Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 18

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Carlie shook her head, “I don't know. Aoife sent me up for you when he didn't turn up at the surgery. There was an accident, they were sending him home, couldn't get you so called the surgery. The teacher offered to take him down but they didn't turn up.”

  Her blood ran cold.

  His teacher?

  “How long ago was this?” Callan asked quietly.

  “Over an hour now. I checked ferry times. One left for the mainland half an hour ago, Konrad is at the other side waiting for it to get in.”

  Enya said she was weird. He could be anywhere.

  “I'll go to Konrad,” Blair said, placing a gentle hand on Charlottes shoulder before disappearing.

  “Go home, Dagda's on his way up to cover the portal,” Carlie said, breathless, “I'll stay here until he does and meet you back at the house. Enya's already there with Aoife.”

  Callan nodded his thanks and reached for Charlotte, “We'll find them.”

  Charlotte couldn't speak. She couldn't move. Everything seemed to have shut down as she processed everything Carlie had said.

  Zander's been kidnapped by his teacher. His bloody teacher?

  “Callan, this isn't a coincidence,” Carlie said quietly.

  “Charlotte?” He shook her shoulder and said firmly, “We have to go.”

  She nodded and looked to Carlie as Callan grasped her hand. Her glass mug fell to the floor as she was pulled away.

  Chapter 24

  “Where's Enya?” She snapped.

  “In the garden with Anton. Charlotte I'm sorry, I…” Aoife's eyes were puffy and red, her face stricken with anxiety. “Had I imagined… I would have closed the surgery and collected him myself. I'm sorry.”

  Charlotte rushed to the kitchen, toward the garden. Glancing through the window she saw Enya with Anton, they were studying some new flowers he'd grown to keep her busy. Anton stood straight as she approached. “Charlotte,” he said in solemn greeting, bowing his head.

  “Mummy, where's Zander? Did you find him?”

  “Blair and Konrad are looking for him, baby. I'm going to look with Daddy shortly. I need you to go to the palace with Nanna when she gets here, okay? While we look.”

  “I want to come too,” her eyes swam with tears.

  Charlotte knelt on the cold, wet grass and hugged her, “I need you safe, baby. Please, I need go with the others and find him.”

  I don't want to leave you but I need to find him.

  “Your mother is right, Princess,” Anton said softly.

  Enya nodded, squeezing Charlotte tight. “Why would someone take him, mummy?”

  “There are some bad people in the world. We'll find him, bring him home and everything will be fine. Look at me.” She pulled back, looking Enya straight in the eyes, and said, “I promise I'll bring him home. Now, go and find Daddy and tell him you're ready.”

  “Aoife is upset, she keeps saying it's her fault. Is it her fault, mummy?”

  Charlotte glanced to Anton, his head was bowed, his lips pressed into a thin line. “No, no it isn't her fault, sweetheart. Aoife loves Zander, and you. She would never, ever, allow someone to take him. Let's see Daddy and get changed before your grandparents get here.”

  Standing, she took Enya by the hand and led her inside. Anton followed close behind, closing and locking the door behind them.

  “Daddy!” Enya ran to Callan. He took her in his arms and held her tight to his chest, watching Charlotte closely.

  “I'm going to get changed. Enya, can you come up when you're ready? Don't be too long, you're going to the palace soon,” she said, meeting Callan's gaze. He nodded his head once in agreement. Yes, she would be joining the search.

  In the hall, she stopped before Aoife. “I have to get ready, come with me,” she said, turning and running up the stairs.

  Aoife followed, closing their bedroom door behind her. Charlotte was already in the bathroom and called, “Sit somewhere, Aoife. I need to know what happened.”

  She heard her start to cry and rushed back to the bedroom, pulling a dressing gown around herself. Aoife was sat on the edge of the bed, her hands covering her face.

  Sitting beside her, Charlotte placed a hand on her shoulder and said, softly, “Aoife, please. I need to know exactly what happened. I don't blame you. Nobody blames you.”

