Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 2

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Dagda nodded and they both disappeared.

  Now it was just the three of them, Charlotte relaxed. She turned to Dane, and asked, “Dane, are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” he sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face. “She could have told me she was going to do that but, yeah.”

  Callan shrugged, “We really have known for decades, Dane. We didn't know which of you wanted to keep it, private, so we left you to it.”

  “She didn't want anything to change,” Dane sighed.

  Callan gave him a wry smile, “You should probably go and find her. We'll meet you at the cairn just after one.”

  Dane nodded and left.

  Callan took her hand and they walked to their suite.

  “Byron and Arthur certainly don't like me, do they?” she asked, pushing her hair back from her face.

  “They're probably the ones who fear your power the most. Art's brother, Byron's father, was killed by the last warlock to run riot with it. That's why Dane was so blunt with them. They must keep their fear under control to help you. If they don't…” He paused.

  “What is the punishment for treason?”

  “Death,” he said, tightly.

  I don't want to be responsible for that.

  Caoimhe was waiting with Enya and Zander when they got back. Callan went to make tea.

  “How was training?” Charlotte asked as they ran to her.

  “Good, Zander built a big castle and we defended it. Then Zander built a big wall out of rocks. Blair left that up for next time,” Enya explained.

  “Have they been good?” Charlotte asked Caoimhe.

  “They're always good.” Her smile was warm as she watched them play with the toys strewn around the room. “How did Alayna do?”

  “Okay I think, she shot Arthur down anyway. Dane was, well we'll say surprised,” she laughed as she sat down.

  “Hmm, well he's been doing things her way for long enough, I'm sure he'll forgive her,” Caoimhe mused.

  “What made her change her mind?” Charlotte asked.

  “She knew they wouldn't believe Dane's version of events. She came to me a few days ago, and told me everything. There wouldn't be any reason for the council to question her word,” she said sadly.

  “Surely they'll be happier without the secrets now though?” Charlotte asked.

  “It isn't that simple,” Callan said handing her a mug of tea. “Dane is the eldest son of King Markus, heir to the Unseelie Throne. Should they marry, she would be his queen when he succeeds his father.”

  “So, she would have to live wherever their court is?”

  “It would be expected, yes. Of course, she would be free to come and go as she pleased, but Dane would spend much of his time there,” Caoimhe replied, sadly.

  “Dane said it was a bit miserable there,” she mused.

  “It's beautiful in its own way. We should visit soon, Zander needs to test his abilities on the real portal. You'll be able to have a good look round,” Callan interrupted.

  “I don't like the idea of them being there, Callan.”

  “It'll only be a few days. Dane will be with us, you may even like it there.”

  Somehow, I doubt it.

  “Markus is a gracious host. You'll be made very welcome,” Caoimhe assured her. “Oh, that's Alayna and Dane.”

  There was a gentle knock on the door and Alayna popped her head in. “Are you here?”

  “I'll make more tea,” Callan quickly left the room.

  Enya ran to her. “We built a castle today,” she exclaimed as Alayna scooped her up in a hug. “Will you be able to come and see tomorrow?”

  “Is that okay, Charlotte? Could I take them tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, that's fine if you've nothing else planned,” she agreed with a smile.

  Caoimhe had gotten up and approached Dane. Gently placing a hand on his cheek, she asked, “How are you?”

  “I'm very well, thank you,” he said, relieved. Alayna glanced his way and smiled.

  “Would you like me to take the children out for lunch? It'll give you the opportunity to discuss things without little ears listening in,” Caoimhe offered.

  “That's a good idea, Ma. Thank you,” Callan replied placing fresh mugs of tea on the dining table.

  “Is Granddad coming?” Zander asked from the sofa.

  “Let's go and find him, shall we?” Caoimhe said, glancing to Callan.

  Once they'd left, Callan said, “We need to talk about your training.”

  “What about it?”

  Dane coughed and sat at the table with Alayna. She followed.

