Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 5

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Flicking her fingers wide, she willed the ball to hit its mark. It hurtled from her hand, silent and beautiful. The wall shimmered with the impact, her flames fizzing out. Frustration tore from her in an angry growl.


  The sound of Dane's delight sent a bolt of fury through her and she whirled to face him.

  “Don't blame me, that's Zander's handy work!” Dane laughed as he stepped back, hands up. “At least we know his defenses work.”

  “'Course they do, he's a genius!”

  But it's coming down come hell or high water.

  Turning back to the wall she closed her eyes. Picturing a dozen little balls of flame, she spread her arms wide. Becoming accustomed to the sensation of the power coursing through her body, she smiled inwardly. Dane whistled at her side, forcing her to look. Her imagined arsenal was there, suspended before them, waiting for her. She glanced at him, her lips twitching in a half smile, then sent the volley. Of the twelve, only two made their mark.


  “You're bloody brilliant,” his eyes shone.

  “It's still up. That isn't brilliant, Dane,” she spat.

  Bring it down. You can do this!

  She summoned a small fire at her feet and spun her finger in the air. Flames and shadowy tendrils twisted into a tight vortex. Bigger and bigger she built them, higher and higher they climbed. Dane stepped behind her as she extended her arm, palm facing out, and pushed forwards. The swirling black and violet inferno spun, slowly towards the wall. As rock and flame collided there was a groan. The wall splintered and cracked as the swirling mass spun on, tearing into its target, growing brighter. The wall was losing its battle. Huge chunks broke from the very top, carried into the flame and smoke, lost to view. She pressed on, the vortex spinning harder and faster until, with a deafening crack, the wall shattered and was gone. All that remained was the searing tornado.

  “Lottie. I think you've got it,” Dane said gently, laying a hand on her shoulder.

  She shook her hands and the flames died, shadows faded and she gave a satisfied smile, looking at the pile of rubble left behind.

  “Is that what you promised him?” She asked, cocking her head.

  “No. Nothing quite that spectacular. That was…”

  She felt Callan's arms around her waist. “You're amazing,” he whispered into her neck.

  She wasn't sure when he'd come back.

  “Lukas?” She moved around Callan to see where he was. His violet eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted in awe. “Dane, is he okay?”

  “He will be,” he laughed. “Lukas, come on!”

  They found the children in the small garden they'd previously used to practice in. Taran had arranged for a sandpit built for Zander and had added water features for Enya. He and Enya were watching Zander march an army of sand soldiers around the lawn.

  “How's he doing that?” Dane asked quietly.

  “Don't ask me,” Charlotte whispered, squeezing Callan's hand. Callan squeezed back. Glancing up, she saw a huge grin spread across his face.

  “I'll go for our things. Won't be long,” Callan kissed her cheek and disappeared.

  She glanced to Lukas, and smiled. “You alright there Lukas?”

  He cleared his throat, “Yes, Princess. Your son is very talented. You are all very talented.”

  “Please, Lukas, call me Charlotte.”

  He gave a single nod of his head.

  Taran strode over. “Prince Lukas! Thank you for agreeing to help Charlotte with her training.”

  He smiled broadly and said, “It is a pleasure. Pri… Charlotte has proven to be a fast learner. My father will be very impressed with these.” He gestured to Zander's soldiers.

  “I'm sure Markus will find them both enchanting,” he turned to the children. “Remember, you can come home whenever you're ready. You can stay with us while your parents are working.” They nodded and hugged him.

  Callan arrived back. “Our things are at the castle, we're expected any time now.” He handed thick coats to her, Zander and Enya. “It'll be cold there and we need to walk up. The wards won't allow you inside the quick way.”

  “Like when we first visited the palace?” Charlotte asked.

  Callan nodded, “They'll be altered to recognize you once you're inside.”

  “Zander, you're with me mate,” Dane held out a hand. Charlotte gave him a quizzical look.

  “Security. Only two at a time, since the wards won't recognise you. I'll take Zander, Callan with Enya and you with Lukas.”