  Raking her fingers down her face, the older woman took a breath and pushed her hair back from her face. “I had a phone call from the school. Zander had fallen and bumped his head playing football at play time. They said he seemed fine but he wanted to go home and they couldn't contact you. As named contact they called me. I explained I had a full surgery and could collect him at lunch time since it wasn't serious. The teacher offered to drive him down.” She shook her head, her voice cracking as she said, “His teacher, Charlotte. I trusted her to… I should have gone for him.”

  We all trusted her.

  Her skin prickled as her power hummed low, responding to her growing anger.

  “This isn't your fault. It's him. I know it is. That woman is the witch he took, I'm sure of it,” she said as she strode across the room, pulling open a wardrobe door. “We'll find him, Aoife.”

  She dressed in training clothes and retrieved her dagger from the top of the wardrobe.

  “Please, don't put yourself in danger, Charlotte.”

  “We're all in danger if he can send her to the island to take one of us, Aoife,” she said quietly. Clipping her dagger to her belt, she paused, eyes drawn to her mirrored jewelry box as the sun caught its shiny surface. Flicking the lid up, she reached inside for her pendent.

  Caoimhe's words echoed in her mind, For protection. I want you to always be safe.

  Pulling it over her head and tucking it beneath her t-shirt, she began braiding her hair. “Thank you, Aoife. Please, don't blame yourself. She was going to take him regardless. She probably knew we were leaving for Avalon every morning. You couldn't have prevented it indefinitely.”

  “You're going to kill her,” Aoife said, sadly.

  “Probably,” she answered, her tone flat.

  Aoife nodded, rose from her seat on the bed and said, “Be careful. Enya needs her mother.”

  Before Charlotte could respond, she left the room.

  Enya had changed and was sitting on her bed with Callan when Charlotte entered her room.

  “Why are you dressed for training, Mummy?”

  Don't lie to her. It won't help.

  “Because I'm going with Daddy to look for Zander and I might have to use my magic, sweetheart.”

  “Will you be long?”

  “I'll come back and let you know what's happening all the time, I promise.”

  “Enya, we have to find your brother. You'll be okay at the palace. Grandad might even take you to see the baby dragons,” Callan added.

  Enya said nothing more, hanging her head and leaving the room.

  Callan put his hands behind his head and blew out his cheeks.

  Once the door had closed, Charlotte whispered, “I need to come with you, Callan. I know she needs me but I need to look for him too. I'll come home, well, back to our suite, at dusk to be with her, but I have to help search.”

  He nodded, “I know. Whatever you need. I'll do whatever you need me to do. Ma's here with Alayna, Dad's in a council meeting. When Enya is safely up there we can discuss this properly.”

  “If he hurts him, Callan…”

  “Don't. We'll find him. He needs Zander, he won't hurt him,” he said in a rough voice. He grasped her hand and squeezed it gently. “We will find him. Dane went directly to Houska, he'll be back with a search party. Dagda has altered everyone's duties on the portal here. Everyone who can is already out searching. We'll find him.”

  When Charlotte walked into the lounge no-one spoke. She scanned the room. Caoimhe's face was lined with tears, Alayna held Enya on her knee, Anton stood by the far wall and Aoife had gone.

  “I took Aoife home, I'll check on her when Enya's settled,” Alayna sai
d. Charlotte nodded and sat beside Caoimhe.

  Callan stayed in the doorway, watching Charlotte as though she might combust.

  “Thank you for having Enya,” she said quietly. Caoimhe patted her knee and cleared her throat.

  Please, please hold it together.

  “Enya, are you ready baby?”

  Enya walked round and climbed onto her knee. They sat for several minutes, Enya cradled in her lap, Charlotte holding her tight with her face buried in her hair. “I'll be okay, Enya. It isn't like last time. I'm coming home and I'm bringing Zander with me. We just need time to track him down. I'll be back for bed time, okay?”

  “Promise?” Her eyes were damp.

  “I promise. I'll be back for bed time,” Charlotte assured her, with a smile. Inside, her heart ached.

  Don't break down now. If you let it in you won't be any help.

  “Okay, mummy,” Enya smiled weakly back.