  “Well, we have a problem. Your father is mastering the shadow-fire. It's harder for us to combat a warlock. We can hold him back, temporarily, but we can't stop him.”

  “You can, Dane. You have thousands of years on him,” she scoffed.

  “There's only one thing that can get past his power to give any one of us a shot at him. Your power is purer than his…”

  She looked from Dane to Callan. “Me? You think I can?”

  You knew this was going to happen, deep down, you knew.

  “We know you can. We've seen you angry,” Callan smirked. “It just takes practice. We need to get started with it.”

  “Well, the kids are busy, we're free, we should go and make a start.” Dane stood up and held out a hand.

  “We'll have to meet you there. I can't do anything in this,” she sighed, gesturing to the skirt and shoes she was wearing.

  Chapter 2

  “Oh, come on Lottie,” Dane shouted from behind her. “Make an effort!”

  “I am. It just doesn't want to do what I'm telling it to,” she snapped.

  The violet flame danced at her feet, pretty and harmless.

  “If you don't try harder I'll come out and make you do it properly!” He threatened.

  Yeah because you can force something that isn't there! Arsehole.

  Callan put a hand on her shoulder. “It's okay. Just close your eyes, think big, knock it down.”

  Taking a deep breath, she tried again. The flame grew to a small fire. Crackling and dancing, the flames warmed her face. “There.”

  “Bigger!” Dane called. Alayna remained silent, watching.

  Still a dick!

  Shaking her head, she thought bigger.

  “Now form the whole thing into a ball,” Callan murmured.

  She couldn't. She willed it to happen but the fire remained at her feet, flickering harmlessly.

  Dane strode over, glaring, “If you don't get your head round this he's going to kill us all. You, him,” he pointed at Callan. “He'll go after the kids.”

  “Dane,” Callan warned in a low growl.

  “No, Callan. She needs to know exactly what's going to happen. It nearly happened last time.” His voice rose as he became increasingly annoyed.

  Callan stepped between them. “Watch your tone,” he warned.

  Shadow burst from Dane, filling the space between them. “Or?”

  Callan shook his head and stepped back, pushing Charlotte to the side, flame springing to life at his fingertips.

  “You're really doing this now? Here?” Charlotte fixed her eyes on Dane and spat, “Grow up!”

  Callan looked to her and in that split-second Dane sent his shadow at him. Thick black tendrils twisting around his wrists, pinning his hands to his sides. “Or?” Dane goaded. In one swift flick of his chin another thick strand of shadow shot to his throat.

  “Enough Dane,” Callan choked, as a wicked smile spread across Dane's face.

  “Dane. Let him go! Now!” she yelled, her voice shrill.

  “Make me,” he grinned, his cold, silver eyes glittering. “But you can't can you? You haven't got it in you to save him.”

  It was his laugh that pushed her. The low, mocking chuckle. Her eyes flashed violet as flame sprang up in her hand. “Let him go.”

  “Nope. In fact, I think I'll hold on a bit tighter.” Callan really couldn't breathe, held in the sha
dowy vines he couldn't move at all. “How long does he have, do you think?”

  Shadow built around her, the flame in her hand spinning into a tight ball. She could feel the power surging, her whole body tingling as the raw energy gathered, waiting for her to will it into action. She stepped toward him and he laughed, “Is that it, Princess?”

  With a shriek of fury, she sent the ball of flame hurtling for him. He stepped away, dodging it and laughed again, “Alright there, Callan? Hold on mate, she'll work it out eventually.”

  He's hurting him. How do I get at him?

  Just think it.

  Split them up.

  She imagined a wall of flames between them and it sprang into life. Hot and fierce it roared, masking her view of Callan.

  Okay, you stay there. Shadow…

  The shadow surrounding her shifted, winding itself around her body shifting and pulsing.

  Hold him. Block him.

  In an instant, it was around him. Like a serpent, the shadow wound itself around Dane. Binding his arms, it coiled downwards.