  “See you soon, Taran,” she said, offering a small smile as Lukas gently took her hand.

  “Are you ready?” he asked softly.

  “I'm never ready for this,” she laughed.

  Chapter 6

  They emerged on a small road, facing double wrought iron gates. A stone wall ran around the perimeter of the castle, swathed in ivy. The tree lined courtyard was empty and silent save for the twitter of birds. It didn't look anything like she'd imagined. A plain, stone building, three stories' high, judging by the windows that were oddly absent on the ground floor. No battlements. No towers.

  Looking behind she could see nothing but trees. Something moved in the gloom of the forest, snapping twigs and rustling the ferns.

  She heard it before she saw it. A low, guttural grunt, the sound of breath being huffed from a snout. She dropped Lukas' hand and froze. Fear gripped her and flame instantly leapt up in her palm.

  What is it?

  “Mummy what's that?” Enya gasped, eyes wide at the sight of the flames.

  “Shh. Callan! There's something there.”

  Zander looked around wildly, leaving Dane and running to her.

  Dane laughed. “It's only Konrad. He's a friend.”

  A druid?

  The flames died instantly.

  His paws drew her attention first. Thick, curved claws scratched at the concrete as the huge bear lumbered towards them. His paws the size of dinner plates, covered in thick, glossy fur. He drew level, a small, black eye taking her in. Snorting again, his thick, square muzzle inches from her face, he shook his head.

  The size of him!

  Well over five feet tall, who knew what he weighed. She pushed Enya and Zander behind her.

  Dane reached out and scratched the beast behind an ear. “Hello Konrad.”

  The bear rubbed its head against his chest and turned to Lukas. He strode forward and grasped the bear around the shoulders. “Dobrý den, starý přítel,” he said softly.

  “Mummy, can I touch it?” Zander asked, peering round her hip.

  “No! He isn't a toy,” she hissed.

  “Oh, I don't know.” Dane grabbed Zander around the waist and lifted him onto the bears back.

  Her stomach twisted.

  “Me too!” Enya giggled tugging on Dane's arm.

  I'm going to be sick…

  “Don't hold too tight,” Callan laughed.

  How is he so relaxed? It's a bloody bear!

  “We should go inside,” Lukas said, opening the gates.

  Callan took her hand and they walked behind the bear with their children on his back.

  The gates clanged shut behind them as they approached the arched doors to the castle.

  She noticed picnic tables in the courtyard and posters in a window. “Is this a tourist attraction?” She asked, quietly.

  Callan nodded. “In the summer months. Hiding in plain sight.”

  “Down you get. Konrad can't fit in there,” Dane said, lifting the children down.

  The bear shook himself and in a flash of green light he transformed. As the glimmering green dust settled, she took him in. Tall, dark haired with a short beard, he appeared to be in his late forties. His hazel eyes were kind as he looked around them all. Dane pulled him into a hug, clapping him on the shoulder.

  “Welcome home my friend!” His voice was deep but friendly, the w pronounced with as vee. “Callan! It has been too long!”

  Callan emb
raced him the same way Dane had. “Konrad, this is my wife, Charlotte, and you've met Zander and Enya.”

  He turned and bowed to her, “Princess Charlotte.”

  “She doesn't like the formality, Konrad,” Dane muttered.

  “And you are the very talented children I've heard so much about?” Konrad crouched as he addressed them.

  They smiled shyly.

  “The King expects you in the study,” he explained rising.

  “We must go. Father does not like to be kept waiting,” Lukas murmured as he set off walking into the cold, stone hallway. It was very narrow, room to walk only two abreast. Callan took Zander, Enya stayed with Charlotte as they followed Dane and Lukas through the building. Konrad closed and locked the external doors, following behind them.

  They passed through another external door that led out into another courtyard. There were no ornaments or planters just plain paving slabs covered with green moss. In the very center was a large, raised square platform covered with more slabs.

  Looking around, she saw small balconies on the upper levels. There were few windows on the lower level.

  Why so few windows?

