Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life

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Alpha World Book One: Gamer for Life Page 10

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Fire Blast: Mana cost: 30. Duration: Instant. Lob a blast of fire at your target. Fire Blast does 20 fire damage if it strikes the target. To use Fire Blast clench and open one fist slowly while saying “Die in a fire,” then throw the ball of fire at your target. (You have changed the requirements of this spell with an ability.)

  Nodding, he looked at the other spell he had gotten and frowned when he saw it was just Demon Skin rank 2. At rank two it gave him 20 armor and cost 75 mana, but that was the only difference. He sighed at the lack of new spell but knew it was probably the easy way for them to give out spells every level minus those with abilities.

  He did jump over to Summon Least Imp and change the words on that spell to, 'I summon Bob the Mighty.' Chuckling at his own joke of the two foot imp being mighty, he closed down the screen and started walking to the weapon shop.

  Alburet reached Grimgar’s Weaponry just as the sun started to sink behind the mountains. Walking into the shop a small bell jingled, he paused taking in the displays all along the walls. Closing the door behind him, Alburet walked over to the nearest display case which held crossbows. As he was looking them over a cough sounded behind him, “Can I help ye?”

  Alburet turned to find the owner of the deep gravelly voice and saw a Dwarf standing there. “Ah greetings, I do hope so. I’m in need of a better weapon so I can go off to fight the goblins to the east.”

  The bald dwarf swept his blue eyes over Alburet as he stroked his beard. “A caster I would guess, since ye don’t even have leather armor on. Where did you hear about my shop?”

  “From my trainer, Stewart, at the Dead Man’s Inn,” Alburet replied.

  Grimgar laughed, “Stew sent you to me? Hmm, interesting. That would make ye a Summoner like him. Unlike armor, weapons are available to everyone if ye have the strength to use them. For most weapons a simple ten strength will allow ye to use them. For the two handed variety, it takes a minimum of twenty. For the simplest of weapons it only takes five though, for instance a wooden club, quarterstaff or dagger. Once ye start getting into quality metals the strength requirement goes up, high steel weapons add another minimum twenty to the base requirement. At the top end is star metal, which takes at least a hundred strength for a one handed weapon made of that metal.”

  Alburet coughed, shaking his head “Looks like I might need to see about upping my strength at some point then. For now, I can only use the most basic of weapons, it appears. I have a few silver to my name, is there any way for me to get a decent weapon for that? Also, do you know why the limitation on armor?”

  Grimgar chuckled, “The Creator said so? No seriously, that is the only answer we have. An Elementalist is rumored to have increased his strength to the point of being able to use a two handed star metal sword, but he still can’t put on even hardened leather.”

  Chalking it up to game balance, Alburet shrugged, “Far be it from me to question the Creator. So what can we do about getting me a decent weapon?”

  Grimgar stroked his black beard for a moment before replying, “I will do ye a favor. I will take that battered staff off ye hands along with two silver. In return I will provide ye a staff capable of lasting you long enough to leave the goblins behind. Well unless ye die a lot, if ye do it be not me fault when the weapon breaks earlier than it should.”

  “Can I see the staff first?”

  Grimgar ducked into the back, coming back a moment later with a polished dark wood staff. “Here we are, one of me standard weapons suitable for slaying goblins,” Grimgar said, setting it on the counter.

  Alburet focused on the staff to get the stats on it.


  35 Damage

  150/150 Durability

  Nodding, Alburet set his old staff on the counter and dug two silver out of his money pouch, placing them next to the old staff. “We have a deal it seems,” Alburet said as he picked up the new staff with a grin. “Pleasure doing business with you, Grimgar.”

  “Aye, just take ye time out there. Too many press too fast at the goblin fort then end up dead. I wish ye the best of luck on ye trip and make sure to pick up any quests the garrison might have.” Grimgar said as he pocketed the silver and slid the old staff under the counter.

  Alburet said his goodbyes and walked out the door into the night. Stopping just outside the shop, he glanced up at the star lit sky then over as a large gold moon rose over the tops of the houses nearby. Studying the crater scarred surface of the moon, Alburet let out a whistle of admiration before he yawned. He rubbed his face for a moment then started walking back towards the Dead Man Inn. He wondered what a room would cost for the night and was going to find out as he finally felt tired.

  When he finally got back he blinked. What he thought was busy earlier had clearly been wrong. The inn was packed now, all spots at the bar taken and all the tables were filled. A few more people leaned against the walls talking with others. Making his way over to the bar he waited until the bartender got down to him. “How much for a room for the night?”

  “Three silver paid in advance,” the bartender replied in a half shout to be heard over the crowd.

  Rolling his eyes Alburet dropped his last silvers onto the counter, “I’ll take it.”

  The bartender motioned him off to the side before he let out a peculiar whistle through the doorway that was behind the bar. A moment later a white haired old woman came out and around to Alburet before leading him up the back stairs. She led him to a room and showed him the bed along with the basin and pitcher of water for washing before leaving him. Alburet secured the chain on the inside of the door once she left.

