Craig a velvet box and when he opened it, he laid eyes upon a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring.

  Craig smiled. “What’s this?”

  Lamar unbuttoned his jacket, sat down, and said, “I’m going to do it, Man. I’m going to pop the question.”

  Craig looked up from the ring.

  “Are you serious? You’re taking yourself off the market?”

  Lamar crossed his leg. “She means everything to me, Craig. I love her.”

  Craig handed the box back to him. “I’m happy for you, Lamar. Congratulations!”

  He gave him a brotherly hug. “I must say, Lamar, I didn’t think you would be able to pull it off. She must be the one. Tressa is good for you. I know you two will be happy together. How’s her old man doing?”

  Lamar chuckled. “He’s come to accept Tressa’s wishes. He finally realized I’m for real with her.”

  “Good for you!”

  “Thanks, Man. So, how’s Venice and Brandon?”

  “Both are fine. Now, are you ready for our meeting? We only have a couple of hours before Jenkins and Maston arrive.”

  Lamar tucked the ring safely back into his jacket. “Did you finish the drafts?”

  “I have them right here.”

  Craig opened his briefcase and froze. He just stared down at it.

  Lamar stood and asked, “What’s wrong? Did you forget the drafts?”

  Craig wasn’t able to form words. His mouth suddenly became dry. When Lamar rounded the desk, he also was startled. Inside Craig’s briefcase were a pair of white baby booties and a baby bottle with red and white ribbons tied to it. There was a card that read: Happy Valentine’s Day, My Love! I hope you like your gift. I love you! Venice

  Lamar laughed. “Well, damn! I guess congratulations are in order.”

  Craig still couldn’t talk because he was so full of emotion. He grabbed the booties and the bottle and headed out the door to Venice’s office. When he entered, her partner, Arnelle, said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Craig.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Arnelle. Where’s Venice? Is she with a patient?”

  Arnelle stood about five feet nine and was considered tall for a woman. She was an attractive twenty-eight-year-old with dark brown eyes and thick lashes. She had recently relocated to Philadelphia and had been a lifesaver helping Venice with the clinic. Craig often teased her about the long wavy hair; referring to it as a weave. However, her thick mane hung midway down her back and was definitely all natural. When working, she always placed it in a long braid so it wouldn’t interfere with her responsibilities.

  Arnelle answered, “No, but I think she’s on the phone.”

  Arnelle was originally from Texas and her Navajo and African-American heritage showed in her physical appearance.

  “Thanks, Arnelle.”

  When he entered her office, Venice had the telephone up to her ear. She smiled and said, “I was just calling you to thank you for my beautiful roses.”

  In two steps, he had her in his arms. With his eyes full of tears, he held up the items and asked, “Does this mean what I think it means?”

  She put her arms around his neck and said, “Yes, it does “Daddy.”

  Tears fell as he lowered his head, kissing her with all the love in his heart and soul. When he finally was able to speak again, he asked, “How long have you known?”

  She kissed his neck and said, “It was officially confirmed about twenty-four hours ago. I’ve suspected for a few weeks, but I wanted to be sure before I told you.”

  “I love you, Venice.”

  “I love you, too, Bennett, but there’s more.”

  He leaned his head to the side in confusion and wondered how there could possibly be more to their blessed news.

  “What do you mean more?”

  She smiled, opened her desk and pulled out another pair of booties, then handed them to him.

  In total confusion he held both pair of booties and asked, “What’s this for?”

  She put her hands on her hips and said, “Dang, Bennett! We’re having twins!”

  Craig yelled, “Twins!”

  At that point, the room went dark and Craig fainted.

  Craig woke up and found himself lying on the sofa in Venice’s office. Lamar, Arnelle, and Venice were all staring down at him. He felt his head and asked, “What happened?”

  Lamar started laughing hysterically.

  “Man, you passed the hell out!”

  Knowing Craig’s ego was bruised, Venice said, “Leave him alone, Lamar! Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  Craig rose up into a sitting position.

  “You’re going to pay for laughing at me, Lamar.”

  Arnelle handed Venice an ice pack and asked, “Craig, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine, Arnelle. Thanks.”

  She hugged both of them as she congratulated them on the news.

  “Venice, you and Craig take all the time you need. I can hold down the office for a few.”

  Venice smiled and thanked Arnelle before she left the room to attend to a patient.

  Lamar continued to laugh and said, “I’m out of here, too. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. You don’t know how bad I wish I had got that on video, Craig. Congratulations, guys.”