  Trip him.

  He landed with a thud as his feet were pulled from beneath him. Her lips twitched.

  “Let him go, Dane.”

  Hearing Callan coughing from behind the fire wall she had thrown up she instantly dropped it.

  “Callan?” She called, not daring to look at him.

  “I'm fine, Charlotte, let him up.”

  No, not yet.

  Flames covered her hands as she walked to where Dane lay, bound on the floor.

  “See. Knew you had it in you,” he grinned.

  She didn't answer as the flames closed in on themselves to form another ball.

  “Charlotte, put it out,” Callan warned, laying a hand on her shoulder.


  The shadow coiled around Dane squeezed his body. He coughed as the breath was forced from his lungs. She cocked her head, “Well?”

  Dane met her eyes as he gasped for air and shook his head.

  “No more? Are you sure?”

  “Charlotte,” Alayna said softly from beside her.

  Okay. Stop.

  The shadow and flame instantly disappeared at her thought. The power settled to a low hum in her veins as she calmed herself. “Is that what you were looking for, Dane?”

  “Pretty much, yeah,” he laughed as Callan held out a hand. “I knew I only had to piss you off enough.”

  “I'd rather you didn't,” Callan said dryly, rubbing his throat, “are you okay?”

  “I think so.” She could still feel the low hum in her veins.

  I'm starving.

  Dane laughed, pulling her into his arms. “Sorry,” he whispered.

  “You're a dick,” she muttered into his chest.

  “You did really well though, considering,” Alayna said, rubbing her back. “Dane, we have a table booked. We need to go.”

  Dane released her and held her at arm's length. “Tomorrow? I'll get Blair up to speed.”

  “If we must,” she sighed. Giving her his best grin he took Alayna's hand and they disappeared.

  “That was brilliant,” Callan murmured as he tilted her chin and kissed her gently.


  “Yeah, how did you do that?”

  “I don't understand the question,” she laughed.

  “You split the shadow and the fire, what made you do that?”

  She thought for a moment and said, “I needed to keep him away from you then deal with him. I dunno. He showed me what to do with the shadow, he did it himself.” She shrugged, “Am I supposed to feel it everywhere like that?”

  “I don't know. How do you mean?” His brows knotted as he tried to figure it out.

  “I could feel it, sort of moving in me. It's still there. Do you feel yours all the time?”

  He paused, assessing how he felt. “No. Not until I call it. How does it feel?”

  “Dunno. Like a low vibration, I think. It'll probably settle down. Can we get something to eat? I'm hungry.”

  “We'll go back to the house and I'll pick something up.”

  “Better?” he asked as she wiped the grease from her fingers.

  “Yeah. Thank you. I'm so full though.” She left the table and curled up on the sofa.

  “Is that really your favourite meal?” Callan asked, clearing the table.

  “Yeah. Who doesn't like fried chicken?” she yawned. “What time are the kids home?”

  “Whenever you're ready to collect them. I think you should rest first though, you used a lot of energy earlier.”

  “No, I'm fine, I haven't seen the kids properly for days.” Flexing her hand, she said, “I wish this tingling would stop.”

  Frowning, he sat beside her. “It's still doing it? It's been over an hour.”

  “Yeah. Do you think it's going to just keep on like it now? It's like it's been woken up, it's weird.”

  “I don't know,” He said, slowly.

  “I'm okay, it's just in the background and it's a bit distracting. It's nothing to worry about, I'm sure. I feel fine.” Shuffling closer, she lay her head against his shoulder. “Don't worry about me.”

  Sighing, he kissed the top of her head, “Shall I go for them?”

  “Yeah. Is there anything planned for today?”

  “Aoife mentioned a visit. I can put her off though, since you're tired.”

  “No, its fine. I haven't seen her since the wedding. It'll be nice. Shall I go and get snacks while you collect the kids?”

  “There's money in the drawer. I'll see you soon,” he said as he kissed her cheek and left.