  Walking over to the bed, he stripped off his boots followed by his clothes before he pulled the blanket down and climbed into the bed. Once he pulled the blanket over himself he closed his eyes and lay back waiting for sleep to come.


  Human Summoner

  Level 6

  Strength: 5

  Agility: 11

  Constitution: 20

  Intelligence: 20

  Wisdom: 26

  Charisma: 20

  Health: 500

  Mana: 560


  Demon Skin-Rank 2

  Demonic Retribution

  Summon Least Imp

  Fire Blast


  Personal Spells


  Alburet woke feeling refreshed and ready for the day as he stretched while opening his eyes. He was momentarily surprised to see a wooden ceiling above him. As he lay there as memory came rushing back, causing him to smile as he sat up. Getting out of bed he quickly pulled his clothes on, noting that they showed no stains or sign of wear from his having worn them. His stomach growled and he glanced at his buff bar to find the Thirsty and Hungry debuffs. He also found a new buff that declared him Well Rested, giving him a 10% bonus to experience for the next six hours. He washed his face before picking up his bag and heading downstairs. The taproom was mostly deserted with just a barmaid behind the bar.

  “Miss, what can I get for a quick meal?” Alburet asked as he took a seat.

  “We only have bread, cheese and fruit in the morning costin' two copper per item. We also have tea available if ya want somethin' other than spirits to break ya fast,” She brushed her red hair back from her face as she replied to him with a smile. Her green eyes twinkled as she looked him over, “What would ya like?”

  “Let’s take the bread along with some cheese and a mug of tea please,” Alburet said, placing six copper on the counter.

  She swept them up with a business-like smile before yelling his order into the kitchen door. A moment later another maid, this one maybe eight years old, came out carrying a mug and plate. The first maid took them and set them down before Alburet. “There ya go, sir,” she said. Turning back to the young girl, she asked, “Does Hilda need any help back there?”

  “Nay, she be doin' fine,” the girl replied in a thicker accent before disappearing back into
the kitchen.

  “Sister of yours?” Alburet asked as he broke the warm roll open so he could stuff the cheese into it.

  “Aye, we are a family run place. Da handles the bar in the afternoon on, Ma runs the kitchen until dinner is ready. Me and me sisters are in charge of everythin' else that be needin' done,” she replied, her smile back in place as she turned to him. “We get busy in the evening, which means we are all workin' besides Ma who be getting her sleep in then.”

  “So you work the morning and night? Sleeping during the middle of the day?” Alburet asked between bites of the cheese sandwich. He was really enjoying the nutty wheat flavor as well as the tangy bite of the cheddar.

  “About right. Each of us handles specific tasks mostly, but all of us minus the youngun are workin' the taproom durin' the busy hours.”

  Having demolished the food in short order Alburet grinned, “Well, the room was warm and comfortable last night. The food this morning is better than anything else I have eaten here in the city, and this apple tea is delicious.”

  The maid giggled slightly and her accent deepened, “Ah ya jest sayin' tha’. Will ya be stayin' with us again?”

  Finishing the tea, Alburet stood, “Anytime I’m here in town I will be. I’m probably heading off to kill some goblins to the East first, though.”

  “Oh, ya be a two-souled then. Not many of ya be takin’ rooms wit’ us. I wish ya the best in the goblin slayin' and will welcome ya back when ya return,” She took the empty mug and plate into the kitchen.

  Even though he was short on coin himself, Alburet dropped another copper onto the bar for her before he headed out. Just as he was clearing the door he heard her shout out to him, “Thank ya kindly for the tip.” He chuckled as the door shut behind him.

  The sun was just rising, spreading light over the city. Alburet wondered what he should do. He didn’t have the money for a transport spell to get him to the goblins quickly, which meant having to hoof it to the east. He could always go out to the starter village and see about doing the quests there to raise money, which would get him enough for the transport. He could wander the streets and hope to find some quests that way. He pondered what he felt like doing. His second day here in Alpha World and he had plenty of options.

  He chuckled as he considered a third option that might work. Shouldering his bag into a more comfortable place, he started walking back to the stockades, whistling as he went. As he whistled one of his favorite songs he thought this game could really use a music feature. Since there wasn’t any background music in each zone, maybe an interface for players to listen to downloadable music. Shrugging at the thought, he continued his song as he walked along watching the streets start to become busy as more people woke and left their homes.

  A while later he arrived at the stockades, nodding to the guards as he passed through the main gates. Instead of walking to the main building, he headed towards the training building. Just as he reached the door a guard came bustling out, only to pause and stare at Alburet with a glower. “What do you want Summoner?”

  Sighing as he realized it was the guard from the main gate Alburet replied, “I am going to see if Roberto will listen to a proposition I have.”

  Scoffing, the guard shook his head, “The Head Trainer doesn’t have time for trash like you, so get going.”