  Callan lifted her from Charlottes knee and hugged her gently. “I know you're frightened, Enya, but we must go and find him. We'll be home soon. I love you.”

  “I know Daddy,” she said as he set her down. “I love you too.”

  Alayna took her hand and looked at Caoimhe, “Ready, Ma?”

  Caoimhe nodded and joined them. Callan kissed her gently on the cheek, “Thanks Ma.”

  With a brief nod at Callan, she flicked her eyes to Charlotte. The fear and grief she saw in the Queen's eyes made Charlotte turn away. Alayna didn't say anything, squeezing Enya's hand and leaving.

  Please, keep her safe.

  “Charlotte?” Callan said gently, a hand on her lower back.

  “I'm fine. What are we waiting here for? We should be out looking.”

  “We're waiting for Dane, Lukas and Klara,” he said quietly. “They shouldn't be long now.”

  Anton moved from the wall and asked, “Shall I make tea? While we wait?”

  “Thank you, Anton, Callan smiled, “Charlotte, you haven't eaten, you really need something before we head out.”

  “I'll make a sandwich,” Anton offered, leaving the room.

  Charlotte sat back and closed her eyes. “Why? Why take him? He's no good to them!”

  “He can take down defenses. He could even open a rift if he tried hard enough,” Callan said, sitting beside her. She leaned into him as he put an arm around her shoulders.

  Why? Why our boy?

  “He wouldn't. He wouldn't help them,” she whispered.

  “No, he wouldn't,” he said, shaking his head, then he looked up. “That's Dagda.”

  The front door slammed shut. “They didn't get off the ferry,” he stated as he strode into the lounge. “Blair and Konrad searched the whole bloody boat, the terminal and the carparks. No sign, no markers, nothing. Carlie's rallied the druids, they've begun searches in their bird forms. Any news from Houska?”

  “Shouldn't be long,” Callan answered. “Dane relays most information mentally to Markus while he's giving orders to the others. It saves a lot of time,” he explained to Charlotte.

  Dagda sat on the arm of the sofa opposite, jaw clenched, his foot tapping.

  Anton returned with a sandwich and mug of tea for her. She smiled her thanks as he placed them on the coffee table. He sat on the sofa opposite. “Is there anything you need?”

  My son found…

  “No, thank you,” she murmured, shifting to take a bite of the sandwich. She really wasn't hungry, a knot of worry heavy in her stomach, but forced herself to eat. After the training session, she needed it.

  They sat in silence, waiting. After several long minutes, there was a knock on the front door. No-one moved as it opened and Dane called, “It's us.”

  He instantly looked to Charlotte as he entered the lounge with Lukas, his expression unreadable. Turning his attention to Callan and Dagda he said, “Our Druids are searching with Carlie, I've sent teams to search all magically significant sites within a hundred miles of Glasgow. They'll meet with your guys as they go. Houska is locked down.”

  Lukas stood by Anton, exchanging a worried glance but remaining silent.

  “Where do we start?” Charlotte asked, sitting straight.

  Dagda answered, “They must have left the boat half way over to the mainland. There are Druids searching Bute, all transport links to Oban, Glasgow, Stirling and down to Galloway. Dane and I have teams checking all sites. Callan?”

  Callan had been still since Dane arrived. Rubbing a finger over his brow, he sighed, “I don't know.”

  What did Dane just tell him?

  Dane? Don't try to protect me, I need to know.

  We aren't. We don't know where to start. The obvious place is Bute but we're two hours behind them.

  Sorry, I just…

  No, don't apologise. We'll find him, Lottie.

  “How did they leave the ferry? Magically? Was someone waiting with a boat? How do two people just disappear?” she asked, taking out her phone.

  Callan shifted to face her, “I would guess at a boat.”

  “Okay, so if you had a boat and needed to get as far away as possible where would you go, avoiding the wards on Arran and major ports?” She tapped on her phone looking for a map. “I'd head for Galloway, the forest.”

  “Dagda stood, running a hand through his tangled curls, “Seems as good a place as any. Callan?”

  Callan nodded and took her hand. “Ready?”