  Through another door, they passed into a small, empty chapel. The high domed ceiling decorated with paintings. An alter stood at the far end of the echoing chamber, a simple candle and posy of dried flowers its only decoration.

  On the Princes led them, through the narrow passages and halls until finally, they came to an arched doorway.

  The room beyond was cold and dark. She wrinkled her nose as she entered, the musty smell of neglect hung in the air. It was empty save for a crude wooden throne set on a slate plinth. Twin pillars of twisted wood formed the front legs, an effigy of a male head carved into one of the arms. A set of scales carved into the other. Behind was an arch depicting a pitchfork and a whip. A shudder ran through her.

  Yep, that pretty much sums it up. We're definitely headed for hell.

  “I know it's a bit of a long walk. Each of you will need to enter with someone from this court. Callan excluded, obviously. Zander, are you coming with me again?”

  Zander took Danes hand. “Just like the portal to the palace. Okay?”

  Callan followed with Enya, Charlotte with Lukas.

  She had no idea what she'd expected, but this was not it. The foyer they'd arrived in was surprisingly bright. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, candles providing a warm glow. The walls were grey stone, broken by ornate carved archways and well-lit alcoves.

  “This way, please,” Lukas said, gently releasing her hand and striding away. Callan had taken each of the children's hands, leaving her to walk with Dane.

  “Will you relax?” He murmured.

  “I can't,” she whispered back.

  They followed Lukas down a long, airy corridor. The floor appeared to be red marble, candle light dancing from the ornate chandeliers making it appear the move like a red, glittering lake. Glancing into the alcoves at either side of her, she noticed various portraits, suits of armor, vases and ornately carved cases on display.

  Very Gothic.

  Lukas stopped at a large doorway. The oak doors closed, two guards at either side.

  Callan turned to her and smiled, “Ready?”

  No. I hate the ceremony, the formality. I don't like any of this.

  Giving him a tight-lipped smile, she nodded.

  The doors swung silently open and Lukas entered the room, stepping to Callan's left. “Father, Prince Callan, Princess Charlotte, Prince Zander and Princess Enya.”

  The study was a relatively small room. The walls to the left and right were lined floor to ceiling with books. The unmistakable musky smell of them mixed with the smoke from the roaring fire. It felt cozy. Warm. The fireplace dominated the rear wall. White marble, carved with lions and cherubs, it seemed almost out of place given where they were. Large leather armchairs were arranged around an animal skin hearth rug. King Markus rose from one and inclined his head. “Prince Callan. Please, come, sit. I'll have refreshments made available at once.”

  Callan sat the children in an armchair, promising it wouldn't take long and shook the Kings hand. “Thank you for the invitation, Markus. My wife, Charlotte.”

  She gave a small curtsy and kept her eyes down. Markus tilted her chin with a finger and met her eyes with his own. “A pleasure,” he purred.

  This is where Dane gets it from, then.

  Markus was undeniably handsome. Appearing to be in his forties, he wore his fae beauty with an air of arrogance and elegance combined. His eyes glowed red in the fire and candlelight, framed by perfectly sculpted, dark brows. His hair, short compared to Callan's, was the deepest ebony, slicked back from his face and settling at the nape of his neck. He wore a plain, black shirt, no tie, open at the neck. He was also extremely intimidating, she realised.

  Her mouth went dry. “Thank you for your kind invitation, King Markus,” she said, as clearly as she could.

  “Please, sit,” he gestured to the armchair at his side. “Dane, Lukas,” he said, indicating two other chairs.

  The children were fidgeting, clearly bored already. Charlotte shot them a warning glance and they stilled.

  “If the little ones would like to roam and explore they're more than welcome to,” Markus said. “A study is a very boring place for a child and adult conversation even more so.” He walked to the far corner of the room. “Come,” he beckoned to them. “Do you play?” He gestured to a draughts board. They nodded eagerly and Markus lowered the board from its ornate table and placed it on the floor. “Lukas, bring some cushions, make them comfortable.” He returned to the armchair beside Charlotte and said quietly, “That should give us at least twenty minutes.”