  Dragging herself from the sofa, she checked her reflection in the mirror.

  She seemed to have changed. Her eyes looked brighter. Her skin clearer. Her hair shone and was growing so quickly it was at her waist. Twisting the brown, wavy mess up and clipping it in place she sighed.

  Nothing much left of the old you.

  Grabbing a handful of cash from the drawer in the hall, she stuffed it into her bag and rifled for the car key.

  Okay, don't bump anything this time.

  Wincing, she noted the large black scuff on the rear bumper of the car as the front door closed behind her. Callan had laughed the week before when she admitted she'd reversed into a wall. She missed her own little car.

  Parking along the seafront, she wrapped her coat around her, and walked the now familiar route to the little cheese shop she'd become fond of. The cold wind blew in from the mainland. Looking out she could see little boats rising and falling with the swell of the tide, behind them another small island loomed. The view would have been beautiful were it not so dull and cloudy.

  The little shop was warm and welcoming. Closing the door against the briny cold air she picked up a basket and browsed the shelves.

  “Hello Charlotte. Back again?” The fruity voice of the shop assistant came from behind the counter.

  “We've company this evening and I've been greedy this week, Andy,” she laughed. “I'll be needing one of each again, please. Not too big, I don't need the encouragement.”

  He set to work cutting and wrapping the various cheeses on display as she continued to browse. “Anything else?” he asked as she approached the counter.

  “Thanks. And these.” She placed the basket on the counter.

  He carefully transferred her chutneys and oatcakes into a bag and handed them back. “Are these going on Callan's account?”

  “No, I've got it thanks,” she smiled as she handed him money. “See you later, Andy.”

  Stepping back outside the cold took her breath. Head down, she walked quickly back to the car.

  I can't believe we had a summer wedding two weeks ago, up there. It's tempting to move up to the palace for the winter.

  Sitting in the car she considered everything that had been said that morning. That she would have to face him. She would have to help them stop him.

  How can I fight against him? I don't know how to. What if I can't and he ki
lls me?

  Sighing, she fastened her seat belt and started the car. There was no point worrying about it, she had to get her power under control first.

  “Did you write it off this time?” Callan called from the lounge.

  “Piss off,” she muttered under her breath.

  “You know I heard that.” He appeared in the kitchen door, grinning.

  “There's no need for the size of the thing. And, no, the car's fine, thank you.”

  She shoved past him and opened the fridge to put the cheeses away. “I got a few bits in for later. Fajitas and salad for tea. Where are the kids?” She took the ingredients from the fridge and moved to the worktop.

  “Out in the garden. They were bored, apparently,” he rolled his eyes.

  “I passed the primary school on my way home. I think they should start there after Christmas.”


  “Because they need to be with other kids, Callan. They can control themselves, they need to learn something other than how to play fight with magic. I think they need to be back at school,” she shrugged.

  “What about training?”

  “Can we arrange for evenings instead? Or Saturday mornings? Could Blair do that?”

  “I'll ask him tomorrow. Are you sure?”

  “We need to settle into a normal life here. School is normal,” she shrugged.

  “Fair enough, we can go in tomorrow and arrange to see the head. Can you come into work with me after that? We need to get your training planned properly. Dagda's arranged a room for you to practice in.”

  “A room? I thought it was safer outside?” She frowned at him and began preparing vegetables.

  “Physical training, needs a gym.”

  Her head snapped up. “Physical training? I've never been in a gym in my life. Why do I need a gym?”

  “The need to run may present itself. You need to learn to use a weapon too,” he said, taking a seat opposite.

  This is getting ridiculous!

  “A weapon? I can only just use a kitchen knife,” she said, waving the knife in her hand. “Why do I need a weapon?”

  “You need to learn to defend yourself, Charlotte. Dagda mentioned you having an escort but that isn't an option. I won't have you trailed everywhere you go. If we can train you to defend yourself without the shadow-fire you won't ever be at risk of what happened again.”


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