  Craig said, “Thanks, Lamar. Now get out of here.”

  Venice gave Craig a glass of water and as Lamar exited the room, she said, “Thanks for helping, Lamar.”

  He smiled. “Anytime, Venice.”

  He closed the door and left them alone. They could still hear Lamar laughing as he left the office.

  Venice sat down next to Craig and asked, “Does your head hurt? You hit the floor pretty hard, Babe. I didn’t know it was going to shock you that much.”

  He took her hands into his and said, “Don’t mind me. Are we really having twins?”

  She kissed him and said, “You bet. In about seven months, so you’d better let Lamar know that you’ll have to scale back your trips to Japan.”

  Craig slowly stood and repeated in disbelief, “Twins.”

  CHAPTER Thirty Six

  Epilogue (Seven Months Later)

  The beeping noise on the monitor was irritating Venice. As a matter of fact, everything was irritating Venice. Craig was still in shock to know they were having twins. They did agree to keep the sex of the babies a mystery, but Brandon told them he already knew what the babies were going to be. He wrote down his guess and gave it to Ms. Camille for safekeeping. Venice was still trembling from the ride to the hospital. Craig had violated every traffic rule in the book to get her there in record time as Skeeter rode on the back seat with her, looking like he was about to cry. Venice remembered the fear on Skeeter’s face as they sped to the hospital. If she didn’t know better, he was probably afraid he might have to deliver the babies if Craig didn’t get them to the hospital in time. Men!

  In the waiting room, Skeeter called both family members when Lamar, Tressa, Francine and Arnelle arrived. He had met everyone except the beautiful woman with long wavy hair spilling over her shoulders. He stood in awe as Craig’s sister, Bernice, yelled at him on the other end of the phone.

  “Yeah, Bernice, I’m still here and yes, I’ll keep you posted.”

  He hung up the telephone and, for the first time in his life, a woman had him feeling nervous and out of control.

  Lamar walked over, shook his hand, and asked, “How’s Venice?”

  Skeeter shook his head back to reality. “They just got started. So far, so good.”

  They all sat down, but he was unable to keep from looking over at the brown-skinned beauty. He didn’t get to move to Philly in February like he had planned. His mother had taken ill so he had to postpone his move until she recovered. He’d only been in Philly for about two weeks and hadn’t had a chance to relax. His law
firm put him directly to work on some of their biggest cases.

  Lamar walked over to the coffee machine to buy a cup. Skeeter joined him and asked, “Lamar, who is that woman in the blue sweats that came in with you?”

  Lamar smiled. “That’s Arnelle. She’s Venice’s partner at the clinic. You’ve never met her?”

  Skeeter shoved his hands in his pocket and said, “Nah, Man, I’ve been busy.”

  Lamar grinned and asked, “You like?”

  Skeeter tried to appear uninterested and said, “She’s aight. Just wondering who she was. She looks familiar.”

  Moments later, Lamar caught Skeeter off guard and formally introduced him to Arnelle. He already knew Tressa and Francine from previous visits to Philly. Oddly, he never got a chance to meet Venice’s partner. Every time he popped in at the clinic, Arnelle was either out of the office or with a patient. When he shook Arnelle’s hand, his voice cracked as he said hello. Her soft hand inside his larger one felt unbelievable. Arnelle greeted him nicely, but didn’t appear to show any type of interest. This was new to Skeeter, because most women couldn’t help but fall all over themselves when they were in his presence. Arnelle, however, seemed uninterested. Skeeter was now wondering why he was unable to charm Arnelle. Was he losing his touch? He wasn’t used to putting a lot of effort into winning a woman’s interest. He ran his hand over his neatly groomed goatee and realized he was about to walk on unfamiliar territory.

  Arnelle put the magazine she was reading down and walked out of the room and into the ladies restroom. Once there, she leaned her head against the stall door and willed herself not to faint. She couldn’t believe he stood there like he didn’t know her. Bastard! All this time, Venice talked about Craig’s friend Skeeter. She had no idea Skeeter was the man she knew in the past as Winston. All kinds of thoughts were running through her head.

  How could he look me in the eyes and act like we’ve never even met? I know he’s angry at me and what I did is unforgivable, but if this is the way he wants to play…Fine!

  Damn it! I finally stopped crying over him and now he’s back.

  Craig noticed Venice was about to have another sharp contraction, but he didn’t want to warn her; just help her through it.


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