  The doors opened and closed and a figure approached with a tray.

  “Dursek, on the table there, thank you.”

  The servant set the tray on the table and poured five goblets of wine. From the back Charlotte, couldn't make out many features but a broad back and small, furry ears on the side of his head. Had she not noticed the ears she would have assumed he was fae. He carried the tray first to Markus, then to Callan. They took their drinks and nodded their thanks. He bowed before her. His face and hands were covered with soft, black fur, his eyes a bright gold that glimmered softly in the dim light. Charlotte smiled and took a goblet. “Thank you,” she murmured. He inclined his head and moved to Dane.

  “Please don't be alarmed. Dursek is a shape shifter, Charlotte,” Markus explained. “A Phooka, I believe you call his kind in Britain. He has been a valued member of my household for a great many years. Have you introduced her to many of the races, Callan?” he asked, raising a brow.

  “There hasn't been time, Markus. Things have happened rather rapidly over the last four months. Haven't they Charlotte?” he smirked and sipped his wine.

  “Umm, you could say that, yes,” she said quietly, her cheeks flushed.

  “Oh, yes. Forgive me. Have you recovered after your ordeal? I understand Dane played a vital role in your rescue?”

  Please, don't let the kids hear. They don't know the details.

  “Yes, he, umm,” she took a breath and considered her answer, “I was very lucky that Dane was able to help me recover.”

  Markus nodded and glanced to Dane, “Yes?”

  “The children, father,” he said, his tone clipped.

  “Yes, of course,” he said by way of apology and looked their way. “I hear they are extremely talented and I'm very pleased that little Zander is here to practice his warding skills.”

  “Yes. He's passed every inspection given his wards and Blair now believes that it is time to test his abilities on the real thing,” Callan offered.

  “Blair is held in extremely high esteem here, Charlotte. If he believes the boy is ready then he must, indeed, be ready. I look forward to inspecting his work. And little Enya?”

  “She, umm, she wields water,” Charlotte answered, awkwardly. “I don't know much about it I'm afraid. It's all a bi
t beyond me.”

  “I don't believe that, given your own unique talents.” He caught and held her gaze for a few, long seconds, and added, “I hear you're a very clever girl yourself.”

  Callan cleared his throat. “Charlotte is still mastering her particular gifts.”

  “Perhaps I could help with that?” Markus offered.

  “That's very kind of you, but, you must be very busy,” Charlotte began.

  He waved a hand, his lips witching, “Nonsense. I can always make time to assist someone as important as yourself, Princess. I shall clear an hour or two from my diary tomorrow morning. Dusek, see to that please.” The servant bowed and left the room.

  “That's very kind of you Markus, thank you. Callan and Dane have been helping me to train. Lukas helped me with some weapons training this morning too. I'm very grateful to them for their time.”

  “Dane is a particularly powerful shadow wielder, Callan one of our most skilled fire wielders. You are being trained by the best. I, however, have an additional skill set that you may find useful.”

  Why does that make me nervous?

  Dane rose and placed his empty goblet on the table by Callan, “I've arranged for Zander to visit the portal tomorrow morning with Callan. If we can have that coincide with your training session, Charlotte we can all meet for lunch and discuss our morning. Lukas, are you available for weapons training at nine am?”

  “Yes. Of course,” Lukas bowed his head.

  “Excellent,” Markus grinned.

  Charlotte felt it was anything but excellent. Markus made her nervous and she didn't relish the thought of an entire morning with him.

  “I have an appointment shortly, forgive me, I shall have to excuse myself. Dane, are you able to show our guests to their suite?” He turned to Callan, and said, “I look forward to seeing you at dinner.” They all stood as he strode from the room. Lukas followed.

  When the doors were closed, Charlotte blew out a long breath.

  “You'll get used to him,” Callan said, crossing the room and kissing her cheek. “He's a good man, just a bit…”

  “Of an arrogant wanker,” Dane finished for him, quietly. “Play the game, its only five days.” He gave her a warm smile, “Come on. I'll take you up to your rooms and have lunch brought up.”


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