  “You two take that area, we'll split up and search others. Meet back at the palace, your suite, seven thirty?”

  “Thank you, Dagda,” she said quietly as Callan pulled her close and they disappeared.

  “Charlotte, say something,” Callan said quietly as she looked around her.

  They were standing before a huge stone, overlooking a loch. She read the words carved into the rock.

  A memorial.

  She looked up at him. “I can't, Callan. If I let it in, if I…”

  Swallowing hard, he said, “We'll find him. Come on, we only have a few hours and we need to cover as much ground as possible.”

  They set off along a footpath, Callan setting their pace at a brisk walk. Keeping a firm grip on her hand, he led her north east. Every so often he would stop, as though listening, then sigh and continue.

  “What are you listening for?” she asked when he'd paused for longer than usual.

  “I'm feeling for fluctuations, disturbances. Any indication of him being here.” His lips were set in a hard line as he shook his head at the unasked question.

  The light was fading quickly now, the thick forest becoming harder to navigate.

  We should have brought torches…

  “Callan, I can't see a thing and you haven't eaten. We need to go back for now.” She hated herself for saying it but she knew he wouldn't give in.

  “It's only five o'clock,” he said, stiffly, an orb of flame appearing at his side. “We have light. We keep going.”

  “Callan, please. He isn't in this area of the forest. We need to try somewhere else.”

  He grasped her hand and her stomach lurched as they were transported.

  I can't handle this.

  “Will you just stop, Callan?” she hissed as they appeared in a new section of forest.

  “I don't know what else I'm supposed to do, Charlotte. He's just vanished! Where the f… where have they taken him?” In the light of his fire, his darkened eyes were hard and fierce. “Tell me, what do I do?”

  Taking a step back, she shook her head, and said in a small voice, “I don't know. He isn't in this forest. You'd have known. I know you would.”

  With a defeated sigh, his shoulders sagged. She moved closer and ran her hand over his shoulder. “Someone will find him. We're covering enough ground between us.”

  I hope. Please, whatever deity watches over us, show us where he is.

  “I was supposed to keep you all safe, Charlotte.”

  Oh, Callan…

  Sudden anger flooded her. Flame sprang to life in her palms. “This is not your f
ault. It isn't, Callan. It's that twisted bastard and his witch. And when we find them, we'll make sure they can't hurt anyone else, ever again.”

  He gazed at her, at the violet light of her fire reflected in her tear glazed eyes, nodding his understanding.

  “I'll kill them myself, I swear I will,” she said through gritted teeth. “We need to find him. There has to be a way, someone has to know something.”

  Realization flickered across his face, “There may be a Seer. It's a long shot, if she's still alive. We need to speak to dad.”

  Here we go with the druidic magic again.

  “A seer? Are they accurate?”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes. We won't know until we speak to her,” he said thoughtfully.

  Worth a shot, anything's worth a shot.

  “Okay, Where's Taran now?”

  “Probably still in his chamber,” he said taking her hand.

  Chapter 25

  Taran sat, his long fingers steepled beneath his chin as he listened to Callan.

  “Is she still alive?” Callan pressed.

  “Yes,” Taran answered slowly. “She is. But, Rona hasn't shared her gift for many years, she vowed never to look again after the war.”

  “Where can we find her?” Callan continued. “We need her help, Dad.”

  Taran lowered his hands, closed his eyes and sighed. “I promised never to reveal her whereabouts, Callan. To break her trust…” His eyes flicked to Charlotte. She stood by a book case, still and silent, waiting.


  Please, Taran. We just want our son back.

  The King's brows rose, his eyes meeting hers, and he let out a sigh. Callan looked round to her, his lips twitching at the corner.

  “Iona. A small croft north of the golf course. It'll be warded, you'll have to feel it out. Don't expect her trust or answers.” He reached into a drawer in his ornately carved desk. “Give her this, tell her I'm sorry but we're desperate. Take a gift.” He handed Callan a small stone which he shoved into his pocket.

  “Thank you,” Callan let out a relieved breath and bowed his head.

  “Thank you, Taran,” Charlotte said softly, turning to leave the room.


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