  Alburet eyed the guard for a moment before shaking his head, “I think Roberto should be the one to tell me that, Skippy. As it is, he seems to have taken a Liking to me, so why don’t you either go and ask him or get the fuck out of my way?” Alburet spoke calmly, his voice flat, which is why he was surprised when a notification popped up before his eyes.

  The guard took a step back, his face going grim, “You threatening me?”

  Letting out a deep sigh Alburet stepped back, raising his empty hands, “Nope, you just seem a bit thin skinned and biased.”

  Another guard came out of the training room, pausing to take in the scene. “What is going on here?”

  “I wanted to speak with Roberto and Skippy here told me to get lost,” Alburet said with a shrug.

  The gate guard went a little red, “That isn’t right at all. I stopped this Summoner from entering the training building. He seems to think he has special permission for some reason.”

  The second guard looked at Alburet closely, “Did you come here yesterday? Is your name Alburet?”

  “Yes to both questions, sir,” Alburet replied, ignoring the first guard.

  Sighing, the second guard nodded, “Move over Wilbur. Roberto talked with him yesterday, this is the guy who showed Roberto how to apply that new choke technique.”

  Wilbur blinked as he shook his head, “Ridiculous, Summoners don’t fight hand to hand.”

  “Look, why don’t we all just go talk to Roberto?” Alburet suggested. “If I’m, lying arrest me. If I’m right then just stop talking down at me Skippy.”

  Wilbur growled back, “My name is Wilbur, not Skippy, dammit.”

  Alburet couldn’t stop himself from responding, “Sure Skippy, sure. Just skip along out of the way so we can go talk to Roberto okay... Skippy?”

  Wilbur stepped forward, his fists balled and his face red. Alburet promptly dropped his staff as he leaned back to avoid the first swing from Wilbur. As the arm went by, Alburet grinned as he latched onto it. He spun Wilbur around, his arms going up and latching onto Wilbur’s neck. “Why is it that the young never learn the simple lessons? Can you tell me that, Skippy?”

  The second guard shook his head, “Release him Alburet, otherwise I shall have to call it attacking a guard and arrest you.”

  Alburet sighed, holding the pressure for another second before removing his arms as Wilbur dropped to the ground bonelessly. “I would not wish that at all,” he said with a straight face as he stepped back from the unconscious guard. The door opened again and Roberto stepped out.

  “Alburet? Why is Wilbur on the ground at your feet?” Roberto asked, one eyebrow raising.

  “He swung at me and I stopped him from damaging himself. I had come to talk to you about a proposal and Wilbur there wouldn’t let me pass. This other guard came out and told Wilbur that I should be able to speak with you, but Wilbur again didn’t want to listen. After a bit of back and forth he swung and I dropped him with a simple choke.” Alburet said with a shrug, “Regrettable all things considered, but I’m not about to let myself be attacked for no reason.”

  Roberto turned to the other guard, “Steven, what happened?”

  “Sir, I came out and found Wilbur and Alburet talking. Alburet stated he wanted to see you and Wilbur called him Summoner scum, Sir. After Alburet suggested we all speak with you he called Wilbur by another name. Wilbur objected to being called Skippy and seemed to grow agitated, and when Alburet called him by that name again Wilbur swung at him. Alburet then promptly applied the choke hold you were telling me about when Wilbur missed his attack. I advised Alburet to release Wilbur or face charges, he did so just before you came out, Sir.” Steven replied in a matter of fact tone, standing at attention.

  Roberto turned back to Alburet, sighing, “Why did you provoke him?”

  “I didn’t. He was provoking me, sir. He has multiple times now called me scum and told me I belong in the gutter just due to my vocation. All I did was use the wrong name and he attacked me. All I was doing was coming to see if I could talk you into a mutually beneficial transaction, paying me to help train your men in the techniques I showed you yesterday.”

  Roberto rubbed his head with one hand before replying, “That isn’t going to be possible right now. Look, Wilbur’s father is a lower noble in the city which means when he complains to daddy dearest we will be told to bring you in for assaulting a guard. I suggest you head out of town for a bit, maybe head east to raise your standing with the city by killing goblins.”

  “That was why I wanted to make some coin helping train,” Alburet said. “I’m flat broke. I’ve got a handful of silver and copper to my name at the moment.”
br />   Roberto frowned before pulling out two gold, “Call this advanced payment for later training and get going.”

  Quest: Return later to help Roberto train the guard

  Reward: Coin and reputation with the guard

  Optional: Return the gold to cancel the quest

  Warning: abandoning this quest will mark

  you as a thief with the guards of Stormguard.

  Alburet took the two coins, “I’ll be back after a day or two, then. Thank you sir,” Alburet snapped off a textbook salute before grabbing his staff and walking out of the stockade yard.

  Roberto watched him go with a thoughtful face. Wilbur groaned as he woke up. Looking down, Roberto sighed, “Wilbur get up, you are to take the day off and think about why it might be inappropriate to make decisions for your superiors. Steven, make sure he heard that and takes the day off.” Steven saluted as Roberto went back into the training building.


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